The Goose

The Goos spiritual Naturetalk
Image by Mabel Amber, still incognito… from Pixabay

The goose is a migratory animal, an adventurer. An animal that will touch down where it pleases and leaves when its intuition tells that is time to go.

Geese are social animals. They take care of their own offspring, but also that of others. During a threat, the youngsters will get to the middle of the group and the adults form a protective circle around them. That is a clever trick, because if something or someone wants to hurt the little ones, they first have to take it up with the adult ones.

If you see geese in a field, do you notice that there are always a few on the lookout? They are the warners for the whole flock and signal when ‘danger’ is imminent. This also happens spiritually. More and more whistle-blowers appear revealing injustice, danger and/or the hidden reality. Even though this is not understood or appreciated by everyone.

Yet from their souls they are driven to awaken mankind in any way they can. Know that, just as with the geese, each has his own role to play in the Universe and everything happens for a reason. Know that the more group members they can reach, the more light is shed on dark practices. It is up to you to feel which reality resonates most with you.

The undertone is never sowing fear, as many will. Those who can see beyond their own reality will pick up the message and spread it. The goose lives on an equal footing and everyone in the group is equally important. The warning role gets passed on from one goose to another and from generation to generation. Do you have a warning role to play? Or are you the bearer, the divisor, who helps mankind to become more conscious? Feel, dear cherished one, it is the only way to see clearly.

Your (grand)children, whether or not born from you, as family does not necessarily have to be based on a bloodline, know you would do exactly the same as the goose when a threat occurs. A primal instinct will make you want to protect the little ones. This can also apply to the weaker ones around you. Elderly or sick people for example. It is a natural phenomenon that comes straight from your heart.

But there is more. What about your inner child? Has it suffered a lot of pain? Is it hurt? Does it feel lonely? Was trust in the world and the people around you damaged when you were little? Is it still stomping with anger when injustice takes place? Oops, you are feeling it. This little girl or boy is inside YOU. It will always be there and parallel to your life, regularly ringing the bell in situations that hold up a mirror to you. The mirror in which you can see that there are still unresolved issues that prevent the child from being free and playful. And that has a direct impact on your own BEing right now.

Childish expectations
You have now entered the adult phase of your life. This means that whether or not you have children, you could take on a mother role yourself. Just like a father’s role. Did you have the dream of the ideal family as a child? With loving parents who would always be there for you, protect you, hug you and cheer you on? A family where love prevails, because that was where your soul came from. Or maybe you had very different expectations. It does not matter what expectations you had. What matters is whether those expectations came true. Probably not.

Expectations are dangerous things. Whether you had them when you were little or at any other time in your life. They don’t really add anything to your BEing. They are the fairy tales of the head that eventually feed you and introduce you to disappointment. “I expected that…” Can you hear yourself say it? You unconsciously make a claim to another person, who does not know about it and 9 out of 10 times cannot live up to your expectation. The goose has known for a long time that expectations are meaningless, because they are a projection of something you cannot conduct. That is why the goose lives in the NOW and instinctively sails on its intuition, monitoring the movements in nature on a daily basis. Without judgment, without expectation. Let go of the expectations, dear cherished one, it will make life much easier for you.

Comforting and healing
You chose the earthly family you were born into. To learn and grow. To work on issues you wanted to work on when you were in the big ‘nothing and everything’. If you look back you will see that a lot has happened in your life, or maybe still happens. It has a reason. You can solve it lovingly and let go. Close your eyes. Think about that little girl or boy you used to be. Can you see her, him? What is she/he doing? That is how your inner child still feels in THIS moment. But there is a solution. Because you have grown. You can now be both the mother and the father this child always wanted. Go to the child. Do you now see yourself as a mother and/or father (depending on what that inner child needs)? Show it the love it missed, stimulate the confidence that has been damaged, heal all wounds by lovingly embracing it. Give it what it needs to heal and become happy and playful again.

You may not be able to connect with your inner child in one go. It does not matter. Practice. Where at first you can only see the child from a distance, you will find that over time you will improve. That you can come closer and closer. That you can build a bond and visualize touching it, taking it in your arms or maybe doing the fun things your earthly parents never did. Because this child is an inseparable part of you, healing is of the utmost importance. Because healing provides integration. The integration for your own WHOLESOME BEing in this moment, resulting in plenty of room for growth and adventure.

Fairytale adventure
Do you know the Nils Holgersson stories (they also made a cartoon series besides the book)? This human child teases animals on his farm in Sweden. When he catches a gnome and does not want to release it, Nils gets enchanted and becomes as small as a thumb. Now the animals can prove him right and that is no fun at all. But this is not what it is all about. A flock of wild geese flies over, and they seduce the geese in the yard to fly with them and be free. Nils tries to prevent a young goose from joining, but the young goose continues his take-off attempts and just when Nils hangs around its neck, the young goose manages to take off. And then… Nils’ adventures begin.

The goose invites you to your adventure. To follow your dreams. To fly to the most extraordinary places in the Universe, tell about your experiences and have a rock-solid belief that anything is possible as long as you believe in it. And so, dear cherished one, anything is possible. Rely on the goose’s message, which has been given adventure and knows no other way. Who flawlessly travels the world on its inner compass and learns new things everywhere it goes. Where it shares all that it has learned with those it meets.
Now, obviously, you don’t literally have to pack your bags, but you can. If it does not feel right where you are right now, go or take the first steps to being free and independent. If you were a goose, where would you go? Where and how would you like to live? And with whom? Where is your childhood dream and to what extent has it become reality? Do you do what you really like every day? If so, then every day is an adventure for you. If not, change it.
The goose’s feather

Once humans used the goose’s feather as a pen for writing. Perhaps this is still an undiscovered adventure for you? “I can’t write at all, I always make spelling mistakes, I can’t…” Stop, dear cherished one, anyone can write with or without spelling mistakes. It does not have to be literature, 😊! Are you not you raising the bar too high (again)? Or do you let your insecurity take over again? The universe teaches you things. All your life. By writing things down in your own way, in your own language, just for yourSELF, you can discover. Discover which mirrors are held up to you, which red thread runs through your life, which unique gifts you have, in which specialisms you may deepen yourself further and then use what you learned for the greater good.

And if writing is a bridge too far, choose another way of recording things. Technically there are endless possibilities. Take screenshots or photos, for example. Save links to interesting pages, videos, etc. Paste them in a document or save them in a folder and attach a date. Make sure that what is mirrored to you can be viewed in chronological order. This is another great adventure.

Never underestimate the Universe. You too will receive information in a hidden way that will lead you further to your true BEing. That never happens in the open. Nor can it, otherwise the dark has an immediate entrance to prevent you from growing. Don’t think too lightly about this. This is really about the fine-meshed FEELING, just like the goose does, and then act on it. Dear cherished one, there is so much beauty in store for you. All you have to do is take the first step across the threshold, enter the garden of infinite possibilities, accept the goose’s invitation to connect with its BEing and to let yourSELF be led to places you didn’t know existed.

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