The dove is the bringer of peace and harmony. The dove asks you to connect with your higher SELF, to feel peace IN yourself and to live in harmony with Mother Earth and the Universe. That is quite a task in this tug-of-war world, where you are dealing with people and situations every day who don’t have a clue.
True peace begins within
If you know that everything is interconnected, then you also know that if you find peace within yourself, you are contributing to more peace in the world. The more people reconnect with their bodies and find balance between body, mind and soul, the more peaceful the world energy will become. After all, there is no longer any reason to go out of your way for a football match or faith. The dove calls on you to live in peace and harmony with yourSELF.
Everyone on this earth has a soul alignment. Most of humanity is still stuck in structures of hate and anger, wanting to belong, get higher and believe in leaders, who in their way do their best to win you over. Linked to this are the ego and its glorification, either by someone themselves (narcissism) or wanting to be worshipped. Money is involved. Because if you have money, you ARE somebody. The dove shows that this is all an illusion.
From the moment you are born, you are somebody. In any case, you are your parent(s)’ child and they are their parent(s)’ child(s), etc., etc. Generations of genetic and karmic matter are passed on to you. Both good and bad. You are also a SOUL in and of yourself. A free being with its own incarnation history and karma, which means good and bad.
Your soul comes from somewhere and has decided to try again on Mother Earth. To grow in consciousness, to progress, to make failed missions succeed. To move forward as part of humanity, to contribute to the long-desired peace on earth. A world where everyone is allowed to be themselves and to share this planet in harmony and connection with themselves and all other living light beings.
A world changing from money, power and ego, to a world where love and compassion are the key words. Whether that will succeed in this life, is the question, but the waking up of people on a large scale and the coming to light of scandals on an equally large scale by leaders and institutions operating on the basis of power, money and ego, indicate that a different course has indeed been taken.
Impeccable sense of direction
When the dove has come on your path, it will give you the message to navigate on your intuition just like it does. Doves have a flawless sense of direction and will always find home. Home. What do you call home? Is it yours? No, it is about coming home to yourSELF. It doesn’t matter where you physically are. If you can come home to yourSELF, you can find home anywhere in the world.
The dove may also ask you to make choices. Which flight path do you take to reach your goal? Are you distracted by everything and everyone or do you choose the shortest path and focus entirely on where your passion lies? Because in this 2nd/3rd dimensional world, it is difficult to keep your focus, it will be difficult to head straight for your goal. This means that you will have to rest regularly on the road.
You will have to make a pass at the spot and recover for a while, unload, gain energy, check your direction on your inner compass again in order to continue flying. That doesn’t matter, as long as you keep your goal in mind and don’t allow yourself to be distracted (too much).
Do you happen to have any lovebirds around you? In plural, because they come in pairs. Loving couples who always stay together. Their call is easy to recognize. They show you that unconditional love is possible. Just by accepting the other. In humans this is a bit more complex compared to the animal kingdom.
The important thing is that your partner fits your soul alignment. Some people find their soulmate at once, but most of the time you need a number of lessons to learn about love before Mr. or Mrs. right shows up at your doorstep, in order to understand that YOU are worthy of love. That YOU may feel. That YOU may let go of all pain that has been inflicted on you in the name of love. Just sit in silence, see what happened, take your lessons, cry if you want to, let go of the past and fill the open space with love.
Spreading unconditionally
Unconditional love is the hardest thing there is. The biggest lesson is to love yourself unconditionally. That requires your heart chakra to be completely open and healed. That you know what your bad and good qualities are. That you are at peace with them. That you feel in your body that at the level of your heart, but more in the middle of your body, a beautiful flower has unfolded that can receive loving energy. Not only from the moment or from others, but especially from the Universe and Mother Earth.
If this energy can flow freely, you have discovered an abundance that you can share with many people. This energy is meant to help heal others who come your way. This can be done in a very small way. For example, by being friendly on the street to people you pass, by reaching out a helping hand to known and unknown people. If you start to come home more in your body, then you can start with small things. If you have already moved on, you can use your flow of love in a wider and more wide-ranging way. For example, for the healing of groups, countries and even the whole world.
Emotionally neutral
Love doesn’t mean you have to start crying at every snapped bit of grass. Human and animal suffering is terrible and you can certainly contribute in solving this. But you do not allow yourself to be dragged along by emotions that evoke anger or other negative feelings and thoughts. The trick here is to remain neutral. Personal suffering or suffering in general always has a good reason. For example, the suffering caused by the indiscriminate shooting of people in the US, because weapons are allowed in many states, is the reason why people stand up and fight for a gun-free country.
The widely spread negative news (deliberately negative, filled with angry and crying people broadcasted frequently, ensuring that you get hit by them and activate negativity as well. See below the remark about contributing to the collective) actually has a positive connotation. Diseases, viruses, the use of chemicals and anti-biotics in the meat industry shows us that stacking chickens, cows, pigs, etc. should and must be done differently. That we eat poison without knowing it.
That we rely on institutions that ought to guarantee our food safety but are slacking. The animals concerned play an exemplary role so that their offspring can have a better life. Farmers who continue to run their business in the same way will encounter something different or the same again. Until they have learned their lesson and change.
Fear = always a bad counselor
When people or animals in your environment get sick, you do not panic and fear (that is the intention, because at that moment you contribute again to the collective to keep Mother Earth in a low frequency or in other words 2nd/3rd dimension), but quietly look at the situation and try to see, hear, feel what the reason for this is.
Stay with yourSELF. Support the other, whether human or animal, wherever possible, but keep it positive and loving. You can achieve much more with that. It is not easy to be neutral in touching situations, because you are not only a beautiful light being, but also a human of flesh and blood. If you can experience that every situation has a deeper meaning and can place it in a larger picture without involving the opinions of others (including the influence of media, which creates images and opinions throughout society), but purely and solely on your flawless dove compass, then the clarity of mind comes to you. Experience much more peace and quiet about certain situations and you, dear Cherished One, remain powerful and proud to continue on your way.
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