The mosquito is considered a parasite by humanity and it kind of is. But the mosquito has characteristics and an appearance that we, as beings of light, can learn something from. Do you wonder wat the mosquito contributes to the greater good? Also when it comes to ecological balance? Up until now there was no good answer for that question, unless you look for it from a completely different angle.
Have you seen them yet? The mosquitoes performing their dance together at dusk? They emerge when the temperature and the sun go down. They are glad when the night is coming and they can go hunting. We humans have a different rhythm (talking about dancing). In the morning when we get up, it wouldn’t be crazy at all if we were able to start the day with a little dance.
Would you be able to do that? A dance, because you are eager to fly into the new day? Or at the end of your day, because many great things happened? When was the last time you danced? Out of sheer happiness? Have you forgotten to dance at all? Have you lost it? Because you can’t dance, others laugh at you, or because you weren’t taught. Dancing brings joy… Aha there is the joy dance again. It makes you feel happy. The mosquitoes dance without music, at least we can’t hear their music. Dance on your own with the music in your head or play that old classic, dance with your family, children, just act crazy. It frees and loosens everything up (even your stiff hips)…
Some people always get stung. “They have sweet tasting blood,” they say. Mosquitoes are indeed attuned to smell. The smell for food that allows them to reproduce. One mosquito is not the other, but like bees you go to the flower that has the most nectar. What about your smell? Do you smell a lot or little? Or don’t you pay attention to smells? Except when something stinks. Everyone recognizes that.
Smell is a very important organ, which probably attracted you to your partner, if you have one. Smell is decisive in your choice for a partner, but also in your daily life. During spring, everything smells fresh, new, sweet. Signs that summer is coming, the time of abundance. When rain comes or autumn arrives, you can smell it in the air. What else does scent do? Think of your shower foam or your shampoo, which you choose on the basis of whether it smells ‘good’ (no matter how artificially this smell often is).
Do you ever smell flowers? Different from that bunch you get every now and then or buy for yourself? Do you ever experience that you expect them to smell nice, but not give off any scent at all? Those are real ‘fake’ flowers. Commercially cultivated, without having had the time to develop their scent or manipulated in such a way that there is no smell left. Dear cherished one, this is a very bad development. Because when you shower with your favorite shower foam it influences your sense of freshness and happiness. If you put some fragrant flowers in your home, the energy in your home changes. You can experience this by adding some hyacinths or white lilies, for instance.
Fragrance contributes to your well-BEing! So you don’t have to be ashamed if you suddenly stop in the street and press your nose into the neighbor’s roses, buddleia or lilacs. Just do it. Let yourself be guided, or better seduced, by smell (and don’t buy odorless flowers/plants anymore). The more you develop this organ, the better you will be able to listen to your senses and, like the mosquito, smell will help you make new, better, healthier choices. Not only in terms of shampoo, but also in terms of detergents, food (vegetables, fruit, meat, fish). If you can smell properly, you will smell what is fake (artificial) and what is real. So it is worth it to develop your smell.
Who do you sting?
A mosquito bite is quite annoying. Mosquitoes are spreaders of diseases. If they had any say in that, remains to be seen. It is a wonderful way to quietly, without anyone noticing, spread diseases for which there is no cure yet.
But here true focus is rather focus on the positive stinging kind. You too, dear cherished one, have the qualities of the mosquito inside you. Huh? Yes, you have! If you do good for other people, you touch those people. Often unnoticed, just like the mosquito. Giving a compliment, greeting people on the street, being friendly no matter what, remaining loving even if you would sometimes prefer to stick your partner or children behind the wallpaper. These are all things that unnoticed, or better unconsciously, have an effect on the other person. It doesn’t matter if that is immediately visible, or in a later stage of their lives. Someday the mosquito bite you left behind will start to itch and even if they don’t remember the sting, the effect is guaranteed.
What if we inject a mosquito with love and release that mosquito to sting people, giving them a mosquito bite that spreads the love virus. Would that be scary? Or wouldn’t that be something we all long for? Would we take a mosquito bite for granted when we know we have been touched with love? That we constantly have a warm feeling inside, that we are allowed to be ourselves, without that being weird. That all suffering (for humans, animals and everything else that thrives on Mother Earth) disappears, because greed, power, money and ego no longer matter? What would the world look like then?
You, dear cherished one, have the power to be the mosquito that spreads the love virus everywhere. Living and knowing from the heart is the key. That you still have to take the necessary obstacles, that you have to deal with fears, anger or sadness from the past is not a bad thing. It is about making an effort to love yourSELF as if you have become infected and to radiate this all around you. To be good, not only for the people around you, but also the ground you live on or the animals (including insects) that enjoy living in your environment.
You must be averse to nit-picking. People who whine incessantly about unimportant details. But imperceptibly you can also be one of them. Talking about your newest purchases (sneakers, clothing probably from China) isn’t necessarily a good thing. That you don’t understand why people act like they do toward you. That you worry about the mess in the house. That you have to vacuum the house. Or that you share your to do list of earthly activities with everyone extensively during dinner. That is called nitpicking.
Because what is it really about in your life? That list or that you are healthy and happy? That by BEing loving, you support and help your children or others around you and that they in turn support and love you unconditionally. We, as humanity, still have a great leap to take. You are probably already on the right track, but there is still so much to improve. You are already working on yourSELF and dedicating yourself to other people, separating your waste, but at the same time you just clean your toilet with chlorine and kill snails.
As an effect, the hedgehogs and blackbirds have less to eat or they eat poisoned snails. If you use salt, you torture them with a slow and painful death. You use green mildew remover, because that is the most effective they say, even though a scrubbing brush and plain water will give you the same effect. The only thing is that this is totally not interesting in a money driven world. You throw away a lot of food, while you can feed bread (please only organic, otherwise you destroy the ecosystem) to the ducks or birds, or make a soup from leftover veggies. Even better, just buy less, use more effectively and preferably without plastic wrapping. Dear cherished one, know that everything is inextricably linked.
Look and DARE to see if and how you contribute to this world in the broadest sense of the word. It is the law of giving and taking that partly determines whether you grow when you are stung or whether you keep scratching in the hope that the itching will quickly disappear and take for granted the scar, in other words the damage to yourSELF, your environment and Mother Earth that is created, with all its consequences.
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