The Bear

The Bear spiritual Naturetalk
Image via Phillip Black via Pixabay

Brown or white, big or small, the bear is powerful. It is a protector and helper for those who lack courage or who have trusting issues. It often stands behind you or empathizes with you. Why does it do this? Because it knows that you can use its power. Strength to keep going. Getting it right, allowing you to step beyond your own imposed limitations. Without knowing what it will lead to. When the power of the bear is with you, it creates trust. The feeling that you are not alone. And that is exactly the point.

The bear has been seen as an animal of strength for centuries. For good reason. Male strength and female gentleness are combined in a special way in the bear. It is considered dangerous by humanity. We are in awe of it. The Indian shamans use its skin, including head, in rituals to identify with its special BEing.

Teddy bear
The bear comes in friendship. In love. It puts its big body behind yours and you can curl up in its cuddly fur. Feeling safe knowing it is with you. When you stand together, you are strong. In those moments, you suddenly feel taller and more powerful. When the bear comes to help you, be honored. It comes for a reason. It already knows that you are worth it, and all you have to do is feel it and put your trust in it.

The power of the bear does its work even without being physically present in our lives. There is good reason why it is the favorite stuffed animal in the world. Bears have had a role in many new souls on this planet since childhood. Did you have a teddy bear, too? It was a great feeling to have one, wasn’t it?

Focus on yourSELF
The bear brings you the message to focus on yourSELF and what you can do for good on this planet. The bear lives solitary for a reason and knows like no other that self-reliance comes first, and sharing second. It doesn’t ‘need’ anything or anyone else to be in its element. It asks you to realize that your focus may have been on unimportant things for a long time. Things outside yourSELF. Focus on love. Focus on inner knowing. Focus on unseen power. Focus on your heart. If the bear is going to hunt fish, it can’ t just go hopping around in the water, mowing its claws through the water. That is a pointless waste of energy. See the metaphor of what you are doing every day?

YOU, dear cherished one, are the most important thing in your life. That is not selfish. That is simply cherishing yourSELF. See how valuable you are. To love yourSELF. Making your heart flow with love. The bear asks you to pay attention to this. First inside, then outside. YOU and you alone must be in balance, living from love and light in all aspects of your life. If you are out of balance, how are you able to take good care of others? It will be a half-baked attempt and you will need all the mirrors to realize this.

Food for thought
The bear needs to concentrate and not just for a few minutes. It can’ t swipe, tag, like or order online whenever it feels like. It doesn’t get fulfilled and happy from consuming images, updates, articles, books, and so on. It will take all of its BEing to make the leap at the right moment to swing its claws and grab. What it catches serves as food for both its physical and energetic body. Organic (or purely biologic), as well as raw.

What about you? If you want to get more aligned with yourSELF, everything you do in your life will have an impact on your life as a whole. If you buy processed food, it doesn’t add anything to your BEing. Do you order a lot of food online? Do you know where it comes from? It is not the company you order from, it is where this company gets its ingredients. What are these products? That is never on the receipt. It is actually quite strange that you eat things you don’t know where they come from, especially if it is cheap. It is stuffing, dear cherished one, stuffed with lots of sugars and salts and all kinds of other artificial junk in it. That can’t be good for you. Stop it. Your growth depends on it.

The bear already knows this. It just shops in its backyard. Or if it is a little sparse there, it will look nearby. It always eats the best of the best, fresh from nature. It is up to you to do the same. The bear prefers to eat less than to be taken out of balance by food with a low energy frequency. It makes him lazy and fat. It makes it no longer feel like hunting and will only get more and more lust for stuffing. A vicious circle for many people. Its energy is only present for a short time, and therefore its focus, and it pollutes its pure BEing. Its powerful energy can no longer flow, as it was meant to. This also applies to you. BEing pure has EVERYTHING to do with what you consume.

An appeal is made to your purity and honesty. Where did that go? BEing pure begins with Being honest to yourSELF. You are all natural by nature. On your life’s path you have been polluted. Inside and out. Doesn’t matter, because that is how you were taught. But you have a choice every single day and the bear urges you to make that choice.

Cleaning, purifying every aspect of your BEing. Body and mind. First on the inside, then on the outside. Figuratively washing your windows and vacuuming. Clean the haze before your eyes (3 of them), like the raccoon. Suck the dust away by focusing on deep breathing in oxygen and light. Blow away impurities when exhaling. Clean your body. Clean it of toxins that you put in daily. Rub with your back against a tree, like the bear does. Do happy bear dances. Purify your heart. By feeling love for yourSELF. It is allowed. Nothing or nobody has any influence on this.

You are the one who decides. Put yourSELF in the light. Open the doors to your heart and let it in, ensuring all pain, sorrow, disappointment, distrust is burned and the loving energy from Mother Earth and the Universe can flow freely again.

Purify your head. Turn away from the outside input that distracts and influences us soooo much. If you allow yourself to be guided by your heart, because that is where the real wisdom you need in this life lies, your head will literally become silent. The more you focus on life from your heart, the more your head will be filled with loving, happy, positive thoughts. You will find that there is no more room for the ‘yesses, the if’s, the buts’, the roadblocks that your head is always trying to throw up, sowing doubt and undermining trust in yourSELF.

The power of the bear puts an end to this, for it consists only of love and light. Call for its help if you feel you can use it. Ah, there is your head again: “That is crazy!” “No, I am not gonna do that.” “What will others think of that?” “You can’t do that.” Feel, dear cherished one, the bear is coming your way for a reason. One your head couldn’t think of before, could it? In a world where everything is energy, NOTHING, truly NOTHING is crazy, weird or worthy of rejection.

Simply because all this doesn’t exist there. There is only love and light and everything is possible. So is calling for the bear’s help. You are free to choose another animal, light energy, Mother Earth or the Universe. Just what you FEEL is going to help you, heal you, purify you, etc. Let silently come what comes for you and feel how it helps you.

Ice cold the best
As long as its ice cold surroundings are familiar and everything that is taken for granted is present, the bear is simply ‘the best’. Just like you probably are. But what if the ice under your feet suddenly starts to melt? What happens? What do you fall back on? In nature, it actually happens. The ice caps melt, the original habitat of the polar bear starts to disappear. What it has been accustomed to suddenly becomes inaccessible. It can no longer roam around, to follow its food source to ensure his survival (and that of its offspring).

The moment this figurative ice is melting in your life, the base you have always relied on and of which you expected (dangerous word) that it would always be there and stay there, even then you may appeal to the power of the bear. The bear, or polar bear in this case, is really not going to throw in the towel. Its primal instinct and inner strength is much stronger than that. It won’t give up and get bored. Uselessly staring at screens. It doesn’t have time for that at all. It MUST live. Looking for what it needs to keep its BEing in balance.

In the bear’s case it is food. For you too, only food to restore your connection with yourSELF and all living things. It will have to overcome fears, make bigger jumps from one ice floe to another, swim more and more often. It will have to use all its skills and be creative. It will have to gain new wisdom about new and different routes or perhaps a whole new country. Wisdom, which it will pass on to its offspring and they to theirs. Its inner drive will help it in this endeavor. And you too MUST fall back on yourSELF when the seemingly paved road suddenly starts to crumble.

You can! You are, just like the polar bear, perfectly equipped to handle new situations. Otherwise you wouldn’t be in this life right now. You come to learn to trust your PRIMAL. On everything that is and always will be. Overcoming fears. Giving space to creation out of love and light. Discover the way to your heart and how you can reach out and share with others. Take the plunge, dear cherished one. Dive into the deep and discover new paths, routes. Make contact with and unlock the wisdom you have always had IN you. Rely on this wisdom to find your right path and leave the path of illusion for what it is. The bear is with you, so just go…

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