Moth, what am I supposed to do without you? Moth, do something about the pain… many of the higher aligned people on this planet have suffered traumas in their lives. They may have happened in this life, but in the past and future as well. It is possible that these traumas stick to you, without you being able to reach them. It could be that your passed-on DNA traumas have painful events, illnesses or other hardships attached to your earthly family line. It is up to you to solve all this, creating space to further alleviate the total karma of the planet.
That sounds super heavy and it actually is. The good news is that YOU can handle it. That is why you are here on earth.
The moth comes crawling out of its hiding place when the shadow of evening falls. Are you still hiding from the outside world? Do you only dare to come out for who you really are when it feels safe? That is not weird at all. Somewhere inside you, there is a kind of warning mechanism that tells you exactly to whom you can and can’t show your true SELF. Yet the moth asks you to get over your fear and stand tall in the world. But you don’t have to shout it from the rooftops, as that would be an ego thing to do.
You will always run into people who, even though you have already put your ego behind you, will still give you an ego mark. Know that this is their perception and that they can’t do any better in this life. After all, the 3rd dimension is driven by the ego. Like the 5th dimension however, here the ego no longer has anything to do with self-centered or selfish, but everything with one’s SELF commitment to the greater whole. Dear cherished one, you know that many people cann’t understand or hear you. That doesn’t really matter at all. It is up to you to be selective about who you do, and don’t deal with. All the lessons you learn in this process will provide an impulse to your intuitive sensor.
That doesn’t mean you can go on living like a hermit. Because you were once a 3rd dimension soul so many lives ago, you better than anyone, knows how to treat most of the world lovingly. Let it be as it is. After all, change has to come from man himself and unintentional advice is always addressed to deaf ears.
The moth shows you that you can live perfectly well in this third dimension world, but that you may use your unique gifts to take your seat, just as the moth does at dusk and in the night.
Still, the moth is always attracted to light. Take a look at lampposts or other outdoor lighting. Light works like a magnet, as does the heat that comes from these lights. Don’t we, as humans, all need light and warmth?
What can’t bear the light of the day
Is it true that you still have a lot of things to answer for? Things you are not proud of, but that have happened anyway? And are you at peace with that now? Or do those things still ‘stick’ to you, preventing you from growing? The moth asks you to look at these things again. Not with an angry, sad or disappointed feeling, but just with curiosity.
Why did it go like this? Why did you act like this? Can you see the lesson hidden in it? Have you been pulled out of your comfort zone, in any way, and lowered yourself to behaviors or actions that are actually very far removed from your true SELF? Why did you let that happen? Probably it has to do with not daring to be your true SELF or allowing others, consciously or unconsciously, to pull you out of your power. Dear cherished one, know that your power is essential to be able to stand firm in life.
The moth talks about expectation. Expectation or expectation patterns are a great deception to humanity. An expectation is created by the mind and that can even create a feeling. If someone says you: “I thought you would call me.” (Do you recognize this question?) Of course you haven’t called and that’s why you hear the slightly blameful tone seeping through in this sentence. It isn’t up to you, it is up to the other person who has thought up something in his or her head that you should comply with without you knowing it. And well, that may lead to disappointment, because 9 out of 10 expectations do not come true. These are speculations that lead to you being taken out of balance at the hands of others. Unless you realize in time that this whole expecting leads to nothing, only to disappointment.
Of course it can also be the other way around. Do you often apply words that implicate an expectation in your daily life? And does the sentence: “I thought you would call me?” applies to you as well? Stop it! You unintentionally make a claim to others, who are not aware of anything. It has everything to do with your own ego need for attention. That isn’t fair, because if others start to feel obligated, there will be nothing left of a spontaneous well-meant contact. If you feel the need to speak to someone, don’t be so difficult and contact them yourself. The sentence used here, of course, is just one example. Expectation can be formed in many ways. Expecting is actually a disguised way of saying that you demand something from someone. That doesn’t feel right at all, does it?
If you want to grow in this life, it is important that you are in the NOW as much as possible. There is no place in the NOW for expectations that lie somewhere in the future. There is only space for what you create today. The moth knows all about that. It’s life is often short and therefore it is important that it makes the most of the time it has, so that it can fly tomorrow again if necessary. That goes for you as well.
Everything you think, say, do today has an impact on what your day will look like tomorrow. Maybe now you think (yes, there’s that head again): “What a nonsense. But have you ever tried it? That you are your best SELF today, doing as much good as possible and being positive (even though your situation might not be so rosy right now). If you do that for a few days in a row, you will notice that something changes. It’s not like you are doing well today and will have a great life at breakfast tomorrow. It always takes effort, dear cherished one. That goes for to you too.
Don’t think, but (inner) know
A milder variant of expecting is “I thought”, or “I assumed” with the addition of “that you would come by”, “that you would have done the shopping”, “that you would pick up the kids from school”, etcetera. Dear cherished one, it doesn’t work. You always have to know things for sure. And knowing, as many of you hopefully know by now, has to do with wisdom and it comes from the heart. Or, if you see it in the 3rd dimension world, a factual foundation or an accurate check whether it is true. In the latter case, your head is very useful.
To help you remove these speculative sentences, you can replace them with knowing. “I KNOW that you will pick up the kids from school”, “I KNOW that you will arrive today”. Because you have checked it or agreed upon it, so the outcome is not false but true.
Twilight takes place between day and night. The moment when light turns into darkness. Know that you too have a dark side and that it is allowed to be there. A dark side can be very useful. Especially if you use the power that is released to create light. Sometimes you have to be clear with others, because otherwise the other person will not take the message of your personal boundaries seriously and will always try to walk over you like a little child who doesn’t get his way. Then the power of the moth can help you.
Put a barrier (read about the mirror below) between your light and the darkness of the other so that the twilight area disappears. Often others project their learning moments onto you and it is up to you what you do with it. Will you go along with it? Do you lower your energetic frequency? And are you going to blame it on your SELF? Or doubt yourSELF? Don’t do it, it isn’t yours. The other has an issue to solve and it is up to you to hold up the mirror in front of the other. Useful to know that when you put a mirror figuratively between you and the other person, you will notice that the energy that the other person tries to project on you reflects directly back to him or her.
Perhaps after reading this text there is work for you to do. Ask the moth to help you create clarity, so that you don’t pick up everything at once, but can work in small steps. It will allow you to to grow step by step.
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