Many people associate the crow with death. They see it as a messenger of doom and gloom. Sure, the crow is associated with death. It cleans up Mother Earth and eats what nature provides in dead animal remains. It also has lighter sides.
Many of the more sensitive people will have one or more crows around them. It does not matter where you are. They are companions who keep an eye on you, between heaven and earth, to see if you are doing well. They come to greet you on behalf of deceased loved ones and let you know that you are never alone on this sometimes harsh planet. It may not hurt to greet the crow or crows when you see them and thank them for being with you.
Your own sound
Its screeching sounds loud and unpleasant, but the crow does not mean ill. It is just very recognizable by its unique sound. Just like you. What are you doing with this? Do you raise your voice to be heard in the midst of the turmoil in the world to let love and light spread with your words? Are you unique in something, just like the crow, but are you not using it? Or don’t you dare to show your uniqueness to the world? Because you don’t believe people are interested?
That ‘don’t believe’ is coming from your head, dear cherished one. If you would listen better to your heart, you would know that. Your own insecurity is only nourished by your head and therefore your inner voice only becomes softer and softer. Until it is almost inaudible and it gets the feeling that it is shouting against the wind, even though you want to reach you so badly. That is not how it is supposed to be. You have been given a unique power. Whether you like it or not. It is your mission to make the most of it as much as possible. To rely on your skills, which will evolve if you dare to take the plunge.
Are you still stuck in your old way of BEing? The YOU who has been sucked into the 3rd dimension society of having to perform, pressure, fear and oppression? Or are you already half way inside your real BEing, and the other half in the past? It feels like the coat you no longer fit, the shoes that became too small, your favourite pants or sweater with holes in them, which you can actually put away, but which you keep wearing anyway, just because it is so comfortable.
The time is right to finish everything you know does not suit you (anymore). To be able to fully lean into your strength. That means saying goodbye. From patterns, people, habits, situations, everything that does not serve you to be who you really are. You can see or feel it as if things are bleeding to death, dying, going over the expiration date, just being gone and out of which the once fine energy has disappeared.
Let go, dear cherished one, the crow is asking you to. It, as a messenger between heaven and earth, asks you to BE the same as it is. Know that death and parting, whether that is meant literally or figuratively and whether that is from people, animals or things, always create space for something new, different and better. Search, follow your path, don’t be afraid. The crow will guide you to stay grounded, in line with Mother Earth on one hand, and on the other hand to receive the universal radiant fine energetic light, which will make you a beacon of light.
Not only for yourSELF, but also for the people around you. Those who need urgent help. Who have become unbalanced because they have forgotten their soul and salvation. But also the world as a whole. Your point of light is 1 in the link of many. Look at it as if you are in space and look at the earth from a distance, seeing all the little points of light shining in the darkness that envelops the earth. Mother Earth is waiting for your light that will contribute to the ‘enlightening’ of the earth, away from all the dark karma that has been built up through the ages.
The crow is wise. It knows, sees, hears, feels and sometimes smells things that have not yet manifested themselves in reality. You could describe it as visionary. Many of you, and maybe you yourself, have this too. A feeling that comes from within, an urge, an image that emerges and pulls over your retina like a flash. A kind of déjà vu. Know, dear cherished one, that when this happens to you and when not, as you wish, you can adjust that image at all times.
If something is shown to you, something happening on the world and it does not fit the image you have of the future earth or ugly words that don’t contribute to anything pop up in your head, you can change it. Just by projecting a different image in your ‘cloud’.
The crow shows you that you can believe in destruction and manifest it. If this is not what you have in mind, create the opposite: a world with clean skies, pure waters and fertile earth.
A world in which we live together from our unique consciousness in harmony and connection with ourSELF, Mother Earth and the Universe. Where peace, love and respect for each other and everything else that lives from the smallest organism to the highest mountain triumphs. In which for everything that has been plundered, destroyed, spoiled, excavated, poisoned and polluted through the ages there is no more space, for the simple reason that you are creating a different image. It is not difficult. You can do it. You just forgot. Now you know, dear cherished one, do the best you can.
The crow sometimes exhibits obtrusive behavior. Yes, it too has dark sides to learn from and to hold up a mirror. Loudly it proclaims its truth to everyone. It sometimes ignores the fact that not everyone is waiting for its truth. Not because its truth is not true, but because others are not ready for it, or cannot grasp it. Everyone has his own soul alignment and matching energetic frequency and motivation. Sometimes your words fall upon deaf ears. To people you would like to help, because ‘taking care of’ and ‘wanting to save the world’ is anchored in your deepest BEing.
Dear cherished one, you cannot save others. Your well-intentioned advice and all the energy you put into it is for nothing. This is not entirely true, for the energy you put into someone, can certainly be used, but what you lovingly strive to achieve will not succeed, unless someone has a soul alignment close enough to yours. When this happens to you, you will feel that your energy is being gratefully harnessed or abused, leaving you emptier than before. That is not the goal, but the choice is yours of course.
Be selective in the moments and people with whom you want to share your energy. If you feel that people only come after you and do nothing with your advice and/or insights, for whatever reason, then decide how far you want this to go. Setting boundaries is part of growth. Feel if the gap is too big between your soul alignment and that of the other. If that is the case, you cannot help the other person, however much you would like to. Maybe someone else can. Someone who has the same soul alignment as this person and can therefore exchange on the same energetic level.
It is important that you remain in your power and don’t unnecessarily lose it to people and/or situations that will not be of any benefit to you. Are you afraid of losing people around you because of this? They may even be family or friends. Don’t worry, because worries have a low energetic frequency and as mentioned before, everything that is being left behind offers room for new.
Never secretly lonely
You will never be lonely, and if you feel good, you know that. After all, you are surrounded by loving energies. As a person of flesh and blood, it can feel this way, but if you stay in contact with your BEing, the need for others to fill your emptiness will disappear and make way for ‘a welcome addition’. You don’t ‘need’ another person but the contact is purely an enrichment of your life, an added value.
Trust in the Universe and your inner wisdom. Ask the crow to convey the message if the right people may appear on your path. People with whom you can share and where you feel that the energy you bring together creates an overwhelming synergy. Just for the simple fact that the sum of 1 + 1 may be 3. It means there is pure room for pleasure, joy and bliss. An exchange at this level is wonderful and contributes to your BEing, but also to that of others.
You will find these people or they will find you. They will come your way in the most extraordinary ways as soon as you implement the wisdom of the crow more and more into your life.
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