The Bee

The Bee spiritual Naturetalk
Image by Ben Kerckx via Pixabay

Zoom, zoom, you busy little bee. Always busy serving the greater good. Caring for Mother Earth and everything that lives on it, including humanity, even though they have become unfit to live in your paradise. You are found in many species. Most people know you as a honeybee because they themselves benefit from it. But your nation consists of many more species. Apart from the honeybee there are the leafcutter bees, mason bees, blood bees, fat legged bees, sand bees, quarry bees and many other species. The bumblebee, wasp and horn bee also belong to the group.

Natural hierarchy
In the bee population, everything revolves around the queen bee. It is remarkable that hierarchy reigns here too. Only it just can’t be compared with humanity’s hierarchy. Where once the ‘tribal or village elders’ were the wisest, today the most powerful are. Self-enrichment at all costs is key. The bee knows that this doesn’t work. If you start from power systems, often with large egos at the ‘head’ and the linked money system, then it becomes difficult to get people excited. It doesn’t matter much in these systems either, because it’s much better to have servile minions who get ‘punished’ if they don’t do what you tell them to do. The bee lives in a completely different world.

The bee is born out of a system of maintaining a greater good. It is there to preserve Mother Earth and it feels good doing that. There is no hassle and fuss about what needs to be done one day, because it allows itself to be guided by its inner drive, which naturally contributes to our beautiful planet. It doesn’t think about all kinds of options and doomsday scenarios. It knows no worries because it KNOWS it will be taken care of. It relies on that effortlessly. We should take this as an example as humanity.

Inner drive
What is the current situation? Do you feel that you are a link? And how do you fulfil your role as linking pin? Who do you spend your energy on and how does it help you and the greater good? Are you at the head of your life yourSELF or is your head the manager? It doesn’t matter because it had grown into that. Currently you are probably mainly occupied with short term things. Things that only relate to the time lock of your life or shorter. Like your To Do lists, the time and energy your family/ friends consume and then you also have to work out or do something else active, because that is what everybody does, right?

You got a good set of brains, but are you not using them the way they’re supposed to. They can be used for cause and effect, but in a different way than you suspect and/or have learned. Many young people, including you if you’ve moved with the times, have problems in this area. The introduction of technology and all the screens caused a readily available overload of information. They are no longer able to use their brains to distinguish, to make choices, to see cause and effect. If I do this, what happens next? What impact will my choice now have later on? It could be the same day, but also in a couple of years, or when you are old. Are you thinking about what your impact will be on the lives of your (grand)children?

So, the focus is mainly on the short term. The next few hours, today, maybe the weekend. Humanity as a whole is distracted, lured away from what it is really important. Frantic brains that keep buzzing and therefore lost the way to inner knowing. Losing the overview and no longer being able to function on their inner radar.

Busy bee
We are busy as busy bees, running around frantically, killing ourSELF with our unbridled addictive curiosity for more and more information, images, scores, likes, etc., but far too little return to the beehive of our BEing. A few examples. You go to the gym twice a week. You eat processed food from supermarkets whose main marketing is that they are cheap (What are you actually eating?). Your garden is full of tiles, because it is easier to maintain in your busy ‘zoom zoom to the next to do’ in your life.

Busy with what? What do all these things contribute to the generation after you? What does it do for nature? Working out is good and necessary for the proper functioning of our earthly body. Some people need this more than others, but dragging your body somewhere, for the sole purpose of living a long and happy life, is utterly useless. Unless, of course, it makes you really happy (note: you can become addicted to this, so feel good if your happiness is coming from your heart). Of course you can.

Know that walking or jogging if you want to feel like you are making an effort 😊, swimming (preferably outside in natural water), quiet exercise activities like Tai Chi and yoga, just physical work, like sweeping, washing windows, gardening and playing (yes, as an adult you can just play and you don’t have to have an excuse), like hopping, rope-jumping, swinging, ball games in nature. Be being OUTSIDE you contribute to your physical well-BEing.

If you eat the often-modified fast-growing vegetables full of artificial fertilizers, toxic herbicides and hormones (plants and trees suck this up from the soil they are on), which are usually already on their expiration date (“Not a penny too much!”), from the supermarket, you contribute to the destruction of the planet. Your planet! And the planet of all of us. Not to mention meat and fish and all other factory food made using artificially manipulated raw materials and supplemented with artificial additives for color, shelf life and taste, too many sugars and salts. The consumption behavior of humans is the cause of the disappearance of the bee. And what do you do?

If your garden is full of tiles or even artificial grass because you never have to mow it, and there are hardly any bee friendly plants in it, what chance do you give the generation after you to survive?

Don’t run to the first garden center, because there too, many flowering plants are so manipulated/refined that they no longer carry nectar at all. Actually, they are artificial plants, only they are not made of plastic. Ever been in a garden center that is in ‘open air’? How many bees, bumblebees and butterflies did you see flying around? To which plants where they attracted to? And how quickly did they leave them? None??????? Isn’t that strange with all that blooming stuff on a few square meters? Better choose organic plants, flowers, seeds, trees, and shrubs. These are often available at the smaller nurseries.

Use your brain
This, dear cherished one, is what your brain is meant for. Remarkability, alertness, vigilance, discernment, etc. Take a close look at the things we have been inspired to swallow and conclude that reality may be very different from what has been or is projected on you, all the time that you have been walking around here on earth.

Humanity has taken bees and their purpose as everlasting, as well as other pollinating insects, such as butterflies. Just taken for granted. And even now, knowing that we are destroying the worlds of many insects because of our behavior, we just keep on going. Self-interest, read money and greed, is larger than maintaining, cherishing, and respecting nature. Greed and doing things to caress your ego brings short-sightedness and encompasses merely a short-term vision.

That may really change now. The bee almost begs for it. Not only for its survival, but also for that of all the organisms that have to keep Mother Earth’s ecosystem in balance. The bee is not greedy. It shares. It makes an unconditional effort to do her utmost in this life for the next generations who will settle on earth after her. That is where its focus lies, from the day she flies out.

Help wanted!
Dear cherished one, have you forgotten? Have you become distracted? Have you been dragged along by society? And is that healthy for you, your environment and nature? It is never too late to realize. To become aware of what you are really doing with your life and what that contributes. You really don’t have to sit on a mountain like a hermit. Modern society and the technology that comes with it also has its advantages.

The bee just asks you to look around you. To see with open eyes where you can do better for the planet. Just in your own surroundings. It will work contagiously if you start with that. You will also notice that your self-esteem changes. Because you really do something good. From your heart. You too are tasked with taking care of the planet. Just like the bee. Working together in this is sublime.

Glad to BEE
Recharging. Waking up. Seeing. Rise and shine. Action. Happiness comes from within. Gives you a wonderful feeling. It makes your whole body function better. How happy are you? Bee-ing happy is something completely different from being cheerful. They are similar but being truly happy is connected to a deeper feeling. There is a form of gratitude in being happy. A gratitude that lasts longer than being happy with your newest purchase or gadget. After all, that kind of happiness will pass soon enough, and you MUST buy something ‘new’ again to fill the hole in you with stuff (or food). The lack of true happiness is the cause of many problems, ailments and illnesses.

The art is to BE happy every day. It is very difficult in these times and that is why the bee is the one who comes to help you. By giving you insight that true happiness lives inside of you. That whining and moaning do not contribute. That it is better to look at what is going well. To look at what you DO have, a good health for example, or loving relationships with friends, family, your partner and / or children. That there is healthy food on the table every day. The taste of honest fruit and vegetables. That your garden attracts many bees and butterflies. That you don’t have to push yourSELF all the time and take some time for yourSELF as well. Just to BE. That it is more magical to look around you instead of on a screen all day.

A lot of things are happening in your surroundings in REAL life. Using your ears and eyes outside in nature feeds your BEing more than a pair of headphones (energetically disastrous) on your head wanting to do 3 other things at the same time. Or staring at the TV or another screen in zombie mode, often simultaneously. Go add something to the world, dear cherished one. Happiness and gratitude are in it. Fill your inner hole and let both flow.

Queen of your life
A queen who chooses respect and equality. Who performs well, allowing her beehive to grow into a large, healthy, and lively whole. Are you the queen of your life? Or are you the worker bee and let someone else be queen? Someone who has a grip on your life built on old structures of power, ego, and money? Dependency comes into being. A vicious circle is forged. If you don’t have or do this, you can’t do this or that. And do you get bogged down in it?

Time for action. You are the queen of your life. You are a beautiful bee. You are in control and decide what you allow and what not. You don’t have to swallow anything that doesn’t resonate with your deepest BEing. If you choose to give your life in a dependency role based on having power over you, you won’t get as far as you could. Of course, you may walk this path. The choice is yours. Also know that you have everything you need to shape your life exactly the way you want it to be. You can still live in today’s society, just in your own unique way.

It requires a change of mind. Seeing opportunities, contributing, sharing, being a creative bee. Stop worrying about what could happen. Don’t think in shortages or lack, but trust that you will be taken care of when you let your deepest motive come to the surface of your daily life. Break the circle, dear cherished one. YOU can do it. REALLY. The bee has already seen that, otherwise it wouldn’t have brought you this message. Secretly you are a queen. Behave accordingly and be a shining example to others.

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