The Frog

Hi, you cute green creature that makes those crazy jumps, that can swim, but also finds its way on land. With your tongue you catch insects that often irritate us humans so much. Your eyes always look startled or amazed. That has to do with looking as if you see water burning or some other miracle taking place. Supreme amazement at something you didn’t think possible. But cherished one, life is magical! If only we looked more closely around us more often because the miracles are there daily. You just need to tune in a little more and open your frog eyes to see them.


Renewal is underway. A positive global current that is helping Mother Earth to pull her out of the deep pit she is now very sadly in. To help transform her into how she can be in her full power: a paradise. When the frog comes your way, it means the same thing for you. Where are you now in terms of BEing human and how would you ARE in your full power? The frog helps you to see. Don’t just open your eyes but take on some of the frog’s other attributes to ‘renew’ yourSELF, or rather put another way, to be who you really are.


How funny it would be if the frog had visible ears. Just those bear or dog ears. But he was not conceived that way. The frog knows perfectly well when to dive into the water or jump away when something is wrong. He doesn’t need bigger ears for that at all.

How is that possible? He is 1 whole with all his senses in, giving him a high instinctive ability. We as humans are also just right with our ears. We hear all kinds of things all day long. Constantly we are getting input, or ‘in-plugs’ if you are running around with those earplugs or in the evening in the living room together with your loved ones, but each in a completely separate and ear proof headset world.

Aside from the fact that this has caused humans to move further and further away from nature, there is virtually no room left for real hearing. Hearing information that can help you further on your path in this life. You are constantly distracted (eyes and ears). You have become further and further removed from your refined alignment to hear your higher self through the consciously made available technique. Know that you have a choice in this every moment.


Frog helps you deal with your accumulated heavy energy. You accumulate it daily through contacts with others, your head that talks to you and is not always pleasant and all devices (cell phones, TV, tablets, PCs, masts and meters) that emit frequencies. It may also have to do with old hurts, sadness, loss, things you have done but are not so proud of, negative emotions, and so on, that lead or have led to all kinds of ailments you just can’t get rid of.

That cold, that cramp in your leg or neck, headaches, stomach aches, joints that don’t cooperate are some examples. These ailments all have something to do with listening. They all evoke irritation because they limit you in how you are used to living your life and would prefer to just keep doing it. Alas, it is time for change. Your soul is letting you know in subtle, and if you have not been listening for some time, less and less subtle, ways that you are not acting at this time in your life, as is required of you by the Universe. Or in other words, you are not living at your true soul level.


The frog is showing you that you have reached the point of refining your alignment. Daily he takes a bath, swims lustily for a lap or just sits on a large lily pad in silence gazing ahead. Water is beneficial. Not only does our body consist mostly of water (drinking regularly as needed really helps and let go of that 1.5 liters a day, because too much water is counterproductive for some of us), but so is Mother Earth.

There’s a reason for that. Water purifies. Think about the currents in the sea that carry or sometimes even drag all sorts of things. How the currents in rivers and streams drain ‘ballast’. Thus, water helps purify you of your ballast or heavy energy. Because of gravity, rivers flow from high to low. So does when you take a shower. When you swim, water flows past your body; when you take a bath, the drain takes with it the water polluted by you (also energetically). The frog shows that water is healing. When you take a shower tonight, feel how the water purifies you and notice how your ballast disappears through the drain when you tune into it.


How often is it really quiet around you? Never? Do you ‘have to’ always have music on? The TV? Your laptop? If you have children, do they have toys that always ‘have’ to make noise? What about the dog? Does he have one of those toys that keeps squeaking inscrutably? The same goes for cats and birds with toys with bells attached. And is your clock ticking all the time? Is the refrigerator and boiler buzzing?

Whoever came up with that? Why must there always be noise around you caused by anything? The answer is simple: because you can hear in silence. Not only the birds doing their utmost to attract your attention with their loving tones with healing frequencies. But also hearing what this life is really about: what else is there, without being able to touch or see it.


The more often you are in silence, the more refined your alignment becomes. Some of you people will say, “Yeah, I can’t hear that! Sitting on a bench in silence and then seeing if I hear other things.” At first that is true. Because you have had so much input fired at you for so long, it is difficult to detach yourSELF from it.

Your ego, read head, will also work against you. It will continuously try to talk to you and say, “Look at you, what are you doing here? It shouldn’t get any crazier.” Don’t care. Take regular deep breaths and feel the energy drop from your head to your toes.

Feel that you are standing on Mother Earth and she is making her healing energy available to you as well. If you do it well or become more practiced, you will feel tingling under your (bare) feet (so do not wear naughty shoes with rubber soles). That reflects the connection of you to her. You can then feel that you are connected to her and she to you. Because everything is 1. Also know that what you have done all these years cannot be undone in 1 time. It is a process that takes time and is well worth it, because your higher self has a lot to tell you.

Take the leap

Can you walk on water? The frog does. It is magical to watch him swiftly defy gravity and then dive into the clear water without fear of failure. Do you dare too? Do you dare to open your frog eyes and ears? Do you dare to go for what is considered crazy, weird, unusual, and non-existent in this world? Swim against the current or develop your own current? Develop yourSELF further in your very own way?

When you know that our daily world around us, which is considered normal, is aimed at making us forget who we really are and what power that brings by pumping input into our senses mainly but continuously, you also understand why this same world goes to such lengths to distract us. The frog tells you to trust your intuition, refine the interplay of your senses, purify yourSELF and rid yourSELF of anything that is an illusion. An illusion that tries to keep you from who you really are. Because cherished one, you are so much more than you know now… if only you listen. Will you take the plunge?

Did this message help you? Did you receive insight or something else from it? Please support me with a contribution so that I can continue to do this work. This way the Universal Law of giving and receiving remains in balance. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

Crowdfunding Eco Reserve & Education Centre in France

(text for this crowdfunding in Français, Deutsch, Espagnol or Nederlands, follow the links below )

My dream is to conserve and maintain a piece of the earth and live, work and create in co-operation with nature.

To realise I started a crowdfunding as I firmly believe in ‘a lot little bits make a big one’. Read all about this Eco Reserve initiative by clicking on the photo below.

Eco Reserve Avalon
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But there is more
Does this initiative resonate with you? Would you like to go further than just making a personal donation? You are invited to become an ambassador for this project and to collect in your own unique way. Refund money on bottles for instance, a fundraising campaign in your company, a piggy bank on the counter of a shop, an online linked crowdfunding to this one, so that those who contribute can realtime see how much has been collected, or maybe you have other ideas. They are most welcome! Share by emailing me.

May I count on you in this time where preserving and caring for the earth should be top priority?

My gratitude for helping me is already huge.

Thank you, Karen Bos

The Crane Fly

The Crane Fly spiritual Naturtalk
Image by diabolos via Pixabay

The crane fly flies around. Sometimes directionless, sometimes not in straight lines and occasionally helpless. People are frightened by this, for the crane fly is quite large and you never know which way its heading. As far as its movements, it looks quite similar to the butterfly. Also, when it comes to the natural process from egg to adult. How do you reveal yourSELF right now?

The crane fly is quite an interesting insect indeed. You will mainly see them in the twilight and at night. As soon as it starts to get dark, they are attracted to light. Just like you probably are. The world and the agenda that goes with it let its darkest sides come to light. This will result in you wanting to stay as close to the light as possible in this strange twilight era. Just like the crane fly, you want to hide in a safe environment, where the light is switched on. Dear cherished one, know you will always be safe when you are following your path of light. You are taken care of and protected.

You are probably facing a number of choices. Which direction do you choose? Or are you just flying around directionless, without following your deepest desires? Catching the latest trends? The next relationship, the next job? Are you going to become the butterfly that is hiding inside you? Or the crane fly? Both are good and the choice is yours. But if you know deep down you are settling for less than your highest purpose, what good does it do to you? Are you going to maintain the old? Continue like you always did? Or do you choose to broadening, expansion, deepening, challenges and adventures?

The crane fly encourages you to feel on these questions. What suits you? Are you ready for the manifestation of your mission, your life purpose? Or are you still a little afraid of what is to come and do you choose a stopover for now, an interim phase to get your image clear and to develop your talents even further? Both are good. Feel where you are and see what the Universe offers you. Staying around for a while, before you are truly ready to become your butterfly is not a problem. The road ahead will only take a little longer.

If you have the strength to aim for the best, BEing the butterfly, know that faster manifestation also involves greater obstacles and more intense processes. Are you ready for that? If the answer is yes, then nothing stands in your way. If the answer is no, then follow the path of the crane fly and take your time.

The crane fly has an unremarkable appearance. There is a good reason for that. Enemies easily overlook it and that keeps the species alive. You probably see that what is going on in the world. Not the things you were hoping for. If you have powers that allow you to see, feel or hear beyond, then you also see what is at stake and how the game is being played.

You would like to get up. Shout from the rooftops that humanity has to be careful. That you want to wake them up by literally and figuratively pulling their ears to ensure they understand what is at stake, but which they can’t (yet) sufficiently experience. Dear cherished one, it is not time yet. The crane fly shows you that you may certainly get in your strength, but it is still too early to put it out into the world and proclaim it freely.

Do you know how Mother Earth and the Universe communicate with you? Never in a direct way! The ‘via via’ is always used in the most extraordinary ways (Yes, the Harry Potter series also contains truths between the lines). One gets you to the other. Not everything is interesting. Being selective, putting out your feelers is a must. Leaving a lot of information for what it is, because the sign is usually found in the first bit.

Information may come to you through different people. They say a word that triggers you somewhere, because that word you have encountered before in your life or very recently in another way. Right now you can discover very important silver linings that are interwoven with your BEing and that may provide you with direction for further steps or for solving ‘quests’ that you are struggling with and are so eager to find the answers to.

The crane fly shows that the ways Universe and Mother Earth use to communicate with you and help you on your path and in your growth are constantly expanding as you evolve.
Also know that the people who give you that word, that image, that video, belong to the new network that is unfolding, before it is time for it to show itself out in the open. Until then, the unobtrusiveness of the crane fly is leading. Be patient for a while… and work on your growth, the strengthening of yourSELF and what you have to offer the new world.

How far is your reach
If you don’t have a range on your cell phone, you can’t use it. If you cut yourself off from your true BEing and your beautiful energetic gifts, you don’t add anything. Why are you here on earth? The mosquito tells you about spreading love. The crane fly goes a step further. Its long legs reach much further. How do you use your gifts to serve the greater good, ignoring fear completely? Creating and spreading only out of love what is important for the whole process of humanity’s awareness.

Your energetic reach is greater than you may suspect. Use your long legs to put love into the world, in your own unique way. By visualizing the new world, by creating texts, paintings, affirmations, a beautiful garden, everything works, as long as it contributes to increasing the Mother Earth’s energetic transformation. Everything that inspires you also inspires others. If the previous was not part of your task here, you would not be here now.

You may also have noticed that you perceive much more than normal. The 5G deployment happens also on a spiritual level. What we see literally built on earth, the cell towers and son on, is just a weak reflection. It has happened before that you thought of someone and then suddenly, they call you or send you an app. It goes much deeper now. Experiencing the same words, the same thoughts, the same things. What was already running parallel to each other is beginning to reveal itself. Learn from this, dear cherished one. See what unfolds. Practice your telepathic skills. It is not a coincidence what is happening.

Transformation on all fronts
The crane fly is not harmful. At least in its adult stage. The process is from egg, to emelt (larva), to pupa, to adult crane fly. Where are you? In the larval phase you will tend to ‘eat your way through’. Not only with all kinds of information, but also with everything that is edible. During this phase, you can do damage. Both energetically and literally by the choices you make regarding nutrition. The larva is in the ground and mainly eats waste products. You could see that in the human world as the processed food that many of us consume. As your consciousness grows and your development continues, you will also have to adapt what you eat in order not to stagnate the process.

Once grown, the emelt switches to eating roots and parts of grasses and plants that grow below and just above the earth. These parts hold a lot more nutrients. Think of it as switching to organic products, preferably not from a factory. Honest products, that contribute to the recovery of the earth and therefore also to that of your BEing. The purer what you ‘ingest’, the purer your BEing will become. On all levels.

The moment the emelt turns into a pupa and retreats into its cocoon, a kind of reflection process begins. Questions like: “What am I doing? Who am I anyway? What am I doing here?” are returning over and over again. Patience, dear cherished one, it will ‘pup up’ when the time is right. All you have to do is to turn INside and absorb and accept the transformation. Phew, that is quite a challenge, isn’t it?

Still, if you remain resolute and trust that your path is a path of light and love, the insights will come naturally. During this phase, you will see more and more silver linings in your life. Things that once triggered you, but where you didn’t know why, suddenly fall into a kind of chain of events. If you take the time for it (not unimportant, because most people forget that), you gain more insight into what has happened and what might possibly unfold.

It is up to you to provide it with the right energy in this cocoon phase. Even though you regularly feel paralyzed and tired. That is also allowed. Just take your time. Awakening is quite a feat and to transform from sleeping to a fully-fledged loving being is too. You are allowed to be kind to yourSELF, to not set the bar too high, or be too hard on yourSELF, or too demanding to have everything being changed within 1 day and even want to be in control of all this (control freak).

Dear cherished one, it is just impossible! Do you believe that the emelt of the crane fly is mind gaming in its cocoon? That it is worried about how it is going to get out? No, of course not! It is a natural process it is confident about. Are you going to try to do this the same way? Just surrender to the transformation that will bring you the best results? That without you secretly having anything to say about it, will develop your most beautiful BEing?

The only thing you can do inside your cocoon is visualize your most beautiful BEing. Put your best intentions in your cloud. Create the most beautiful world you will be a part of. Leave the rest to the Universe and Mother Earth. You will find that this allows for so much more inner peace and quiet if you just accept that a day doesn’t go the way you wanted. You will learn to live with an ache here and a complaint there. It usually goes away by itself, if what you do is in line with your highest good and trust in the forces of nature.

Time slot
Once emerged, the crane fly comes into BEing. It is in some kind of time slot. This time slot only gives it a few days to mate. It doesn’t eat, or hardly eats, because it doesn’t have time for that at all. If you draw the parallel with humanity, you could see this phase as the time slot of our life here on earth. We have been given a certain ‘time’ to create something beautiful. To live. Totally from our hearts. To enjoy the beautiful things and to end harmful behavior.

The crane fly is not harmful at all in its adult phase and it doesn’t sting either. It uses all its energy to share what it has to offer. For the crane fly this means back to basics, because this is all about reproduction. Regarding humanity this can be taken literally too, but it could mean figurative reproduction as well.

What are you going to pass on in your time slot? Days of typing behind a computer? Selling or buying destructive products or goods? Putting your beautiful energy into others or using it to work for others who will benefit from it, but not you? Do you keep seeing your gifts as unimportant? This underestimation of your self-worth won’t allow you to make the most of your time slot (life). Take the crane fly as an example.

Find a way to spread what you have to share in the world. That may be wisdom, but something creative as well. Via the digital highway or in personal encounters. Follow your heart, dear cherished one, you have crawled out of that cocoon to flutter around in complete freedom, even though the world around you makes you believe the complete opposite. Believe in yourSELF, because by following that path, happiness and joy will find their way to you. You also become an example to others, and so the global wheel of transformation is set in motion even faster.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and manifesting my dream of an Eco Reserve.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Wasp

The Wasp spiritual Naturetalk

The wasp is female and represents sisterhood. Wasps are builders. They know exactly what building materials they need to build a solid nest for their queen. They are cleaners, caretakers of Mother Earth if you will, because they eat both sweet and savory.

We humans often find wasps scary and annoying. Especially because their sting hurts and they can use their sting more than once. However, they only do so when they are cornered or challenged.

They are easily recognizable with their black-yellow bodies. Although more and more species have been added in recent years. They find their food by smell. If their larvae need protein, they will go look around in nature in order to feed them. They respond to the needs of the nest. Does that sound familiar to you? Do you always make sure no one is short of something? And it is not just about food. It is more about resigning yourSELF for the greater good. Your family, for example. In their care, the wasp doesn’t lose itSELF. On the contrary, we humans often do. That is where most things go wrong and you suddenly notice that your battery is dead. “How weird,” you think. “How is that possible? I take good care of everyone, don’t I?” But dear cherished one, do you truly take care of yourSELF?

Female Force
The wasp stands for the feminine side of your BEing. Do you let that side be covered up in this harsh society? Are you trying to keep up with the big boys? Just because you think women have as much to offer as men? That you have to live by reason? That we are equal? We are not equal. And there is good reason for that. Women are primordial caregivers of everything that lives on our beautiful planet. It is their greatest strength, and therefore their greatest pitfall. Because… you can only take care of others if you take good care of yourSELF first.

Are you a man? Is your feminine sensitive side bothering you? Do you, like a lot of women, have trouble with all that cocky behavior? There is only one advice. Don’t let it bother you! Cherish that your masculine and feminine are much more balanced. A gift from Mother Earth that you must never again see as a weakness. Also know that the cockerels have their soul alignment in the 3rd dimension and an ego that is linked to power and money. That you, as a more integrated human being, regardless of whether you are male or female, are here on Earth from the 4th or 5th dimension in order to bring about change.

Your unique talent
A heavy toll is asked of women nowadays. Besides the fact that they have to work, they also have to keep taking care of the children, preparing food and doing housekeeping. And the children are all busy these days. Literally and figuratively, this ‘pressure’ is put on the parents and women carry the heaviest burden. If you are a woman, ask yourSELF what on earth you are doing. Do you realize that the emancipation, which is eye-catchingly permitted by those in power, is nothing more than creating more slaves who can be used as workhorses.

That it is a method to distract you from what you are really doing here on earth. Because with all those things to take care off, there is no room at all to contemplate and smell the roses. If you can see emancipation in the context of the 3rd dimension, it also has its good sides. It has led to women having more equal rights and being seen more as human beings in their own right instead of lust objects, interior caretakers and/or breeding machines. Don’t forget that women are still on the losing end in crucial areas. When it comes to rewards, for example, they still earn less than a man in the same job. Cheaper workers, who run faster and settle for less.

Sure, you want to be independent. There is nothing wrong with that either. But you can also do that by just BEing yourSELF. By creating from your primal feminine power what makes you happy. By not reserving yourself for others. This doesn’t require emancipation at all. It is a general good that you as human beings treat each other respectfully, whether you are man, woman or both in one.

That the division of tasks is not tied to being a man or a woman, but to letting the talents of each individual flourish. If you, as a man, can take better care than a woman, then you do the caretaking, right? If you, as a woman, are a better builder, then why not pick up the hammer? It is not that complicated. It is simple. It has only been pulled out of context by the views that prevail in society, so many people don’t (can’t/ aren’t allowed to) do where their talent lies (and that starts as soon as you are born). If you are out of your strength right now, go and look for your unique talent.

You are complete
Humanity is being asked to enrich their BEing. Not by money, but by balancing the masculine and feminine in yourSELF. The wasp shows that in today’s society the female may become more visible. The better you manage to integrate both sides, the more you will feel that you were already complete from the moment you were born. That because of what is customary in society you have started to behave differently. Not because you wanted to, but because you had to.

Because that is how it was supposed to be in your childhood when you still had an empty hard drive. It was filled with data that you picked up or was imposed because others were typing on your keyboard. So, the big question is. Who are you? What would happen if you threw everything that has been added to you, everything that you have stored on your hard disk because of others and that you know is not from within your BEing in the virtual trash? If you would sit quietly and run a virus scan, what would you come across? Put your finger on the ‘delete button’ and make your move. Get rid of it. Just until YOU is all that remains. Do you dare? Don’t be afraid, it will be liberating.

Getting the sting out
Dear cherished one, get the sting out of yourSELF. In other words: take away what does not serve you, which takes you nowhere, makes you linger in the past, makes you feel you have to wriggle around all kinds of bends. When you go deep inside yourSELF, you know for sure how to find the spot where it hurts. There you will find that sore spot, the place where you were stung. The moment you pull the sting out of that pain point, you will feel that the pain will disappear. Maybe with some aftereffects, but eventually the pain will soften and disappear completely.

The sting has another function. You may use it, just like the wasp, when others cross your boundaries. When they push you into a tight corner, forcing themselves onto you, while you keep trying to accommodate everyone. Stop it! Be honest and set your limits. NO is an answer too. It prevents others from eating your energy all the time. They often don’t do this consciously (sometimes they do), but people always keep trying. That is what a human BEing is. If you don’t point out your limits, you keep getting walked over. You don’t have to sit in a corner crying afterwards, because you created this yourself. Put on your wasp suit and sting where it’s needed.

The wasp stands for sisterhood. That means kinship. It does not necessarily mean it is just about women. It does not exclude anyone. From the primal point of view, the feminine is more connected to Mother Earth and is given an important role in the creation of a new world. You will notice that there are people on your path with whom you feel kinship. Just as if you were ‘sisters’. Something that connects you, without having to express it in words.
It has to do with the big picture, where the Universe and Mother Earth connect with you and the others and let you connect to build the new together. Literally by initiating new forms of living, living together and being together.

Figuratively by being able to use knowledge, wisdom and skills (gifts) assigned to each individual together as a powerful tool. To clean up literally and also figuratively meant as in healing/ caring what no longer serves both the human BEing as an individual as well as in the world and to take care of the realization of the 4th/ 5th dimensional age.

Look around you. Who has recently been added to your life? Which contacts have been diluted? Don’t be sad for the loss, but cherish who has enriched your life…This way you keep your vision clear and positive and that is much needed in this special time.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Dolphin

The Dolphin spiritual Naturetalk
Image via enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay

Joy, conscience of the earth and the universe together with the whale, healer and so much more. The dolphin represents the liquid, invisible, energetic like no other. The reason is its sensitivity. Somewhere on the way to Mother Earth’s heart we meet you, as a guardian of pure energetic strings of light and unlocker of wisdom. Not only do you ensure that heavy energy can reach the heart of Mother Earth properly, in order to transform into something else, but you also ensure that pure energy flows back to the Universe through humanity. Being a traffic controller on all those two-lane roads of every soul on Earth requires tremendous dedication.

The dolphin makes humanity happy. It always look radiant and always have a smile on its face. Humanity can learn a lot from that. The beauty is that when you think of a dolphin, you automatically get a happy feeling. A smile perhaps. It immediately triggers something in your BEing. Positive energy that your cells may be longing for, making them vibrate a little higher and releasing heaviness. Humanity is allowed to think more often about the dolphin in order to be better balanced and not to take life so seriously.

Dolphins are highly sensitive. They can help you. You don’t have to meet them physically, though some very good results are activated. Energetic lines that are disturbed and cause physical or mental complaints are detected by the dolphin. From its BEing, the dolphin puts its snout on the issue directly.

Do you have that too? That you see straight through it? That you know intuitively? That people have a hard time hiding things from you, maybe even though they say there is nothing wrong? Or do you always see a bigger picture than the people around you? That you can see beyond other people’s understanding? Annoying trait, isn’t it? Yes, especially for those who can’t understand you and are structurally misinterpreting. As selfish or nagging for example. “There’s him or her again with her objections or remarks.” While you only have the best intentions and can already see where things will lead.

Let it take its course
Your dolphin gift is beautiful. You just have to learn to deal with it. Sometimes it is better to let things take their course than to press your snout in between everything to prevent this or that from happening. Sure, you want to preserve and save. That is what is in your BEing. But don’t forget, dear cherished one, everyone walks their own path. Whether it is a human being, animal, organization, workgroup or whatever.

It is better to see your gift as something for yourSELF. Something that gives you insight. Others often have something to learn and protecting them doesn’t help them. Try to be the guardian of the energetic lines that are running, just like the dolphin, even if you see that some lines won’t achieve the results you see. Maybe the result that is achieved, is a lesson already. In any case, you don’t have to (or want to) say: “You see, I told you so”. Because that won’t make you friends in this 3D world either. That is interpreted as pedantic and that is not how you want to be labelled at all.

Just wait
Observe that nature also just goes her way and doesn’t go pulling and pushing to get something done. That is counterproductive. So is your well-meaning unsolicited advice as well. In fact, it is best not to open your mouth until asked. That sounds crazy, but it is essential. Why is it essential? If you put out your truth unasked, or if are seeking a listening ear and you start providing solutions straight away, your energy and efforts fall on deaf ears.

Did that person ask for your help? Maybe offering a shoulder or just quietly listening to someone’s story is what they needed. Dear cherished one, we have become programmed to come up with advice directly. This takes away the space that allows to feel what the other person REALLY needs.

It is a kind of fleetingness. Problem -> you MUST do this and then it’s solved. This indirectly indicates that you are quickly getting rid of this person, regardless whether or not it is your intention at that moment, consciously or unconsciously.

It is about the quick fix principle of wanting to save someone. You throw 10 lifebuoys and hope the other person grabs one of them. But if that person is not ready, then all those lifebuoys will remain untouched. Someone will only grab your lifebuoy if he or she believes that what you share will take him or her further. This means this person has to be open to it, literally and figuratively. No sooner and no later.

Stop giving unsolicited advice. The dolphin already knows this. It helps anyone who turns to it with any question. And since its conscience spans centuries and centuries, its answers always offer comfort, love and points its snout to the sore spot. Not to hurt the other or you, but to show what you may work on. In other words, you are given a buoy, but you have to swim to reach the shore yourself. How beautiful is that?

Setting out and guarding your own energetic lines
The dolphin teaches you something else. Just like nature. Go your own way. Focus your energy on what you want to achieve. Don’t be afraid to choose for yourSELF. Do not be afraid that you will be lonely and alone. It only brings you more in balance and from balance you radiate more serenity. The beauty of this is that it automatically creates attraction.

Perhaps what you have done so far has been the other way around. Putting your energy on the lines of others. Helping others, taking care of others, always being ready for others at the strangest moments and times. In principle there is nothing wrong with that, because your commitment to better is a beautiful quality. However, if you do not put your energetic lines properly away and guard them, there is a big chance that you will ‘run out’ of energy, despondent, lifeless, passive.

By keeping the energy with yourSELF, you keep the control over your life, your BEing, in your own hands. You can perceive much better, in any way, what serves you and what does not. What enhances your energy and what sucks you empty? It is possible that others will hitch a ride on your energy unasked for. If you are too busy with everything outside of yourSELF, then you are less aware of that than when you are, just like the dolphin, guardian of your own energetic lines.

When the dolphin crosses your path, it is more than important that you learn to handle this well. You develop your sensitivity, your feeling. It has everything to do with giving yourSELF the self-esteem it deserves. The dolphin knows how much you are worth and will help you to see that yourself. Trust on that.

Once you are better balanced with the energy put on the right things, you will see that you feel better, more powerful and happy. Suddenly you feel like dancing, singing, jumping, running or whatever. Your energetic BEing becomes a magnet that attracts others. Often more like-minded people. When you have worked on your inner SELF, then you radiate other energy and that energy attracts people who are more in alignment with you. There is only one thing about it. Some people will pretend to be better than they really are. However, since you have practiced guarding your lines, at least now you can see straight through that. No draining energy from you, unless you are okay with it.

And then the sun will break through. The smile on your face. Dolphins love to play. On, over, tumbling around each other in the water’s weightlessness. Can you sense this wonderful feeling? The dolphin shows you that this is for you too. If you experience it in your body when you read this, then you know it is there. If you take the advice of the dolphin seriously, the sooner you reach the same state of BEing. Can you play outside together, with people, animals, plants or anything else that nature brings us?

The finely attuned energy that the dolphin naturally carries has a healing effect. It’s pure BEing heals. It doesn’t have to do anything for that but to be present. You automatically get that smile on your face or that happy feeling when you see a dolphin, don’t you? If you are able to BE, just like the dolphin, then it will automatically heal you.

If you are in your head too much then your face is (too) serious, nervous, frowning and maybe even frustration. What are you actually radiating at such a moment? Look around you, at people sitting on bicycles, in the car, on the train, on the bus, on the street. Where are those people? What are their faces like?

If you look around, and probably you belong to them sometimes or regularly as well, you mainly see faces that are kept busy from their heads. Completely absorbed in thought, distracted by toys that are supposed to keep the head busy, such as PCs, telephones and earplugs with whatever pops out of the speakers. There is an ‘absent’ sign around their necks and the appearance of that person is the same.

There are exceptions to the rule. The one who waves, laughs, says goodbye, asks a question. The one who is here in the NOW. The one who sees, brings people back to where they are at that moment. Maybe there is a smile on the other person’s face, a surprised look, a greeting that is reciprocated. Are you the one who glows like the dolphin? Who just brings healing by BEing in the NOW. Just by your presence. Whether you are doing something or not, whether you are alone or with others, it doesn’t matter.

By just BEing YOU, also described as fully in FLOW, you already contribute very much to the greater whole. You are at that moment the link that is calm, serene and stable. Who offers a natural counterbalance to the chaos that is being created around us. You won’t have to pull out huge antics to help the world. Help yourSELF. Be in the flow of the moment, because that is where the space is created that opens up inner wisdom and the magic of life, that makes everything possible. Not by forcing everything with your head and squeezing you into curves, structures, models and more to follow or to read you completely drowsy. Only to be a complete BEing will get you the furthest. The dolphin is living proof of this. That is marvelous, isn’t it?

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Bear

The Bear spiritual Naturetalk
Image via Phillip Black via Pixabay

Brown or white, big or small, the bear is powerful. It is a protector and helper for those who lack courage or who have trusting issues. It often stands behind you or empathizes with you. Why does it do this? Because it knows that you can use its power. Strength to keep going. Getting it right, allowing you to step beyond your own imposed limitations. Without knowing what it will lead to. When the power of the bear is with you, it creates trust. The feeling that you are not alone. And that is exactly the point.

The bear has been seen as an animal of strength for centuries. For good reason. Male strength and female gentleness are combined in a special way in the bear. It is considered dangerous by humanity. We are in awe of it. The Indian shamans use its skin, including head, in rituals to identify with its special BEing.

Teddy bear
The bear comes in friendship. In love. It puts its big body behind yours and you can curl up in its cuddly fur. Feeling safe knowing it is with you. When you stand together, you are strong. In those moments, you suddenly feel taller and more powerful. When the bear comes to help you, be honored. It comes for a reason. It already knows that you are worth it, and all you have to do is feel it and put your trust in it.

The power of the bear does its work even without being physically present in our lives. There is good reason why it is the favorite stuffed animal in the world. Bears have had a role in many new souls on this planet since childhood. Did you have a teddy bear, too? It was a great feeling to have one, wasn’t it?

Focus on yourSELF
The bear brings you the message to focus on yourSELF and what you can do for good on this planet. The bear lives solitary for a reason and knows like no other that self-reliance comes first, and sharing second. It doesn’t ‘need’ anything or anyone else to be in its element. It asks you to realize that your focus may have been on unimportant things for a long time. Things outside yourSELF. Focus on love. Focus on inner knowing. Focus on unseen power. Focus on your heart. If the bear is going to hunt fish, it can’ t just go hopping around in the water, mowing its claws through the water. That is a pointless waste of energy. See the metaphor of what you are doing every day?

YOU, dear cherished one, are the most important thing in your life. That is not selfish. That is simply cherishing yourSELF. See how valuable you are. To love yourSELF. Making your heart flow with love. The bear asks you to pay attention to this. First inside, then outside. YOU and you alone must be in balance, living from love and light in all aspects of your life. If you are out of balance, how are you able to take good care of others? It will be a half-baked attempt and you will need all the mirrors to realize this.

Food for thought
The bear needs to concentrate and not just for a few minutes. It can’ t swipe, tag, like or order online whenever it feels like. It doesn’t get fulfilled and happy from consuming images, updates, articles, books, and so on. It will take all of its BEing to make the leap at the right moment to swing its claws and grab. What it catches serves as food for both its physical and energetic body. Organic (or purely biologic), as well as raw.

What about you? If you want to get more aligned with yourSELF, everything you do in your life will have an impact on your life as a whole. If you buy processed food, it doesn’t add anything to your BEing. Do you order a lot of food online? Do you know where it comes from? It is not the company you order from, it is where this company gets its ingredients. What are these products? That is never on the receipt. It is actually quite strange that you eat things you don’t know where they come from, especially if it is cheap. It is stuffing, dear cherished one, stuffed with lots of sugars and salts and all kinds of other artificial junk in it. That can’t be good for you. Stop it. Your growth depends on it.

The bear already knows this. It just shops in its backyard. Or if it is a little sparse there, it will look nearby. It always eats the best of the best, fresh from nature. It is up to you to do the same. The bear prefers to eat less than to be taken out of balance by food with a low energy frequency. It makes him lazy and fat. It makes it no longer feel like hunting and will only get more and more lust for stuffing. A vicious circle for many people. Its energy is only present for a short time, and therefore its focus, and it pollutes its pure BEing. Its powerful energy can no longer flow, as it was meant to. This also applies to you. BEing pure has EVERYTHING to do with what you consume.

An appeal is made to your purity and honesty. Where did that go? BEing pure begins with Being honest to yourSELF. You are all natural by nature. On your life’s path you have been polluted. Inside and out. Doesn’t matter, because that is how you were taught. But you have a choice every single day and the bear urges you to make that choice.

Cleaning, purifying every aspect of your BEing. Body and mind. First on the inside, then on the outside. Figuratively washing your windows and vacuuming. Clean the haze before your eyes (3 of them), like the raccoon. Suck the dust away by focusing on deep breathing in oxygen and light. Blow away impurities when exhaling. Clean your body. Clean it of toxins that you put in daily. Rub with your back against a tree, like the bear does. Do happy bear dances. Purify your heart. By feeling love for yourSELF. It is allowed. Nothing or nobody has any influence on this.

You are the one who decides. Put yourSELF in the light. Open the doors to your heart and let it in, ensuring all pain, sorrow, disappointment, distrust is burned and the loving energy from Mother Earth and the Universe can flow freely again.

Purify your head. Turn away from the outside input that distracts and influences us soooo much. If you allow yourself to be guided by your heart, because that is where the real wisdom you need in this life lies, your head will literally become silent. The more you focus on life from your heart, the more your head will be filled with loving, happy, positive thoughts. You will find that there is no more room for the ‘yesses, the if’s, the buts’, the roadblocks that your head is always trying to throw up, sowing doubt and undermining trust in yourSELF.

The power of the bear puts an end to this, for it consists only of love and light. Call for its help if you feel you can use it. Ah, there is your head again: “That is crazy!” “No, I am not gonna do that.” “What will others think of that?” “You can’t do that.” Feel, dear cherished one, the bear is coming your way for a reason. One your head couldn’t think of before, could it? In a world where everything is energy, NOTHING, truly NOTHING is crazy, weird or worthy of rejection.

Simply because all this doesn’t exist there. There is only love and light and everything is possible. So is calling for the bear’s help. You are free to choose another animal, light energy, Mother Earth or the Universe. Just what you FEEL is going to help you, heal you, purify you, etc. Let silently come what comes for you and feel how it helps you.

Ice cold the best
As long as its ice cold surroundings are familiar and everything that is taken for granted is present, the bear is simply ‘the best’. Just like you probably are. But what if the ice under your feet suddenly starts to melt? What happens? What do you fall back on? In nature, it actually happens. The ice caps melt, the original habitat of the polar bear starts to disappear. What it has been accustomed to suddenly becomes inaccessible. It can no longer roam around, to follow its food source to ensure his survival (and that of its offspring).

The moment this figurative ice is melting in your life, the base you have always relied on and of which you expected (dangerous word) that it would always be there and stay there, even then you may appeal to the power of the bear. The bear, or polar bear in this case, is really not going to throw in the towel. Its primal instinct and inner strength is much stronger than that. It won’t give up and get bored. Uselessly staring at screens. It doesn’t have time for that at all. It MUST live. Looking for what it needs to keep its BEing in balance.

In the bear’s case it is food. For you too, only food to restore your connection with yourSELF and all living things. It will have to overcome fears, make bigger jumps from one ice floe to another, swim more and more often. It will have to use all its skills and be creative. It will have to gain new wisdom about new and different routes or perhaps a whole new country. Wisdom, which it will pass on to its offspring and they to theirs. Its inner drive will help it in this endeavor. And you too MUST fall back on yourSELF when the seemingly paved road suddenly starts to crumble.

You can! You are, just like the polar bear, perfectly equipped to handle new situations. Otherwise you wouldn’t be in this life right now. You come to learn to trust your PRIMAL. On everything that is and always will be. Overcoming fears. Giving space to creation out of love and light. Discover the way to your heart and how you can reach out and share with others. Take the plunge, dear cherished one. Dive into the deep and discover new paths, routes. Make contact with and unlock the wisdom you have always had IN you. Rely on this wisdom to find your right path and leave the path of illusion for what it is. The bear is with you, so just go…

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Bee

The Bee spiritual Naturetalk
Image by Ben Kerckx via Pixabay

Zoom, zoom, you busy little bee. Always busy serving the greater good. Caring for Mother Earth and everything that lives on it, including humanity, even though they have become unfit to live in your paradise. You are found in many species. Most people know you as a honeybee because they themselves benefit from it. But your nation consists of many more species. Apart from the honeybee there are the leafcutter bees, mason bees, blood bees, fat legged bees, sand bees, quarry bees and many other species. The bumblebee, wasp and horn bee also belong to the group.

Natural hierarchy
In the bee population, everything revolves around the queen bee. It is remarkable that hierarchy reigns here too. Only it just can’t be compared with humanity’s hierarchy. Where once the ‘tribal or village elders’ were the wisest, today the most powerful are. Self-enrichment at all costs is key. The bee knows that this doesn’t work. If you start from power systems, often with large egos at the ‘head’ and the linked money system, then it becomes difficult to get people excited. It doesn’t matter much in these systems either, because it’s much better to have servile minions who get ‘punished’ if they don’t do what you tell them to do. The bee lives in a completely different world.

The bee is born out of a system of maintaining a greater good. It is there to preserve Mother Earth and it feels good doing that. There is no hassle and fuss about what needs to be done one day, because it allows itself to be guided by its inner drive, which naturally contributes to our beautiful planet. It doesn’t think about all kinds of options and doomsday scenarios. It knows no worries because it KNOWS it will be taken care of. It relies on that effortlessly. We should take this as an example as humanity.

Inner drive
What is the current situation? Do you feel that you are a link? And how do you fulfil your role as linking pin? Who do you spend your energy on and how does it help you and the greater good? Are you at the head of your life yourSELF or is your head the manager? It doesn’t matter because it had grown into that. Currently you are probably mainly occupied with short term things. Things that only relate to the time lock of your life or shorter. Like your To Do lists, the time and energy your family/ friends consume and then you also have to work out or do something else active, because that is what everybody does, right?

You got a good set of brains, but are you not using them the way they’re supposed to. They can be used for cause and effect, but in a different way than you suspect and/or have learned. Many young people, including you if you’ve moved with the times, have problems in this area. The introduction of technology and all the screens caused a readily available overload of information. They are no longer able to use their brains to distinguish, to make choices, to see cause and effect. If I do this, what happens next? What impact will my choice now have later on? It could be the same day, but also in a couple of years, or when you are old. Are you thinking about what your impact will be on the lives of your (grand)children?

So, the focus is mainly on the short term. The next few hours, today, maybe the weekend. Humanity as a whole is distracted, lured away from what it is really important. Frantic brains that keep buzzing and therefore lost the way to inner knowing. Losing the overview and no longer being able to function on their inner radar.

Busy bee
We are busy as busy bees, running around frantically, killing ourSELF with our unbridled addictive curiosity for more and more information, images, scores, likes, etc., but far too little return to the beehive of our BEing. A few examples. You go to the gym twice a week. You eat processed food from supermarkets whose main marketing is that they are cheap (What are you actually eating?). Your garden is full of tiles, because it is easier to maintain in your busy ‘zoom zoom to the next to do’ in your life.

Busy with what? What do all these things contribute to the generation after you? What does it do for nature? Working out is good and necessary for the proper functioning of our earthly body. Some people need this more than others, but dragging your body somewhere, for the sole purpose of living a long and happy life, is utterly useless. Unless, of course, it makes you really happy (note: you can become addicted to this, so feel good if your happiness is coming from your heart). Of course you can.

Know that walking or jogging if you want to feel like you are making an effort 😊, swimming (preferably outside in natural water), quiet exercise activities like Tai Chi and yoga, just physical work, like sweeping, washing windows, gardening and playing (yes, as an adult you can just play and you don’t have to have an excuse), like hopping, rope-jumping, swinging, ball games in nature. Be being OUTSIDE you contribute to your physical well-BEing.

If you eat the often-modified fast-growing vegetables full of artificial fertilizers, toxic herbicides and hormones (plants and trees suck this up from the soil they are on), which are usually already on their expiration date (“Not a penny too much!”), from the supermarket, you contribute to the destruction of the planet. Your planet! And the planet of all of us. Not to mention meat and fish and all other factory food made using artificially manipulated raw materials and supplemented with artificial additives for color, shelf life and taste, too many sugars and salts. The consumption behavior of humans is the cause of the disappearance of the bee. And what do you do?

If your garden is full of tiles or even artificial grass because you never have to mow it, and there are hardly any bee friendly plants in it, what chance do you give the generation after you to survive?

Don’t run to the first garden center, because there too, many flowering plants are so manipulated/refined that they no longer carry nectar at all. Actually, they are artificial plants, only they are not made of plastic. Ever been in a garden center that is in ‘open air’? How many bees, bumblebees and butterflies did you see flying around? To which plants where they attracted to? And how quickly did they leave them? None??????? Isn’t that strange with all that blooming stuff on a few square meters? Better choose organic plants, flowers, seeds, trees, and shrubs. These are often available at the smaller nurseries.

Use your brain
This, dear cherished one, is what your brain is meant for. Remarkability, alertness, vigilance, discernment, etc. Take a close look at the things we have been inspired to swallow and conclude that reality may be very different from what has been or is projected on you, all the time that you have been walking around here on earth.

Humanity has taken bees and their purpose as everlasting, as well as other pollinating insects, such as butterflies. Just taken for granted. And even now, knowing that we are destroying the worlds of many insects because of our behavior, we just keep on going. Self-interest, read money and greed, is larger than maintaining, cherishing, and respecting nature. Greed and doing things to caress your ego brings short-sightedness and encompasses merely a short-term vision.

That may really change now. The bee almost begs for it. Not only for its survival, but also for that of all the organisms that have to keep Mother Earth’s ecosystem in balance. The bee is not greedy. It shares. It makes an unconditional effort to do her utmost in this life for the next generations who will settle on earth after her. That is where its focus lies, from the day she flies out.

Help wanted!
Dear cherished one, have you forgotten? Have you become distracted? Have you been dragged along by society? And is that healthy for you, your environment and nature? It is never too late to realize. To become aware of what you are really doing with your life and what that contributes. You really don’t have to sit on a mountain like a hermit. Modern society and the technology that comes with it also has its advantages.

The bee just asks you to look around you. To see with open eyes where you can do better for the planet. Just in your own surroundings. It will work contagiously if you start with that. You will also notice that your self-esteem changes. Because you really do something good. From your heart. You too are tasked with taking care of the planet. Just like the bee. Working together in this is sublime.

Glad to BEE
Recharging. Waking up. Seeing. Rise and shine. Action. Happiness comes from within. Gives you a wonderful feeling. It makes your whole body function better. How happy are you? Bee-ing happy is something completely different from being cheerful. They are similar but being truly happy is connected to a deeper feeling. There is a form of gratitude in being happy. A gratitude that lasts longer than being happy with your newest purchase or gadget. After all, that kind of happiness will pass soon enough, and you MUST buy something ‘new’ again to fill the hole in you with stuff (or food). The lack of true happiness is the cause of many problems, ailments and illnesses.

The art is to BE happy every day. It is very difficult in these times and that is why the bee is the one who comes to help you. By giving you insight that true happiness lives inside of you. That whining and moaning do not contribute. That it is better to look at what is going well. To look at what you DO have, a good health for example, or loving relationships with friends, family, your partner and / or children. That there is healthy food on the table every day. The taste of honest fruit and vegetables. That your garden attracts many bees and butterflies. That you don’t have to push yourSELF all the time and take some time for yourSELF as well. Just to BE. That it is more magical to look around you instead of on a screen all day.

A lot of things are happening in your surroundings in REAL life. Using your ears and eyes outside in nature feeds your BEing more than a pair of headphones (energetically disastrous) on your head wanting to do 3 other things at the same time. Or staring at the TV or another screen in zombie mode, often simultaneously. Go add something to the world, dear cherished one. Happiness and gratitude are in it. Fill your inner hole and let both flow.

Queen of your life
A queen who chooses respect and equality. Who performs well, allowing her beehive to grow into a large, healthy, and lively whole. Are you the queen of your life? Or are you the worker bee and let someone else be queen? Someone who has a grip on your life built on old structures of power, ego, and money? Dependency comes into being. A vicious circle is forged. If you don’t have or do this, you can’t do this or that. And do you get bogged down in it?

Time for action. You are the queen of your life. You are a beautiful bee. You are in control and decide what you allow and what not. You don’t have to swallow anything that doesn’t resonate with your deepest BEing. If you choose to give your life in a dependency role based on having power over you, you won’t get as far as you could. Of course, you may walk this path. The choice is yours. Also know that you have everything you need to shape your life exactly the way you want it to be. You can still live in today’s society, just in your own unique way.

It requires a change of mind. Seeing opportunities, contributing, sharing, being a creative bee. Stop worrying about what could happen. Don’t think in shortages or lack, but trust that you will be taken care of when you let your deepest motive come to the surface of your daily life. Break the circle, dear cherished one. YOU can do it. REALLY. The bee has already seen that, otherwise it wouldn’t have brought you this message. Secretly you are a queen. Behave accordingly and be a shining example to others.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Swallow

The Swallow spiritual Naturetalk
Photo by Pixabay

The swallow brings you a message of fresh starts. Do you feel like you would like to throw everything overboard and make a fresh new start? A start where you are just yourSELF? Completely balanced, without worrying about what other people think or think of you? To feel that you finally want to let go of all the dead weight. Not just emotionally, but also in your daily life. To let go of it all en be totally free…

This could be the case, because this time is all about transformation. Change on all fronts and that can be pretty intense. Rising tensions in your relationships, at work, when dealing with children or with your parents. It is all true. The planets, the sun and the moon are already showing their most special appearances and interaction in recent years. That means that people are waking up on a large scale. Suddenly wanting to dedicate themselves to humanity, the planet and the animal kingdom. You wonder what you have actually done all these years that has really contributed to the big picture.

Going crazy
In your surroundings you may see a lot of people going crazy at the moment. Losing their way. No longer knowing who they are and what they are doing. They cannot cope with the high peak energies and get confused as a result. They become the plaything between light and dark. Everyone has to deal with deep traumas and unsolved karma. Often this manifests itself in physical complaints or illness. Not that this is much fun, but it is necessary to solve this, to look deep inside yourSELF and dare to see where you can still work things out. This can be seen as a setback, because you were on your way just as well, but rather see it as the condition for growth. What you let go of creates space, and you may use that space to move forward. How beautiful is that?

The hardening of society
It has been a mess on the world stage for a while now. That runs parallel to the planetary positions. More and more trouble is coming to light. Those in power are trying to hold onto their reins as their carriages start to fall over. Artificial interventions are quickly devised to keep everything in line, but Mother Earth’s gravity is stronger. Once inclined, only one corner is all that remains and the whole thing collapses. That causes unrest, but dear cherished one, it also creates space for renewal. The realization of humanity that they can’t carry on like this anymore, that they have to, and can do, things differently.

Go with the flow
The swallow flies where the airflow is most nutritious. Depending on the air pressure, insects fly higher or lower in the atmosphere. The swallow is guided by this flow and therefore knows exactly where to find the right breeding ground to guarantee its survival and that of its offspring. The advice for you is: ‘go with the flow’. Let yourself be carried away by the moment, enjoy every minute, don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow the atmosphere will be different and you can’t anticipate on that today. Look around you, enjoy cloud formations, nature and the love of and for people and animals around you. Pay attention to ‘coincidences’, which are ‘naturally’ not coincidental at all. (Times, numbers, animals acting crazy, appearing in strange places or looking for you). Look for the meanings if you can’t sense them. There are messages waiting for you. All you have to do is notice them and you will see how remarkably this is going to help you…

1 swallow does not make it a summer yet
Dear cherished one, if you are on the path of consciousness because of the beautiful energies, make sure you cherish it. Be thankful for every development you go through. No matter how big or small it is. You always develop according to the universal laws that determine how big or small your steps may be. The more you focus on your BEing, the more absorbed the light energies will be. The more you take time to quietly listen and tune in with your higher self, the more you come into balance. Realize that everything will manifest at the right moment. Maybe you still have an issue with ‘patience’, then you will be put to the test in this one. Have faith, dear cherished one, that a beautiful path will unfold for you as well. So don’t burn all your ships behind you before the time is right, because one swallow does not make it a summer yet.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Moth

the moth naturetalk
Copyright Naturetalk

Moth, what am I supposed to do without you? Moth, do something about the pain… many of the higher aligned people on this planet have suffered traumas in their lives. They may have happened in this life, but in the past and future as well. It is possible that these traumas stick to you, without you being able to reach them. It could be that your passed-on DNA traumas have painful events, illnesses or other hardships attached to your earthly family line. It is up to you to solve all this, creating space to further alleviate the total karma of the planet.

That sounds super heavy and it actually is. The good news is that YOU can handle it. That is why you are here on earth.

The moth comes crawling out of its hiding place when the shadow of evening falls. Are you still hiding from the outside world? Do you only dare to come out for who you really are when it feels safe? That is not weird at all. Somewhere inside you, there is a kind of warning mechanism that tells you exactly to whom you can and can’t show your true SELF. Yet the moth asks you to get over your fear and stand tall in the world. But you don’t have to shout it from the rooftops, as that would be an ego thing to do.

You will always run into people who, even though you have already put your ego behind you, will still give you an ego mark. Know that this is their perception and that they can’t do any better in this life. After all, the 3rd dimension is driven by the ego. Like the 5th dimension however, here the ego no longer has anything to do with self-centered or selfish, but everything with one’s SELF commitment to the greater whole. Dear cherished one, you know that many people cann’t understand or hear you. That doesn’t really matter at all. It is up to you to be selective about who you do, and don’t deal with. All the lessons you learn in this process will provide an impulse to your intuitive sensor.

That doesn’t mean you can go on living like a hermit. Because you were once a 3rd dimension soul so many lives ago, you better than anyone, knows how to treat most of the world lovingly. Let it be as it is. After all, change has to come from man himself and unintentional advice is always addressed to deaf ears.

The moth shows you that you can live perfectly well in this third dimension world, but that you may use your unique gifts to take your seat, just as the moth does at dusk and in the night.

Still, the moth is always attracted to light. Take a look at lampposts or other outdoor lighting. Light works like a magnet, as does the heat that comes from these lights. Don’t we, as humans, all need light and warmth?

What can’t bear the light of the day
Is it true that you still have a lot of things to answer for? Things you are not proud of, but that have happened anyway? And are you at peace with that now? Or do those things still ‘stick’ to you, preventing you from growing? The moth asks you to look at these things again. Not with an angry, sad or disappointed feeling, but just with curiosity.

Why did it go like this? Why did you act like this? Can you see the lesson hidden in it? Have you been pulled out of your comfort zone, in any way, and lowered yourself to behaviors or actions that are actually very far removed from your true SELF? Why did you let that happen? Probably it has to do with not daring to be your true SELF or allowing others, consciously or unconsciously, to pull you out of your power. Dear cherished one, know that your power is essential to be able to stand firm in life.

The moth talks about expectation. Expectation or expectation patterns are a great deception to humanity. An expectation is created by the mind and that can even create a feeling. If someone says you: “I thought you would call me.” (Do you recognize this question?) Of course you haven’t called and that’s why you hear the slightly blameful tone seeping through in this sentence. It isn’t up to you, it is up to the other person who has thought up something in his or her head that you should comply with without you knowing it. And well, that may lead to disappointment, because 9 out of 10 expectations do not come true. These are speculations that lead to you being taken out of balance at the hands of others. Unless you realize in time that this whole expecting leads to nothing, only to disappointment.

Of course it can also be the other way around. Do you often apply words that implicate an expectation in your daily life? And does the sentence: “I thought you would call me?” applies to you as well? Stop it! You unintentionally make a claim to others, who are not aware of anything. It has everything to do with your own ego need for attention. That isn’t fair, because if others start to feel obligated, there will be nothing left of a spontaneous well-meant contact. If you feel the need to speak to someone, don’t be so difficult and contact them yourself. The sentence used here, of course, is just one example. Expectation can be formed in many ways. Expecting is actually a disguised way of saying that you demand something from someone. That doesn’t feel right at all, does it?

If you want to grow in this life, it is important that you are in the NOW as much as possible. There is no place in the NOW for expectations that lie somewhere in the future. There is only space for what you create today. The moth knows all about that. It’s life is often short and therefore it is important that it makes the most of the time it has, so that it can fly tomorrow again if necessary. That goes for you as well.

Everything you think, say, do today has an impact on what your day will look like tomorrow. Maybe now you think (yes, there’s that head again): “What a nonsense. But have you ever tried it? That you are your best SELF today, doing as much good as possible and being positive (even though your situation might not be so rosy right now). If you do that for a few days in a row, you will notice that something changes. It’s not like you are doing well today and will have a great life at breakfast tomorrow. It always takes effort, dear cherished one. That goes for to you too.
Don’t think, but (inner) know

A milder variant of expecting is “I thought”, or “I assumed” with the addition of “that you would come by”, “that you would have done the shopping”, “that you would pick up the kids from school”, etcetera. Dear cherished one, it doesn’t work. You always have to know things for sure. And knowing, as many of you hopefully know by now, has to do with wisdom and it comes from the heart. Or, if you see it in the 3rd dimension world, a factual foundation or an accurate check whether it is true. In the latter case, your head is very useful.

To help you remove these speculative sentences, you can replace them with knowing. “I KNOW that you will pick up the kids from school”, “I KNOW that you will arrive today”. Because you have checked it or agreed upon it, so the outcome is not false but true.

Twilight takes place between day and night. The moment when light turns into darkness. Know that you too have a dark side and that it is allowed to be there. A dark side can be very useful. Especially if you use the power that is released to create light. Sometimes you have to be clear with others, because otherwise the other person will not take the message of your personal boundaries seriously and will always try to walk over you like a little child who doesn’t get his way. Then the power of the moth can help you.

Put a barrier (read about the mirror below) between your light and the darkness of the other so that the twilight area disappears. Often others project their learning moments onto you and it is up to you what you do with it. Will you go along with it? Do you lower your energetic frequency? And are you going to blame it on your SELF? Or doubt yourSELF? Don’t do it, it isn’t yours. The other has an issue to solve and it is up to you to hold up the mirror in front of the other. Useful to know that when you put a mirror figuratively between you and the other person, you will notice that the energy that the other person tries to project on you reflects directly back to him or her.

Perhaps after reading this text there is work for you to do. Ask the moth to help you create clarity, so that you don’t pick up everything at once, but can work in small steps. It will allow you to to grow step by step.

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The Mosquito

The Mosquito naturetalk
Photo by Pixabay

The mosquito is considered a parasite by humanity and it kind of is. But the mosquito has characteristics and an appearance that we, as beings of light, can learn something from. Do you wonder wat the mosquito contributes to the greater good? Also when it comes to ecological balance? Up until now there was no good answer for that question, unless you look for it from a completely different angle.

Have you seen them yet? The mosquitoes performing their dance together at dusk? They emerge when the temperature and the sun go down. They are glad when the night is coming and they can go hunting. We humans have a different rhythm (talking about dancing). In the morning when we get up, it wouldn’t be crazy at all if we were able to start the day with a little dance.

Would you be able to do that? A dance, because you are eager to fly into the new day? Or at the end of your day, because many great things happened? When was the last time you danced? Out of sheer happiness? Have you forgotten to dance at all? Have you lost it? Because you can’t dance, others laugh at you, or because you weren’t taught. Dancing brings joy… Aha there is the joy dance again. It makes you feel happy. The mosquitoes dance without music, at least we can’t hear their music. Dance on your own with the music in your head or play that old classic, dance with your family, children, just act crazy. It frees and loosens everything up (even your stiff hips)…

Some people always get stung. “They have sweet tasting blood,” they say. Mosquitoes are indeed attuned to smell. The smell for food that allows them to reproduce. One mosquito is not the other, but like bees you go to the flower that has the most nectar. What about your smell? Do you smell a lot or little? Or don’t you pay attention to smells? Except when something stinks. Everyone recognizes that.

Smell is a very important organ, which probably attracted you to your partner, if you have one. Smell is decisive in your choice for a partner, but also in your daily life. During spring, everything smells fresh, new, sweet. Signs that summer is coming, the time of abundance. When rain comes or autumn arrives, you can smell it in the air. What else does scent do? Think of your shower foam or your shampoo, which you choose on the basis of whether it smells ‘good’ (no matter how artificially this smell often is).

Do you ever smell flowers? Different from that bunch you get every now and then or buy for yourself? Do you ever experience that you expect them to smell nice, but not give off any scent at all? Those are real ‘fake’ flowers. Commercially cultivated, without having had the time to develop their scent or manipulated in such a way that there is no smell left. Dear cherished one, this is a very bad development. Because when you shower with your favorite shower foam it influences your sense of freshness and happiness. If you put some fragrant flowers in your home, the energy in your home changes. You can experience this by adding some hyacinths or white lilies, for instance.

Fragrance contributes to your well-BEing! So you don’t have to be ashamed if you suddenly stop in the street and press your nose into the neighbor’s roses, buddleia or lilacs. Just do it. Let yourself be guided, or better seduced, by smell (and don’t buy odorless flowers/plants anymore). The more you develop this organ, the better you will be able to listen to your senses and, like the mosquito, smell will help you make new, better, healthier choices. Not only in terms of shampoo, but also in terms of detergents, food (vegetables, fruit, meat, fish). If you can smell properly, you will smell what is fake (artificial) and what is real. So it is worth it to develop your smell.

Who do you sting?
A mosquito bite is quite annoying. Mosquitoes are spreaders of diseases. If they had any say in that, remains to be seen. It is a wonderful way to quietly, without anyone noticing, spread diseases for which there is no cure yet.

But here true focus is rather focus on the positive stinging kind. You too, dear cherished one, have the qualities of the mosquito inside you. Huh? Yes, you have! If you do good for other people, you touch those people. Often unnoticed, just like the mosquito. Giving a compliment, greeting people on the street, being friendly no matter what, remaining loving even if you would sometimes prefer to stick your partner or children behind the wallpaper. These are all things that unnoticed, or better unconsciously, have an effect on the other person. It doesn’t matter if that is immediately visible, or in a later stage of their lives. Someday the mosquito bite you left behind will start to itch and even if they don’t remember the sting, the effect is guaranteed.

What if we inject a mosquito with love and release that mosquito to sting people, giving them a mosquito bite that spreads the love virus. Would that be scary? Or wouldn’t that be something we all long for? Would we take a mosquito bite for granted when we know we have been touched with love? That we constantly have a warm feeling inside, that we are allowed to be ourselves, without that being weird. That all suffering (for humans, animals and everything else that thrives on Mother Earth) disappears, because greed, power, money and ego no longer matter? What would the world look like then?

You, dear cherished one, have the power to be the mosquito that spreads the love virus everywhere. Living and knowing from the heart is the key. That you still have to take the necessary obstacles, that you have to deal with fears, anger or sadness from the past is not a bad thing. It is about making an effort to love yourSELF as if you have become infected and to radiate this all around you. To be good, not only for the people around you, but also the ground you live on or the animals (including insects) that enjoy living in your environment.

You must be averse to nit-picking. People who whine incessantly about unimportant details. But imperceptibly you can also be one of them. Talking about your newest purchases (sneakers, clothing probably from China) isn’t necessarily a good thing. That you don’t understand why people act like they do toward you. That you worry about the mess in the house. That you have to vacuum the house. Or that you share your to do list of earthly activities with everyone extensively during dinner. That is called nitpicking.

Because what is it really about in your life? That list or that you are healthy and happy? That by BEing loving, you support and help your children or others around you and that they in turn support and love you unconditionally. We, as humanity, still have a great leap to take. You are probably already on the right track, but there is still so much to improve. You are already working on yourSELF and dedicating yourself to other people, separating your waste, but at the same time you just clean your toilet with chlorine and kill snails.

As an effect, the hedgehogs and blackbirds have less to eat or they eat poisoned snails. If you use salt, you torture them with a slow and painful death. You use green mildew remover, because that is the most effective they say, even though a scrubbing brush and plain water will give you the same effect. The only thing is that this is totally not interesting in a money driven world. You throw away a lot of food, while you can feed bread (please only organic, otherwise you destroy the ecosystem) to the ducks or birds, or make a soup from leftover veggies. Even better, just buy less, use more effectively and preferably without plastic wrapping. Dear cherished one, know that everything is inextricably linked.

Look and DARE to see if and how you contribute to this world in the broadest sense of the word. It is the law of giving and taking that partly determines whether you grow when you are stung or whether you keep scratching in the hope that the itching will quickly disappear and take for granted the scar, in other words the damage to yourSELF, your environment and Mother Earth that is created, with all its consequences.

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