The Owl

The Owl spiritual Naturetalk
Picture by Pixabay

The owl gets to live at night. It is at its best in the dark. Owls fly silently. That is their strength to get food. Its prey doesn’t hear it coming and dies just as silently and quickly. The owl has been a symbol of wisdom for centuries. Wisdom that not only it possesses, but all of us. But we are distracted to no longer rely on our instincts. Does the owl cross your path? (it had, because you ended up here) Then this message is definitely for you.

When are you at your best?
Are you stuck in a timeframe? That means you are lived by the time and overcrowded agendas that society imposes on you. You MUST arrive on time, you MUST be there so and so late, you work from 9 to 5, you MUST wake up at 07.00 hours, or earlier, otherwise you are stuck in traffic jams, the children are not ready for school on time, and so on. Time is a special thing. Where we used to be guided by the position of the sun and the moon, clocks, watches, as well as your mobile phone, have taken over this function.

But does life according to the clock provide you with energy? Or do you have the feeling that you are in a rat race and in order to be able to fulfill this, all you have to do is hand over your energy, leaving you ‘exhausted’ at the end of the day? The owl asks you to take a look at your personal timeframe.

Which rhythm of day and night is best for you to thrive? Are you better in the morning? Do you prefer to take a power nap at noon? Are you a late bloomer and do you get a boost in the afternoon or evening? In times before this civilization there was no time. People lived in the moment. In some cultures where people live closer to nature, they come ‘too late’ by default. They are guided by the moment and only leave when it is really time to leave.

How often do you live in the moment? Or are you taken by the moment? Maybe it is time to see how you would like to spend your day. You can do that by writing down for yourself what your ideal day looks like. At first you have the urge to write down the following: sleep in, relax. But doing that every day is not what days are for. Feel when you are feeling good, full of energy, for this a clock becomes handy at one time 😊, to find out when that is. Step 2 is to observe what your life looks like now and where you can make changes, allowing you to live as much as you can, or perhaps completely at your own rhythm.

Taking Opportunities
If you are like the owl, roaming around in this life, opportunities will appear. Opportunities that will appear silently at your feet. All you have to do is grab them. These opportunities are always about contributing to this world in a positive way. You can, for example, voluntarily offer help to the elderly, neighbors, the disabled, the sick, children, and so on. Greeting people is also a wonderful gesture. This simple gesture might go a long way for someone else that day.

Contributing positively is also about creativity. Making things, creating things. Literally ‘creating’ from within your BEing. Think of painting, drawing, coloring, photographing, making furniture out of scrap wood, clothing or accessories, and reusing what people throw away or maybe digitally design, film or turn your garden into a mini paradise. Your creativity has been given to inspire and amaze others. The great thing is that your creativity is unique. All by yourself and often difficult to copy.

The third thing that has to do with contributing to this earth has to do with creating the new world. A world with clean air, pure and sufficient (drinking) water and a soil that is teeming with life. How can YOU contribute? For example, you can start looking for alternatives for the control of weeds and vermin, buy without plastic, shop at honest small regional companies that are not led by self-enrichment (money, power and ego), but that practice their profession with passion.

If you can visualize well, you can also see this new world in front of you. Put your positive thoughts about it in the ‘cloud’. And if you still find this difficult, light a candle and make your wishes. These are never wishes that have to do with money, but only with good things for everyone and everything. Every time you do this, you help Mother Earth and the Universe to illuminate the heavy energy that is on and around our beautiful planet with your light. Something that is desperately needed, because if we don’t wake up and keep on plundering, as humanity is doing right now, things are not looking good for our survival. The advice of the wise owl is: go create. Out of nowhere. It is possible…

Owls are not sedentary. They select a different temporary accommodation for each season. Just because it better meets their inner needs at that time. In winter, for example, it uses its camouflage to become invisible. It is sheltered in trees which keep their leaves. In spring and autumn birch trees are a favorite because they provide more air and light. Even though the owl is a nocturnal animal, it still needs sunlight. When the time comes to build a nest, it leaves again. Closer to areas where food is more readily available. Purely and solely to provide its hungry young with the best possible chance of growing up.

If you translate this into how we humans live, always living in the same environment all your life, we can learn something from the owl. Based on its needs, it chooses the environment where it wants to be. This is different from what we do, because we are tempted to enter into contracts and/or loans, which means that we are actually obliged to continue living in one place and if we want to move that also brings about new obligations.

Some people are not even allowed to move because of all the bizarre rules and laws that have been made up. When you look back to the old days, like with the Indians, they lived in the same way as the owl. They stayed where there was plenty at the time and moved on when winter came.

Meanwhile, a lot has changed in terms of construction and you don’t take your house on your back to put it somewhere else and it might be a good thing that we cannot just go and live everywhere, because then it would literally and figuratively become an even bigger mess in our disposable society. Still, it doesn’t mean that your house is always the right environment to be at that moment. Something to think about. Especially when it comes to work, for example. Maybe you work more flexibly, allowing you to go where you want?

There are also similarities. The fact is that our cycles last longer than the owl’s. We go to college, get our first rental house and if you’re lucky in this society, you will be able to afford a house someday. Our children don’t grow as fast and the time before they reach adulthood is longer. Still, many people choose a house based on their stages of life.

But if you are one of the pioneers of the new era, you will feel a stronger need to break the cycles that are now considered normal. To be more where you flourish best in that moment. It is possible. Because so much has been built, there are plenty of opportunities to switch shelters temporarily. Actually, society has allowed us to do this several times a year in the form of holidays.

But there is a new current. The current of the new nomads. They live and work where they want. They don’t want to conform to restrictive systems and instead of earning a full salary in a straitjacket that doesn’t suit them, they settle for some pocket money and shelter and ask for food in exchange for their work. They live closer to nature. They are playing the game of real life, instead of playing on a screen. Do you belong to this group of people?

Feeling and inner knowing
The owl moves on its instinct. It leaves to hunt when the time comes to fly out. That is always somewhere in the twilight. The owl flies to where it feels it has the best chance of making a living. It knows when to go, without looking at the clock. Are you always late? That is all right. That is one of the signs of the new era. You cannot leave until you are ready to. In this case, too, you can arrive too early.

Back to inner knowing. The owl is wise. Just like us. Only, as mentioned in the introduction to this article, we have forgotten it. Everything is being done to distract us further and further from this knowledge. The distraction is ready at every turn in our lives right now. The worst are screens. The Universe puts them all under one denominator, because everything with a screen distracts us from what we really have to and came here to do. What started out as fun and diverting (TV), has now got us addicted. It is particularly the young who fell into this trap, even though they are the ones who are supposed to make the difference. It is up to us, the older generation, to set the awareness in motion and pass it on to the youngsters.

What else distracts us? Being in a hurry, as I said before. Our brains are constantly being pushed over the edge and we don’t manage to find peace anymore. The feeling that you constantly have to have noise around you, even when you go cycling or running. We are encouraged to wear headsets everywhere. Even books can honk your ears in these days, while you’re knitting or instead of reading to your child, you’re both stuck with one of those things. Where is the physical interaction? The spontaneity of your child if it already knows what the next sentence is? Spontaneously turns the next page because it knows that that’s where its favorite animal is?

Dear cherished one, you ar not cozy on the couch together when you are sitting in your own closed world. True relaxation takes place in silence and in nature, where the birds always share their song with you, where trees rustle, and the clouds tell stories. In silence, you can listen to your own higher SELF and to the knowledge and wisdom that is simply present in you.

Happiness is also sitting at the table with people you love. Telling stories, laughing and crying together. That you share your energy with others and others share it with you. Not with 3D glasses on, where you can be virtually anywhere in the world and literally look around and then believe that you are ‘really’ there. Dear cherished one, you are slowly being turned into zombies led by what monitors predict. Most of you have already come so far as to take all that for granted as truth. If humanity knew how untrue all this is, the world would look very different. That time is coming, dear cherished one, slowly and steadily more and more people are waking up. Luckily!

Your instincts are just there, just like the owl’s. You just have to create space to listen to it. If you look back on your life so far, there have certainly been situations in which you did or didn’t know why. Just because you ‘knew’ that you needed to do it or not. That instinct or inner knowing is in you.

Society is focused on letting you live out of your head. To disconnect you from your feelings. But the real knowing comes from your heart. Did you know that your heart was created before your brain? Who do you believe? What can help you to listen better to your heart, and thus to rely more on your instinct, is to change ‘thinking’ into ‘feeling’. Notice how often you say, ‘I think that’… Every time you want to take the verb thinking into your mouth, try to replace it with feeling. So: ‘I feel that’… You will find that is quite difficult indeed. It allows you to renew contact with your inner knowing.

Do you want to live more according to your feelings? Are you stuck in systems and structures? Do you feel unhappy and do you want to know what you can do about it? Are you literally or figuratively sick of your situation? You have the power to change this if you put your trust in your feelings and what the Universe has to offer you. All you have to do is listen…

The snow owl
You are able to survive in even the most difficult and harsh conditions. Your eyes are always open in search of something that may be of importance to the preservation of your BEing or that of others. This may also lead to too much stimulation, causing you to miss your prey. The snowy owl is solitary and flies silently. In this lifetime, you may tend to spend it alone or you may need a lot of time for yourSELF.

That is totally ok, but don’t forget that you are here with many others who, even though you’re often high in the sky, have something to offer you. Feeling and participating in earthly BEing is important. So make sure to descend regularly from your ice-cold and crystal clear surroundings to warm yourself to the warm rays of the sun and the loving warm contacts, allowing you to strengthen your power even more.

Affirmations: ‘I live from my heart’ and ‘I trust my inner wisdom’.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and manifesting my dream of an Eco Reserve.

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