The Swan

The Swan spiritual Naturetalk
Picture by Pixabay

Everyone knows the swan as a graceful creature. Floating around in a tree-lined pond, just the two of you and a little bit of mist. That is what an enchanting sight looks like. The swan tells you that you may become who you truly are. That you are allowed to be beautiful and to display your full splendor, allowing others to be touched by your beauty.

Eternal loyalty?
Swan couples are forever faithful to each other. Sometimes they might fight, but they know deep down that their partner is the one they want to spend the rest of their lives with. But swans have it easy. It is just looking for another swan that invokes a good feeling and is willing to mate. Once they mated, they will stay a couple forever. We humans are a bit different. Our intelligence plays tricks on us. But also, what has been taught, predicted and imposed on us in the form of norms and values. Who is good enough for you? Or maybe many partners are actually suitable, but we always tend to want to tinker with somebody, to change somebody.

Dear cherished one, if this looks familiar to you. Stop it. Somebody only changes when the drive comes from within him or her SELF. It is also important that you feel from your deepest BEing whether your partner is close to your dimension. Many couples find out that when the earth’s vibrations increase, their relationships suddenly appear to be very different. You are growing, while the other is stagnating. At least that is how it feels. The only thing that happens is that you want to be more in tune with your soul. That you want to look at yourSELF and live from unconditional love and compassion.

The other is not ready (yet) or doesn’t get that far in this life. Is that bad? No. Not as long as you can accept that your partner has his own way to go. It may happen that you realize that the gap between your dimension and the other is too big. In such cases, the relationship won’t last, no matter how hard the both of you try. Or that you do have a partner with a soul alignment close to yours, but that there are still some walls to tear down, but only if your partner wants that too.

During every life, partners come along and teach you something. Sometimes they will be with you for a short time and sometimes for a long time. The most important thing is that you never allow yourself to be limited by the other (or anyone else) on your way becoming a swan. You should also give your partner space to discover his own swan.

Protective caring
As the swan hatches its eggs, an intense connection is formed with the little ones in the making. Even though the pregnancy takes place outside the body, the energy of the mother swan is fully absorbed by the eggs. Just like in humans. After their birth, the path to making the youngsters independent begins. To protect them, but also to let them discover their own way. Swan parents are extremely protective, and humans know that the swan’s wings can easily break bones.

Have you been raised in a very protective way? Do you protect your children the same way? Have you felt that you have tried to get out under that protection? Do you see your children are trying to do the same? Everything with TOO, dear cherished one, is overdone. Children that are yours, will always try to do things differently. To find their own way.

Letting go
Do you have children of your own and you recognize that you copied this protective behavior, even though you hated it so much? Take some of the swan’s power and let your offspring be free to explore. Do you really think that swan parents with 6 hatchlings will see everything their kids are doing? They don’t have time for that. Swans create the conditions for their offspring to grow up. They are far too busy providing enough food and only provide protection when a dangerous situation occurs. When that happens, the security of their mother’s wings is always there.

It is all about giving them the basics, enabling them to understand that they can create their own life and take responsibility for it. If everything is always possible and allowed, reality becomes harsh. If nothing is ever possible or allowed, the free inner SELF is destroyed, and a kind of unworldly BEing is created. If you have a relaxed outlook on life and know that bumping your nose or burning your fingers (literally or figuratively) is a lesson, you also get more space and peace to spend on your SELF, because you to have a road to travel and are of great value to the bigger picture.

Be your own father, mother and child
The fact that your parents never understood you and probably never will, is not a big deal. They did their best in their own way to give you what they thought was best or what they were capable of, given their soul alignment. Are you hurt? Angry? Disappointed? All those feelings are YOURS, and you are the one who has to solve them inside yourSELF.

You can do that by merging father, mother and child inside yourself. It might not be easy to do, and it requires you to really dare to look at your inner SELF. Your inner parents, for example, can comfort your inner child, give it the love it missed, give it the strength to dare to play freely and stain your shirt or jump into puddles of rain. The beauty of being an adult is that you no longer need to abide by everything that has ever been imposed on you. Pff, that feels liberating…

The swan inside you
If the swan comes on your path in any way, shape or form, it is a stimulus to grow. To become the swan you are meant to be in this life. Do you see the grace of the beautiful round wings as the swan swims around in its pool of life? Do you too want to float freely, quietly and carefree like that? All you have to do is find the space to do so. Away from the hustle and bustle. The silence within you has special secrets to reveal, which only you can hear, feel and/or see.

This powerful animal with its graceful and oh so strong wings stands up for itself. Is completely in its own power. Go forth and search, where your strengths are, dear cherished one. Be aware that everything you have experienced so far will make a positive contribution to that. Whether it concerns unpleasant or pleasant experiences, the lesson is always to progress on your life’s mission.

There are white swans, as well as black swans. They are as beautiful as the white ones and the animal itself has nothing to do with black, meaning it has nothing to do with darkness. Yet, humans will automatically make that connection.

Dear cherished one, you are a creature of light. But keep in mind that darkness is trying to take away your power, and the power of all other creatures of light. To tempt you to stay where you are now. To imagine that the qualities that do not adorn you and that you want to get rid of are not that bad at all. Trying to keep you in the third dimension. By sending grief on your path. By making you experience scary dreams. By making you wake up in the morning feeling downhearted. Sowing doubt and uncertainty.

On top of that, fourth and fifth dimensional people have certainly had to deal with darkness in our former lives in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions. To learn to understand. And we have succeeded, because otherwise we would not be here now.

Know that because of your lived experiences you have the strength to hold on to the white light. Proud as a torch, burning in the night. It is time for you to begin or continue your transformation to the adult swan, no matter what is happening around you. Make sure your light keeps shining. Be a beacon for those who are searching and share what you have in you. That may be more than you can suspect right now, but everything will be revealed at the right time. Are you looking forward to it? Enjoy growing and loving, you powerful, white swan!

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Fly

The Fly spiritual Naturetalk

The fly is considered to be a pest and a dirty animal. But is it really? Like all other animals, the fly is part of creation and just like you, it is an important link in the greater good. The fly has the following message.

The fly
Ever heard of the movie “The Fly”? In the movie, a man slowly turns into a fly because there was a fly in the transformation machine. However, the fly did not become a human being. But the fact remains that there is a core of truth in this movie. Do you know the expression: ‘being a fly on the wall?’. That means that your gifts are developed in such a way that you can be on 2 places at the same time and you can see, feel and/or hear what is going on elsewhere in the world.

There are few who possess this special gift currently. Maybe you are one of them? It is also possible that the fly on your wall visits you to see how you are doing. They can also be fruit flies. That one, who is always there, even if you kill it every time, it will always come back and makes sure it is seen by you. Eavesdroppers are the ones who just come to check if your conversation is being eavesdropped on. Pay attention to what you are thinking about or what you are talking about the moment that one shows up. Are they profound or sensitive topics? Change your conversation or thoughts to the positive and kindly wave it away. Those fruit flies are far too curious, and much more intelligent than we can ever suspect.

The good example

Flies are cleaners. They are one of Mother Earth’s many helpers to get rid of leftovers. Unlike snails, flies are more focused on animal waste, including faeces. Here is a beautiful bridge to humans. What are we throwing away? We find our ‘excrement’ all around us in the streets, in parks, forests, meadows, beaches, rivers and the sea. Everywhere you look, you can see carelessly discarded or windswept garbage. If we were flies, we would get onto it and make sure it was cleaned up.

What are you doing? Do you think plastic waste is a big problem? And do you care about it? Do you like posts on social media from those who take the lead in cleaning up all this plastic? And do you think that is enough? Or do you pick things up from the street and throw them in the trash on the way or at home? Not once a year, but just every day?

It is time we started acting like flies. That we don’t see plastic and other trash as something that does not concern us, but look around us and start cleaning up. You may think, “Well I am not going walk around with other people’s garbage in my hands, am I?” What will people think of this? Sure, people might look at you strangely. But it is still true that setting a good example works. Besides common flies Mother Earth needs others as well, like us humans, to help her heal.

Nutritional soil

Flies are very useful animals and come in many shapes and sizes. Just like us humans. They have a great ability to observe from a great distance where ‘food’ can be obtained. Their excellent sense of smell leads them to the food source that contributes to their lives.

Do you ever feel your food (this is not a spelling error, it is really meant to feel and not touch) Do you smell it? Can you perceive the energy, in any way, that your food brings you? Never done it before? You could try it. Just feel what is in front of you from the heart before you buy it or put it in your mouth. Chances are you will suddenly change your eating habits and stop eating low-frequency ‘processed food’. If you are already biologically minded, you should continue to feel. An organic or eco label on a product says nothing about the energy the product may provide you with.


In addition to the fact that flies are a source of food for many other insects (e.g. spiders) and animals (e.g. toads and frogs), flies also provide something else. Larvae. In our system, we often throw green waste in trash cans and they will start to smell bad in warm weather. Makes sense, because the natural rotting process is set in motion. That is the way it should be, only because there are so many of us living in a small space, there is no way to let it digest on, for example, a dung heap and then use it again to enrich the land. So it disappears into the (plastic) containers and then it starts.

Do you regularly open that thing and then it crawls around happily? Closed containers don’t breathe, but causes the remains to sweat. Moisture and heat are an ideal climate for micro-organisms to develop quickly. Do you wonder where the larvae come from? They are already in our food and cannot do any harm when the food is still edible (but always wash everything properly, including fruits with skin before peeling / cutting them). Flies lay eggs just when the trash can opens and closes again. Hard to believe, but it happens like that.

Everything dries out on the outside in warm weather. This means that worms retreat deep into the hard soil. Birds and hedgehogs encounter difficulties finding enough food. But dear cherished one, there is a solution. Work together with nature! Do you notice a cozy, agitated crowd? Open the trash bin and you will see the birds throw themselves on it to pick up the larvae and eat them. In this way, you will help in the chain that has been severely disrupted by all kinds of circumstances over the years.

Heavy energy eaters

Flies help us people too. They are heavy energy eaters. Is there a fly on your head? Chances are it is coming to help you. We are exposed to all kinds of low frequencies every day that try to unbalance us. If you don’t ground and drain properly, you will become unbalanced. You may smell like garbage, but that is meant as a joke. 😊.

In short, flies are not that stupid they are made out to be. Mother Earth is counting on humanity to help her and everything she produces and to make the change so that instead of seeing everything as dirty and pests, look at it from a different angle and appreciate the usefulness of the animal throughout the entire chain.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Jay

The Jay spiritual Naturetalk
Image by AJRMK via Pixabay

The jay is both a sky and earth creature. Its plumage displays heavenly blue on its wings and earthy brown on its body. In addition, it also has white and black feathers. They represent light and dark. Jay is a messenger between heaven and earth and can help you to rise up to your true power.

Just like the magpie, the jay is a bird of prey and a very clever one at that. You regularly see it flashing by quickly, only to vanish between the tree branches just as quickly. Its camouflage helps it tremendously. Yet the jay doesn’t ask you to hide, but to stand up for who you are: a true messenger between heaven and earth.

The first steps
You don’t just do it as a hobby. Even though it usually starts out like that. If you start to discover that you can, know, hear or see ‘things’, then you usually don’t know what it all means. At the same time your mind switches ‘on’ to figure it out. But that’s something you can do without. Sometimes things just ARE.

You should look within yourself for your unique gifts and they don’t necessarily have to be spiritual. For example, you can be very good at connecting people or getting them excited. To provide a listening ear where needed. To spread friendliness by greeting people you meet. In this respect, there are plenty of possibilities and you will automatically be led to places/situations where these kinds of qualities are needed to contribute to the whole.

As you start using your unique skills in the right way, you will notice that the Universe stimulates you to further develop yourself. We humans are all spiritual beings who landed in a human body made of flesh and blood. We will have to work with what we have been given. Many are still unaware of this and are spinning round and round in earth’s crazy rat race.

Luckily, more and more people are also waking up to the feeling inside themselves that they are more than just a body with a head. That they have special abilities. Abilities that cannot be captured by technological gadgets, but that simply ARE. Nothing more and nothing less. Special things suddenly come your way. Things you thought, for example, suddenly become reality. That is called the law of synchronicity. By the way, these things can both be fun and unpleasant, so keep an eye on your thoughts and make sure they are positive.

The jay asks you to use your abilities properly. To discover exactly what you can do and how you can use this such a way that it has a positive effect on the greater good. It could be nature, plants and animals, but also mankind or Mother Earth as a whole. You will only find out only if you dare to try.

You also cannot make mistakes, because you learn from every situation. The important thing is that you dare to make the leap. You have to spread your wings. You strengthen your connection with the Universe and Mother Earth. You will not stop if you don’t do what you expected. Expectations are better thrown out immediately, as they often lead to disappointment. And disappointment leads to your great flow going down energetically. Something you can do without. So, keep trying, even if it doesn’t all lead to a resounding success the first time. Adjust something, do it differently. Practice makes perfect after all!

This process is often one that focuses entirely on you. On your BEing. The outside world is not a factor in this. Except perhaps the people you trust and/or your loved ones. At some point, you will be ready to face the outside world. You are in such a position of strength that you no longer allow yourself to be influenced by what others think and find. They are allowed to, because it says everything about them and nothing about you.

Do not be afraid, for fear is another characteristic with a 2nd/3rd dimensional vibration and you are beyond that. Know that 80% (this number decreases as awakening grows!) of the people around you probably cannot understand your new BEing. They don’t have to. Everyone walks their own path.

Also know that there are more and more people on your path with whom you do have a connection on the right energetic level. People with whom you can just be YOURSELF. Completely yourself. Combined, these people form the network of the future. You are allowed to share and apply your unique abilities. Also, to those who cannot understand it, but who are asking for help. By treating them with love and respect (literally or figuratively or both) you help them in their personal spiritual growth.

It is also possible that you are good at drawing or painting, can sing beautifully or have another creative skill that you can use. It’s all about touching people in a certain way. Out of love, beauty, being without words, being surprised. Things where something that is experienced (seeing, hearing, feeling) brings them in contact with their own deeper BEing.

Rise up
The jay asks you to get going. To get up, to do what you have to do. Not as a hobby, or ‘on the side’, but to fully go for your mission. To connect heaven and earth in your unique way. Not to doubt, but to confidently follow your intuition. Having trouble making a complete change of direction right away? Then at least be open to the growth that the jay offers you. You are still in control of your life. It is YOUR life that you can look back on with a blissful feeling when you are older, when all those others who ‘have it all’ have long since disappeared from your path…

Did this message touched you? Did it give you the answers you were looking for? You can do something in return, by helping me to spend more time writing these kinds of articles. In doing so, you will help others who are searching as well.

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The Cricket and The Grasshopper

The Cricket and the Grasshopper spiritual Naturetalk

The grasshopper and the cricket are both chirping and jumping. Yet, they are almost always invisible creatures. They have been on Mother Earth for about 300 million years and have endured everything. Perhaps because of the shield that protects them? What can they teach us about life on Earth?

Crickets and grasshoppers are orthoptera. Both are quite similar. They always appear in the colors brown, green(ish) and variations and with stripe or spot patterns. They prefer to live in trees, shrubs, or just on the ground. There are many variations. How do you keep them apart? Grasshoppers have their wings side by side and long legs to jump. Crickets are more flattened and carry their wings on their backs. The legs are shorter as well, so they don’t jump as far. But the cricket is a bit more pretentious compared to the grasshopper. Mother Earth has given them the proper camouflage color, allowing them to be beautifully camouflaged to suit their habitat.

The bible talks about the 7 plagues that God had the Egyptians endure, because they kept the people in slavery. The plague of locusts was one of them. Over the centuries, there have been regular locust plagues, which destroyed entire harvests. When a swarm of locusts ravishes the land, everything is completely eaten bare in no time.

If you draw the parallel with what we are doing to Mother Earth now, you can say that we are behaving like locusts. We swarm all over the world. We can fly anywhere where we please. Industrialisation, as well as increasing technology, is eating up all of Mother Earth’s reserves.

Think of the salt lakes all over the world that are being plundered for batteries and solar-powered products. From children’s toys to those of adults (cars). Think of the forests that are cut down to create palm oil plantations or to create agriculture. Mother Earth’s soils have to produce gigantic yields, to grow as much food as possible, without paying attention to the energetic balance this requires. We also have plastic that we, as humanity, litter everywhere indiscriminately and which not only pollutes but also destroys the plant and animal kingdom. It all sounds depressing. The truth is not pretty indeed.

With many
Whole choirs make chirping sounds with many different tones. A way of communicating, something we can learn a lot from. If you are going to search, you have to have a very finely tuned hearing to find one. This is deliberately done to make it difficult for their natural enemies. This is where the positive effect of ‘a plague’ of locusts comes into play. More and more people feel the need to detach themselves from all the commonplace and to unite with like-minded people. The pioneers are busy setting new examples. Making people aware that there is more to life than the illusion that is being held up to us and lets us contribute to the destruction of Mother Earth.

The networks that are created are energetically attuned to each other with a very finely meshed energy. This universal energy connects us and it is even possible to communicate with each other ‘unseen’. You don’t need Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn for that.

You just have to tune your grasshopper or cricket feelers to the chirping of those who want to help Mother Earth with the right intentions. There is a lot going on right now. The energy shifts are happening in rapid succession. We are meant to wake up with many. Together we are going to form the energetic layer of light, so that the new world, based on harmony, peace and respect for everything that lives, has the chance to become reality. The 3rd dimension does not like that. It is just like the singing of whole colonies of crickets and locusts, they can hear it, but not read it. Just because they are tuned to another frequency.

You can hear me, but you cannot see me. Does that sound familiar to you? Do you prefer to keep in the background? Do you secretly sing your own song, do you actually create beautiful things, but you don’t believe the world is ready for that? Or are you hiding, because you are afraid of what will happen if you show your true nature to the world?

Dear cherished one, if your intentions are pure, if you act out of light and love, know that you will always be protected. Not that everything will go your way, because if you want to live on the basis of your intuition, many people will treat you strangely. The point is that you have the courage to want to develop yourself further. To open your eyes and to try to perceive the world in a different way from your hiding place. The cricket and the grasshopper have succeeded, because after all these millions of years, they are still around.

Third Eye
The grasshopper and the cricket have 5 eyes. 2 on the sides of their heads, which we can also see. The other 3 are on their foreheads. That means they also have a 3rd eye. Apologies, they actually have 3. However, they cannot perceive this very well yet. When an event takes place that will have a major impact on the swarm as a whole, they perceive light and consider it as some kind of alarm. Just like us humans, the animals are in full transformation. The higher vibration that shockingly manifests itself in the world also has an effect on them. Maybe the grasshoppers and crickets will be able to see fully in the new era because of their 3 extra eyes?

What about your third eye? Do you see light when you close your eyes? Do you see images before you go to sleep with your eyes closed? Do you sometimes have some kind of cramp between your eyes, just above your nasal bone? Transformation is in progress. With your third eye you can perceive things, receive information that is actually invisible. Your third eye may confirm things you needed an answer to, or draw your attention to something by showing you things. You can then move on.

The third eye is in close connection with the pineal gland (and your body as a whole), and therefore also with your crown chakra. The higher the vibrations in the atmosphere, the more you feel this. It is our eye for the truth that the present dimension anxiously wants to keep hidden from us. That is why honest nutrition is so important. The processed food that is offered to us everywhere at ‘the cheapest prices’, affects the working of the pineal gland, and thus the working of our spiritual BEing with 3 open eyes. “You have been warned,” as they say.

Leaping forward
The cricket and the grasshopper are leaping forward. Whether you like it or not. If you have a soul tuning in the 4th or 5th dimension, your consciousness and with it your spiritual development is set in motion with a rapid pace. We have to leap forward and if you are open to it, we will succeed. This allows you to dare to take the plunge into the (un)known.

It is not easy for our earthly body to comprehend this. It may be that you have physical complaints. For example, problems with your bowels, headaches, peak and off-peak moments that follow each other very quickly, problems with your jaws/teeth, a nagging feeling in your third eye, feeling sick or flu-like and fatigue strikes at the strangest moments. It does not matter. Just accept it and know what it is all about.

Those who resist in order to (start to) live in accordance with their true soul alignment, will be more troubled by everything they still have to solve. This can manifest itself mentally as well as physically. Do you suddenly suffer a lot from an old injury? Or are you sensitive to certain things, such as a quick sore throat, cold or pain in your shoulder? Listen deep inside yourself what you can still do or let go of. Are YOU going to create the new YOU who, together with all the other crickets and grasshoppers, is hopping forward and ushering in the new age of light?

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and manifesting my dream of an Eco Reserve.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Spider

The Spider spiritual Naturetalk
Own image: Copyright Naturetalk

8-legged, sometimes small, sometimes big, sometimes hairy or sometimes wearing a cross. The fact remains that you, spider, are a special animal indeed. Your body is an 8 and when you turn the 8, this is what you’ll get: ∞. The lemniscate. The sign of infinity. The sign of birth, death and rebirth. Both literally and figuratively. Your 8 legs represent the sacred wind directions north, east, south and west, as well as the elements water, fire, air and earth. If you come across the spider regularly, she has something to tell you.

The female spider is the creator of the universal web full of possibilities and opportunities. But you can also get caught up in her web. You can get lost in the web, you can lose yourself, just like the ‘web’ that is now created online (but also all around us) for mankind. Do you read everything that you come across? Are you drawn from one article to another? Do you click on everything? Do you follow all the news wherever you can (TV, news apps, radio, websites)? Make sure you don’t get entangled and you mind will play tricks on you. Because what is truth after all? A lot of what you are told is twisted, fake and/or manipulated. What seems reliable, is often the complete opposite.

Do you allow yourself to get carried away and become the spider’s prey in a cocoon? From where you can only escape with enormous willpower? Or do you listen to your heart and feel if something is real or not? And when you feel what does that do to your convictions? If you take in too much information, it does a lot of harm to your energetic body. The spider asks you to be attentive to everything you ‘consume’, whether it is literally food or information. You benefit from taking in knowledge. Knowledge leads to wisdom. Information does not add anything, except that it is an awesome activity therapy. A waste of your time!

All you need is you
You, as the builder of your own web, have already spun many lives and have knowledge in you that will lead you to your truth. A truth that shows you your mission and purpose of this path of life. You don’t have to read a book or surf the web for that. Everything you need is inside you.

And if you bump into a wall and cannot see the next step, the Universe helps you in the most extraordinary ways. You read a sentence somewhere, look at the clock, and then there are double timestamps like 11:22 or 12:12, or numbers keep coming back, actually all your life. Your date of birth, phone numbers, house numbers, etc.

Animals that behave autonomously also have a message. There are always symbols on your path. Look them up. They will help you keep moving forward. Are all those books and articles superfluous? No, they are meant to trigger you. Not to blindly believe what’s being written or to copy the methods. It’s up to you to decide what belongs to your truth.

Pure advice
What about all those mediums and coaches? They help you in your search for your truth. Wherever you get stuck in your web, they provide a new opening, allowing you to spin your thread again. But then again: listen to your feelings. Do you come into contact with a gifted person in a special way? It might possibly the right person to help you. These kinds of people are often put on your path and you know from your heart that you have to do something with them, or not. Listening to yourself in a pure way (switching off your head) is a must.

In every dimension that is present here on earth (1 to 5) there are people present with special gifts. Only one has a completely different intention than someone else. Feel if the person who is put on your path has a higher soul alignment than yours and never do things during a consultation that you do not feel comfortable with. Or never allow the other person to do those things to you. If the female spider has mated, she will eat the male.

Energetically speaking, it can happen to you too if you meet the wrong person. They don’t help you; they only help themselves in whatever way they can. You have been warned. You are a bright human being and you walk your own path. This includes ‘wrong’ decisions. That’s okay. Wrong is never wrong. It is a learning moment. Did you think the spider suddenly knitted a flawless web out of nowhere?

To infinity
When the spider shows herself to you, she will remind you that everything you have ever done is recorded in the great infinite web of existence. Not just this life, but all your lives. Not just of you, but of all the people here on Earth. Lives in a row you will be given the same task, until you have mastered it and are ready for your next step.

Then you get a new soul mission with a different life purpose. It is only important to find out what it is, because it will be erased the moment you are born. Yet everything remains inextricably linked. Everything that has to do with you, also has to do with the whole world and the Universe. We are all connected from the smallest organism to the largest volcano, from the sun to the moon and back. The Milky Way is not the end of the Universe, it is merely the beginning.

What is your impact?
If you take this wisdom from the spider, then you know that everything you do, how you act, what you say and what you think has an impact on a much greater scale. When you judge, you also judge yourself. When you speak evil, you also speak evil about yourself. When you curse or use swear words, you are denying yourself. When you gossip, you take down your own energy. When you lie, you deceive yourself, and so on and so forth. For it seems like you are pointing it at someone else, but in the end that other person is as much a part of you as you are a part of him. If you do not behave with dignity, you will not be treated with dignity.

You, dear cherished one, probably have something to learn here. It’s not easy, but it starts with being alert to everything you ‘broadcast’. If you broadcast love, you will receive love. If you are good to those around you, the Universe will be good to you in return.

Do you see everything in a positive way? You can be sure that this will make the whole world a little more positive. With the words made available to us to communicate and the heavy energy that unconsciously feeds us daily towards the negative, we have become accustomed to telling everyone specifically what we do NOT want or NEVER would do. The word NO is part of this. It is better to choose your words and emphasize what you would like. Try to delete the words NO, NOT, NEVER and NONE in your daily life or change them to other sentences. Practice makes perfect!

Create your most intricate web
Spider shows you that every day can be different. That you can spin your thread differently each day, based on how you feel. You don’t have to worry about others, because they destroy your web or bother you in spinning it, so that at the end of the day you haven’t done anything and have not made any progress.

By the way, have you ever seen two spiders building a web together? NOPE! You’re in control. Only you can create what you want so badly. Do you think it is impossible now? Anything is possible! There is one condition. What you create must be consistent with your soul mission and life purpose. The spider is spinning her web, because it will advance her life. She does not think about whether there are many flies or other insects in her web as food or how many males dare to enter her web. She simply creates and trusts that the Universe will provide her with exactly what she needs. And so should you.

Let go of the feeling that you MUST make money, that you MUST sit behind a computer from 9 to 5, that you MUST always be there for your children (they start spinning their own web and they need support, not a watchdog), that you MUST do this or that and never take time for yourself. If you spin your web from your heart, you will also be taken care of. It is an unwritten law, which is sometimes paid out in money, but usually in other ways.

Money is made up by people who want to have and keep power on this planet. They spin the cocoons that make you dependent and entangle you in obligations that become more and more difficult to fulfill as time goes by. Because of this, your light becomes more and more ‘spun in’ and entangled and will eventually be extinguished.

But you, beautiful cherished one, have the power to do what you want with your life. The more you connect with the spider’s art of spinning the web you feel most comfortable with, living from your heart, being good to yourself and the world around you (no matter how far it reaches), then you are making a positive contribution to the infinite web from which everyone, including the Universe and Mother Earth, directly benefits. You can only say YES to that wholeheartedly…

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Woodpecker

The Woodpecker spiritual Naturetalk
Image via Kurt Bouda from Pixabay

In the animal kingdom, the woodpecker truly stands out. It drills its beak into soft or dead trees to create nesting holes. The sound is like a kind of drum roll too. In addition, it has a peculiar chirp. But not only its sounds are distinctive. Its feet are like claws, with 2 toes facing forward and 1 on the side. This allows it to maintain a good grip when drilling.
If you would bang your head against the wall, it would not go well. A concussion would be the most likely outcome. Not the woodpecker though. It has some kind of shock absorbers to protect its brain. A wonderful solution from Mother Earth to let him do its job safely, because well, woodpeckers are lumberjacks.

Breaking through barriers
What about your shock absorbers? And it does not necessarily means the extra roll of fat you might have. Although, of course, that can also be a way to protect yourSELF from the evil outside world, because you secretly see the world that way. Your earthly survival mechanism is set up in such a way that you hide or conceal your true BEing behind it.
Simply because you are a very sensitive human being. A loving and therefore easily vulnerable soul in this hard world. It is not easy to stand up, because you simply can’t be understood by the majority of humanity. There is nothing they can do about that. It has to do with the difference in energetic frequency. Pff, that is relieving. You don’t have to be understood. Trust that.

That does require that you stand firm in your OWN shoes and do not allow yourself to be chopped up energetically. Even though this might happen in the form of abusing your kindness, your unbridled efforts and/or your always loving listening ear.
Once the woodpecker has made a hole in the tree, that will be its nest for reproduction. The eggs are laid, the young hatch. They gratefully use the safe nest that you offer, but it doesn’t nourish you energetically.

Sure, you can be happy and even surprised that the woodpecker has specially chosen you as a nest box (EGO/head). You might even allow them to completely ravish this cavity, without you budging. But if you are very honest, you also know that when the young fly out, you are left with that empty cavity.

Brain barrier
The woodpecker comes to your door, knocking, telling you that you can let go of this way of life. That you don’t have to hide, conceal or (have it) hollowed out. That all these means do NOT add anything to you. They only distract you. Your head has been given too big a role in your life over the years. It explains WHO you really are, and seduces you to use earthly means and ways, that at first seemed to bring a relief, but that will later only leave you with a hangover again.

Too much is just coming through your brain barrier and you cannot arm yourself against it, because they forgot to teach you that in the time you are here on earth right now. You see too much, you pick up too much and on top of that you are curious. Because of this you start looking for information and outer knowledge. There is nothing wrong with that, because it triggers you to get to your intuition, but it is not real wisdom. You can only find that in yourSELF.

To what extent do you let everything flow into your BEing? Everything the media projects? Everything that is written on the internet, or all the movies, photos, etc.. What does all that actually do to you? Does it make you feel better? Sometimes it does, but often it creates confusion, because what is the truth and who or what should you believe?

Dear cherished one, you do NOT have to believe any of this. Your truth is the only truth that counts. Stop the uncontrolled absorption of information. It is head activity, not a heart’s. A distraction that makes you step into a swamp or into quicksand, so that in a while, or maybe that moment is already there, your head will only be protruding above the surface. It is not supposed to come to that. Even though the world it is being driven that way very hard. If you draw the equation, then you are actually banging your own head against the wall all the time. That is a strange thing to do, is it not?

Cling on
Maybe, like the woodpecker, you are clinging to something, someone or a mix or multiple of these. An addiction, for example. To be able to hide behind a smokescreen. Around your body, which is constantly under stress, because you are actually walking a survival trail parallel to your real BEing, something to relax with alcoholic drinks, a joint or other (party) drugs, medication, like antidepressants and drugs against ADHD, or an eating disorder, where you stuff yourself to hide or erode your beautiful BEing including your body by not eating.

You have become, or might become, dependent on a partner, parents, children, or systems that have been set up in this world in such a way that you have stepped unnoticed into the matrix and do not know how to get out of it.

You may also have clung to the programming imprinted on you from childhood, even though hopefully, with the best of intentions. You have discovered a mechanism for your vulnerable SELF. Somehow you think you have found some kind of connection, allowing you to fit into this special world. At least that is how it looks to the outside world, because inside you know that obviously this is not true at all.

That is why the woodpecker comes to greet you warmly and kindly picks on you to wake you up. Away with that head! Your feeling and getting in balance with who you really are is now of the utmost importance.

Mutual dependency
Being dependent on something, whatever it is, is the same as consciously or unconsciously transferring power. Something or someone gains control over you and in doing so you surrender a piece of your self-esteem. You cannot be completely yourSELF, if something or someone has you cornered.

Dear cherished one, NO ONE has the right to cut you up, to take you away, to treat you disrespectfully, to make you feel guilty, to shame your trust, to frighten you. Do you stay like the soft tree and allow the woodpecker to cut a hole in you? Because that is what is really happening. Energetically, your aura, your soul, your BEing gets crushed. And you just keep bending over.

Grab by the collar
Setting limits is an essential part of growth. Not only to be you, but also your living environment is part of this. If you look at the woodpecker, it skilfully expands its territory and also guards it. Where is everything allowed to penetrate into your BEing? What barriers do you allow others to jump over? What barriers are they allowed to pass through without consequences? Or through which barriers do you allow unfiltered knowledge and information to enter and are you unconsciously programmed even further than is good for you?

Pain, disappointment, sadness, fear, etc., you do not feel in your head, but in your heart. How much do you want to suffer? Or are you going to live your life? Steer, grab things by the collar, ensuring that you can deal with them. Learn to stand up for yourself more and more. Restoring your confidence in yourSELF and everything you have always known by heart. Not an easy task, but very rewarding nevertheless. Look in the mirror that the woodpecker offers you, and begin the process of returning to your true loving, light soul core.

Beyond the victim role
The tree, which has fallen victim to the woodpecker’s beak and is hollowed out to its core, takes its victim role and allows itself to be used. You can do the same in this life. It is a form of acceptance. But know that it can also be different. You can be an oak instead of a birch. The woodpecker does not stand a chance and it leaves it alone.

Dear cherished one, if you notice that something or someone takes you off balance, ‘WALK ON, walk ooohhhhn, with hope in your heart’ (do you know that song?). Really, YOU and the world only have something to gain from if you leave everything that takes you out of your power. It, the systems, the things, habits, programming, people, may all be there, but the important thing is to what extent YOU allow what influence this may have on you.
Affirmation: I am completely myself

Did this message touched you? Did it give you the answers you were looking for? You can do something in return, by helping me to spend more time writing these kinds of articles. In doing so, you will help others who are searching as well.

If the text provided you with answers/inspiration and you think it is worth something, you are free to express your gratitude. This can be done in words, but also by donating. You can donate via: NL10 ASNB 0782 5229 71 / BIC ASNBNL21 To: K.J. Bos

The Snail

The Snail spiritual Naturetalk

Slowly but steadily the snail moves forward. In spring, the snail suddenly appears out of nowhere. People often find them annoying, because they only eat flowers and plants, especially the ones they just planted in their (vegetable) garden. What they forget is that the snail is above all a cleaner of everything superfluous. But humans don’t see that, because dry leaves are not interesting for them.

The snail is also a tasty snack. Many birds, including the blackbird and the hancock, feed their whole family with it. Dear snail, with or without a house, you have an important role to play in Mother Earth’s entire ecosystem. Humanity has forgotten it.

Partly because of what has been talked into us. Snails need to go! Companies have cleverly responded to this and developed all kinds of (so-called organic, but artificial in reality) means to exterminate you.

There are many parallels to be drawn. The snail also has an exemplary function. Have you come across one or more snails that behaved in a special way, or at a place that made you think: what are you doing here? Then it means the snail has a message for you.
You realize more and more that life portrayed to us is an illusion. What is considered normal by ‘the world’ is not normal at all, with the straitjackets we forced upon ourselves, just because it developed that way. Simply because we have always believed what we have been taught and talked about.

Dear cherished one, be critical, look beyond your comfort zone. Turn on your snail feelers and know that every snail you destroy affects the survival of birds and other species, because they are their source of food. Are you still eager to scatter pellets? All the ads you get, are they really true and what are the consequences of all these products?

The detergent that turns water white and shiny, ends up in the sewage and has a big impact on the purity of our drinking water. Just like all the dishes, all that supersonic ‘cleaning’ detergent and don’t forget the medicines that we flush or urinate out, as well as the antibiotics that are administered to all our cattle (we don’t just eat it, we also put it into the chain through our faeces). Pure water no longer exists.

The toothpaste that should take care of your unforgettable white-tooth smile and the electric toothbrush that ought to brush much cleaner, will both destroy your enamel. Promises that politicians and companies make, are packaged in such a way that they seem completely credible and we will take at face value, but in the end have nothing to do with us. Except that there are more and more rules and laws that take away our freedom and our hard-earned money. Do we continue to believe in this great illusion? Will we maintain what is aimed at making money and destroying people and animals? Or do you, slowly but steadily, make other choices?

What trail do you leave behind?
The snail’s slimy trail is visible sometimes. You see some kind of mother-of-pearl silvery trail drawn. It is never a straight line. If you look back, what kind of trail do you see? One that is straight towards its goal to reach that big pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? (Usually that is how you got started, but soon found out it doesn’t work that way) Or a winding path full of experiences that will give you riches in a completely different way? Or is it something in between?

The snail asks you to think. Because your head is useful to think about cause and effect. The snail also stimulates you to use your feelers better and to listen to your higher SELF, in order to be selective in your choices. Who or what will you serve and what will it bring you? Are there other ways possible? Roads that have not yet been paved, and most of the people around you will say it will NEVER work? Do you feel deep inside that they are all wrong? That you can go your own way, no matter what others say? Go for it! It will not always be easy, but the bumps on your road are not nearly as bad as the pits that others dig for you.

Take control
Every day, we have a choice. What is yours going to be today? Do you choose yourself? Or do you continue to work tirelessly for others, completely forgetting yourself? The latter means that you are no longer in control of your own life. It is as if all the snail pellets are sprinkled, which you do not want to eat, but still do, because … and then follows the endless reasoning of your head with the yes, buts, and suppose. Often this has to do with making money and/or the lack of guts to let your full light shine. Because what will ‘others’ think of that?

Don’t forget that the opinions of others may just be there, but that they should not stop you from doing what you need to do from your heart, and that there will always be people on your path who will support you in the right way and exactly fit you at that moment. Dear cherished one, do you want to come and stay in balance?

Think about yourSELF, cherish yourSELF, love yourSELF, consider yourSELF beautiful and valuable, because that is what you are. Just like the snail, you are part of the great plan to bring a new balance on earth. That is only possible if you are fully empowered. Your balance is essential for restoring Mother Earth’s balance, because you and the snail are as much a part of her as she is yours. If you believe in and trust in the Universe, then the wonders of the world are not over yet.

On your way to extinction and renewal?
Be selective in what you eat and drink. Turn off your feelers in what you buy. Where does it come from? Is it really organic? Read the labels on the packaging! Many products contain additives that, just like snail pellets, are aimed at extermination. Not to get rid of snails, but to get rid of humans.

Buy from local entrepreneurs, who treat their animals and crops well. If you eat fast-growing tomatoes, they are energetically unbalanced. When it gets into your body, it will not contribute to your balance. If you eat meat from the supermarket, it comes from the meat processing industry, which treats animals ungrateful as worthless, resulting in them being slaughtered full of panic and fear. That panic is stored in their fibres and you eat this panic with consequences at your own peril.

The same with eggs. If you eat an egg from a chicken that has a good life and breeds on organic food instead of manipulated grains (there are plenty of people offering eggs for sale and often even cheaper compared to the supermarket), that egg will contribute to your health. A chicken in the egg-producing industry is not a happy chicken and therefore it is not a happy egg. Also consider the fact that everything is done to make fruit and vegetables look nicer than they really are. It is called pretending. Tangerines are dyed. Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits are sprayed with poisonous glazing agent. Nowadays chicory has a bright white and bright green color. Cucumbers are watery and no longer taste like cucumber at all.

We are fooled every day and many of us fall for it. Because we are not alert, don’t look ahead and do not use our snail feelers. Do we have to get angry with all those companies that give us these low-energy products? No, we should not. It is has just ‘grown’ this way.
But you do have a choice whether you want to participate or not.

The more people choose to walk their own path and make other choices, the sooner the current system will be threatened with extinction. You can continue to feed this system, but in the end it will be you who will be threatened with extinction. You can only spend your money once. If you do this as much as you can with honest companies, it will create a kind of sinkhole for those who are on the line to enrich themselves as quickly as possible at all costs.

Dear cherished one, it is also up to you if they can keep plundering the pots of gold at the end of the rainbow until there is nothing left. Or will you help to slowly and quietly create a new respectful and harmonious world, parallel to today’s world of destruction, in which you can let your light shine more and more in your full splendor. Just because it has come that way…

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and manifesting my dream of an Eco Reserve.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Robin

The Robin spiritual Naturetalk

Robin, you little cute little bird that bravely sticks out its red breast and looks out into the world with clarity. Tradition has it that you were once hit in your heart, which is why blood has turned your chest red. Yet, you are no less cheerful and will spread your love in this world, which is sometimes so colorless. There is a reason why your red chest has the shape of a heart.

Wooden heart

During the journey of our lives there are obstacles on our path. Many, if not all, of those obstacles can be traced back to love and loving. Which one of you has a wooden heart, because it has been trampled on so many times, by one or more people? Does your heart feel wooden because you have been taught to reason with your mind and not feel everything from your heart?

If you look at a cherished one, you can see a chest of drawers with all kinds of little drawers. As soon as you are born, you are already perfect and all the drawers are beautifully filled and wide open. Until your surroundings start interfering with your chest of drawers. Some drawers will remain open your whole life, but unfortunately many will be half-closed under the influence of your environment. Others are completely closed, and some are hermetically sealed.

Love is often the drawer that has the most to suffer in the world we live in and the experiences we are having in it. Everything has to be justified, documented, and if we don’t do that, then it is probably not true. Dear cherished one, do not forget that your truth is always true, because your truth comes from your heart, where love is. Chances are that you have transformed your heart into a wooden heart, because it prevents you from getting affected by it too much.

It is time to let love flow again. Love for everything that lives, even if things happen that aren’t nice, that affect you, that try to trigger your anger or aggression. By approaching these situations with love and seeing which lesson is mirrored to you, your heart has a chance for healing and recovery.

This is better than maintaining the vicious circle and applying the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth principle. You and the other will not get any further in this life. If you can see that others who have ‘done something’ to you (because that is how it feels), often cannot do otherwise because of their soul alignment and/or their own chest of drawers that have been late-timed and tinkered with, then love provides you (and the other person who walks his own path and is allowed to grow) the opening to healing.

Bleeding heart

You may also have a bleeding heart. As long as your heart’s bleeding, you know you have feelings. Luckily, your drawer has not been beaten shut. You’re experiencing pain from things that happened or are happening right now. Loss of loved ones, whether they are still alive or have passed away or grief over events in this life or a previous life.

Pain and sorrow provide you with opportunities. Opportunities to see what happened and to approach it in a different light. That is difficult. Especially when you are in the middle of a situation.

The robin shows you that you have the strength to stop your heart from bleeding. Others are not going to do this for you. Even though they can comfort you, you still have to get your SELF in balance. Be aware that every situation, whether or not it has a positive outcome, gives you the chance to recover from old pain, to forgive people, to increase your responsibility or independence, to live through pain and sorrow, to embrace and let go.

Often things happen to create space for something new, something different, to give you insight(s) and to teach you to keep yourself in balance. The robin has known all this for a long time. Just look how cleverly he looks into the world, even though he carries its red breasted scar (mankind often calls this a backpack) with it. It sees it as an ornament in the shape of a heart. That is a completely different approach.

Putting up

Would you sacrifice yourself, like the robin, to save someone else? Catching the arrows or taking bullets, in order to save another person’s life? If you love unconditionally, then giving your life for someone else is not a challenge. It is a natural thing and is done without a doubt. “I would walk through fire for you.” Who does not know this expression? Those who have a soul alignment in the 5th dimension are prepared to sacrifice themselves out of pure love, because they want to dedicate their own SELF (ego) to a greater good.

If you have a soul tune in the 4th dimension, you are committed to the group and beautiful connections. Sacrificing yourself unconditionally is something you do unconsciously, but you will not be able to go that far until death leads to it. You don’t have to. Your soul is on its way to the 5th dimension and that requires growth.

Nevertheless, anyone who has a higher soul alignment than the 3rd dimension, the one we are currently in, has a lot to take in. Dear cherished one, know that putting up is often the result of other people’s shortcomings. They cannot understand your higher energetic vibration, because they themselves are not ready yet. It does not matter, because you too once had a third dimensional soul. And that is actually the key to approach this ‘other’ with love instead of lowering your energy and dimming your light by doubting yourself, figuring your way out, making your heart out of wood or letting it bleed unnecessarily.

The third dimension introduces humans to love for the first time. It is important for them to get examples of people who are much more advanced in this. It allows them to grow and to participate in raising the vibration of the earth, which so desperately wants to get to the 4th dimension.


You do not have to constantly deal with people from the 3rd dimension (even if you meet them daily, because two thirds humanity has this alignment). The most important thing is that you stay yourSELF, live from your heart, follow your passion. Regardless if that makes you inaccessible to the other. It is the intention that the other is triggered by you.

He does not have to understand you, because often he just can’t. Opinions and judgments are all around us. It belongs to the 3rd dimensional vibration and comes from the powerlessness of the other. If you know this, it makes life a lot lighter. Does the robin come your way? It is a sign that you may start living more from your loving SELF, open your heart to all the beauty around you, spread your love more (literally and/or through visualization) and set an example for many others. Wear a red heart proudly on your chest, just like the robin.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Peacock

The Peacock spiritual Naturetalk

When you think of the peacock, you often think of the colorful green or blue variant. There is also the virgin white peacock, with plumage resembling ice crystals. The peacock tells you about getting into your strength. BEing who you really are in all aspects, and expressing this, keeping your personal space pure and guarded.

This beautiful animal in full color or in fine sparkling white, has been a symbol in many religions and cultures for centuries. And for good reason. From purer times, when people and animals lived in harmony and in BEing together, the special BEing of the peacock was recognized. The peacock is given properties that make it both a magnificent, and a very powerful animal as well. With its antennae on its head, each equipped with tiny fluffy feathers, it is directly connected to the purest light frequencies in the Universe. The tail feathers are often used in cleansing and purification rituals. When the peacock appears on your path, it is always about the pure handling of your energy, guiding it in the right direction and serving the greater good. After all, the peacock’s energetic power is very easy to use explosively and that is not the intention.

Do you regularly react fiercely to things that occur in your life? You can see it as suddenly, in one snap of your finger, turning into anger, fear, sadness, helplessness or depression. People around you will be frightened or amazed. It is the fire in the peacock that invokes this in you. It means that emotions come to you far too hard and raw, causing to light you up. You can use this fire better and more beautiful, but it takes practice. The peacock asks you to work on this and also here he helps you.

Claim your own space
When the peacock feels danger, it will claim its own space by spreading its feathers, thus creating distance between itSELF and what threatens it. We often meet people who suck us dry. Who briefly come into your aura, sometimes really close, to recharge themselves. People who feel that you are special, even if they can’t put their finger on it. This is because they have a different soul alignment, which is too far away from yours. You have come across people like this many times. People who have used your beautiful energy with the hope of being looked at more favorably. Or they used your energetic input and just left you afterwards. Even worse are those who fake that they are soul mates but want to enrich their own ego at your expense. These are often narcissists.

In the meantime, you have become wiser by trial and error (that was the intention), but sometimes not yet alert enough. Because you believe in the goodness of humans, it is difficult to make distinctions. A good rule of thumb is to listen to your gut feeling. If you find it difficult, there is always doubt. The saying goes: when in doubt, don’t! When you are attuned to your feelings and can clearly distinguish whether your head/ego is sowing this doubt or whether it comes from somewhere else, you listen to the latter. Your openness and honesty ask you to claim your own space. Expand your feathers if does not feel right. As light becomes lighter and dark gets darker in this day and age, it is necessary to take good care of yourself.

Sharp claws
The peacock is not always loving and that is exactly the intention. There are times when it is necessary to draw a line. Up to here and no further. Or to expel what you are trying to undermine. For centuries, the animal has been known as a snake killer. It uses its sharp claws in battle, piercing them forwards, annihilating its attacker. The snake is not always a dark animal. Far from it, but there are certainly dark snakes in our midst. That don’t use their gifts properly or don’t know that they have gifts to begin with, but they always have a heavy energy hanging around them.

Usually these people have a negative outlook on life. Everything is dark and gloomy. The glass is always half empty and there are dangers everywhere. If you have had a nice day or a special experience, consciously or unconsciously, they try to make this light energy disappear as quickly as possible. At these moments, it is time to use your claws and to kindly point out to the other that you will not let your energy decrease, just because the other cannot stand it. It is the other person that has problems with this. Not you! Believe in your light and in your power. If others find it too intense, they will automatically give way or remain silent. If they do stick around and try to ‘refuel’, maybe it is time to distance yourself or to say goodbye.

You may open up a little more to wonder. Just as the peacock opens its plumage, you should open your mouth in amazement. Look around you. Do you see the smaller miracles that occur in your life? Coincidences like as synchronicity, in which your wish is suddenly delivered on your doorstep in a very short time between your thoughts (positive or negative) and the manifestation in reality. The more you are yourSELF and are able to listen to your higher BEing, the more these kinds of moments will occur. It is therefore very important to keep your thoughts and actions positive. It is for good reason that there is a saying: be careful what you wish for!

When you wonder more, life becomes lighter, more fun and funnier. You can see the humor of and behind things more often. Your energetic BEing will be happier and your energetic vibration higher. Closer to who you really ARE. The universe will be pleased with your progress and support and stimulate you even more. When you succeed, you will find that where you were first seduced by irritation, anger, sadness, powerlessness and fear, you can now act from acceptance and much more from your BEing.

Wonder also has to do with nature. Outside is where it happens. The sun rising, dew drops, ice crystals, trees waving at you, animals that that come on your path, and not by accident, light beings that dare to show their presence. Dear cherished one, it is all there. All you have to do is perceive it and let it enter your heart. When you are walking and are immersed in your thoughts, when you are looking at your phone or when you have a headset on, you cannot wonder.

Do you turn into the peacock?
That you use the right instruments, claws and feathers at the right time to (be able to) be more yourSELF? Do you let people stare in amazement at your feathers, simply because you dare to shine? Knowing that you have developed a flawless feeling to keep low frequencies out of your door and your personal space? That you may use your sharp claws when you really need them? That you feel that the fire behind this is fierce, but that you will never abuse this weapon. Then dear cherished one, nothing or no one will be able to influence your BEing and that is where you may grow towards.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and manifesting my dream of an Eco Reserve.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Stork

The Stork spiritual Naturetalk

Oh stork, you magnificent stork. People know you as the bringer of children, but you deliver so many other messages as well. You amaze everyone with your black and white appearance. Hovering and circling in the air you represent the childlike pleasure. That feeling when you were a child sitting in the merry-go-round on your most favorite horse. What fun you had. Where did that fun go? Where is your inner playing child? Have you lost contact with it because of all the programming you have been subjected to? By the standards, values and rules that fit you like a straitjacket to keep you in line? To what extent do they really suit you?

Obviously, this doesn’t mean that you need to start eating with your hands like a Neanderthal. Eating with a knife and fork is quite handy indeed. Dragging women by their hair was not much of a success either (although this still happens, but in a different way). What it does mean is, that who you are now, is also determined by upbringing (including education). Maybe it is time to take a look at what you have unlearned, even though it brought you so much joy. The world doesn’t end when crumbs fall on your lap, or when you always stain your new clothes. Or that you REALLY shouldn’t do things. Do you hear your parents’ voice saying, “You cannot do that, can you? You shouldn’t do this; you must not do that.”

Did you learn that people are not blue or green when you proudly presented your drawing? And what if you flawlessly sensed that those people were indeed blue or green? Just because the energy they had around them. Did you always hear: “Very beautiful darling, but draw within the lines next time.” Why? The most beautiful things come into being just outside the lines, meaning outside the ordinary. How did your youth contribute to your strive to always have to be perfect and above all to behave perfectly? Are you really happy with the voice that your teachers have become in your head and who always want to have you take the beaten track? What do you, as a parent, impose on your inner child? How much lightness and fun are taken away from you by this? How high is the pressure that this creates?

On high legs
Does this look familiar: people who come in arrogantly, forcing their truth on you, taking you down, and above all, making sure they don’t lose face? The stork would never do that. This wise animal would think: ‘been there, done that’ and will not let itself get thrown off balance. From its nest on the most unusual high places, poles and roofs, standing on its high stilts, it sees everything and just watches how others behave. It has no judgment about that. Both its inner and outer colors are in balance, as much black as there is white. You too, are both. You know that you also have dark sides and you don’t want to push them away, you just need to embrace them. They are allowed to be there; then it becomes much easier to let the white shine in you.

Storks are loyal. They always return to the same breeding ground with their partner. They are caring for their nest and kids. They take their responsibility to take good care of their partner and children seriously, but not at the expense of themselves. If they cannot fly out to look for food, because they are sick, weak and nauseous, they harm everyone. They know better. They can give an enormous dose of support and love where it is needed, because they are in balance.

What about your balance? Do you give too much away because you think you have to take good care of everyone and preferably the whole world? Is that imposed on you too? Because of your conviction and willpower, you can probably maintain this behavior for a long time. Know this dear cherished one: you are predatory! Caring doesn’t mean that you have to feel responsible for everything and everyone. If you don’t feel good about yourself, it will also affect your surroundings. Just as fun does. The stork will hover in joy, alone or with his partner. It takes life seriously but knows that playing is just as important. Black and white.

Always a new beginning
The stork always brings you something that has to do with a new beginning. The birth of the new YOU for example, who has much more joy in life. It can also mean that you go on a journey. A real holiday or a journey to your inner self. The starting point for new knowledge, a study or a hobby. Or looking for another job at a company that suits you much better and also contributes to the preservation of the earth. Many readers will have a tendency to completely change their lives right now. Simply because you are tired of living according to the old principles of money, power and ego and all the rules that go with it.

The stork shows you that it is time to set yourself free. If you get stuck in a kind of ‘victim behavior’ you will not get far. The stork tells you that at any moment you can choose to be the doctor who heals himself. Find the right thermals and let yourself be carried away by this new flow of air. Let go of the excuses, arguments and limitations you will hear in your head for not doing it. Laugh them away and go after your heart. Your heart knows exactly how to find the right warm airflow that will take you so much further.

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