The Ladybug

The Ladybug Naturetalk
Picture copyright Naturetalk

The ladybug
They are adorable. The ladybug, with its red coat and black polka dots. Or the other way around, with a black coat and red dots. Were you also told that you could tell its age by the number of dots? Utter nonsense of course, but as a child you were delighted to find a baby with 1 dot or one that already had 7. Somehow the ladybug is always endearing. It also symbolizes good luck and fertility in the vernacular.

Natural Rhythm
When winter arrives, the ladybug prefers to disappear into cracks between the window and frame or, once inside, to hide behind the wallpaper. There they are comfortable and sheltered. Then they suddenly come back to life en masse. Just out of the blue, it seems. But the built-in clock that Mother Nature gave to so many animals also works on this tiny animal.

What about your built-in clock? Do you live by the time others have set for you or do you set your own time. When you go to sleep and when you get up, when you start working and when you stop, when you need time for yourSELF and when you want to share it. With the invention of the clock, humanity has come to rely on ticking pointers and changing seconds, and relying on one’s own biological clock has been relegated to the background. How many times a day do you ask, “What time is it?” Have you ever wondered what this contributes to your existence?

Time is a strange phenomenon. Naturally, mornings, afternoons, evenings, days, months and years pass. You can see that in the seasons and your body changing with the passing of time. Like the ladybug, you are getting more and more ‘dots’. Whether these are physical characteristics or the so-called invisible ‘backpack’, that everyone carries with them and which is filled with life lessons rather than negative issues. You just have to be able to see what this backpack has given you, even though the experience was horrible and you were confronted with the same mirror so many times.

Living by the minute actually only leads to stress. We have been taught that if we are late you should at least feel guilty or get a ‘punishment’. But what if your natural rhythm doesn’t fit into a world that is dictated by the ticking of the clock? What if it is actually throwing you off balance instead of bringing you into the flow? It is probably time for you to start listening to your inner clock more carefully. Let yourSELF be led by what your body indicates. Discover your natural rhythm. Get rid of that watch and see how silly time really is.

If you have a higher soul alignment, by nature you have a problem with living by the clock. You arrive late, or early, because your inner clock automatically makes you leave at the right time. You sleep long or short, and that changes constantly or you take a power nap during the day. Just according to what your body tells you is necessary. The sun and moon determine your natural rhythm consciously or unconsciously.

Winter is a time of rest. This is true for both the ladybug and all of nature. When the short days make way for longer ones in spring, your energy level will rise. If you manage to live your life more in accordance with nature, you will find that you are much more at ease with your energy. No feelings of guilt, no blaming yourself or others for being ‘late’. Because let’s face it. Life is for living and not for letting it be dictated by a bunch of pointers.

From nifty helper to practicing servitude
The number of ladybugs is declining, just as the entire insect world is extremely affected by all the chemicals used in nature by humans. In addition, they are being supplanted by the aggressive Asian variants that have been deliberately deployed. The yellow variant is the most recognizable one.

But there are also black and red species that are barely distinguishable from the regular ladybug. These species are invasive, destructive and wreak havoc in viniculture for example. If there are no more lice by the time of harvest, they feast on the sugars in the grapes (lice taste sweet, so sugar is a perfect alternative). Dear cherished one, you may not have realized it yet, but even the insect world is being used in the struggle for power on this planet.

The ladybug is seen as a nifty little helper. For both Mother Earth and humanity. These aphids are a wonderful natural pesticide. Regardless if it is in agriculture or just your backyard. Even the larvae are welcome helpers. These larvae look like a combination of a spider and a beetle, but have no resemblance to the final ladybug form. They keep the plants alive and clean up the excess of suffocating, empty-sucking plant parasites.

Do you recognize yourself in the description of being a nifty helper? Are you always there for everyone? Do you use your energy to help others? Wonderful! Congratulations! You are on the right track, except when you let it come at the expense of your BEing. You are here on earth to bring good. To teach people about unconditional love and compassion from a deep respect and in harmony and connection with all living things. Being a nifty helper doesn’t quite cut it, as it’s all about servitude

Like the ladybug, you may practice servitude to advance the greater good. Servitude shows that you are not like a headless chicken trying to save everyone in the world. Then you are in the ‘nifty helper mode’. From servitude, you help with a completely different drive. Do you also feel that this word feels much calmer and more grounded? You are contributing, caring, but not beyond your personal boundaries. If you can feel this difference, then you can transform your ‘nifty helper BEing’ into that of a BEing from servitude.

Helping Hand
Are you considering using your gifts for others? Helping or inspiring them through service, helping them to get rid of their ‘lice’ and allow them to thrive? Or do you already occupy yourself with this and can you make the next step in your development? By adding more or new things to your services, for example, which will make your color palette stand out even more. The ladybug brings you the message that you are on the right path. The universe will be pleased with your next steps on the path you have set. Go for it, dear cherished one, have confidence and faith in your ability, which includes so much more than you may be able to see now. Use your heart as your driving force and your intuition as your guidance.

Go searching
The ladybug moves around crawling and flying. It is adept at climbing stems and leaves, even when there are thorns, like with the rose. Every day the ladybug is on a voyage of discovery to find satisfaction. If it doesn’t find it in one place, it flies to another. What about your quest to find real fulfillment in life?

Are you living, or are you being lived, as described above by the ticking of the clock, or are you choosing what brings you satisfaction each day? What makes you happy, what makes you thrive? It is difficult in this world to be occupied with this all day, but if you set aside just a little time to do something each day that contributes to your BEing and its growth, it’s a good start already.

If you are open to being able to see into parallel worlds, you will be able to perceive that certain information doesn’t just suddenly appear, that when you look at that crazy clock there are always double digits, that clouds suddenly appear to have extraordinary shapes. You can only experience this if you step out of your autopilot mode daily, open your eyes and become aware. Search for the meaning of those numbers, look up what clouds show you, read what message animals have for you, discover the patterns that are shown to you. If you open your heart to this, you will discover that magic is unfolding and making room for something new that fits you even better.

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