The hedgehog represents femininity in its purest form and femininity comes with pure, flawless intuition. The animal scurries through gardens and fields in search for food. Its protective mechanism is to roll itself up into a prickly ball, protecting all vulnerable parts and not allowing enemies to attack it. A wonderful invention of Mother Nature and something that many of us have copied in our present life on earth.
The hedgehog is not doing very well. Due to the droughts in recent years and the frequent use of pesticides, regardless of whether they are ‘responsible’ or not, the snail population has declined dramatically. And that is exactly what the hedgehog likes. Humanity is intervening in the natural chain and that has major consequences for the animal kingdom. Do snails ‘bother’ you? Think about all animals first, because birds love them too, before you start exterminating them.
What further complicates the hedgehog’s life are the neat little gardens, skillfully demarcated with impregnable barriers, like fences and gates. There is no passage anywhere to search for food at night, when you are asleep, to nibble on the snails that ‘bother’ you. By delineating and compartmentalizing everything, in the hedgehog’s case literally (and for many more animals as well) and figuratively for humanity, we limit freedom and undermine the natural harmony of nature, which encompasses everything and is one entity.
Prickly side
Our feminine side is vulnerable, just like the hedgehog’s soft belly. Many of us, like the hedgehog, have skillfully shielded it with our prickles. It makes sense, because society is hard. Especially if you are sensitive, have a higher soul alignment and ended up on a planet you don’t understand much about. Where you are constantly being pulled out of your strength in one way or another.
That started as a child, because you saw things that weren’t there at all. Or felt, experienced, heard or smelled those. “Crazy kid,” your educators would say. “And uncle hank isn’t blue. People are always pink. Keep on practicing and I’m sure you’ll do better.” You were impressionable and had an almost completely empty hard drive. You believed it. And so, we pass from generation to generation that what we experience as an uninhibited child is not reality. Uncle Hank was blue. You knew that for sure, didn’t you?
Can you go back to your open-mindedness BEing you had as a child? When you still hopped around, and the world all seemed like a big playground. Where you went on a voyage of discovery full of wonder. Or did you completely lose touch with that uninhibited child? Are you stuck in everything society, including educators, schools, media and what else, wants you to believe? Are you sailing on your female intuition or have you lost it? The hedgehog shows you that you can reconnect. That you can look for wonder again. Living from your heart and that you can peel off your prickly survival mechanism little by little, in order to become your true SELF.
The hedgehog is a lonely traveler on this planet. You will never see them in groups, except for a mother and offspring. Apart from that, they spend their lives alone, and they have no problem with that at all. Most people have a natural drive to want to do well. To want to be liked, to belong somewhere. That is logical, because when you come to Earth, you are in for quite a shock. It is so different from where your soul comes from. In order to survive, you need to connect. This search has actually only taken you further away from your SELF.
Are you busy searching for connection with others (including family) in your life? Are you repeatedly disappointed in this process? Or is it hard to find? Did you put on your hedgehog suit and do you roll up like a prickly ball at the slightest occasion? Have you developed a tit-for-tat policy, allowing you to gag others easily? Only to feel sad and misunderstood at home and actually feel ashamed of how you’ve behaved afterwards, because it doesn’t suit you at all?
That’s not crazy at all. Protecting yourself with the hedgehog’s prickles was the only thing you could do to avoid going under, to indicate your limits, even if they are totally misunderstood or misinterpreted by others. It has become a kind of survival mechanism and that may now change, because the hedgehog prefers to show its soft side.
Dear cherished one, only a very small part of the world’s population currently has a soul alignment in the 5th dimension and, as a natural motivation, has unconditional love for everything that lives. This is never understood by the ‘masses’. That is logical, because in the many lives that come, they are allowed to learn what love, truly unconditional, is. Do not let others take you strength away. Do not look for connection with others. Look for the connection with yourSELF. Do not seek it outside yourSELF, but within yourSELF. That is the mirror that is always held up to you. You don’t need others at all. They may be a welcome addition to your life, but that is a completely different approach. The hedgehog does not feel lonely. It is balanced and completely happy with its BEing. You can do that too!
The other way around
As you come closer to yourSELF and live more from your natural BEing, you will find yourSELF with a higher self-confidence. What the world thinks and how it judges you affects you less. Remember that they have an opinion and that it is theirs, not yours. You do not have to be liked by anyone, only by your SELF. And not from a narcissistic or selfish point of view, because that is how it will often be explained by the 3rd dimension, but simply because you love yourSELF unconditionally. The moment you succeed in this or you grow towards it, you will notice that you also attract other people. People who ‘connect’ with you, but not to want to belong, but as a welcome addition to their lives. This is where the new friendships for life are born.
What will also turn around when you are more in your strength, is the feeling that you have to defend yourself. Your hedgehog suit needs to be put on, in order to get it across to the angry outside world. Now that you know this is completely pointless, they cannot understand you, the need to do this will diminish. A wonderful development, as it never felt right anyway, and you only tried to lower yourself in frequency in order to be able to reach others. As you integrate yourSELF more into your BEing, you can see and act out of love. Choose your own path and let go of what or who does not suit you.
On the road at night
The hedgehog goes out at night, just like us humans. When our physical body is laid to rest, our soul travels. We become more and more aware of our dreams. Sometimes these are dreams in which our brains process the experiences and input we have received, but more and more often they are dreams that are so real that it is virtually impossible that it has been ‘dreamed’.
As consciousness on earth grows, these kinds of dreams increase. Our soul has an infinite energy and does not have to sleep. It is only our earthly human body that asks for rest. You can take the most amazing journeys, but it can also be that your darker side is exposed. The side that still need work or relationships where things still have to be solved. Think of these dreams as valuable gifts that will take you further along your path.
Your soft side
Dear cherished one, it’s time to show your soft feminine side. To be who you are. A beautiful and powerful shining BEing in a sheath of flesh and blood. Stop mourning in a corner. This will only feed the low frequency that still reigns on this planet and that so many want to get rid of. Rather follow, like the hedgehog, your flawless intuition. Trust and live from your own strength. Go every day like the hedgehog and be open to adventure and wonder. Discover and develop your gifts. Follow your heart and become a bright example to others.
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