The swallow brings you a message of fresh starts. Do you feel like you would like to throw everything overboard and make a fresh new start? A start where you are just yourSELF? Completely balanced, without worrying about what other people think or think of you? To feel that you finally want to let go of all the dead weight. Not just emotionally, but also in your daily life. To let go of it all en be totally free…
This could be the case, because this time is all about transformation. Change on all fronts and that can be pretty intense. Rising tensions in your relationships, at work, when dealing with children or with your parents. It is all true. The planets, the sun and the moon are already showing their most special appearances and interaction in recent years. That means that people are waking up on a large scale. Suddenly wanting to dedicate themselves to humanity, the planet and the animal kingdom. You wonder what you have actually done all these years that has really contributed to the big picture.
Going crazy
In your surroundings you may see a lot of people going crazy at the moment. Losing their way. No longer knowing who they are and what they are doing. They cannot cope with the high peak energies and get confused as a result. They become the plaything between light and dark. Everyone has to deal with deep traumas and unsolved karma. Often this manifests itself in physical complaints or illness. Not that this is much fun, but it is necessary to solve this, to look deep inside yourSELF and dare to see where you can still work things out. This can be seen as a setback, because you were on your way just as well, but rather see it as the condition for growth. What you let go of creates space, and you may use that space to move forward. How beautiful is that?
The hardening of society
It has been a mess on the world stage for a while now. That runs parallel to the planetary positions. More and more trouble is coming to light. Those in power are trying to hold onto their reins as their carriages start to fall over. Artificial interventions are quickly devised to keep everything in line, but Mother Earth’s gravity is stronger. Once inclined, only one corner is all that remains and the whole thing collapses. That causes unrest, but dear cherished one, it also creates space for renewal. The realization of humanity that they can’t carry on like this anymore, that they have to, and can do, things differently.
Go with the flow
The swallow flies where the airflow is most nutritious. Depending on the air pressure, insects fly higher or lower in the atmosphere. The swallow is guided by this flow and therefore knows exactly where to find the right breeding ground to guarantee its survival and that of its offspring. The advice for you is: ‘go with the flow’. Let yourself be carried away by the moment, enjoy every minute, don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow the atmosphere will be different and you can’t anticipate on that today. Look around you, enjoy cloud formations, nature and the love of and for people and animals around you. Pay attention to ‘coincidences’, which are ‘naturally’ not coincidental at all. (Times, numbers, animals acting crazy, appearing in strange places or looking for you). Look for the meanings if you can’t sense them. There are messages waiting for you. All you have to do is notice them and you will see how remarkably this is going to help you…
1 swallow does not make it a summer yet
Dear cherished one, if you are on the path of consciousness because of the beautiful energies, make sure you cherish it. Be thankful for every development you go through. No matter how big or small it is. You always develop according to the universal laws that determine how big or small your steps may be. The more you focus on your BEing, the more absorbed the light energies will be. The more you take time to quietly listen and tune in with your higher self, the more you come into balance. Realize that everything will manifest at the right moment. Maybe you still have an issue with ‘patience’, then you will be put to the test in this one. Have faith, dear cherished one, that a beautiful path will unfold for you as well. So don’t burn all your ships behind you before the time is right, because one swallow does not make it a summer yet.
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