They say you have seven lives, you pretty cat. No matter if you are a domestic cat, a forest cat or maybe another, much larger sized feline. 7 is a great number. Mythical and magical. There is a good reason why the cat appears regularly in pictures, symbols and images from antiquity.
The cat is headstrong and lives a solitary existence, but is never lonely. It tolerates others when it feels like it. This also applies to family. Though family members are better accepted. When it gets too crowded, the cat retreats to a quiet place. Preferably somewhere where it can oversee its surroundings.
What about that, dear cherished one? Are you as powerful as the cat? Or could you start behaving more like her? To put yourSELF at the center, and only allow others when you feel like it or seek others out when you are intuitively and lovingly driven to do so. It is one of the most difficult challenges many of you face. All the choices you have made in your life need not determine your future.
It can help you to retreat to a quiet place like the cat. Where you can quietly oversee your situation. And? What does your life look like right now? It’s all about deciding for yourself what makes you TRULY happy. What will make your heart sing? When will the joy conjure up butterflies in your underbelly? Because you know, deep down in yourSELF, that you want to.
It is up to you whether you are going to wait until someday or maybe never, or whether you are going to take action. Action can mean pain and sorrow because of situations, programming (That is the way it is supposed to be, right? You don’t do that, do you? Yes, but then… judgment (from your head or from others) may run rampant and stand in front of your free and happy soul. What do you want to get out of this life? What were your dreams before you became entangled in the pattern (or matrix) of today’s society? Are you going for personal soul growth? Or do you keep bumping with blinkers on the horse or in the fire engine of the merry-go-round of ‘life’ projected by the world?
Not to be messed with
You are not to be messed with, just like the cat. Maybe you will swing between how you were and how you really are. Each of us has learned some kind of survival mechanism to hold our own in a society that we have secretly never understood from childhood. Where we have been programmed by others and where we have been tempted to learn things, because that is the way things are.
You regularly get your nails out, arch your back and have a thick tail to show the outside world that you are not to be messed with. But that does not feel good at all. It is a kind of ‘been there, done that’ feeling you don’t want to have at all. Just for the simple fact that you are not like that.
And then it appears… FEAR. Because how would people react if you were in the world as yourSELF? If you had the guts and the courage to completely be yourSELF with all your pluses and minuses, or light and dark sides? Dear cherished one, know that it is completely irrelevant what others think of you. You should be able to go through one door with yourSELF. That is the life lesson behind this. The more you grow, the less you need to arch your back like a cat.
That does not mean your nails will never be needed again. There will always be people on your path who are attracted to your beautiful energy. People who, consciously or unconsciously, come to you or want to take advantage of you. There is nothing they can do about that, it is your shining light that attracts them. Your shining light may shine upon them, even if this is the result sometimes. It might be useful to use the cat’s characteristics in that case. Using a claw as a warning or making you equally big and powerful by putting up your hair, is no superfluous luxury at all.
Or maybe you just let things happen to you, only to sob about it later in a corner: “Why is this happening to me? The cat appears on your path to tell you that sobbing is useless, if you are not in your own power. You are responsible for your own life. Things don’t happen to you, you attract them. If you stand differently, more from your strength in life, nails sharpened and all, you radiate something different. You showcase you go with the flow, but that others have to respect your boundries/ limits.
Black cat
Superstition tells us that if you see a black cat, bad luck is on your path. The opposite is true. Have you ever thought that the black cat might point out your magic gifts to you? That it is looking for you to point out that you are much more than a puppet in the current systems and that you can use your gifts in a good way for mankind? The so-called witches of yesteryear chose the black cat as a kind of mascot. Mankind in those times were already in the 3rd dimension (and below), and could not comprehend anything that was not tangible and/or provable and lived out of fear, allowing the black cat to quickly become the symbol of doom. Dear cherished one, it is up to you to let go of this and look at it from the other side.
There was a time when ‘witches’ were said to not have humanity’s best interests at heart. As you may know, every dimension here on earth has its motive and within every dimension everyone can be equally spiritual. The degree of spirituality has nothing to do with your soul alignment. This means that someone with a 3rd dimensional alignment has the same insights as you, while your soul alignment is in the 5th dimension. The biggest difference is that the 3rd dimension is guided by money, power and ego, while the 5th dimension uses his or her BEing (also ego, but different) for the greater whole to bring humanity, animals, nature and Mother Earth further.
Also remember that black magic is very close to white magic and that, if you are pure and well attuned, your thoughts, actions and words can quickly manifest in reality. Once your soul has also been a 2nd or 3rd dimensional soul, and what you have learned there is still available.
This goes for black magic as well. That is useful to know, even though you have grown in the meantime and you will feel from yourSELF that you will never want to apply it. Yet it is possible that there may come moments in this life when you have the choice between surviving for yourself or letting someone else live. Then be aware that you have the dark forces in yourSELF and you can apply them to make your light shine on, or protect this planet.
It does not always have to be a black cat that literally or figuratively raises the alarm with you. The moment the universe knows you would be frightened by a black cat on the sidewalk, it often has a different color(s). Or they force themselves on you. It is like you are the greatest cat friend in the world. The important thing is that they appear at an unusual moment or show unusual behavior.
Landing on its feet
When a cat falls, it always lands on its feet. You may have the feeling that your world is collapsing, that you cannot progress any further, that you have ended up in a kind of whirlwind with a deafening noise, where it is very difficult to maintain a good connection with yourSELF. The feeling that you are being spun and, that your human body is being pushed to the outer circle of the whirlwind, and your BEing just quietly watching from the peaceful eye of the storm what you allow to happen and what not.
It is a phase. A phase for further integration. The realization that you are getting tired of that pendulum. That your body wants to be full in his or her strength, together with the self in the eye of the storm. That you want to land with two feet firmly on the ground, without a penny of pain. You can do this, dear cherished one, just like the cat. You will only have to do it yourself and that requires unconditional faith and trust in everything that is not tangible but still is.
The belief and trust that you are more than a body with probably too much a thinking head on it, as if they are 2 separate parts. Add to that your connection, or lack of it, with your higher SELF and the 3-unit of total integration is completely present waiting for you to realize that you may be guided by your omniscient heart, your head has little added value and may be exhorted to silence more often, your connection with your higher BEing will show you the way as you listen to the whispers of your intuition. You can always call upon the loving support of the Universe and Mother Earth.
Yeah, but… that is hard! Your head gets involved right there. Dear cherished one, it truly is difficult. Do you think that when the cat tumbles from 3 floors up, it does not have a hard time to turn its body in such a way that it lands safely on its feet? Yet it succeeds, because it completely surrenders to its instinct. If you are blessed with 7 lives just like the cat, then you would do well to take the plunge, would you not? Whatever situation you find yourself in now, trust that everything lands on its feet. That the outcome is positive, no matter what lesson you learn.
Strange jumps
When a cat sees itself in the mirror for the first time, it jumps into the air because it is scared. Even if it gets cornered, it can make weird jumps. What do you do when you feel stuck? Do you turn left or right thoughtlessly? Or do you sit in silence and give your inner SELF the space to come up with answers? You never know what the universe has in store for you.
Sometimes the frightening effect is the best way for you to gain insights. Where you first fly a sort or out of your body and then land rock hard with both feet on the ground. If you can then make contact with your BEing, then you know deep within yourSELF which choice or direction is the right one. Even though you do not know at all where your choice of that moment will lead to. And that is where trust comes into play again. Trust that everything is focused on giving you your best form in this life with everything that goes with it.
Do you know them too, those cats lounging in a window-sill, on a wall or a more comfortable chair? Preferably in the sun, warming their bellies. Where are your moments of rest? How often do you allow the sun to warm your being? Even if it is only for a few minutes. Just literally and figuratively stand still in the moment and feel the energy of that beautiful yellow sphere that provides us and all life on this planet with energy.
It is important to feel at such moments that you are part of the big picture. That everything is an interplay. The cat has known this for a long time and therefore regularly takes its time for NOTHING. It realizes that nothing is really all-encompassing. You may allow yourself to be in relax mode more often. Especially with the many energetic downloads taking place in the world right now and where our physical body has trouble absorbing everything. Listen to that body and don’t resist. You will notice that it makes you much calmer.
In short, when the cat comes your way, there is still plenty to learn. Not from a booklet, but according to the universal laws that require above all commitment to listen and act to yourSELF.
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