You, cheerful whistler, who wakes us up with your morning song and visits the highest treetop at sunset to rejoice us with your resounding song. You look into the world each day in amazement with your intelligent beady eyes. Blackbird, what can you teach us?
First of all, you show us that the early morning is the time to wake up in peace and enjoy the fresh new morning air. Even if it’s raining cats and dogs, sticking your nose out the door and inhaling deeply several times guarantees a much happier start of your day. Moments later, the hectic of the day pushes its way up to you and you are in the ‘high speed’ position. On and on the road to take care of yourSELF and/or your family, in other words to earn money.
Somewhere between 5 and 7 o’clock (or later, because yeah that one thing really HAD to be done) most of you will come home and there may be room to blow off some steam. It is also possible that you work part time, but then your day will be filled with all sorts of things that have been imposed on you. The household, the children, caring, you name it. At around 6 or 7 o’clock, the blackbird has finished its day’s work as well. And instead of popping down like a blackbird, it flies to his familiar vantage point and whistles its experiences of the day in the air to experience with us.
Do you do that too? Do you come home full of energy, completely happy with the experiences you had that day, and would you like to share them with the whole world? You wouldn’t, would you? Often you are happy that you are at home and when you have a partner, he or she has to listen to all the sh*t you had to deal with at work. That it was so tough, that nobody was cooperating, that ‘they’ don’t understand you and also that you don’t understand any of that, because you are always very clear, aren’t you? Think, dear cherished one, is this the life you dreamed of as a child?
Always in a good mood
Ever seen a grumpy blackbird? Probably not. What can you change in your life to add more joy? Forget about the pressure of choices you’ve made before, making you where you are now. It could be that money plays a role in this or the pressure of taking care of everything and everyone. What if you were given a blank page at dawn? What would be your best song then? What would you like most? What would make you happy? What would give you energy instead of losing it?
Life is not to suffer, but to lead. To choose what makes you happy. The hardest part is letting go of your worries. No matter how small or how big. These are in your head. And during the day, often at unguarded moments, your head creates those little pop-up balloons that keep trying to pull you down. These balloons are always filled with the things you still HAVE to do, with the worries you have, with fear or loss. They’re of those very fine memories, that you don’t want to hear at all, but still keep popping up.
You can change this, dear cherished one. The great thing about balloons is that you can pierce them. A pin prick and poof, they are gone. There will be new balloons of course, because your ego does not give up just like that. That is a persistent thing. But if you are willing to live from your heart, you don’t know the power of your heart yet. If you trust that everything is going to be okay, you will lovingly pierce the balloons every time they appear. Than you will find that you will gain more grip, strength and self-control. You will notice that balloons will appear less often. Just because your ego understands that you are not sensitive to them. You are reprogramming yourself, so to speak.
You shouldn’t stick your head in the sand. Neither does the blackbird. If you’ve got things to fix, look at them from a distance. Sit in a high treetop and sort everything out. How can you solve or handle things in a way that’s good for you? No matter what you want or are forced to do. If you look at your worries out of fear, it becomes nothing. Look with open eyes at what is on your plate. Think of it as a parent lovingly looking at his child. For the problems that are there, you have created them yourself. It is your responsibility to solve them too. But now from a different point of view. Where you used to wander around on the ground like a headless chicken, now you are a blackbird high up in the tree.
Trust that anything is possible. That if you take responsibility, things will work out. That, for example, you reach an agreement on how to pay your bills or that help will come to relieve you. The most important message is, that you can resurrect yourself from your swamp, without having to try again and again to reach the side and then, just when you are almost there, to sink back into the mire. It is a matter of a new way of approaching things. The things that bother you are approaching in a new way. In a positive way, that is. You will notice when you can make a change in this, you will feel a lot lighter.
Going outside
The nature that Mother Earth offers us is always there. Just like that and completely free of charge. The sun and the wind are free too. To help you gain insight, it helps to go into nature. To look around you at what is flowering and growing. To hear the sounds of birds, see butterflies flutter, feel the sun on your face and the wind through your hair. The sun doesn’t just provide energy for solar panels. No, the sun is meant to recharge us humans, to connect us with ourselves and the universe. Just like the wind, which releases you from heavy energy. Let the wind blow your ballast away. Just right through you. The wind takes it and transforms it. When you open yourself up to it, you feel how it works. Maybe that’s why the blackbird whistles. It’ s outside all day and fluttering around. Something we can learn a lot from.
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