The ant is always busy. With all sorts of things and often with many things at the same time, preventing anything from getting finished. It interferes with everything with the result that only more things are added to its to-do list than taken off. Well, that does not work out so well. Meaning, in reality it is busy with NOTHING. Do you recognize that? That your day is over, and you don’t know where time went. You start cooking food exhausted and jump on the couch to go watch TV or Netflix like a zombie? Exhausting you even further, without you even noticing it, but that is of later concern.
No, just no
Dear cherished one, loosen up. Look at your life. Where are you right now? And where do you want to be tomorrow? Are you going to keep this ant behavior going for the rest of your life? Or is there a little voice that says otherwise? And what are the consequences? As long as you are concerned with all kinds of details, often things that don’t even concern you, but that someone else has thrown on your back will make you lose sight of the bigger picture and will result in you missing chances. Those are often things that don’t even concern you, but that someone else has thrown on your plate,. The biggest chance is BEing who you really are.
That you learn to say NO, because you are not some kind of dumping ground for other people’s problems. When they are out and about for a drink and having fun, you are still struggling. Is that right? It is like this: if you act like a doormat, you will be treated like one.
Turn it around
Now is a great time to turn this around once and for all. Know that you are beautiful, no matter what you look like, or what the world actually says you ought to look like. After all, the standards of how we should look like are set by society. You have a light burning inside you. A bright light. Turn it on, shine. Believe and trust in your power. Feel and know that you are never alone. That there are helpers around you all the time, even if you have not experienced them (yet). The change to ‘the real you’ cannot happen overnight, but every step is one in the right direction.
The energies at this moment are favorable and offer you the opening to overcome your fears and uncertainties, and let you come into your personal power faster than you might think. Notice that if you say NO, people will be surprised. Do not dwell on why you say NO. Just say it. And if you are being pushed to give a reason, just be honest and don’t deny yourself by making excuses that don’t match who you truly are in your heart. Say, for example, that you don’t feel like it, that you are tired of being pushed, that you are tired of being used, and so on. You are a fourth-, or fifth-dimensional who does not live in harmony with your soul, meaning your behavior becomes 3th- or 4th-dimensional. Then you tend to feel guilty deep inside because you always want to help others from your soul.
But you forget one essential thing. You can only help others if you help yourSELF first. If people are sucking you dry and only take advantage of you in any way, nothing is left of you. Or there may be, but in the form of burn-out, depression, fear of failure, exhaustion, vague issues, etc. Because you get out of balance, you are no longer as friendly and loving as you would like to be to the people around you. Put yourself first and you will see that the ‘energy thieves’ are looking for another victim. That is a breath of fresh air!
In ant world, everyone is an ant. One a little bigger, the other a little smaller, but everyone is just that, an ant. The same goes for humans, we just forgotten about it. Mainly because the third dimensional world is full of judgements. The media contributes to this by mirroring everything we have to look like and that if we don’t look like that, we can just straighten it out, fill it up, inject it or suck it. The ant is just an ant and does not judge.
Its focus is on what it can contribute to the bigger picture. When it comes to the greater good, it is not about contributing to maintaining the third dimensional world, in which money, power and ego reign supreme, because in that world everything is focused on only taking as much as possible. No, the new world we can create together has everything to do with the ant and its society. There is a queen, but her people work for their own free will. There are no judgments or punishments. Everyone knows what its task is, and ant society runs like a clockwork.
Have you ever been on your knees to see what happens when you throw down a piece of bread? No? It is amazing. If there is food somewhere, the explorer ants pass it on to the bodybuilding ants. Do they go all the way back to the nest to call for help? No, the powerful ants just show up. Exactly at the right time. Ants communicate on the basis of ‘being connected’. If you look at it that way, what can you contribute to a new society? Pay attention to the signals around you. They are there. They definitely are. They come in special ant ways and will help you to see your place in the big picture more clearly and let you discover how you can contribute in your own unique way. Everything will become clear at the right moment.
Skip the EGO
The time of me, me and only me is almost over. It has not totally gone yet, but if you pay close attention, you will see all around you that this mentality does not work anymore. Self-glorification (narcissism) or enrichment (all at the expense of others and Mother Earth in particular) are not in the ant’s dictionary. Many people with a soul alignment in the fourth dimension have allowed themselves to be lowered by the energy of the third-dimension world. As a result, many of you suffer from their EGO: your head has taken over.
In the third dimensional world, the focus is on reasoning and absorbing everything with your head. In fact, everything has to be taught, we are busy every day observing all kinds of rules and keeping lists, doing calculations, just to prove that what we are doing works or that our asses are covered. Because there are always nitpickers who reprimand us we slip. We are tempted to look at our phones very often, sit behind screens all day and Netflix, YouTube or other ‘keep your head busy’ activities in the evening.
That head is there for a reason, but it probably has you in its grip. It just keeps talking to you. It tells you things about what you can do BEST and contradicts you every time you try to listen to your heart. Dear cherished one, it is all a big mind fuck. Your head does not add anything to your inner knowledge, that comes from your heart. Just like feelings of happiness, love and joy. Which, by the way, are stimulated by particles in your brain. Order your head to be silent, disagree more often, because you want to feel. Follow that feeling. Think, your head is good for that, how you can arrange your daily things differently. So that by applying the effectiveness of the ant, you have more time for yourSELF.
Looking for appreciation
There is something else going on with the EGO. Many fifth-dimensional people are here on earth to use their gifts to lift humanity to a higher level, to heal people, to liberate them from stressing or to help them to get their mission clear. The fifth dimension is also a dimension in which the soul alignment is based on ego, but not as in the third dimension through narcissism or self-enrichment, but through the unconditional and loving commitment of one’s own (ego) SELF to humanity and the growth to the new world.
Yet there are many fifth dimensional souls here on earth who are alone. They go from one place to another and sometimes meet each other on the way. But then they set sail again. The energy of the third dimensional world has damaged them. Too often, they have been judged on their differences. As a result, they have never been seen for who they really are. This has everything to do with uncertainty and the lack of trust.
This can lead to behavior in which you somehow try to enforce appreciation from others. For example, that you ‘brag’ about the unique things you can do, or what you have achieved. Dear fifth dimensional one, the pain is understood, but this behavior is not going to bring you appreciation. Real appreciation is in the little things. That, when you have helped someone, he or she will thank you. All these thanks combined are one big ’thank you’ and provide you with the appreciation you need so much. All you have to do is add up and feel the sum total. How does that feel?
Joining forces
Back to the floating boats. Because you are used to setting your course on your own and believe in yourSELF after the long learning process of all those lived lives, it is difficult to let others into your boat. But in the fifth dimension, the ant’s power also applies. Since everyone has unique gifts and nowadays many people have such big problems, often illnesses, people MUST work together.
Unique forces combined bring about unique magical results. The universal gifts are deliberately distributed, preventing an era of power and abuse from ever happening again. Don’t sit down whining to be able master all skills. You are unique, just like every ant, in what you have to offer. Rather build a network, a colony of ants, of like-minded people who each have their own gifts. Don’t hesitate to ask for help to find solutions/healings together. And don’t forget to give the credits to everyone who has helped you for the results you have achieved together afterwards. The feeling of connection that will arise as a result, has a wave of feelings of appreciation. Why? Because this is what the universe desires and what Mother Earth desperately needs.
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