The Kingfisher

The Kingfisher spiritual Naturetalk
Photo thanks to Pixabay

The kingfisher is a magical creature with a beautiful plumage. Icy blue, lagoon green and terracotta brown are the colors that could not have displayed more magnificently Mother Earth’s and the Universe’s BEing. If you look at the layers, the kingfisher represents a 1 on 1 reflection. Blue of the sky, green of all vegetation on the earth’s surface and brown of the earth herself. The kingfisher is fused with everything that is. That is why the kingfisher is a very special animal that brings you a special message.

Trying hard
The kingfisher knows better than anyone that you have to make an effort for something that you REALLY need in your life to feed your inner feeling of happiness indefinitely. Therefore, it is important for the kingfisher that it catches fish out of the water, risking its own life every time. The kingfisher is not a water bird. It has no flippers and its feathers are not fat enough, allowing it to float if a fishing attempt failed. That means it will have to focus very well and calculate its dive at exactly the right moment in order to catch the one fish it needs to survive.

Many choices and information will pass you by every day. Sometimes you will even feel that it drives you a little crazy. The higher your soul alignment, the older your soul, the more lives you have had, and the more experiences, knowledge and wisdom are hidden inside you. As a result, you will have a broad interest in everyday life and like a lot of things.
But what is REALLY worth giving your energy to? What will you blossom from? Wake up, dear cherished one, many things that pass your head every day are a kind of filling, but don’t make the cake you bake any tastier. You should choose just those ingredients that will make the baking result sublime.

Ok, admittedly, some attempts fail, but if you, like the kingfisher, keep trying to make your most beautiful cake, you will see that you will succeed.

Staying alert
The kingfisher is the size of a blackbird. This means that it doesn’t go fishing for pike, because it simply cannot eat them. The fish must be just big enough, for it to swallow them in one go. If your head is too involved, there is a good chance that you have a distorted image in your head. The kingfisher has already learned this lesson. It knows that a water surface creates a distorted image and depending on how deep the fish swims, it may appear larger or smaller.

You may have been tempted to make choices which would allow you to punch above your weight. Now you are faced with the consequences and trying to maintain something that doesn’t or no longer resonate with your deepest BEing.

Letting go of what is, or of what you have, is a difficult process. But if it limits your happiness, what does it add to your life anyway? Less, smaller or without does not mean that your BEing will suffer. Feel, dear cherished one, to the rhythm that your heart indicates and is inextricably bound up with that of Mother Earth. Where wisdom is present, which you need to make the best choices for you and where you also help the greater good. Stop spreading yourself too thin, trying to please everyone, breaking your back for a life without energy.

You are asked to be alert to everything you have experienced and done so far. Have you tried catching fish that are too big? Release them and give them their freedom back. That is best for you and the other thing (people, things, houses, contracts, work, you name it). Your life is not meant to be about having to worry every day. Worries as being worries for others and worries (the so-called brainteasers your head cannot find a solution for anyway) in the form of shortages on any front.

It is prosperity and abundance you are allowed to live in, but then you will have to make the right choices and dare to admit that you often maintain the situation yourself, while things can be different. It is only then that you must make other choices, regardless if it will affect the certainties and familiarity surrounding you now.

Moving freely
If you look at the kingfisher, you will see that it has a beautiful bright ice blue/green plumage that covers its entire top. It looks like a reflection of the sky in the water. And if it flies above clear water, it would not even stand out from above. That is handy when you know that bigger birds might want to eat you. It is the other way around, too. The fish that looks up, looks at its beautiful terracotta belly.

The kingfisher is patient and usually sits on a branch above the water to observe. It is, as it were, merged with its surroundings, which makes it invisible to the fish swimming underneath it. It moves freely between heaven and earth and only shows itself when it serves itself.

Sometimes it is better to stay in a shelter for a while, keep your mouth shut, observe and above all have patience in whatever situation you find yourself in. Waiting it out for new insights, a clearer view and a better connection with your SELF as the pivot between heaven and earth. Before you interfere, it is often worthwhile to see what happens if you don’t.

In addition, you may have set goals for yourself, or want things, but if the time is not right, you can pull and push whatever you want, but the door really won’t open. Forcing things, only results in undesired or incomplete results.

The overview you have from your own perspective and for your own little world is never complete. There are always so many aspects you cannot see. Certainly not if other people or institutions are involved in situations, each of which has its own way to go with all the learning moments that go with it. The playground often grows enormously and only the Universe has the overview.

Let things take their course more often. Have infinite faith that if you serve your highest good. You will be called upon to show yourself at the right time. That things/situations, where time has not yet come (it feels like you are in some kind of vacuum or impasse) and the gears and radars are jammed, suddenly start to turn again at the right moment. Don’t forget, dear cherished one. that a clock always moves forward. Listen to the ticking in your inner BEing and accept the NOW, as it is. Standing still is not going backwards. But standing still and constantly thinking what if this, what if that, and the if, buts that follow, don’t add anything.

Stand still and let it go. Live your day in the NOW, do what makes you happy and don’t think about it anymore. Trust in a good outcome, whatever it may be. Give the Universe the chance to let things manifest themselves in the right way.

Inner fire
Even though the kingfisher is fishing in icy cold waters, it is not ice cold itself. The orange glow of its plumage indicates the smoldering of its inner fire and that of Mother Earth. Your drive in this life is also a smoldering fire. Something that was, is and always will be. It is just the question: ‘What do you do with it now?’ Do you leave it smoldering for what it is? Restricted by the low energetic frequencies such as fear of, distrust of, or disbelief in? Or do you secretly know that you have all the means at your disposal to turn this smoldering fire into a beautiful burning whole that sets you on fire?

Go gather wood or collect what you need to live from your passion. Discover what makes your inner fire happy and catch that fire. The time is truly NOW. Let your heart warm itself and let it burn clean of all the pain and heavy stuff stored in it.

If you already live from your passion and your fire burns steadily, it is important to keep your inner fire burning. Cherish it. Use the fire to regularly clean up what has stuck to you but is not yours or belongs to you. After all, fire is the earthly element that is extremely suitable for this. The kingfisher has known this for a long time. That is why it always looks so radiant.
It also knows that fire cannot burn without a healthy basis. Mother Earth offers it in the shape of soil. Just earth as matter. We are all human and part of the great magical whole. Staying grounded is necessary for the fire to burn. Sparks that spatter away extinguish in the air and fade into nothingness.

As above, so below, as within, so without
The kingfisher represents all elements. The fire, from above, as well as the earth by its earthy colors. Air is its playroom where it may freely roam, and water provides it with what it needs to exist. Both represented in the blue of its coat. This makes it completely balanced and he is who he is. Above is below and inside is outside. If you’re reading this, how far are you? Can you still learn and grow? Then go for it, dear cherished one, you’ve got nothing to lose. Later on, when you are old and wrinkled, you can only look back and say: life was beautiful.

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