The Rabbit

The Rabbit spiritual Naturetalk
Image by  skeeze via Pixabay

Little rabbit with your sniffing nose, smelling so much. How cuddly you are, with your soft fur and flappy ears. Everybody gets impressed by you, just because you are cute as a pet or at the petting zoo. Domesticated, shall we say.

In the wild, it is a completely different story. That is where mankind usually hates you. Often because of their own fault. (Think about the release of rabbits in Australia where it did not occur naturally and had no natural enemy and was able to reproduce easily and quickly) Why? Because you dig holes in constructions made by humans, dikes for example. It is only your natural behavior, nothing to be ashamed about. That they build mountains for you that are perfect to live in, that is what they create themselves, isn’t it?

Unfortunately, this is at the expense of you and your peers, because holes in a dike are not a good plan. If mankind has to choose between surviving himself or letting you live, the choice is an easy one.

Fortunately, you have a special characteristic. You can reproduce very well. Not with one rabbit baby each time, but many at the same time and several times a year. This is necessary, as you are on many animals’ menus (including humans). In order to keep your species alive and make an important contribution to the preservation of entire ecosystems, it is necessary that you do your job.

Contribute to your own mini ecosystem
What about contributing to maintaining your ecosystem? Are you doing your job properly, like the rabbit? Your house, garden or balcony? What do you contribute to the preservation of Mother Earth? Do you take care of the birds, the worms, the ants and all that other stuff? For instance, by putting up nesting boxes (for butterflies and bees as well), feeding them, because so many insects are extinct by now (make sure you don’t buy any manipulated regular food, you will spoil the whole chain. Organic is the way to go). Don’t use chemical pesticides, because it will end up in your soil and will kill everything in its path and it will also affect your health.

How often do you or your family take a shower? Do you let the tap run when you brush your teeth? Do you throw away all kinds of food indiscriminately? Do you leave the lights and the heating on? Do you use environmentally polluting detergents (like those pods)? Is fabric softener a lit item (while it does not add anything, it is a commercial sham). Do you only buy cheap and mostly from Asia (you know: you get what you pay for)? Is your shopping cart full of plastic wrapped products? See the mess (especially plastic and cans on the street and in nature) and just walk past it without picking it up and tidying it up even if it is for someone else? And is there some way to do it differently?

It MUST, dear cherished one, because your individual effort has a much greater impact on the big picture than you can ever imagine. Also, for your SELF.

Or have you grown too attached to the fact that everything is always available and delivered right up to your front door? That includes water, gas, electricity, Wi-Fi. And even worse, you just order and order, because you can return it ‘for free’. For free?

Do you really believe that? What impact does your package have on our planet, Mother Earth’s nature? If it has to come from far away by boat or airplane (leaving out the whole production process of raw material use, wasting energy and the absurdly exaggerated packaging and who (children for example or severely underpaid people) made it), the distribution with polluting trucks and vans (even though they can’t help being polluting), which, after loading, reloading and unloading dozens of times, finally ends up on your doorstep, so that you can return everything you ordered for fun, which you already knew you would not keep, ‘for free’.

And then the chain starts the other way around. Because many items, including clothing, are made so cheaply, the costs don’t even weigh up to resell it, and the products you return are simply destroyed and burned in a polluting incinerator. Is that contributing to a better world?

Dear cherished one, the rabbit already knows. It is stomping on the sidelines of your life (remember Thumber from the Disney movie Bambi?) If you do not take good care of your environment including everything you have in it, carry, buy and consume, then you and your environment are not only literally but also energetically polluted. The rabbit always poops in one place for a reason and because he only eats plants and grasses, he sometimes even eats his own droppings.

This keeps the rabbit’s environment as clean and pure as possible. Part of the natural ritual of the rabbit is literally stomping on the ground to impress the female, enabling it to make the ultimate connection (the deed, shall we say). The rabbit calls upon you to restore your connection with nature and to do your utmost to do so. It is like going back to the essence of your BEing and feeling that you are as much nature as an ant, tree or elephant. Think of it as a kind of energetic mating between you and Mother Earth.

The rabbit’s coming to wake you up. Whether you like it or not. The rabbit is rattling for a reason. When it comes your way, you can go and see where you can make improvements (where does it rattle?). Buy directly from the farmer, for example, or in an eco-shop, so you don’t have plastic packaging anymore. There are these handy types of laundry bags/nets in which you can put your own fruit and veggies indefinitely. If you order something online, look where your product is made. Look up the brand. Especially if it concerns clothing. If you prefer to buy from a locally sourced brand, your footprint will be a lot lower.

Take a look at your own household. What can you do with eco-friendly products? A shower / faucet? Or just take a shower once a day or maybe every other day. Throw out all chlorine, pods, all-purpose cleaners and other chemicals, including shower foam and shampoos, and replace them with eco-friendly/natural agents. Buy a rain barrel (or more than 1) for watering your plants. Rain is free of charge… This helps to prevent the greatest scarcity that is already happening. Namely NO more clean drinking water.

“But organic is so expensive!” Do you know what is expensive, a destroyed earth with no more room for mankind to survive. We can’t order a new one online. You’ll find that it’s not all that expensive, as long as you buy smart and only what you need.

Do you know the Art Garfunkel song?

How can you/we close and fail? See the loving eyes of the rabbit? That literally asks itself: “What the hell are we doing?” Get up, cherished one, don’t start tomorrow. Don’t believe that the ‘bad weather forecast’ only affects ‘other parts of the world’, before you know it will be delivered to your doorstep. This time for free by Mother Earth, who, just like the rabbit, already shows so many wake up calls. Use your Bright Eyes and SEE. Deep in your BEing YOU KNOW. Then why don’t you start doing something?

Do(e) it
The female rabbit is called a doe. She’s got her affairs in order. How are yours? Is there chaos in your life, in your head? That is not weird at all. It is the time that is causing it. It is taking you off balance. It is making you run from hot to hot. That keeps you mostly busy in your head. You are hopping from one activity to another with your own little rabbit hole. It tickles all kinds of things under the skin. It all has to be different. You don’t want to be a toy of the third dimension world anymore, but where do you start? That “TO DO” list is so long.

Dear cherished one, your head has high demands and because of that it pushes you consciously or unconsciously into stress. With all its consequences. Your bowels or bladder for example. Besides that, you also want to do everything perfectly. UNMANAGEABLE! The rabbit’s message is that it is best to relax. Whaaaa! IMPOSSIBLE! No, not impossible at all. After all, you have already made your to do list and you know what it says. Take a look at it. How much TRULY has a strict deadline? What will REALLY go wrong if you don’t pick it up today but next week instead? And if you look at your list at the end of the day and you can ‘only’ tick off 2 things, what does that do to you? Are you upset? Did your head and not your SELF think that you could easily have done 10 things?

BE milder to yourSELF
The advice is: loosen up. Turn your bales into “Look what I have accomplished! Feel in your heart that this brings completely different energy? If you are a 5th dimensional soul, you can’t finish a lot of things in one day. Not because you don’t want to, but because your whole body protests against it. 3D activities are necessary but take you out of balance and eat energy.

The doe says to you that you may learn to be a little milder for your SELF. Rest when your physical body asks you to, even though your head will try to push you and fool you into doing even more things. Become the nurse of your BEing, for only when you feed your BEing with what it needs to be balanced on all fronts.

For this you have to FEEL, dear cherished one. Feel what your body says, what you need and listen to it. Don’t keep on trotting, because then you will eventually go crazy. The wall stands somewhere. It sure is. It is up to you whether you want to hit it hard or not. So be happy if you can cross ‘a few’ things off your list. Tomorrow is another day. Take the pressure off, because there isn’t any pressure at all. You put it on yourself by letting your head direct it. A direction that is impossible for your beautiful BEing.

This also includes food. If you know that everything is energy and that you vibrate higher than most people on this planet. Then you also know that your body resonates best with food that has a high energetic frequency. Organic and preferably directly from the land.

Tick-tock tick-tock
Time is ticking. Do you know the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland (recommended to watch the movie with Johnny Depp. And no, it’s not childish at all)? The rabbit from a parallel world goes in search of Alice who is stuck in her life in the 3D world at the time of marriage. On her wedding day, she meets the rabbit for the umpteenth time. A rabbit with a pocket watch, that is.

She feels the pressure from her BEing to follow it, even though she is about to get married, this seems more important. (Can you catch the metaphor?) Arriving at the tree where the rabbit disappeared into the den, she looks inside. She falls down and then… the adventure begins. She ends up in a parallel world where dark and light, just like in the 3D, are represented in a wonderful way. The special thing about this world is that EVERYTHING is possible.

If the rabbit crosses your path and often several times, it will not have a ticking pocket watch. But the message is the same. Tick-tock tick-tock, do you hear the ticking? The urge to do what you have to do? Your task, contribution, soul mission, or whatever you want to call it in this life. And to what extent do you listen to it? Do you keep pushing it aside? Do you see it as an afterthought? Do you really give 3D life priority? While deep in your heart you know that that life’s suffering does not resonate at all with your deepest SELF. Before you know it, you are married off to a very unhappy life, without passion, pleasure and happiness, even though you may have everything your heart desires. Each of us has a mission.

Scared rabbit
You may be reluctant to communicate your BEing and mission. This is also very exciting and sometimes even frightening, because no one knows what it will bring you. Actually, that is not important either. What matters is that so far you have managed to sit in a corner like a scared rabbit. Dear cherished one, it’s really time to change! Get out of that corner, no matter what happens.

Do you know that a rabbit always has an escape route in its burrow? That there’s always a back door? That’s very convenient for the rabbit, but it probably stops you from REALLY going for what you want to do in this life. Behind the back door is the familiar, the usual, the way everyone wants to be, the “yes, but I need money”, etcetera. If you closed that door, well, then all of a sudden you might be all alone and completely isolated.

Of course, that is not the case at all, but we have become so programmed that it seems to feel like that. Still, adventures start with a step forward and not a step back. And you know what’s nice? If you want to get rid of it completely, the 3D world has not just disappeared. So, you can always open your back door again, even if that is not the intention for you in this life. But you are always free to choose what you want to listen to.

So dear cherished one, when the rabbit comes your way, it is important that you take a close look at your life and make progress. If you don’t dare at first for your SELF, do it for the greater good and help Mother Earth. In this way you can indirectly help your SELF and your trust can grow, allowing you to eventually take those steps for your SELF that will put you on the right track of your life’s mission.

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