The magpie is special because of its black and white, or rather metallic rainbow-like plumage. It has a keen eye for detail. It has much knowledge, wisdom and loves shiny things. Not for greed, as greed is not something it knows, but more out of curiosity for the unknown.
The magpie feeds on insects like earthworms, spiders, caterpillars, beetles and emelts (worm-like crane fly larvae that live in the ground). In addition, the magpie is also adapted to today’s world. It eats fries and bread as well. It eats eggs and sometimes another bird’s chick, especially if it has young of its own. It knows that the egg’s nutrients, or from the young bird’s, make its young strong. It never robs a nest completely empty at once and does not take all the eggs. It does not have to, because it only takes what it needs. The magpie has learned that lesson a long time ago. By doing so, it contributes to maintaining the balance in nature. After all, not all eggs have to hatch and the young hatchling’s chance of survival is increased.
Shamelessly in the spotlight
The magpie is not ashamed of its behavior. The hijacking of a young bird from a nest or breaking an egg happens in plain sight. Sometimes all this is accompanied by a lot of noise. This is about honesty. Honesty to yourSELF. Full recognition of yourSELF and daring to show it. Just like with yourself, the magpie has black and white integrated into one. If you look closely at the magpie, you will see that its black is not black.
Just as your fears are not. Your fears want to teach you something. Namely that you don’t have to be afraid of them. You can get over it, but only if you dare to face those fears head on. Dare to look at them with curiosity, to see that they are not black but colorful, and that they help you to grow as a person. When you are no longer afraid of your fears, you have experienced a tremendous growth and you will notice that there is a kind of peace and quiet in you. You will feel that everything is good.
The magpie’s unbridled curiosity brings it where it should be, but sometimes also where it should not. The same probably applies to you. You will encounter situations and people on your voyage of discovery that initially look like shining treasure. You can feel a strong connection with that new person or an attraction. Your search based on thinking tempts you to do a certain course, to get into a project, to start working together, etc.
The lesson sometimes is one of ‘too good to be true’ and ‘nothing what it seems’. Dear cherished one, don’t forget that the degree of spirituality in all dimensions is equally present here on earth and that people can behave like a chameleon. Particularly people with narcissistic traits, who, from their 2nd or 3rd dimension (envy, hate, money, power, ego), know exactly how to wind you around their finger. Full of joy, full of your heart, because you ‘think’ you have finally found connection. The only thing that happens is that these souls need your energy to improve themselves. They feed, as it were, on yours and on your loving unbridled commitment.
The same goes for projects, companies, networks, associations, etc. Every entity has a soul (also to be expressed as the atmosphere ‘hanging’ around) and a corresponding motive and energy. Sometimes the skin is sold at a higher price than its true value. Sooner or later, you will figure out that motivations are not sincere and straight from the heart.
Use the magpie’s knowledge and wisdom by listening to your intuition. It is all about feeling and trusting your intuition flawlessly. Are you going to fine-tune them? And should you unexpectedly find yourself in such a situation and gain the insight, don’t be disappointed, sad or angry. You don’t have time at all for such low frequencies, do you? You have learned another lesson. You can now better recognize it and that is a wonderful development.
You usually see the magpie wandering around by itself. Yet magpies don’t live solitary. Until about three years of age, they discover that they can make a lot of noise in small groups. Bravado behavior is not unknown to them. During those years, the magpie learns beautiful and wise lessons from others. About feeding, hibernating, dealing with each other, etc. Then comes the wisdom, which puts an end to the MUST to prove itself.
What about you? Dear cherished one, you do NOT have to prove yourself to anyone. You are valuable. Just the way you are. What may have happened is that others from your groupie stuck stickers on you, gave you unpleasant experiences, got you out of balance and you started trusting judgements and opinions about you that are outside of yourSELF. That doubt has entered your life. Whether you are good enough and whether there are things wrong with you. That you have become guilty. That you start to think of YOURself as less.
Scratch, scratch, scratch, the magpie wakes you up scratching. Where did the wonderful connection with your powerful SELF go? The SELF who knows. The SELF knows that your victim behavior is just the projection of others. That you have made your head run wild, and in doing so have given thought the opportunity to rule over the heart, where the real inner knowing is.
The moment the magpie withdraws from its groupie, it suddenly sees. It gives him an overview and allows him to see things from a different perspective. From a distance it sees the illusion it wanted to be a part of, to belong to something, to gain appreciation. It also sees that ‘walking on his toes’ and ‘running after the crowd’ is completely useless. It has learned the basic principles and for that it is eternally grateful to its groupie. From now on, it trusts in its own SELF and it does not need anyone else for that, because the wisdom that takes it further is already in itSELF.
Not all at once
The magpie does not drag all its treasures home with it. If it suspects that it is valuable or that it does not have time for it at the moment, it hides its bling bling treasure under the leaves to investigate at a later moment, to see if it has any added value or not. Dear cherished one, as you become more and more in balance with your SELF, more and more magic will appear. Magic that makes you want to discover more, to collect more treasures. Suddenly everything seems interesting and has a different depth. Beautiful all and very useful.
If you are triggered by something, look at it from all sides. Don’t forget to feel what is true to you and what is not. If your antennas are switched on, you might end up collecting too much treasure and getting bogged down. You will lose the overview and that is not the intention. It is very wise to say to certain things: “Not now.” If a subject does matter to you, you can rest assured that the universe will let it cross your path again at a later time. Just like the magpie who finds his treasure again.
Inner knowledge and wisdom
When the magpie comes on your path, it asks you to connect with your OWN inner knowing and wisdom. This is already present in you, for it is not for nothing that you have led all those previous and future (yes, that is possible. ‘Back to the future’ exists) lives. So, it is important to rely fully on yourSELF and learn to listen to your inner voice and then take action in the direction that is indicated. You will receive insight into your gifts and/or the opportunity to deepen them further. Carefully applying them in a pure way is also part of this voyage of discovery.
On the way to fully identify with your black and white SELF, you don’t have to wait until this process is complete (you are inclined to do so from the programming in this life), because it never is. On your path of learning, you can share everything you have learned about this special and magical personal growth with others. Shameless and full of light, remember? Much inner knowledge and wisdom!
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