The Earwig

The Earwig spiritual Naturetalk
Imageby Beverly Buckley via Pixabay

The earwig tells you about having faith in the invisible. Not necessarily in what is between heaven and earth. Even when it comes to not being able to oversee what the effect or impact will be on something that you create or do from your inner drive in the long term. If you trust your intuition and take action on it, the Universe will set everything in motion for it to be successful. It is a fact that the Universe does not tell you this in advance. Neither can it, because as you know, darkness is always listening in. It would then be far too much in the spotlight. When the earwig comes on your path, then it is time that you take the pads, the figurative earwigs (no, they don’t really crawl into your ear), out of your ears, to come out of your hiding place and start listening.

Earwig: catchy songs
Everybody recognizes it. A song that just gets stuck in your head. These songs are often annoying, like the tunes in amusement parks that are constantly surrounding you. An unwanted song you cannot escape from is called an earwig. The Universe works in a similar way. By softly whispering in your ear what you should be doing or what you should be focusing on. Intuitively you know this too, but relying on it might be a bridge too far. Even though you really don’t have anything to lose.

There is an essential difference between what your head imprints on you and what your higher SELF, the Universe or guides whisper to you. You can only learn to distinguish this by FEELING. What touches your heart and what does not? Your head usually doesn’t whisper, nor give hints, that somewhere out of nowhere, it seems that they pass through between layers of energetic frequencies, end up with you. Input from the great shared BEing, from light energy sources, always appears in a soft way.

Then there is something else. If you hear something very loud in your head, with your own voice or that of something else, know that it doesn’t come from high light frequencies. Send it away to where it comes from and make it clear that you do not want this. Anyone who follows the path of consciousness has experienced or is experiencing this. In any case, it is not something you should follow or believe as ‘good advice’. Whispers, that is what it is all about. And even then, you have to FEEL. You can! Trust on that.

Playing hide and seek
The earwig is a cleaner, an omnivore. Its shopping cart includes fresh and decayed leaves of plants and flowers, but also lice, mites and larvae of parasites (which plunder your garden just because they want to eat, but too much of this often cheerfully teeming scum is not necessary).

A very handy animal that helps Mother Earth to stay in balance and BE.
If you come across one and you have a vegetable garden then you better cherish the earwig and use it as a natural fighter and guardian. Regarding you, you should take a closer look at your diet. Varied and minimally organic is the motto. “I can’t pay” is no longer an excuse. The Universe has no money. If you take (the first) steps to help yourSELF and Mother Earth further towards healing and recovery, then you will receive all cooperation from the Universe. Even ‘shortages’ do not exist in the Universe. Prosperity and abundance do. You can rely on that too.

During the day, the earwig hides between the leaves of plants that are folded close together, under old leaves or wood. The best hiding places remain slightly damp, even in summer. It literally ‘worms’ itself into the smallest cracks and crevices and only shows itself in the evening and at night.

What about you? Where are you hiding? Or are you wallowing in ‘invisibility’ to the big bad outside world? Being invisible and untraceable is fine, but it is NOT why you are here on this planet right now. Deep in your heart you know that too, but now the action. Stepping away from that familiar, but often suffocating or recurring circle, that’s what your focus should be now.

Hard, hard, hard? Well, nobody said that growing would be easy, did they? All the barricades you seem to see, you secretly create them yourself. Dear cherished one, stop it! Focus on your deep inner trust that IS in there, but from which you are distracted. Through the world around you and therefore also through all the ifs’ and buts’ that your head keeps throwing on your plate.

The earwig has some kind of forcepslike pincers on their abdomen. That’s why many people find them ‘scary’. It uses these pincers to scare off any enemies. It flips up its pliers, just like a scorpion does, when danger threatens, but it cann’t stab. It is its defense mechanism. In addition, these pincers are functional. When mating, for example, to ‘keep the female pinched’. This is not a rape ritual, but a natural process. Even when it catches slightly larger larvae, the pincers will come in handy. There is a duality here.

What about your defense mechanism? I am sure you know your light sides better than your dark ones. Still, it takes knowing that both are there to keep you in balance. Everyone has dark sides. It is all about HOW you use them. Since you have also been a 1st and 2nd dimensional soul on this planet and perhaps other ‘dark’ in other energy systems, you have learned and experienced a lot about darkness. NOW, you have grown.

The earwig shows you that applying your darkness in a way that no longer suits your soul alignment will not take you any further. It is better to leave this behind. Anger, resentment, distrust, disbelief, fear, hate, judgments and linger in sorrow and loss, these are just a few emotions that only bring down your energetic frequency of unconditional love. They no longer belong to you in this life, even if you are sometimes seduced.

The knowledge that you possess dark powers is sufficient. To use your pincers as a deterrent, shall we say. Use them to show your limits, because you choose to be that unconditional source of light and love and do not tolerate intrusion by anyone or anything. There are learning moments for you there as well.

One day there may come a time when you need to be able to fall back on your dark powers. Not to connect with darkness (which is now trying to keep the world ‘pinched’), but to BE a light in the dark on a much larger scale than you can suspect now. At that moment it will become clear that these forces are necessary to achieve better, more beautiful and healthier for the greater whole. So it is not scary to look at your darkness, but to explore it with curiosity, to learn about it and to know that it is part of you.

The Earwig 1 spiritual Naturetalk

Hidden treasure
Did you know that the earwig has ‘skin wings’? Beneath its front little leather-like wings, there are beautiful semi-circular translucent wings that are up to 10 times its size. They unfold in an origami-like way. The colours of these wings are mother of pearl and in the light they have a fantastic rainbow effect. What a surprise, that this seemingly colourless creature has hidden something so beautiful underneath. The same goes for you!

The earwig asks you to show your ‘invisible’ talents. To contribute to a better world in your own unique way. Not in a third dimensional straitjacket, but from your BEing. If you have the courage to show your beauty in colour, which, just like the earwig, is 10 times bigger than yourSELF, what could happen? You don’t know. That’s not the point. It is about starting, trying, going for it, making an effort, without being able to reason (head) what the long-term effect will be. That is where the magic of life is. So let go of your fear of the unknown or uncertain and see what happens when you unconditionally (even without expectations) start listening to your intuition and take real action on it.

Giving unconditionally
The female earwig is one of the few insects that takes care of her young. She can lay up to 50 eggs per nest. When they hatch as larvae, she watches over them, brings food, cleans them to protect them against fungi and bacteria. She does this until the second molting and the earwigs have taken their earwig form. Then her job is done. You will understand that she will be completely exhausted and weakened and die. Her young then eat her and so the circle of life is complete again.

The question for you is what you are contributing to the bigger picture right now? Do you cherish our planet? Mother Earth is the foundation of our existence. How do you protect her? How do you watch over her, so that she (and you and/or your offspring) can continue to live? It is important to use your unique BEing. You can start with that in your immediate environment. Just by taking care of nature and everything it produces. Clean up trash. Whether it is yours or not. Choose consciously what you buy and consume. See where it comes from and to what extent that origin (the land, the shop) contributes.

Feel, dear cherished one. Zoom in on the frequency that products, countries, shops, etc. have. Never give in, even if your head says you can skip it for once. That way you keep the fungi and bacteria that are destroying this beautiful planet alive. Refuse to take anything, whatever it is and in whatever way, if it does NOT contribute. The larvae of the earwig only have a chance of survival if their mother makes an unconditional commitment. You’re being asked to do the same.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and manifesting my dream of an Eco Reserve.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Wolf

The Wolf spiritual Naturetalk

Walk with me wolf. Stand by my side for protection. Show me the right way. Let me be part of your pack, so that I may learn about solidarity, playfulness and inner strength. The wolf is a mythical animal. Indians attributed great powers to the wolf. Its piercing eyes resemble the moon in the sky. Moving between heaven and earth.

Important link
The wolf is an important link in nature when it comes to balancing. In the US, the wolf has been brought back to Yellowstone National Park and it has ensured that there is more balance in the animal kingdom, as well as in nature itself. Where grass plains used to be eaten completely bare, as there were no natural enemies, they are now being watched closely and nature has a better chance to recover.

This guarantees a continuous growth of food for many animals. Disappeared species have returned, including birds that can now feed on seeds that were first eaten in front of their noses. Vegetation in the broadest sense of the word is given the chance to blossom again. In addition, weak animals are eliminated. They form the prey for the wolf and its pack. The recovery the wolf brings, even has influence on way rivers flow.

You too are an important link in the chain. Even though you are human and everywhere man tries to control nature. There is more damage done than good. You, as a human being, can help to recover. Just like the wolf does. By connecting with nature, Mother Earth. By seeing how powerful and mighty everything is she produces. That everything is connected and that every particle, no matter how small, has a role to play. We are not here to plunder. Just to take and never give anything back. You are here to take care of nature.

Of course, you don’t have to hunt deer like the wolf, but there is plenty of other material that we humans can see as prey. Waste lying around, for example. Or all the chemical cleaners that are undoubtedly stored in your kitchen cupboard, the stuff you throw in the toilet (bleach) or have hanging on the edge of your toilet. Or the ‘pods’ you put in your washing machine, because it’s so convenient.

How about the shampoos, soaps and other substances you use for showering or bathing? Besides the fact they contain many chemical components that are not healthy for you as a human being, as part of nature, everything is rinsed away with water. Water is our most important source of life.

Without water, we can survive less than 3 days. Purification plants don’t even get the water clean anymore. Which means our drinking water is polluted. If you add up and consider that not only you, but also your family, your neighbors, the city, your country, the world uses these products every day. What does that mean? You answer the question yourself. Time for action. There are plenty of environmentally friendly, natural alternatives you can use. This also applies to plastic bags and the food you eat. Educate yourself and help Mother Earth to recover.

Natural rhythm
The wolf will never just attack. No humans either. That only happens if it or its pack feels threatened. Or if it needs food to feed its family. Its hunt is guided by a natural rhythm. How far do you follow your natural rhythm? It is difficult to get into a third dimensional world where everything revolves around time and on time. Where alarm clocks rudely disturb you, even though you would rather wake up later, because your body asks for it. But you are pushed into a pattern, because we think that is the way it should be. If you sailed on your own course, your day would look very different and your energy level would be higher than it is now.

Maybe it’s time for you to navigate on your natural compass? Find out when you are performing best. In the early morning, in the afternoon, or in the evening. We’re not robots that can be fully charged all day. This is definitely something to explore if you’re looking for more balance in your life. How can you fit into this 3rd dimensional world in such a way that you operate based on your natural rhythm as much as possible.

Your Family
Wolves are a special bunch, because they always live in a pack. The pack is not just a father, mother and kids. Aunts and grandmother are part of the whole as well. Young males leave the pack to start their own family. Wolves are loyal to their family. Together they take care of the little ones and food supply. When you see a pack of wolves, the strongest one leads the pack and the fastest one closes the queue. That way they stay together.

Who’s your family? Unlike the wolf, there doesn’t have to be a blood tie. Every soul originates from the Universe. There are several planets that sent us here to accomplish our mission. Your real family looks very different from those in the third dimension. Some of their souls are here on Earth and you may yet have to meet them or have already met them. Other souls are staying at your ‘home’ in the Universe. That does not mean you cannot connect to them. Like the call of the wolf, your ability for invisible contact reaches far out. If you need it, seek silence and ask for connection. Ask your question or questions from your heart and feel what is happening.

The pack takes care of each other and everyone knows his place. Everyone does what he or she does best. Those who have to hunt and protect eat more than the little ones who just play. As nature intended it to be. The pack forms a protective shell, and all adults contribute. With the sole aim of allowing the youngsters to develop to their full strength and potential. Falling and getting up is part of it. Which people around you contribute to your pack? And which pack do you contribute to? Two important questions to get to the core of who fits your pack and who doesn’t. Don’t forget that the wolf is a solitary animal that is full of power. An individual in itself that achieves more with like-minded people together than alone.

In the changing world, more and more people will feel the need, or perhaps you already have, to take care of the young people of the future with the help of others. Young people who have come here with the mission to help restore Mother Earth and create the new world based on love and compassion. All these children have a higher sense of soul that is too far removed from that of the third dimension. Therefore, they do not understand the third dimensional world (and vice versa), but they are trapped in these systems, such as schools, sports clubs and often their third or fourth dimensional family.

They are the ones who are diagnosed with ADHD, who find learning ridiculous, who are easily seduced by addictive substances, who are often labeled as ‘tricky’, without them knowing, because their intentions are always pure but not understood. More and more pioneers will see that these young people need a pack. A safety net that helps them, not in a scientific way, but from the heart. It provides them with insights so that life becomes more bearable and they can find their way better. The fact remains that the systems don’t just disappear and that they learn to deal with it until other ways open up.

In addition, you yourself may need to form your own pack. Not only with young people, but also with aunts, grandmothers, sisters and brothers. Trust the universe to put the right people on your path, with which you contribute to the whole from your strength as an individual. A pack in which everyone contributes from his or her full BEing.

Our way here on earth is mapped out for us. We just don’t know which one it is. The wolf can help you find the right track and stay on it. If you feel that you have lost your way for a moment, ask for the wolf’s help and his senses. Learn which decisions contribute to your happiness and which do not. That is all that matters.

If you are unhappy, you cannot stand in your full strength and make a good contribution. If you still have things to process, it is logical that you will not feel happy for a while. Look with the eyes of the wolf to see what past experiences taught you. This does not mean the experiences like pain, anger, loss of trust and sadness. Every experience that triggered these kinds of emotions has a positive lesson in it. When you can see it, you can let go of what has limited you so far in your full BEing.

Bliss is partly due to acting crazy, laughter, getting up with a positive feeling. Jumping, hopping, dancing, you name it. We have abandoned much of this behavior, because all this has been taught to us, because you have to behave according to your age. In the morning, we put on our serious mask and in the evening, we take it off when we are exhausted. What kind of day was that? Positive energy flows when you’re having fun and are cheerful. Vibrations take place at cellular level that dissipate heavy energy. The trick is to find your way to this playful life, in which you still take full responsibility.

The wolf has known this game for a long time. It plays with the little ones and frolics with each other. Each and every day. What about you? Do you dare to hop on the street? Sing out loud, even if you are singing out of tune? To dance of beat, just because you feel like it. DO IT! It makes your life much more fun and joyful. What others think? That’s up to them. Thinking does not add anything anyway. Be sure deep down they would like to act out all that craziness they have inside them…

If you want to connect more with the wolf and see what his contribution to the bigger picture is, then watch this documentary.

Did this message touched you? Did it give you the answers you were looking for? You can do something in return, by helping me to spend more time writing these kinds of articles. In doing so, you will help others who are searching as well.

If the text provided you with answers/inspiration and you think it is worth something, you are free to express your gratitude. This can be done in words, but also by donating. You can donate via: NL10 ASNB 0782 5229 71 / BIC ASNBNL21 To: K.J. Bos

The Sparrow

The Sparrow spiritual Naturetalk
image by Capri23auto via Pixabay

Little animal, you are one of the most well-known birds. It is impossible to imagine our streets without you. You little sparrow, with your cozy chirping and fluttering, who prefer to be with your friends. Small flocks flying from one bush, hedge or tree to another, chirping about your adventures. Chirp, chirp, chirp, tone it down a bit, will you?

Versatile glutton
The sparrow has a varied diet, which is useful if you depend on what nature provides. Berries, seeds, grains, buds, bread, peanuts and very important and essential for the survival of the species: insects. They eat them in the breeding season especially and give them to their young because of the proteins they contain, so their offspring grows quickly. Luckily for humanity, the sparrow has 2 to 3 litters a year and all those little rascals are always hungry. Meaning the sparrow is an ideal natural insect fighter. A bird to cherish, because it saves a lot of pesticides.

What about your food?
Are you getting enough vitamins and minerals? Do you eat varied enough and are you guided by what the season provides? Do you cook fresh or do you opt for modified food, full of ‘thickeners’, sugars and artificial ingredients, tasteless, pre-cut and packaged in plastic or aluminium? Do you eat ready-made meals, soups, sauces? Do you regularly put something in the microwave? Have you forgotten that food is not a necessary evil to rake in energy?

Food offers a moment of rest. It is an ideal opportunity to share stories when you are sitting at the table with more than one person. Do you cook with love? It starts with preparation. Are you grateful for the food on your plate? Dear cherished one, organic food is the fuel to stay healthy. To keep your immune system strong and to keep diseases, defects and viruses out. Maybe the sparrow is trying to tell you that you can take a closer look at your nutritional behavior in the broadest sense of the word and get more in touch with your body.

That means that you first have to recognize what you eat, what is in it, or not, and detoxify it. Get yourself more aligned with nature, allowing you to get more in touch with the origin of your BEing and feel better about what your body truly craves. Replenish yourself with what nature provides in the season. Try it, you will find that it will make you feel much better, because your body is part of nature and moves with the seasons as well.

House sparrow
The sparrow does not like to move about. It prefers to stay nearby. At its home base. Nothing wrong with that, as it knows its surroundings that offer it everything it needs. That is how it got its reputation. Are you a house sparrow? That could go both ways. Either you get lonely because of your lack of trust in yourSELF, or you enjoy yourSELF to the fullest and make a cozy home wherever you are.

The sparrow also does not like tightly landscaped gardens, it is at its best if it is all a bit messy with lots of variation in plants. But not too high, because if the trees provide too much shade, too little will grow, and the sparrow will not be able to rummage between all the plants.

How are things at home? Do you have too much stuff and cannot see the wood for the trees? Has your house become a bit overgrown, literally? Then it is time to clean up, create space, create air, so that you can rummage through what really makes you happy again. The more detached you become from things, the easier it becomes to outgrow your status as a house sparrow.

Do you spend a lot of time at home, because this world does not understand you and vice versa? Time for action! Dear cherished one, expecting everyone to understand you is an illusion. It simply cannot be done and even better, it does not have to. You ARE the way you are and that has a reason. Do like the sparrow and see where your interests lie. You will find people who may be more like-minded. The Universe helps you too. If you have confidence in yourSELF and accept yourSELF as you are, then people will automatically be put on your path.

People who help you, who confirm through their BEing that you are not the only one in the world. Who accept you unconditionally. Everything has to do with your BEing in life, because the universal law of attraction is always useful. You attract what you transmit. So, get to work. Believe in yourSELF, listen to the twittering of your intuition and follow the loving instructions you receive.

In your element
Where are you at your best? When the sparrow comes your way, you probably feel most comfortable in small groups, preferably with like-minded people. In everyday life, however, it does not always work like this. On birthdays, parties or other places where many people gather, you prefer to put on your grey sparrow suit, preventing you from standing out. You don’t feel like it at all.

Not only because you have experienced that people don’t understand you, but also because a lot of people around you talk and worry about things that don’t matter at all. Third dimensional things. It is about money, power and egos. A lot is being judged and some people tend to always force their opinion on others because they themselves have an issue with their inner BEing.

Your view of the world is truly very different from that of others. Choose carefully where you want to go and where you don’t. Stop pretending. Don’t go if it only drains you, or go for a while, because it is quite difficult to let go of what you have done for years on end. Listen, be loving and polite. Don’t get lured out. It sometimes hurts when you see what others are doing and what their view of the world is like. If you want to make people aware from your loving BEing, you often encounter the struggle of ‘being right’.

But what is the truth? One is very different from another and both are actually right. Everyone has a truth that is consistent with his or her soul alignment and the motivation in life that goes with it. Don’t reduce your energy to connect, because you don’t have to. Nor do you have to share your view of the world. It can be understood that you want to push your ‘opinion’ through.That you try to persuade people, but that is not your intention at all. Only the other cann’t understand, even if they want to. Your soul alignments are just too far apart.

If you feel that things are going the wrong way, do not join the fight. Stay close to yourSELF. You are never meant to lower your energy. If you do it anyway, it will only give you an according feeling afterwards, because you have not acted in accordance with your higher SELF. So, choose carefully what you feel like or what you are capable of. Doing nice things to please others does not produce anything. Don’t forget that.

Control freak
The sparrow is pretty cheeky. Sometimes they suddenly turn up at something and the little black eyes see everything. That can also ‘bother’ you, especially from a higher level of consciousness. We call that too many stimuli nowadays. Hearing, seeing and feeling everything, often combined with perfectionist behavior. The sparrow is not bothered by that and you can learn from it.

Perfectionism has to do with wanting to do good, connecting, keeping control and you getting tired from it. No matter how well you try to spell out everything from A to Z, there will always be variables that throw a spanner in the works. Variables that are beyond your control and that you cannot (yet) see when you are busy reacting to all those stimuli around you.

Dear cherished one, you don’t have to know everything and respond to everything. That is an issue of the head, not of the heart. This drive only distracts you from what you really should be doing: feeling. Loosen up, like the sparrow does. Life is fun and adventurous. By acting like a control freak, you erase some of the fun. Did you know that every situation is good, like this one? Even with the imperfections spelled out in your head. Imperfection does not exist. Everything is perfect and happens at the right time. Accept situations more as they are and don’t ruin your day if something doesn’t work out the way you thought it would, because maybe that was the intention in the first place.

Maybe this is the mirror where you keep looking in but could not fathom it yet. By worrying too much about what went wrong, PITY things, being DISAPPOINTED, you bring down your beautiful energy and then you raise it again and again. You are tired of that, are you not? You are also feeding the low energetic frequency that the 3rd dimension so badly wants to keep, as the words not, pity and disappointed all have a low energetic vibration that feeds this field. Waste of your time in this life on this beautiful planet.

Did this message touched you? Did it give you the answers you were looking for? You can do something in return, by helping me to spend more time writing these kinds of articles. In doing so, you will help others who are searching as well.

If the text provided you with answers/inspiration and you think it is worth something, you are free to express your gratitude. This can be done in words, but also by donating:

The Hedgehog

The hedgehog spiritual Naturetalk
Image by Tomasz Proszek via Pixabay

The hedgehog represents femininity in its purest form and femininity comes with pure, flawless intuition. The animal scurries through gardens and fields in search for food. Its protective mechanism is to roll itself up into a prickly ball, protecting all vulnerable parts and not allowing enemies to attack it. A wonderful invention of Mother Nature and something that many of us have copied in our present life on earth.

The hedgehog is not doing very well. Due to the droughts in recent years and the frequent use of pesticides, regardless of whether they are ‘responsible’ or not, the snail population has declined dramatically. And that is exactly what the hedgehog likes. Humanity is intervening in the natural chain and that has major consequences for the animal kingdom. Do snails ‘bother’ you? Think about all animals first, because birds love them too, before you start exterminating them.

What further complicates the hedgehog’s life are the neat little gardens, skillfully demarcated with impregnable barriers, like fences and gates. There is no passage anywhere to search for food at night, when you are asleep, to nibble on the snails that ‘bother’ you. By delineating and compartmentalizing everything, in the hedgehog’s case literally (and for many more animals as well) and figuratively for humanity, we limit freedom and undermine the natural harmony of nature, which encompasses everything and is one entity.

Prickly side
Our feminine side is vulnerable, just like the hedgehog’s soft belly. Many of us, like the hedgehog, have skillfully shielded it with our prickles. It makes sense, because society is hard. Especially if you are sensitive, have a higher soul alignment and ended up on a planet you don’t understand much about. Where you are constantly being pulled out of your strength in one way or another.

That started as a child, because you saw things that weren’t there at all. Or felt, experienced, heard or smelled those. “Crazy kid,” your educators would say. “And uncle hank isn’t blue. People are always pink. Keep on practicing and I’m sure you’ll do better.” You were impressionable and had an almost completely empty hard drive. You believed it. And so, we pass from generation to generation that what we experience as an uninhibited child is not reality. Uncle Hank was blue. You knew that for sure, didn’t you?

Can you go back to your open-mindedness BEing you had as a child? When you still hopped around, and the world all seemed like a big playground. Where you went on a voyage of discovery full of wonder. Or did you completely lose touch with that uninhibited child? Are you stuck in everything society, including educators, schools, media and what else, wants you to believe? Are you sailing on your female intuition or have you lost it? The hedgehog shows you that you can reconnect. That you can look for wonder again. Living from your heart and that you can peel off your prickly survival mechanism little by little, in order to become your true SELF.

The hedgehog is a lonely traveler on this planet. You will never see them in groups, except for a mother and offspring. Apart from that, they spend their lives alone, and they have no problem with that at all. Most people have a natural drive to want to do well. To want to be liked, to belong somewhere. That is logical, because when you come to Earth, you are in for quite a shock. It is so different from where your soul comes from. In order to survive, you need to connect. This search has actually only taken you further away from your SELF.

Are you busy searching for connection with others (including family) in your life? Are you repeatedly disappointed in this process? Or is it hard to find? Did you put on your hedgehog suit and do you roll up like a prickly ball at the slightest occasion? Have you developed a tit-for-tat policy, allowing you to gag others easily? Only to feel sad and misunderstood at home and actually feel ashamed of how you’ve behaved afterwards, because it doesn’t suit you at all?

That’s not crazy at all. Protecting yourself with the hedgehog’s prickles was the only thing you could do to avoid going under, to indicate your limits, even if they are totally misunderstood or misinterpreted by others. It has become a kind of survival mechanism and that may now change, because the hedgehog prefers to show its soft side.

Dear cherished one, only a very small part of the world’s population currently has a soul alignment in the 5th dimension and, as a natural motivation, has unconditional love for everything that lives. This is never understood by the ‘masses’. That is logical, because in the many lives that come, they are allowed to learn what love, truly unconditional, is. Do not let others take you strength away. Do not look for connection with others. Look for the connection with yourSELF. Do not seek it outside yourSELF, but within yourSELF. That is the mirror that is always held up to you. You don’t need others at all. They may be a welcome addition to your life, but that is a completely different approach. The hedgehog does not feel lonely. It is balanced and completely happy with its BEing. You can do that too!

The other way around
As you come closer to yourSELF and live more from your natural BEing, you will find yourSELF with a higher self-confidence. What the world thinks and how it judges you affects you less. Remember that they have an opinion and that it is theirs, not yours. You do not have to be liked by anyone, only by your SELF. And not from a narcissistic or selfish point of view, because that is how it will often be explained by the 3rd dimension, but simply because you love yourSELF unconditionally. The moment you succeed in this or you grow towards it, you will notice that you also attract other people. People who ‘connect’ with you, but not to want to belong, but as a welcome addition to their lives. This is where the new friendships for life are born.

What will also turn around when you are more in your strength, is the feeling that you have to defend yourself. Your hedgehog suit needs to be put on, in order to get it across to the angry outside world. Now that you know this is completely pointless, they cannot understand you, the need to do this will diminish. A wonderful development, as it never felt right anyway, and you only tried to lower yourself in frequency in order to be able to reach others. As you integrate yourSELF more into your BEing, you can see and act out of love. Choose your own path and let go of what or who does not suit you.

On the road at night
The hedgehog goes out at night, just like us humans. When our physical body is laid to rest, our soul travels. We become more and more aware of our dreams. Sometimes these are dreams in which our brains process the experiences and input we have received, but more and more often they are dreams that are so real that it is virtually impossible that it has been ‘dreamed’.

As consciousness on earth grows, these kinds of dreams increase. Our soul has an infinite energy and does not have to sleep. It is only our earthly human body that asks for rest. You can take the most amazing journeys, but it can also be that your darker side is exposed. The side that still need work or relationships where things still have to be solved. Think of these dreams as valuable gifts that will take you further along your path.

Your soft side
Dear cherished one, it’s time to show your soft feminine side. To be who you are. A beautiful and powerful shining BEing in a sheath of flesh and blood. Stop mourning in a corner. This will only feed the low frequency that still reigns on this planet and that so many want to get rid of. Rather follow, like the hedgehog, your flawless intuition. Trust and live from your own strength. Go every day like the hedgehog and be open to adventure and wonder. Discover and develop your gifts. Follow your heart and become a bright example to others.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Cormorant

The Cormorant spiritual Naturetalk

You are black, sometimes with a hint of white. Slim, slender and often with spread wings. The cormorant is powerful and at the same time vulnerable. That is the beauty of this animal and the lesson we can learn from it. To be in your strength and to dare to be vulnerable at the same time. After all, we are all human beings. We just live far too much for the outside world. Only when it becomes emotionally too much for us. Than we dare to show our vulnerability for just a tiny bit.

Cormorants don’t float on the water, like ducks, geese and swans. They could theoretically do that, but they choose not to. The cormorant is a diver. Fish is its target and fish rarely swim near the surface. To be able to follow its prey underwater, this special bird shouldn’t have too much buoyancy, otherwise the upward force pushes it to the surface too quickly during its hunt. That is something the cormorant can do without. They deliberately let their feathers get ‘wet’ in order to retain as little air as possible. That’s why they maintain their feathers, but don’t make them as greasy as other water birds.

We can learn from the cormorant that we have to create the right mix of care for ourselves, in order to continue on our way. Introspection is necessary. That means that you have to think about yourself. That you reflect on what is important to you. What you need. And perhaps the most important thing: responding to it! Sometimes you suddenly feel like doing something or not doing something. Feel that your humanity needs rest, or entertainment. That you have an appetite for certain foods or herbs. That you want to swim or finally want to read that book. This feeling or need is there just like that. Out of nowhere. Often our minds want to put it aside. “Yeah, later maybe, or next week. Now, I MUST…” (followed by a list of things).

Dear cherished one, do you really HAVE TO? Or do you let others decide what your schedule is? Because then having to is an obligation indeed. What if you have to delete it from your dictionary for a while and it turns into NEED? It is an essential difference between ‘I must today’ (imposed by others) and ‘I need today’. What do you need to stay in balance? To be able to dive to the one fish that makes you feel satisfied, allowing you to dry your feather suit with spread wings after the experience(s) you have had.

Because we grew up in a world that imposes all kinds of things on us, the things we really want are increasingly relegated to the background. So much has to be done, that need finally into must or have to. If you feel that you need the sauna, but only have time for it in 3 weeks, then you MUST go to the sauna in 3 weeks. If you have children and/or animals, then you naturally have the will to take care of them. However, willing to take care feels like having to take care more often.

Dear cherished one, this is not a good way to go about. Look for a state of consciousness, where you have the peace and quiet and develop the space to need again. To derive pleasure from those needs. Your intuition is a very good guide in this. If you listen better to your higher SELF, you will take better care of yourself. It allows you to get more in balance and wanting to care for others, out of a position of desire. More out of love and patience. You also see more clearly that MUST actually is a lot of nonsense. Ask yourself if the world will end if you don’t do this or that right away. Once you have made agreements/promises, it is important to keep them. Or to show your vulnerability and honestly say why you don’t want to keep them.

Create more freedom
Often, we restrict ourselves. Do we hold on to what we really want to get rid of. By just going on and on. Bite the bullet and buckle up. Just planning and running. That is quite easy, because you don’t have to feel and don’t have to dwell on everything that might want to come to the surface. That is a pity dear cherished one, because what comes from your deepest SELF is the guideline for real life. Living out of passion, feeling and gratitude.

That does not mean that everything is smooth sailing. It is about believing in yourSELF and acting accordingly. The cormorant has trained itself to be its best SELF. If it prepares its dive, it knows it has a good chance of succeeding. However, the fish has taken its own precautions to outwit the cormorant as well. It probably does not swim alone, but in a shoal, and it doesn’t swim in the open just to be caught like that. It ensures it has an escape plan or a place to dive away. If the cormorant dives, its chance of catching its target, the fish, is good, but it also depends on other factors.

This applies to humans too. Whoever lives from his heart and wants to continue his mission, will face obstacles and challenges. These are never there for nothing. They want to teach you something. If the cormorant would give up after every failed dive, it would not be around for much longer. But because it never gives up because of its BEing, it refines its skills, becomes more creative and smarter, in order to catch what it needs.

You too, dear cherished one, can ‘catch’ what you need. As long as you dare to develop yourself. Obstacles are lessons to move forward, to escape from the circle in which you keep spinning, to open your heart and go full for prosperity and abundance in all areas of your life. Then you create the freedom to which you are entitled as a human being. You only have to trust your SELF and what the universe whispers to you in your ear.

Vulnerability as power
We have been taught not to show our vulnerability. Little boys are taught not to cry. Why shouldn’t they? At this stage of life, you learn as a child that it is ok to feel and to show it. So many emotions remain unspoken between lovers, in families and other relationships. Often when someone becomes incurably ill, you see that all the peelings can suddenly fall away and it is possible to speak openly and honesty about what is going on within ourselves, with the ill beings as well. Clean appearance (who remembers the British TV series with Mrs. Bouquet) is a trap that is taught to us in our childhood.

You show the outside world that everything is peaches and cream. But in reality, everyone knows that that can never be true. If it is not true for you, then it is not true for others. Showing your vulnerability to your loved ones is scary. But that doesn’t have to be the case if you know yourSELF well. Look at the cormorant sitting on top of (lantern) poles with its wings spread wide open. It cannot be any more vulnerable than that.

If you dare to discover and accept the naked truth about your BEing, it also includes your vulnerabilities. If you know them and embrace them, it will make you more powerful. So powerful that you also dare to show your vulnerability to others. You don’t have to show the world your full hand, but you know that there are situations where openness and honesty are important right now.

Being vulnerable has nothing to do with being a victim. You give the other person a glimpse into your deepest BEing. You spread your wings and show who you are and what feelings you have towards the other person. Not reproachful, not judgmental, not reasoned from the other person, but entirely from you. After all, you can only speak for yourself. If you see vulnerability as a means of strength, even the frozen ice flower thaws. We’re all human. In the new world there is no room for keeping up appearances. If you make a start right now on loosening the strings that keep your wings tightly to your body, it means you’ve already made a head start! Good luck…

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Owl

The Owl spiritual Naturetalk
Picture by Pixabay

The owl gets to live at night. It is at its best in the dark. Owls fly silently. That is their strength to get food. Its prey doesn’t hear it coming and dies just as silently and quickly. The owl has been a symbol of wisdom for centuries. Wisdom that not only it possesses, but all of us. But we are distracted to no longer rely on our instincts. Does the owl cross your path? (it had, because you ended up here) Then this message is definitely for you.

When are you at your best?
Are you stuck in a timeframe? That means you are lived by the time and overcrowded agendas that society imposes on you. You MUST arrive on time, you MUST be there so and so late, you work from 9 to 5, you MUST wake up at 07.00 hours, or earlier, otherwise you are stuck in traffic jams, the children are not ready for school on time, and so on. Time is a special thing. Where we used to be guided by the position of the sun and the moon, clocks, watches, as well as your mobile phone, have taken over this function.

But does life according to the clock provide you with energy? Or do you have the feeling that you are in a rat race and in order to be able to fulfill this, all you have to do is hand over your energy, leaving you ‘exhausted’ at the end of the day? The owl asks you to take a look at your personal timeframe.

Which rhythm of day and night is best for you to thrive? Are you better in the morning? Do you prefer to take a power nap at noon? Are you a late bloomer and do you get a boost in the afternoon or evening? In times before this civilization there was no time. People lived in the moment. In some cultures where people live closer to nature, they come ‘too late’ by default. They are guided by the moment and only leave when it is really time to leave.

How often do you live in the moment? Or are you taken by the moment? Maybe it is time to see how you would like to spend your day. You can do that by writing down for yourself what your ideal day looks like. At first you have the urge to write down the following: sleep in, relax. But doing that every day is not what days are for. Feel when you are feeling good, full of energy, for this a clock becomes handy at one time 😊, to find out when that is. Step 2 is to observe what your life looks like now and where you can make changes, allowing you to live as much as you can, or perhaps completely at your own rhythm.

Taking Opportunities
If you are like the owl, roaming around in this life, opportunities will appear. Opportunities that will appear silently at your feet. All you have to do is grab them. These opportunities are always about contributing to this world in a positive way. You can, for example, voluntarily offer help to the elderly, neighbors, the disabled, the sick, children, and so on. Greeting people is also a wonderful gesture. This simple gesture might go a long way for someone else that day.

Contributing positively is also about creativity. Making things, creating things. Literally ‘creating’ from within your BEing. Think of painting, drawing, coloring, photographing, making furniture out of scrap wood, clothing or accessories, and reusing what people throw away or maybe digitally design, film or turn your garden into a mini paradise. Your creativity has been given to inspire and amaze others. The great thing is that your creativity is unique. All by yourself and often difficult to copy.

The third thing that has to do with contributing to this earth has to do with creating the new world. A world with clean air, pure and sufficient (drinking) water and a soil that is teeming with life. How can YOU contribute? For example, you can start looking for alternatives for the control of weeds and vermin, buy without plastic, shop at honest small regional companies that are not led by self-enrichment (money, power and ego), but that practice their profession with passion.

If you can visualize well, you can also see this new world in front of you. Put your positive thoughts about it in the ‘cloud’. And if you still find this difficult, light a candle and make your wishes. These are never wishes that have to do with money, but only with good things for everyone and everything. Every time you do this, you help Mother Earth and the Universe to illuminate the heavy energy that is on and around our beautiful planet with your light. Something that is desperately needed, because if we don’t wake up and keep on plundering, as humanity is doing right now, things are not looking good for our survival. The advice of the wise owl is: go create. Out of nowhere. It is possible…

Owls are not sedentary. They select a different temporary accommodation for each season. Just because it better meets their inner needs at that time. In winter, for example, it uses its camouflage to become invisible. It is sheltered in trees which keep their leaves. In spring and autumn birch trees are a favorite because they provide more air and light. Even though the owl is a nocturnal animal, it still needs sunlight. When the time comes to build a nest, it leaves again. Closer to areas where food is more readily available. Purely and solely to provide its hungry young with the best possible chance of growing up.

If you translate this into how we humans live, always living in the same environment all your life, we can learn something from the owl. Based on its needs, it chooses the environment where it wants to be. This is different from what we do, because we are tempted to enter into contracts and/or loans, which means that we are actually obliged to continue living in one place and if we want to move that also brings about new obligations.

Some people are not even allowed to move because of all the bizarre rules and laws that have been made up. When you look back to the old days, like with the Indians, they lived in the same way as the owl. They stayed where there was plenty at the time and moved on when winter came.

Meanwhile, a lot has changed in terms of construction and you don’t take your house on your back to put it somewhere else and it might be a good thing that we cannot just go and live everywhere, because then it would literally and figuratively become an even bigger mess in our disposable society. Still, it doesn’t mean that your house is always the right environment to be at that moment. Something to think about. Especially when it comes to work, for example. Maybe you work more flexibly, allowing you to go where you want?

There are also similarities. The fact is that our cycles last longer than the owl’s. We go to college, get our first rental house and if you’re lucky in this society, you will be able to afford a house someday. Our children don’t grow as fast and the time before they reach adulthood is longer. Still, many people choose a house based on their stages of life.

But if you are one of the pioneers of the new era, you will feel a stronger need to break the cycles that are now considered normal. To be more where you flourish best in that moment. It is possible. Because so much has been built, there are plenty of opportunities to switch shelters temporarily. Actually, society has allowed us to do this several times a year in the form of holidays.

But there is a new current. The current of the new nomads. They live and work where they want. They don’t want to conform to restrictive systems and instead of earning a full salary in a straitjacket that doesn’t suit them, they settle for some pocket money and shelter and ask for food in exchange for their work. They live closer to nature. They are playing the game of real life, instead of playing on a screen. Do you belong to this group of people?

Feeling and inner knowing
The owl moves on its instinct. It leaves to hunt when the time comes to fly out. That is always somewhere in the twilight. The owl flies to where it feels it has the best chance of making a living. It knows when to go, without looking at the clock. Are you always late? That is all right. That is one of the signs of the new era. You cannot leave until you are ready to. In this case, too, you can arrive too early.

Back to inner knowing. The owl is wise. Just like us. Only, as mentioned in the introduction to this article, we have forgotten it. Everything is being done to distract us further and further from this knowledge. The distraction is ready at every turn in our lives right now. The worst are screens. The Universe puts them all under one denominator, because everything with a screen distracts us from what we really have to and came here to do. What started out as fun and diverting (TV), has now got us addicted. It is particularly the young who fell into this trap, even though they are the ones who are supposed to make the difference. It is up to us, the older generation, to set the awareness in motion and pass it on to the youngsters.

What else distracts us? Being in a hurry, as I said before. Our brains are constantly being pushed over the edge and we don’t manage to find peace anymore. The feeling that you constantly have to have noise around you, even when you go cycling or running. We are encouraged to wear headsets everywhere. Even books can honk your ears in these days, while you’re knitting or instead of reading to your child, you’re both stuck with one of those things. Where is the physical interaction? The spontaneity of your child if it already knows what the next sentence is? Spontaneously turns the next page because it knows that that’s where its favorite animal is?

Dear cherished one, you ar not cozy on the couch together when you are sitting in your own closed world. True relaxation takes place in silence and in nature, where the birds always share their song with you, where trees rustle, and the clouds tell stories. In silence, you can listen to your own higher SELF and to the knowledge and wisdom that is simply present in you.

Happiness is also sitting at the table with people you love. Telling stories, laughing and crying together. That you share your energy with others and others share it with you. Not with 3D glasses on, where you can be virtually anywhere in the world and literally look around and then believe that you are ‘really’ there. Dear cherished one, you are slowly being turned into zombies led by what monitors predict. Most of you have already come so far as to take all that for granted as truth. If humanity knew how untrue all this is, the world would look very different. That time is coming, dear cherished one, slowly and steadily more and more people are waking up. Luckily!

Your instincts are just there, just like the owl’s. You just have to create space to listen to it. If you look back on your life so far, there have certainly been situations in which you did or didn’t know why. Just because you ‘knew’ that you needed to do it or not. That instinct or inner knowing is in you.

Society is focused on letting you live out of your head. To disconnect you from your feelings. But the real knowing comes from your heart. Did you know that your heart was created before your brain? Who do you believe? What can help you to listen better to your heart, and thus to rely more on your instinct, is to change ‘thinking’ into ‘feeling’. Notice how often you say, ‘I think that’… Every time you want to take the verb thinking into your mouth, try to replace it with feeling. So: ‘I feel that’… You will find that is quite difficult indeed. It allows you to renew contact with your inner knowing.

Do you want to live more according to your feelings? Are you stuck in systems and structures? Do you feel unhappy and do you want to know what you can do about it? Are you literally or figuratively sick of your situation? You have the power to change this if you put your trust in your feelings and what the Universe has to offer you. All you have to do is listen…

The snow owl
You are able to survive in even the most difficult and harsh conditions. Your eyes are always open in search of something that may be of importance to the preservation of your BEing or that of others. This may also lead to too much stimulation, causing you to miss your prey. The snowy owl is solitary and flies silently. In this lifetime, you may tend to spend it alone or you may need a lot of time for yourSELF.

That is totally ok, but don’t forget that you are here with many others who, even though you’re often high in the sky, have something to offer you. Feeling and participating in earthly BEing is important. So make sure to descend regularly from your ice-cold and crystal clear surroundings to warm yourself to the warm rays of the sun and the loving warm contacts, allowing you to strengthen your power even more.

Affirmations: ‘I live from my heart’ and ‘I trust my inner wisdom’.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and manifesting my dream of an Eco Reserve.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Dragonfly

The Dragonfly spiritual Naturetalk
Picture copyright Naturetalk

The dragonfly buzzes around with fairy-tale like wings. Its colors are always magical. From yellow to bright red, to metallic blue-green or black, but not when the sun shines on it. The dragonfly is one of those miraculous creatures that represents transformation. Sometimes suddenly appearing out of nowhere, like a helicopter manoeuvring through the air. The dragonfly is the sign of lightness. Do you need that right now?

Just catching your breath for a bit. Who isn’t familiar with that? Coming to your senses. Don’t want anything to do with anybody, just flutter around in your own bubble. How nice is that? Is that something you don’t do enough, dear cherished one? Are you always in others’ company? Busy with things outside yourself? Even though the answers you are looking for are within yourSELF. By filling your time with what is outside you, you don’t have to look at yourself. You don’t have to dwell on what is in your deepest depths. No need to discover how powerful you are as a human being at your core.

The dragonfly knows better. It goes for it. Besides believing in fairy tales and thus being able to create what is fine and good, the dragonfly knows damn well what it’s made off. Reflecting your BEing isn’t always fun. Anger and aggression are reversed forces, in which you have become entangled, because things have ‘happened to you’. Forces that you are allowed to turn into love and compassion. Imagine that you can express your anger about anything with the same force, but in a stream of love. What would that bring about?

Full of admiration we look at the dragonfly. Just like the butterfly. Both announce a period of change if you have the guts to really look at YOU. At what YOU like, what your life should be like. Regardless of what is customary and what is imposed by whomever and whatever. Do the norms and values you have been taught fit you? Do you look up to people and forget to look up to yourself? Where is your pedestal on which you can place yourself?

Look at yourSELF in the mirror with admiration. Look into your own eyes and see. Do you see the depth? Do you see your beautiful soul? That soul, or your higher SELF, needs attention. When you see a dragonfly, you will say, “Ohhhh, a dragonfly, how beautiful.” If you see yourself in your full nakedness, you can say to yourself, “Ohhhh, here I am, look how beautiful.” No? Work to do! Why?

If you like yourSELF right now, as you are with all your flaws, pimples, pits, scars, big belly and so on, you have found the opening to healing yourself. By no longer interfering with what society imposes on you as what you should look like, you can just be yourSELF. By interfering, you prevent the flow of the beautiful energy that is entirely available to you.

You cause blockages for yourSELF. Instead of interfering with, for example, your curves and listening to your ego that really thinks you are too fat (or something else), embrace it. Nobody, but nobody, has the right to push you into a straitjacket. Throw your bra off, if that feels better. Go out without makeup. Leave the tie for what it is, it only separates your head from your body like a literal noose. Feel free to flutter the way that feels right for you.

Helicopter view
If you take a step back, it is a great way to see where you are right now and where you want to go. Try to take off like a dragonfly and look at your life from above. What does this picture look like? Are you completely satisfied? Are you intensely happy with your life? Great! Fantastic!

But if it is not, or not completely, what is needed to make it even better? Does your deepest core, your BEing, signal that you need to take a different path? Or that you might try all kinds of side-roads every time, while you have to follow the main road, your soul mission. Are you afraid of the enormous (creative) power that can come loose? Do you secretly stick your head in the sand or do you find it scary to really go for your passion and therefore make up other things to do or do you therefore always keep busy with things outside yourself? Or are you sitting defeated in a chair. Have you chained yourself? Are you passively waiting for great happiness? Dear cherished one, YOU create. YOU are the creator of your own life.

Seize the day
In other words, live in the moment. Do you sit down to your cup of coffee or tea in the morning and are you already busy with what you have to do? Stop it! Go outside. Look around you. Be thankful that another day has presented itself in which you may contribute to this wonderful planet. You as a small link in the greater whole, contributing positively or negatively consciously or unconsciously to that greater whole. You are as much Mother Earth as she is you. When you feel that and admire what nature brings around you, do you also feel the peace and tranquillity that comes within you? Do you see the rat race in which humanity is going crazy? Beautiful! Then you can also make other choices.

Dear cherished one, by enjoying and being thankful for everything that is and everything that you are (and therefore not for everything that you HAVE) daily in your full splendor, you will become more and more powerful. Realize that everything you have experienced in your life has always been pure and alone to create growth experiences for you. Nothing is bad. Every situation, even though you may have left hurt, has given you something. For example, perseverance, being creative in finding solutions or knowing exactly who you can and can’t trust.

A bright future
If you can see your positive lessons from your ‘unpleasant’ past experiences. If you can live in the moment, then you can also create the best future for yourself. Whatever phase you are in right now, get to work on opening up. Discover your strengths. Turn your mindset from negative to positive. See your future as if it is already reality. Put nice and good things in your ‘cloud’ on a daily basis.

Not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones, your environment and the whole world. Even if the situation is not there yet, you will see that the universal laws work. Step by step you will come closer to that picture of the future if you are willing to work on it. Don’t be afraid of your inner power. You didn’t get it for free. It drives you forward. All you have to do is accept that you are yourSELF. As the dragonfly predicts, there is transformation in the air. It’s up to you to shape it. Believe in yourself, trust yourself and the universe and the possibilities are endless.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Ant

The Ant spiritual Naturetalk
Picture by Pixabay

The ant is always busy. With all sorts of things and often with many things at the same time, preventing anything from getting finished. It interferes with everything with the result that only more things are added to its to-do list than taken off. Well, that does not work out so well. Meaning, in reality it is busy with NOTHING. Do you recognize that? That your day is over, and you don’t know where time went. You start cooking food exhausted and jump on the couch to go watch TV or Netflix like a zombie? Exhausting you even further, without you even noticing it, but that is of later concern.

No, just no
Dear cherished one, loosen up. Look at your life. Where are you right now? And where do you want to be tomorrow? Are you going to keep this ant behavior going for the rest of your life? Or is there a little voice that says otherwise? And what are the consequences? As long as you are concerned with all kinds of details, often things that don’t even concern you, but that someone else has thrown on your back will make you lose sight of the bigger picture and will result in you missing chances. Those are often things that don’t even concern you, but that someone else has thrown on your plate,. The biggest chance is BEing who you really are.

That you learn to say NO, because you are not some kind of dumping ground for other people’s problems. When they are out and about for a drink and having fun, you are still struggling. Is that right? It is like this: if you act like a doormat, you will be treated like one.

Turn it around
Now is a great time to turn this around once and for all. Know that you are beautiful, no matter what you look like, or what the world actually says you ought to look like. After all, the standards of how we should look like are set by society. You have a light burning inside you. A bright light. Turn it on, shine. Believe and trust in your power. Feel and know that you are never alone. That there are helpers around you all the time, even if you have not experienced them (yet). The change to ‘the real you’ cannot happen overnight, but every step is one in the right direction.

The energies at this moment are favorable and offer you the opening to overcome your fears and uncertainties, and let you come into your personal power faster than you might think. Notice that if you say NO, people will be surprised. Do not dwell on why you say NO. Just say it. And if you are being pushed to give a reason, just be honest and don’t deny yourself by making excuses that don’t match who you truly are in your heart. Say, for example, that you don’t feel like it, that you are tired of being pushed, that you are tired of being used, and so on. You are a fourth-, or fifth-dimensional who does not live in harmony with your soul, meaning your behavior becomes 3th- or 4th-dimensional. Then you tend to feel guilty deep inside because you always want to help others from your soul.

But you forget one essential thing. You can only help others if you help yourSELF first. If people are sucking you dry and only take advantage of you in any way, nothing is left of you. Or there may be, but in the form of burn-out, depression, fear of failure, exhaustion, vague issues, etc. Because you get out of balance, you are no longer as friendly and loving as you would like to be to the people around you. Put yourself first and you will see that the ‘energy thieves’ are looking for another victim. That is a breath of fresh air!

In ant world, everyone is an ant. One a little bigger, the other a little smaller, but everyone is just that, an ant. The same goes for humans, we just forgotten about it. Mainly because the third dimensional world is full of judgements. The media contributes to this by mirroring everything we have to look like and that if we don’t look like that, we can just straighten it out, fill it up, inject it or suck it. The ant is just an ant and does not judge.

Its focus is on what it can contribute to the bigger picture. When it comes to the greater good, it is not about contributing to maintaining the third dimensional world, in which money, power and ego reign supreme, because in that world everything is focused on only taking as much as possible. No, the new world we can create together has everything to do with the ant and its society. There is a queen, but her people work for their own free will. There are no judgments or punishments. Everyone knows what its task is, and ant society runs like a clockwork.

Have you ever been on your knees to see what happens when you throw down a piece of bread? No? It is amazing. If there is food somewhere, the explorer ants pass it on to the bodybuilding ants. Do they go all the way back to the nest to call for help? No, the powerful ants just show up. Exactly at the right time. Ants communicate on the basis of ‘being connected’. If you look at it that way, what can you contribute to a new society? Pay attention to the signals around you. They are there. They definitely are. They come in special ant ways and will help you to see your place in the big picture more clearly and let you discover how you can contribute in your own unique way. Everything will become clear at the right moment.

Skip the EGO
The time of me, me and only me is almost over. It has not totally gone yet, but if you pay close attention, you will see all around you that this mentality does not work anymore. Self-glorification (narcissism) or enrichment (all at the expense of others and Mother Earth in particular) are not in the ant’s dictionary. Many people with a soul alignment in the fourth dimension have allowed themselves to be lowered by the energy of the third-dimension world. As a result, many of you suffer from their EGO: your head has taken over.

In the third dimensional world, the focus is on reasoning and absorbing everything with your head. In fact, everything has to be taught, we are busy every day observing all kinds of rules and keeping lists, doing calculations, just to prove that what we are doing works or that our asses are covered. Because there are always nitpickers who reprimand us we slip. We are tempted to look at our phones very often, sit behind screens all day and Netflix, YouTube or other ‘keep your head busy’ activities in the evening.

That head is there for a reason, but it probably has you in its grip. It just keeps talking to you. It tells you things about what you can do BEST and contradicts you every time you try to listen to your heart. Dear cherished one, it is all a big mind fuck. Your head does not add anything to your inner knowledge, that comes from your heart. Just like feelings of happiness, love and joy. Which, by the way, are stimulated by particles in your brain. Order your head to be silent, disagree more often, because you want to feel. Follow that feeling. Think, your head is good for that, how you can arrange your daily things differently. So that by applying the effectiveness of the ant, you have more time for yourSELF.

Looking for appreciation
There is something else going on with the EGO. Many fifth-dimensional people are here on earth to use their gifts to lift humanity to a higher level, to heal people, to liberate them from stressing or to help them to get their mission clear. The fifth dimension is also a dimension in which the soul alignment is based on ego, but not as in the third dimension through narcissism or self-enrichment, but through the unconditional and loving commitment of one’s own (ego) SELF to humanity and the growth to the new world.

Yet there are many fifth dimensional souls here on earth who are alone. They go from one place to another and sometimes meet each other on the way. But then they set sail again. The energy of the third dimensional world has damaged them. Too often, they have been judged on their differences. As a result, they have never been seen for who they really are. This has everything to do with uncertainty and the lack of trust.

This can lead to behavior in which you somehow try to enforce appreciation from others. For example, that you ‘brag’ about the unique things you can do, or what you have achieved. Dear fifth dimensional one, the pain is understood, but this behavior is not going to bring you appreciation. Real appreciation is in the little things. That, when you have helped someone, he or she will thank you. All these thanks combined are one big ’thank you’ and provide you with the appreciation you need so much. All you have to do is add up and feel the sum total. How does that feel?

Joining forces
Back to the floating boats. Because you are used to setting your course on your own and believe in yourSELF after the long learning process of all those lived lives, it is difficult to let others into your boat. But in the fifth dimension, the ant’s power also applies. Since everyone has unique gifts and nowadays many people have such big problems, often illnesses, people MUST work together.

Unique forces combined bring about unique magical results. The universal gifts are deliberately distributed, preventing an era of power and abuse from ever happening again. Don’t sit down whining to be able master all skills. You are unique, just like every ant, in what you have to offer. Rather build a network, a colony of ants, of like-minded people who each have their own gifts. Don’t hesitate to ask for help to find solutions/healings together. And don’t forget to give the credits to everyone who has helped you for the results you have achieved together afterwards. The feeling of connection that will arise as a result, has a wave of feelings of appreciation. Why? Because this is what the universe desires and what Mother Earth desperately needs.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and manifesting my dream of an Eco Reserve.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Beetle

The Beetle spiritual Naturetalk
Copyright Naturetalk

Beetles come in all shapes and sizes. Almost all can fly. Since ancient times, the beetle has a sacred symbolism and is revered in some cultures. Beetles also seem to have a healing effect and unfortunately and unnecessarily, they are physically grounded into all kinds of medicines, because the power of the beetle can always be invoked… What can the beetle tell you?

The beetle kingdom is multifaceted. So many species. Just like there are kinds of people. Every beetle is unique, just like every human being. Yet every beetle has its core qualities, just like you, dear cherished one.

Hard shield
Who are YOU, dear cherished one? YOU are a loving, soft and warm person who has a lot of light in your Being, that is allowed to shine every day! But you cannot do that right now. Why is that? Because you are wearing a beetle shield. Nice and hard on the outside and impenetrable for others, and maybe for yourself as well. The beetle’s shield protects the beetle against the weather, the heat of the sun, the cold rain. Do you feel the sun shining inside you? Or does the heat deflect and drips onto the ground like cold rain hitting your armor?

It is time to show a little more of your true SELF. First to yourself, of course, because if you know who YOU are, you can face the outside world with more confidence. If you dare to be vulnerable to yourself and then to the outside world, it is a victory for you. Knowing that the beetle’s shield will always protect you regardless of the amount of resistance and negativity outside. The beetle shows you that you possess the power of love and peace and that that power is inviolable.

So, the beetle’s shield has a dual function. You may break down your hardness and protection of yourself to the outside world and vice versa, the shield of the beetle will always protect you from outside influences. Just like the heron, you will always experience resistance. People who live far from themselves will not understand you and how you behave. That is okay. They too wear an armor around themselves and focus on the outside instead of the inside. And they too will have to work on this in order to move forward in this life. If not, they will grind to a halt and look at you with envy. Just because you are shining.

Harsh conditions
We know the scarab from ancient Egypt. A large black beetle that was often used in jewelry and the like. Why? Because it could magically survive in harsh conditions. Actually, that’s exactly what we, 4ht and 5th dimensional humans are doing. For 4th and 5th dimensional people, this nearly 2nd and 3rd dimensional world feels like a harsh living environment. Yet we survive here. Even though reluctantly for many. The love that is in our hearts does not match with the fear, the power and the egos that are gripping our beautiful Mother Earth.

Yet it is important that you develop. That you look for your own core and the qualities that go with it. That you MAY feel ultimate bliss. That you are ALLOWED to have fun. That you are ALLOWED to dance and sing (even if it is false) when you feel like it, even if you are in a crowded shopping street. As long as you care about others, you’ll let it all go…

But just start by yourSELF. At home or somewhere you feel good. Let your feelings go with you. Do what your intuition tells you to. Even though you often don’t see yet why you have to follow your intuition. Let others watch and judge about what they would like to dare or do the most.

The world MUST change! That is only possible if more and more people start living from their BEing, or deepest core. The more bliss, laughter and pleasure there is, the more powerful the positive flow on Mother Earth will become. Are you in?

Hello Beauty!
You beautiful, dear cherished one! No beetle looks in the mirror and thinks, “Well today I look terrible!” In fact, we humans think that every beetle looks terrible. We think they are terrible. How bad is that actualy? The beetle is beetle in its full conviction, whether it has a crazy snout, a bulbous body, is boring brown or brightly colored red, it does not matter.

That is something we humans can take as an example. It is all about the inside. If your hair is crazy, but you shine, no one will notice. If your hair is crazy and you try to be as inconspicuous as possible, close yourself off, go out the door without confidence, everyone will notice. When you are well rounded, you are a reflection of Mother Earth. If you want to be artificially thin, then something is going on, you are eating yourself away from the inside and that is never the intention. If you have become artificially fat, then something is wrong too. Are you trying to fill yourSELF with what you are missing inside? You are not going to succeed.

Pull yourself together in love. Love every cell in your body. Don’t fill your body with artificial food that comes from outside but fill yourself with yourSELF. Your beautiful loving SELF, that is connected to Mother Earth and the Universe. Do you have crazy toes? Smile about them. Your feet still take you wherever you want to go, don’t they? You won’t get anywhere without those crazy toes.

Don’t you like it anymore? Is it a fight against anything bigger than you? Nothing is bigger than YOU. All you have to do is stop fighting. Just BE. Get inside yourself. At home, where it is warm and comfortable. Let your energy sink from your head to your toes. Feel the ever-present energy of Mother Earth tingle under your bare feet. She is waiting for you to come home to yourSELF. Do not be seduced by medication. Beetles don’t take antidepressants to survive. Beetles believe in themselves.

Take the situation as it is. Don’t fight themselves, but trust that their shield will protect them at all times. Means that influence your state of mind don’t take away the cause. In fact, they put you in hibernation, so you cannot let your light shine properly at all. Difficult situations are there for a reason. Every situation gives you a learning moment. Grab the message it contains, and you will avoid worse. Don’t let anyone or anything paralyze you. You are in control. Always!

Balance sheet
Beetles are there for a reason. They clean up. But sometimes they destroy too. The larvae of beetles (longhorn beetles) that eat the wooden beams of our houses, beetles from Asia eat palms and agaves from the inside (the animal and plant kingdom are also invading the world, but that’s another subject) and are therefore difficult to control. But is that necessary? Don’t these animals show us that something is gnawing at us? Or that there is something wrong with the energy in your family and therefore house/garden?

Create balance in yourSELF, then you can be there for others and help them in a loving way. And don’t you succeed yet in trusting yourself completely and coming further from your strength? Dare to ask for help from loving people around you or ask the universe for answers in silence. It is about showing the will of the beetle to (over)live. Even in harsh circumstances. Go for it!

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Ladybug

The Ladybug Naturetalk
Picture copyright Naturetalk

The ladybug
They are adorable. The ladybug, with its red coat and black polka dots. Or the other way around, with a black coat and red dots. Were you also told that you could tell its age by the number of dots? Utter nonsense of course, but as a child you were delighted to find a baby with 1 dot or one that already had 7. Somehow the ladybug is always endearing. It also symbolizes good luck and fertility in the vernacular.

Natural Rhythm
When winter arrives, the ladybug prefers to disappear into cracks between the window and frame or, once inside, to hide behind the wallpaper. There they are comfortable and sheltered. Then they suddenly come back to life en masse. Just out of the blue, it seems. But the built-in clock that Mother Nature gave to so many animals also works on this tiny animal.

What about your built-in clock? Do you live by the time others have set for you or do you set your own time. When you go to sleep and when you get up, when you start working and when you stop, when you need time for yourSELF and when you want to share it. With the invention of the clock, humanity has come to rely on ticking pointers and changing seconds, and relying on one’s own biological clock has been relegated to the background. How many times a day do you ask, “What time is it?” Have you ever wondered what this contributes to your existence?

Time is a strange phenomenon. Naturally, mornings, afternoons, evenings, days, months and years pass. You can see that in the seasons and your body changing with the passing of time. Like the ladybug, you are getting more and more ‘dots’. Whether these are physical characteristics or the so-called invisible ‘backpack’, that everyone carries with them and which is filled with life lessons rather than negative issues. You just have to be able to see what this backpack has given you, even though the experience was horrible and you were confronted with the same mirror so many times.

Living by the minute actually only leads to stress. We have been taught that if we are late you should at least feel guilty or get a ‘punishment’. But what if your natural rhythm doesn’t fit into a world that is dictated by the ticking of the clock? What if it is actually throwing you off balance instead of bringing you into the flow? It is probably time for you to start listening to your inner clock more carefully. Let yourSELF be led by what your body indicates. Discover your natural rhythm. Get rid of that watch and see how silly time really is.

If you have a higher soul alignment, by nature you have a problem with living by the clock. You arrive late, or early, because your inner clock automatically makes you leave at the right time. You sleep long or short, and that changes constantly or you take a power nap during the day. Just according to what your body tells you is necessary. The sun and moon determine your natural rhythm consciously or unconsciously.

Winter is a time of rest. This is true for both the ladybug and all of nature. When the short days make way for longer ones in spring, your energy level will rise. If you manage to live your life more in accordance with nature, you will find that you are much more at ease with your energy. No feelings of guilt, no blaming yourself or others for being ‘late’. Because let’s face it. Life is for living and not for letting it be dictated by a bunch of pointers.

From nifty helper to practicing servitude
The number of ladybugs is declining, just as the entire insect world is extremely affected by all the chemicals used in nature by humans. In addition, they are being supplanted by the aggressive Asian variants that have been deliberately deployed. The yellow variant is the most recognizable one.

But there are also black and red species that are barely distinguishable from the regular ladybug. These species are invasive, destructive and wreak havoc in viniculture for example. If there are no more lice by the time of harvest, they feast on the sugars in the grapes (lice taste sweet, so sugar is a perfect alternative). Dear cherished one, you may not have realized it yet, but even the insect world is being used in the struggle for power on this planet.

The ladybug is seen as a nifty little helper. For both Mother Earth and humanity. These aphids are a wonderful natural pesticide. Regardless if it is in agriculture or just your backyard. Even the larvae are welcome helpers. These larvae look like a combination of a spider and a beetle, but have no resemblance to the final ladybug form. They keep the plants alive and clean up the excess of suffocating, empty-sucking plant parasites.

Do you recognize yourself in the description of being a nifty helper? Are you always there for everyone? Do you use your energy to help others? Wonderful! Congratulations! You are on the right track, except when you let it come at the expense of your BEing. You are here on earth to bring good. To teach people about unconditional love and compassion from a deep respect and in harmony and connection with all living things. Being a nifty helper doesn’t quite cut it, as it’s all about servitude

Like the ladybug, you may practice servitude to advance the greater good. Servitude shows that you are not like a headless chicken trying to save everyone in the world. Then you are in the ‘nifty helper mode’. From servitude, you help with a completely different drive. Do you also feel that this word feels much calmer and more grounded? You are contributing, caring, but not beyond your personal boundaries. If you can feel this difference, then you can transform your ‘nifty helper BEing’ into that of a BEing from servitude.

Helping Hand
Are you considering using your gifts for others? Helping or inspiring them through service, helping them to get rid of their ‘lice’ and allow them to thrive? Or do you already occupy yourself with this and can you make the next step in your development? By adding more or new things to your services, for example, which will make your color palette stand out even more. The ladybug brings you the message that you are on the right path. The universe will be pleased with your next steps on the path you have set. Go for it, dear cherished one, have confidence and faith in your ability, which includes so much more than you may be able to see now. Use your heart as your driving force and your intuition as your guidance.

Go searching
The ladybug moves around crawling and flying. It is adept at climbing stems and leaves, even when there are thorns, like with the rose. Every day the ladybug is on a voyage of discovery to find satisfaction. If it doesn’t find it in one place, it flies to another. What about your quest to find real fulfillment in life?

Are you living, or are you being lived, as described above by the ticking of the clock, or are you choosing what brings you satisfaction each day? What makes you happy, what makes you thrive? It is difficult in this world to be occupied with this all day, but if you set aside just a little time to do something each day that contributes to your BEing and its growth, it’s a good start already.

If you are open to being able to see into parallel worlds, you will be able to perceive that certain information doesn’t just suddenly appear, that when you look at that crazy clock there are always double digits, that clouds suddenly appear to have extraordinary shapes. You can only experience this if you step out of your autopilot mode daily, open your eyes and become aware. Search for the meaning of those numbers, look up what clouds show you, read what message animals have for you, discover the patterns that are shown to you. If you open your heart to this, you will discover that magic is unfolding and making room for something new that fits you even better.

Did this message touched you? Did it give you the answers you were looking for? You can do something in return, by helping me to spend more time writing these kinds of articles. In doing so, you will help others who are searching as well.

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