The dragonfly buzzes around with fairy-tale like wings. Its colors are always magical. From yellow to bright red, to metallic blue-green or black, but not when the sun shines on it. The dragonfly is one of those miraculous creatures that represents transformation. Sometimes suddenly appearing out of nowhere, like a helicopter manoeuvring through the air. The dragonfly is the sign of lightness. Do you need that right now?
Just catching your breath for a bit. Who isn’t familiar with that? Coming to your senses. Don’t want anything to do with anybody, just flutter around in your own bubble. How nice is that? Is that something you don’t do enough, dear cherished one? Are you always in others’ company? Busy with things outside yourself? Even though the answers you are looking for are within yourSELF. By filling your time with what is outside you, you don’t have to look at yourself. You don’t have to dwell on what is in your deepest depths. No need to discover how powerful you are as a human being at your core.
The dragonfly knows better. It goes for it. Besides believing in fairy tales and thus being able to create what is fine and good, the dragonfly knows damn well what it’s made off. Reflecting your BEing isn’t always fun. Anger and aggression are reversed forces, in which you have become entangled, because things have ‘happened to you’. Forces that you are allowed to turn into love and compassion. Imagine that you can express your anger about anything with the same force, but in a stream of love. What would that bring about?
Full of admiration we look at the dragonfly. Just like the butterfly. Both announce a period of change if you have the guts to really look at YOU. At what YOU like, what your life should be like. Regardless of what is customary and what is imposed by whomever and whatever. Do the norms and values you have been taught fit you? Do you look up to people and forget to look up to yourself? Where is your pedestal on which you can place yourself?
Look at yourSELF in the mirror with admiration. Look into your own eyes and see. Do you see the depth? Do you see your beautiful soul? That soul, or your higher SELF, needs attention. When you see a dragonfly, you will say, “Ohhhh, a dragonfly, how beautiful.” If you see yourself in your full nakedness, you can say to yourself, “Ohhhh, here I am, look how beautiful.” No? Work to do! Why?
If you like yourSELF right now, as you are with all your flaws, pimples, pits, scars, big belly and so on, you have found the opening to healing yourself. By no longer interfering with what society imposes on you as what you should look like, you can just be yourSELF. By interfering, you prevent the flow of the beautiful energy that is entirely available to you.
You cause blockages for yourSELF. Instead of interfering with, for example, your curves and listening to your ego that really thinks you are too fat (or something else), embrace it. Nobody, but nobody, has the right to push you into a straitjacket. Throw your bra off, if that feels better. Go out without makeup. Leave the tie for what it is, it only separates your head from your body like a literal noose. Feel free to flutter the way that feels right for you.
Helicopter view
If you take a step back, it is a great way to see where you are right now and where you want to go. Try to take off like a dragonfly and look at your life from above. What does this picture look like? Are you completely satisfied? Are you intensely happy with your life? Great! Fantastic!
But if it is not, or not completely, what is needed to make it even better? Does your deepest core, your BEing, signal that you need to take a different path? Or that you might try all kinds of side-roads every time, while you have to follow the main road, your soul mission. Are you afraid of the enormous (creative) power that can come loose? Do you secretly stick your head in the sand or do you find it scary to really go for your passion and therefore make up other things to do or do you therefore always keep busy with things outside yourself? Or are you sitting defeated in a chair. Have you chained yourself? Are you passively waiting for great happiness? Dear cherished one, YOU create. YOU are the creator of your own life.
Seize the day
In other words, live in the moment. Do you sit down to your cup of coffee or tea in the morning and are you already busy with what you have to do? Stop it! Go outside. Look around you. Be thankful that another day has presented itself in which you may contribute to this wonderful planet. You as a small link in the greater whole, contributing positively or negatively consciously or unconsciously to that greater whole. You are as much Mother Earth as she is you. When you feel that and admire what nature brings around you, do you also feel the peace and tranquillity that comes within you? Do you see the rat race in which humanity is going crazy? Beautiful! Then you can also make other choices.
Dear cherished one, by enjoying and being thankful for everything that is and everything that you are (and therefore not for everything that you HAVE) daily in your full splendor, you will become more and more powerful. Realize that everything you have experienced in your life has always been pure and alone to create growth experiences for you. Nothing is bad. Every situation, even though you may have left hurt, has given you something. For example, perseverance, being creative in finding solutions or knowing exactly who you can and can’t trust.
A bright future
If you can see your positive lessons from your ‘unpleasant’ past experiences. If you can live in the moment, then you can also create the best future for yourself. Whatever phase you are in right now, get to work on opening up. Discover your strengths. Turn your mindset from negative to positive. See your future as if it is already reality. Put nice and good things in your ‘cloud’ on a daily basis.
Not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones, your environment and the whole world. Even if the situation is not there yet, you will see that the universal laws work. Step by step you will come closer to that picture of the future if you are willing to work on it. Don’t be afraid of your inner power. You didn’t get it for free. It drives you forward. All you have to do is accept that you are yourSELF. As the dragonfly predicts, there is transformation in the air. It’s up to you to shape it. Believe in yourself, trust yourself and the universe and the possibilities are endless.
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