Joy, conscience of the earth and the universe together with the whale, healer and so much more. The dolphin represents the liquid, invisible, energetic like no other. The reason is its sensitivity. Somewhere on the way to Mother Earth’s heart we meet you, as a guardian of pure energetic strings of light and unlocker of wisdom. Not only do you ensure that heavy energy can reach the heart of Mother Earth properly, in order to transform into something else, but you also ensure that pure energy flows back to the Universe through humanity. Being a traffic controller on all those two-lane roads of every soul on Earth requires tremendous dedication.
The dolphin makes humanity happy. It always look radiant and always have a smile on its face. Humanity can learn a lot from that. The beauty is that when you think of a dolphin, you automatically get a happy feeling. A smile perhaps. It immediately triggers something in your BEing. Positive energy that your cells may be longing for, making them vibrate a little higher and releasing heaviness. Humanity is allowed to think more often about the dolphin in order to be better balanced and not to take life so seriously.
Dolphins are highly sensitive. They can help you. You don’t have to meet them physically, though some very good results are activated. Energetic lines that are disturbed and cause physical or mental complaints are detected by the dolphin. From its BEing, the dolphin puts its snout on the issue directly.
Do you have that too? That you see straight through it? That you know intuitively? That people have a hard time hiding things from you, maybe even though they say there is nothing wrong? Or do you always see a bigger picture than the people around you? That you can see beyond other people’s understanding? Annoying trait, isn’t it? Yes, especially for those who can’t understand you and are structurally misinterpreting. As selfish or nagging for example. “There’s him or her again with her objections or remarks.” While you only have the best intentions and can already see where things will lead.
Let it take its course
Your dolphin gift is beautiful. You just have to learn to deal with it. Sometimes it is better to let things take their course than to press your snout in between everything to prevent this or that from happening. Sure, you want to preserve and save. That is what is in your BEing. But don’t forget, dear cherished one, everyone walks their own path. Whether it is a human being, animal, organization, workgroup or whatever.
It is better to see your gift as something for yourSELF. Something that gives you insight. Others often have something to learn and protecting them doesn’t help them. Try to be the guardian of the energetic lines that are running, just like the dolphin, even if you see that some lines won’t achieve the results you see. Maybe the result that is achieved, is a lesson already. In any case, you don’t have to (or want to) say: “You see, I told you so”. Because that won’t make you friends in this 3D world either. That is interpreted as pedantic and that is not how you want to be labelled at all.
Just wait
Observe that nature also just goes her way and doesn’t go pulling and pushing to get something done. That is counterproductive. So is your well-meaning unsolicited advice as well. In fact, it is best not to open your mouth until asked. That sounds crazy, but it is essential. Why is it essential? If you put out your truth unasked, or if are seeking a listening ear and you start providing solutions straight away, your energy and efforts fall on deaf ears.
Did that person ask for your help? Maybe offering a shoulder or just quietly listening to someone’s story is what they needed. Dear cherished one, we have become programmed to come up with advice directly. This takes away the space that allows to feel what the other person REALLY needs.
It is a kind of fleetingness. Problem -> you MUST do this and then it’s solved. This indirectly indicates that you are quickly getting rid of this person, regardless whether or not it is your intention at that moment, consciously or unconsciously.
It is about the quick fix principle of wanting to save someone. You throw 10 lifebuoys and hope the other person grabs one of them. But if that person is not ready, then all those lifebuoys will remain untouched. Someone will only grab your lifebuoy if he or she believes that what you share will take him or her further. This means this person has to be open to it, literally and figuratively. No sooner and no later.
Stop giving unsolicited advice. The dolphin already knows this. It helps anyone who turns to it with any question. And since its conscience spans centuries and centuries, its answers always offer comfort, love and points its snout to the sore spot. Not to hurt the other or you, but to show what you may work on. In other words, you are given a buoy, but you have to swim to reach the shore yourself. How beautiful is that?
Setting out and guarding your own energetic lines
The dolphin teaches you something else. Just like nature. Go your own way. Focus your energy on what you want to achieve. Don’t be afraid to choose for yourSELF. Do not be afraid that you will be lonely and alone. It only brings you more in balance and from balance you radiate more serenity. The beauty of this is that it automatically creates attraction.
Perhaps what you have done so far has been the other way around. Putting your energy on the lines of others. Helping others, taking care of others, always being ready for others at the strangest moments and times. In principle there is nothing wrong with that, because your commitment to better is a beautiful quality. However, if you do not put your energetic lines properly away and guard them, there is a big chance that you will ‘run out’ of energy, despondent, lifeless, passive.
By keeping the energy with yourSELF, you keep the control over your life, your BEing, in your own hands. You can perceive much better, in any way, what serves you and what does not. What enhances your energy and what sucks you empty? It is possible that others will hitch a ride on your energy unasked for. If you are too busy with everything outside of yourSELF, then you are less aware of that than when you are, just like the dolphin, guardian of your own energetic lines.
When the dolphin crosses your path, it is more than important that you learn to handle this well. You develop your sensitivity, your feeling. It has everything to do with giving yourSELF the self-esteem it deserves. The dolphin knows how much you are worth and will help you to see that yourself. Trust on that.
Once you are better balanced with the energy put on the right things, you will see that you feel better, more powerful and happy. Suddenly you feel like dancing, singing, jumping, running or whatever. Your energetic BEing becomes a magnet that attracts others. Often more like-minded people. When you have worked on your inner SELF, then you radiate other energy and that energy attracts people who are more in alignment with you. There is only one thing about it. Some people will pretend to be better than they really are. However, since you have practiced guarding your lines, at least now you can see straight through that. No draining energy from you, unless you are okay with it.
And then the sun will break through. The smile on your face. Dolphins love to play. On, over, tumbling around each other in the water’s weightlessness. Can you sense this wonderful feeling? The dolphin shows you that this is for you too. If you experience it in your body when you read this, then you know it is there. If you take the advice of the dolphin seriously, the sooner you reach the same state of BEing. Can you play outside together, with people, animals, plants or anything else that nature brings us?
The finely attuned energy that the dolphin naturally carries has a healing effect. It’s pure BEing heals. It doesn’t have to do anything for that but to be present. You automatically get that smile on your face or that happy feeling when you see a dolphin, don’t you? If you are able to BE, just like the dolphin, then it will automatically heal you.
If you are in your head too much then your face is (too) serious, nervous, frowning and maybe even frustration. What are you actually radiating at such a moment? Look around you, at people sitting on bicycles, in the car, on the train, on the bus, on the street. Where are those people? What are their faces like?
If you look around, and probably you belong to them sometimes or regularly as well, you mainly see faces that are kept busy from their heads. Completely absorbed in thought, distracted by toys that are supposed to keep the head busy, such as PCs, telephones and earplugs with whatever pops out of the speakers. There is an ‘absent’ sign around their necks and the appearance of that person is the same.
There are exceptions to the rule. The one who waves, laughs, says goodbye, asks a question. The one who is here in the NOW. The one who sees, brings people back to where they are at that moment. Maybe there is a smile on the other person’s face, a surprised look, a greeting that is reciprocated. Are you the one who glows like the dolphin? Who just brings healing by BEing in the NOW. Just by your presence. Whether you are doing something or not, whether you are alone or with others, it doesn’t matter.
By just BEing YOU, also described as fully in FLOW, you already contribute very much to the greater whole. You are at that moment the link that is calm, serene and stable. Who offers a natural counterbalance to the chaos that is being created around us. You won’t have to pull out huge antics to help the world. Help yourSELF. Be in the flow of the moment, because that is where the space is created that opens up inner wisdom and the magic of life, that makes everything possible. Not by forcing everything with your head and squeezing you into curves, structures, models and more to follow or to read you completely drowsy. Only to be a complete BEing will get you the furthest. The dolphin is living proof of this. That is marvelous, isn’t it?
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