The Robin

The Robin spiritual Naturetalk

Robin, you little cute little bird that bravely sticks out its red breast and looks out into the world with clarity. Tradition has it that you were once hit in your heart, which is why blood has turned your chest red. Yet, you are no less cheerful and will spread your love in this world, which is sometimes so colorless. There is a reason why your red chest has the shape of a heart.

Wooden heart

During the journey of our lives there are obstacles on our path. Many, if not all, of those obstacles can be traced back to love and loving. Which one of you has a wooden heart, because it has been trampled on so many times, by one or more people? Does your heart feel wooden because you have been taught to reason with your mind and not feel everything from your heart?

If you look at a cherished one, you can see a chest of drawers with all kinds of little drawers. As soon as you are born, you are already perfect and all the drawers are beautifully filled and wide open. Until your surroundings start interfering with your chest of drawers. Some drawers will remain open your whole life, but unfortunately many will be half-closed under the influence of your environment. Others are completely closed, and some are hermetically sealed.

Love is often the drawer that has the most to suffer in the world we live in and the experiences we are having in it. Everything has to be justified, documented, and if we don’t do that, then it is probably not true. Dear cherished one, do not forget that your truth is always true, because your truth comes from your heart, where love is. Chances are that you have transformed your heart into a wooden heart, because it prevents you from getting affected by it too much.

It is time to let love flow again. Love for everything that lives, even if things happen that aren’t nice, that affect you, that try to trigger your anger or aggression. By approaching these situations with love and seeing which lesson is mirrored to you, your heart has a chance for healing and recovery.

This is better than maintaining the vicious circle and applying the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth principle. You and the other will not get any further in this life. If you can see that others who have ‘done something’ to you (because that is how it feels), often cannot do otherwise because of their soul alignment and/or their own chest of drawers that have been late-timed and tinkered with, then love provides you (and the other person who walks his own path and is allowed to grow) the opening to healing.

Bleeding heart

You may also have a bleeding heart. As long as your heart’s bleeding, you know you have feelings. Luckily, your drawer has not been beaten shut. You’re experiencing pain from things that happened or are happening right now. Loss of loved ones, whether they are still alive or have passed away or grief over events in this life or a previous life.

Pain and sorrow provide you with opportunities. Opportunities to see what happened and to approach it in a different light. That is difficult. Especially when you are in the middle of a situation.

The robin shows you that you have the strength to stop your heart from bleeding. Others are not going to do this for you. Even though they can comfort you, you still have to get your SELF in balance. Be aware that every situation, whether or not it has a positive outcome, gives you the chance to recover from old pain, to forgive people, to increase your responsibility or independence, to live through pain and sorrow, to embrace and let go.

Often things happen to create space for something new, something different, to give you insight(s) and to teach you to keep yourself in balance. The robin has known all this for a long time. Just look how cleverly he looks into the world, even though he carries its red breasted scar (mankind often calls this a backpack) with it. It sees it as an ornament in the shape of a heart. That is a completely different approach.

Putting up

Would you sacrifice yourself, like the robin, to save someone else? Catching the arrows or taking bullets, in order to save another person’s life? If you love unconditionally, then giving your life for someone else is not a challenge. It is a natural thing and is done without a doubt. “I would walk through fire for you.” Who does not know this expression? Those who have a soul alignment in the 5th dimension are prepared to sacrifice themselves out of pure love, because they want to dedicate their own SELF (ego) to a greater good.

If you have a soul tune in the 4th dimension, you are committed to the group and beautiful connections. Sacrificing yourself unconditionally is something you do unconsciously, but you will not be able to go that far until death leads to it. You don’t have to. Your soul is on its way to the 5th dimension and that requires growth.

Nevertheless, anyone who has a higher soul alignment than the 3rd dimension, the one we are currently in, has a lot to take in. Dear cherished one, know that putting up is often the result of other people’s shortcomings. They cannot understand your higher energetic vibration, because they themselves are not ready yet. It does not matter, because you too once had a third dimensional soul. And that is actually the key to approach this ‘other’ with love instead of lowering your energy and dimming your light by doubting yourself, figuring your way out, making your heart out of wood or letting it bleed unnecessarily.

The third dimension introduces humans to love for the first time. It is important for them to get examples of people who are much more advanced in this. It allows them to grow and to participate in raising the vibration of the earth, which so desperately wants to get to the 4th dimension.


You do not have to constantly deal with people from the 3rd dimension (even if you meet them daily, because two thirds humanity has this alignment). The most important thing is that you stay yourSELF, live from your heart, follow your passion. Regardless if that makes you inaccessible to the other. It is the intention that the other is triggered by you.

He does not have to understand you, because often he just can’t. Opinions and judgments are all around us. It belongs to the 3rd dimensional vibration and comes from the powerlessness of the other. If you know this, it makes life a lot lighter. Does the robin come your way? It is a sign that you may start living more from your loving SELF, open your heart to all the beauty around you, spread your love more (literally and/or through visualization) and set an example for many others. Wear a red heart proudly on your chest, just like the robin.

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