The Crane Fly

The Crane Fly spiritual Naturtalk
Image by diabolos via Pixabay

The crane fly flies around. Sometimes directionless, sometimes not in straight lines and occasionally helpless. People are frightened by this, for the crane fly is quite large and you never know which way its heading. As far as its movements, it looks quite similar to the butterfly. Also, when it comes to the natural process from egg to adult. How do you reveal yourSELF right now?

The crane fly is quite an interesting insect indeed. You will mainly see them in the twilight and at night. As soon as it starts to get dark, they are attracted to light. Just like you probably are. The world and the agenda that goes with it let its darkest sides come to light. This will result in you wanting to stay as close to the light as possible in this strange twilight era. Just like the crane fly, you want to hide in a safe environment, where the light is switched on. Dear cherished one, know you will always be safe when you are following your path of light. You are taken care of and protected.

You are probably facing a number of choices. Which direction do you choose? Or are you just flying around directionless, without following your deepest desires? Catching the latest trends? The next relationship, the next job? Are you going to become the butterfly that is hiding inside you? Or the crane fly? Both are good and the choice is yours. But if you know deep down you are settling for less than your highest purpose, what good does it do to you? Are you going to maintain the old? Continue like you always did? Or do you choose to broadening, expansion, deepening, challenges and adventures?

The crane fly encourages you to feel on these questions. What suits you? Are you ready for the manifestation of your mission, your life purpose? Or are you still a little afraid of what is to come and do you choose a stopover for now, an interim phase to get your image clear and to develop your talents even further? Both are good. Feel where you are and see what the Universe offers you. Staying around for a while, before you are truly ready to become your butterfly is not a problem. The road ahead will only take a little longer.

If you have the strength to aim for the best, BEing the butterfly, know that faster manifestation also involves greater obstacles and more intense processes. Are you ready for that? If the answer is yes, then nothing stands in your way. If the answer is no, then follow the path of the crane fly and take your time.

The crane fly has an unremarkable appearance. There is a good reason for that. Enemies easily overlook it and that keeps the species alive. You probably see that what is going on in the world. Not the things you were hoping for. If you have powers that allow you to see, feel or hear beyond, then you also see what is at stake and how the game is being played.

You would like to get up. Shout from the rooftops that humanity has to be careful. That you want to wake them up by literally and figuratively pulling their ears to ensure they understand what is at stake, but which they can’t (yet) sufficiently experience. Dear cherished one, it is not time yet. The crane fly shows you that you may certainly get in your strength, but it is still too early to put it out into the world and proclaim it freely.

Do you know how Mother Earth and the Universe communicate with you? Never in a direct way! The ‘via via’ is always used in the most extraordinary ways (Yes, the Harry Potter series also contains truths between the lines). One gets you to the other. Not everything is interesting. Being selective, putting out your feelers is a must. Leaving a lot of information for what it is, because the sign is usually found in the first bit.

Information may come to you through different people. They say a word that triggers you somewhere, because that word you have encountered before in your life or very recently in another way. Right now you can discover very important silver linings that are interwoven with your BEing and that may provide you with direction for further steps or for solving ‘quests’ that you are struggling with and are so eager to find the answers to.

The crane fly shows that the ways Universe and Mother Earth use to communicate with you and help you on your path and in your growth are constantly expanding as you evolve.
Also know that the people who give you that word, that image, that video, belong to the new network that is unfolding, before it is time for it to show itself out in the open. Until then, the unobtrusiveness of the crane fly is leading. Be patient for a while… and work on your growth, the strengthening of yourSELF and what you have to offer the new world.

How far is your reach
If you don’t have a range on your cell phone, you can’t use it. If you cut yourself off from your true BEing and your beautiful energetic gifts, you don’t add anything. Why are you here on earth? The mosquito tells you about spreading love. The crane fly goes a step further. Its long legs reach much further. How do you use your gifts to serve the greater good, ignoring fear completely? Creating and spreading only out of love what is important for the whole process of humanity’s awareness.

Your energetic reach is greater than you may suspect. Use your long legs to put love into the world, in your own unique way. By visualizing the new world, by creating texts, paintings, affirmations, a beautiful garden, everything works, as long as it contributes to increasing the Mother Earth’s energetic transformation. Everything that inspires you also inspires others. If the previous was not part of your task here, you would not be here now.

You may also have noticed that you perceive much more than normal. The 5G deployment happens also on a spiritual level. What we see literally built on earth, the cell towers and son on, is just a weak reflection. It has happened before that you thought of someone and then suddenly, they call you or send you an app. It goes much deeper now. Experiencing the same words, the same thoughts, the same things. What was already running parallel to each other is beginning to reveal itself. Learn from this, dear cherished one. See what unfolds. Practice your telepathic skills. It is not a coincidence what is happening.

Transformation on all fronts
The crane fly is not harmful. At least in its adult stage. The process is from egg, to emelt (larva), to pupa, to adult crane fly. Where are you? In the larval phase you will tend to ‘eat your way through’. Not only with all kinds of information, but also with everything that is edible. During this phase, you can do damage. Both energetically and literally by the choices you make regarding nutrition. The larva is in the ground and mainly eats waste products. You could see that in the human world as the processed food that many of us consume. As your consciousness grows and your development continues, you will also have to adapt what you eat in order not to stagnate the process.

Once grown, the emelt switches to eating roots and parts of grasses and plants that grow below and just above the earth. These parts hold a lot more nutrients. Think of it as switching to organic products, preferably not from a factory. Honest products, that contribute to the recovery of the earth and therefore also to that of your BEing. The purer what you ‘ingest’, the purer your BEing will become. On all levels.

The moment the emelt turns into a pupa and retreats into its cocoon, a kind of reflection process begins. Questions like: “What am I doing? Who am I anyway? What am I doing here?” are returning over and over again. Patience, dear cherished one, it will ‘pup up’ when the time is right. All you have to do is to turn INside and absorb and accept the transformation. Phew, that is quite a challenge, isn’t it?

Still, if you remain resolute and trust that your path is a path of light and love, the insights will come naturally. During this phase, you will see more and more silver linings in your life. Things that once triggered you, but where you didn’t know why, suddenly fall into a kind of chain of events. If you take the time for it (not unimportant, because most people forget that), you gain more insight into what has happened and what might possibly unfold.

It is up to you to provide it with the right energy in this cocoon phase. Even though you regularly feel paralyzed and tired. That is also allowed. Just take your time. Awakening is quite a feat and to transform from sleeping to a fully-fledged loving being is too. You are allowed to be kind to yourSELF, to not set the bar too high, or be too hard on yourSELF, or too demanding to have everything being changed within 1 day and even want to be in control of all this (control freak).

Dear cherished one, it is just impossible! Do you believe that the emelt of the crane fly is mind gaming in its cocoon? That it is worried about how it is going to get out? No, of course not! It is a natural process it is confident about. Are you going to try to do this the same way? Just surrender to the transformation that will bring you the best results? That without you secretly having anything to say about it, will develop your most beautiful BEing?

The only thing you can do inside your cocoon is visualize your most beautiful BEing. Put your best intentions in your cloud. Create the most beautiful world you will be a part of. Leave the rest to the Universe and Mother Earth. You will find that this allows for so much more inner peace and quiet if you just accept that a day doesn’t go the way you wanted. You will learn to live with an ache here and a complaint there. It usually goes away by itself, if what you do is in line with your highest good and trust in the forces of nature.

Time slot
Once emerged, the crane fly comes into BEing. It is in some kind of time slot. This time slot only gives it a few days to mate. It doesn’t eat, or hardly eats, because it doesn’t have time for that at all. If you draw the parallel with humanity, you could see this phase as the time slot of our life here on earth. We have been given a certain ‘time’ to create something beautiful. To live. Totally from our hearts. To enjoy the beautiful things and to end harmful behavior.

The crane fly is not harmful at all in its adult phase and it doesn’t sting either. It uses all its energy to share what it has to offer. For the crane fly this means back to basics, because this is all about reproduction. Regarding humanity this can be taken literally too, but it could mean figurative reproduction as well.

What are you going to pass on in your time slot? Days of typing behind a computer? Selling or buying destructive products or goods? Putting your beautiful energy into others or using it to work for others who will benefit from it, but not you? Do you keep seeing your gifts as unimportant? This underestimation of your self-worth won’t allow you to make the most of your time slot (life). Take the crane fly as an example.

Find a way to spread what you have to share in the world. That may be wisdom, but something creative as well. Via the digital highway or in personal encounters. Follow your heart, dear cherished one, you have crawled out of that cocoon to flutter around in complete freedom, even though the world around you makes you believe the complete opposite. Believe in yourSELF, because by following that path, happiness and joy will find their way to you. You also become an example to others, and so the global wheel of transformation is set in motion even faster.

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