The Jay

The Jay spiritual Naturetalk
Image by AJRMK via Pixabay

The jay is both a sky and earth creature. Its plumage displays heavenly blue on its wings and earthy brown on its body. In addition, it also has white and black feathers. They represent light and dark. Jay is a messenger between heaven and earth and can help you to rise up to your true power.

Just like the magpie, the jay is a bird of prey and a very clever one at that. You regularly see it flashing by quickly, only to vanish between the tree branches just as quickly. Its camouflage helps it tremendously. Yet the jay doesn’t ask you to hide, but to stand up for who you are: a true messenger between heaven and earth.

The first steps
You don’t just do it as a hobby. Even though it usually starts out like that. If you start to discover that you can, know, hear or see ‘things’, then you usually don’t know what it all means. At the same time your mind switches ‘on’ to figure it out. But that’s something you can do without. Sometimes things just ARE. You should look within yourself for your unique gifts and they don’t necessarily have to be spiritual. For example, you can be very good at connecting people or getting them excited. To provide a listening ear where needed. To spread friendliness by greeting people you meet. In this respect, there are plenty of possibilities and you will automatically be led to places/situations where these kinds of qualities are needed to contribute to the whole.

As you start using your unique skills in the right way, you will notice that the Universe stimulates you to further develop yourself. We humans are all spiritual beings who landed in a human body made of flesh and blood. We will have to work with what we have been given.

Many are still unaware of this and are spinning round and round in earth’s crazy rat race. Luckily, more and more people are also waking up to the feeling inside themselves that they are more than just a body with a head and brains. That they have special abilities. Abilities that cannot be captured by technological gadgets, but that simply ARE. Nothing more and nothing less. Special things suddenly come your way. Things you thought, for example, suddenly become reality. That is called the law of synchronicity. By the way, these things can both be fun and unpleasant, so keep an eye on your thoughts and make sure they are positive.

The jay asks you to use your abilities properly. To discover exactly what you can do and how you can use this such a way that it has a positive effect on the greater good. It could be nature, plants and animals, but also mankind or Mother Earth as a whole. You will only find out only if you dare to try.

You also cannot make mistakes, because you learn from every situation. The important thing is that you dare to make the leap. You have to spread your wings. You strengthen your connection with the Universe and Mother Earth. You will not stop if you don’t do what you expected. Expectations are better thrown out immediately, as they often lead to disappointment. And disappointment leads to your great flow going down energetically. Something you can do without. So, keep trying, even if it doesn’t all lead to a resounding success the first time. Adjust something, do it differently. Practice makes perfect after all!
Show yourSELF

This process is often one that focuses entirely on you. On your BEing. The outside world is not a factor in this. Except perhaps the people you trust and/or your loved ones. At some point, you will be ready to face the outside world. You are in such a position of strength that you no longer allow yourself to be influenced by what others think and find. They are allowed to, because it says everything about them and nothing about you. Do not be afraid, for fear is another characteristic with a 2nd/3rd dimensional vibration and you are beyond that. Know that 80% (this number decreases as awakening grows!) of the people around you probably cannot understand your new BEing. They don’t have to. Everyone walks their own path.

Also know that there are more and more people on your path with whom you do have a connection on the right energetic level. People with whom you can just be yourSELF. Completely yourSELF. Combined, these people form the network of the future. You are allowed to share and apply your unique abilities. Also, to those who cannot understand it, but who are asking for help. By treating them with love and respect (literally or figuratively or both) you help them in their personal spiritual growth.

It is also possible that you are good at drawing or painting, can sing beautifully or have another creative skill that you can use. It’s all about touching people in a certain way. Out of love, beauty, being without words, being surprised. Things where something that is experienced (seeing, hearing, feeling) brings them in contact with their own deeper BEing.

Rise up
The jay asks you to get going. To get up, to do what you have to do. Not as a hobby, or ‘on the side’, but to fully go for your mission. To connect heaven and earth in your unique way. Not to doubt, but to confidently follow your intuition. Having trouble making a complete change of direction right away? Then at least be open to the growth that the jay offers you. You are still in control of your life. It is YOUR life that you can look back on with a blissful feeling when you are older, when all those others who ‘have it all’ have long since disappeared from your path…

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and manifesting my dream of an Eco Reserve.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Dove

The Dove spiritual Naturtalk
Copyright Naturetalk®

The dove is the bringer of peace and harmony. The dove asks you to connect with your higher SELF, to feel peace IN yourself and to live in harmony with Mother Earth and the Universe. That is quite a task in this tug-of-war world, where you are dealing with people and situations every day who don’t have a clue.

True peace begins within
If you know that everything is interconnected, then you also know that if you find peace within yourself, you are contributing to more peace in the world. The more people reconnect with their bodies and find balance between body, mind and soul, the more peaceful the world energy will become. After all, there is no longer any reason to go out of your way for a football match or faith. The dove calls on you to live in peace and harmony with yourSELF.

Everyone on this earth has a soul alignment. Most of humanity is still stuck in structures of hate and anger, wanting to belong, get higher and believe in leaders, who in their way do their best to win you over. Linked to this are the ego and its glorification, either by someone themselves (narcissism) or wanting to be worshipped. Money is involved. Because if you have money, you ARE somebody. The dove shows that this is all an illusion.

From the moment you are born, you are somebody. In any case, you are your parent(s)’ child and they are their parent(s)’ child(s), etc., etc. Generations of genetic and karmic matter are passed on to you. Both good and bad. You are also a SOUL in and of yourself. A free being with its own incarnation history and karma, which means good and bad.

Your soul comes from somewhere and has decided to try again on Mother Earth. To grow in consciousness, to progress, to make failed missions succeed. To move forward as part of humanity, to contribute to the long-desired peace on earth. A world where everyone is allowed to be themselves and to share this planet in harmony and connection with themselves and all other living light beings.

A world changing from money, power and ego, to a world where love and compassion are the key words. Whether that will succeed in this life, is the question, but the waking up of people on a large scale and the coming to light of scandals on an equally large scale by leaders and institutions operating on the basis of power, money and ego, indicate that a different course has indeed been taken.

Impeccable sense of direction
When the dove has come on your path, it will give you the message to navigate on your intuition just like it does. Doves have a flawless sense of direction and will always find home. Home. What do you call home? Is it yours? No, it is about coming home to yourSELF. It doesn’t matter where you physically are. If you can come home to yourSELF, you can find home anywhere in the world.

The dove may also ask you to make choices. Which flight path do you take to reach your goal? Are you distracted by everything and everyone or do you choose the shortest path and focus entirely on where your passion lies? Because in this 2nd/3rd dimensional world, it is difficult to keep your focus, it will be difficult to head straight for your goal. This means that you will have to rest regularly on the road.

You will have to make a pass at the spot and recover for a while, unload, gain energy, check your direction on your inner compass again in order to continue flying. That doesn’t matter, as long as you keep your goal in mind and don’t allow yourself to be distracted (too much).

Do you happen to have any lovebirds around you? In plural, because they come in pairs. Loving couples who always stay together. Their call is easy to recognize. They show you that unconditional love is possible. Just by accepting the other. In humans this is a bit more complex compared to the animal kingdom.

The important thing is that your partner fits your soul alignment. Some people find their soulmate at once, but most of the time you need a number of lessons to learn about love before Mr. or Mrs. right shows up at your doorstep, in order to understand that YOU are worthy of love. That YOU may feel. That YOU may let go of all pain that has been inflicted on you in the name of love. Just sit in silence, see what happened, take your lessons, cry if you want to, let go of the past and fill the open space with love.

Spreading unconditionally
Unconditional love is the hardest thing there is. The biggest lesson is to love yourself unconditionally. That requires your heart chakra to be completely open and healed. That you know what your bad and good qualities are. That you are at peace with them. That you feel in your body that at the level of your heart, but more in the middle of your body, a beautiful flower has unfolded that can receive loving energy. Not only from the moment or from others, but especially from the Universe and Mother Earth.

If this energy can flow freely, you have discovered an abundance that you can share with many people. This energy is meant to help heal others who come your way. This can be done in a very small way. For example, by being friendly on the street to people you pass, by reaching out a helping hand to known and unknown people. If you start to come home more in your body, then you can start with small things. If you have already moved on, you can use your flow of love in a wider and more wide-ranging way. For example, for the healing of groups, countries and even the whole world.

Emotionally neutral
Love doesn’t mean you have to start crying at every snapped bit of grass. Human and animal suffering is terrible and you can certainly contribute in solving this. But you do not allow yourself to be dragged along by emotions that evoke anger or other negative feelings and thoughts. The trick here is to remain neutral. Personal suffering or suffering in general always has a good reason. For example, the suffering caused by the indiscriminate shooting of people in the US, because weapons are allowed in many states, is the reason why people stand up and fight for a gun-free country.

The widely spread negative news (deliberately negative, filled with angry and crying people broadcasted frequently, ensuring that you get hit by them and activate negativity as well. See below the remark about contributing to the collective) actually has a positive connotation. Diseases, viruses, the use of chemicals and anti-biotics in the meat industry shows us that stacking chickens, cows, pigs, etc. should and must be done differently. That we eat poison without knowing it.

That we rely on institutions that ought to guarantee our food safety but are slacking. The animals concerned play an exemplary role so that their offspring can have a better life. Farmers who continue to run their business in the same way will encounter something different or the same again. Until they have learned their lesson and change.

Fear = always a bad counselor
When people or animals in your environment get sick, you do not panic and fear (that is the intention, because at that moment you contribute again to the collective to keep Mother Earth in a low frequency or in other words 2nd/3rd dimension), but quietly look at the situation and try to see, hear, feel what the reason for this is.

Stay with yourSELF. Support the other, whether human or animal, wherever possible, but keep it positive and loving. You can achieve much more with that. It is not easy to be neutral in touching situations, because you are not only a beautiful light being, but also a human of flesh and blood. If you can experience that every situation has a deeper meaning and can place it in a larger picture without involving the opinions of others (including the influence of media, which creates images and opinions throughout society), but purely and solely on your flawless dove compass, then the clarity of mind comes to you. Experience much more peace and quiet about certain situations and you, dear Cherished One, remain powerful and proud to continue on your way.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Squirrel

The squirrel spiritual Naturetalk
Photo thanks to Pixabay

The squirrel is considered a cute animal by humans. It is smart, agile and has guts. Its main focus is to hop through life, and it will do an awful lot to achieve that. It is also a bit of a loner, having a great time by itself. It has no one to answer to, only itself.

Squirrels come in all shapes and sizes. The best known to us is the reddish-brown squirrel with its bright beady eyes and fluffy tail. But there are also the striped ones we know, like Chip and Dale. They live in trees, but also know how to find their way on the ground. Especially when it comes to hiding their secret food treasures.

Discover your treasures
The squirrel is a collector when it comes to food. Before the winter arrives, it makes sure that its winter supply of (beech) nuts, acorns and seeds is skillfully hidden in various hideouts in Mother Earth. These are its treasures, which help it to survive.

What about yours? Have you discovered your treasures yet? They are hidden deep within your BEing. Unlike the squirrel, you don’t find them outside yourself. You have gained experience and wisdom through all your lived experiences, which is still present and accessible. You just need to clear the way allowing you to find your treasures. That means that sometimes you have to go deep. Everything you need is already there, but it is about the courage and perseverance you need to unlock all of this, allowing you to integrate all of this into your present BEing.

Take the leap
When you see the squirrel flying through the trees, jumping from branch to branch, you will often be amazed. If you feel good in moments like these, or when you can see it right in front of you, you can feel the freedom it gives you. The squirrel does not wonder if it will get to that branch on the other tree. It just takes the leap. And the funny thing is, it never falls flat on his belly. How is that possible? Because the squirrel believes in itself. It trusts in its own ability. What about you? Do you dare take the leap? To step out of your comfort zone and listen to what your intuition tells you and act accordingly?

As human beings, we are afraid to make mistakes. You can get sniffed out if you don’t comply with everything that is considered common in your current environment. That you don’t have any friends if you don’t do this or that, or look a certain way, different from what society tells you how you should look. That if you don’t follow the rules and don’t live in the straitjacket that society prescribes, you will not get along very well. Dear cherished one, there are three things that are important here.

1 Mistakes do not exist
Maybe something you try will not (immediately) produce the result you expect, but that is something completely different. It is others who say you are doing it wrong and that is ingrained in us. Ever since our toddler BEing. You learn that daddy is not green, and mummy is not blue, even though you know they are. But, because you are little and trust that mom and dad know better, you adjust your colors accordingly. You have to get grades at school in order to be able to move up in the current school system.

But what have you actually learned? You learned you failed if you made many mistakes again? How did it feel when you got a high grade? The squirrel does not have to get grades. It develops itself by practicing and becoming more skillful in its original power. Dear cherished one, discover what you want to practice, learn from the times it did not work out the way you expected, adjust your strategy and try again. If you did not have that one experience, you will never be able to come to another one that does work.

2 Fear is a poor basis for decision making
Life is meant to be discovered. In it, mankind is thwarted by fear. Beautiful opportunities that arise stay where they are, because you don’t dare to get over your fear. The squirrel too may have been a bit anxious when it prepared to make another leap. By relying on his inner BEing, it did not have to hesitate or delay. Its primordial power encouraged him to jump and it always succeeded. Now it is up to you.

3 No matter what happens, you always have yourSELF to fall back on.
The great thing is you are perfect, the way you are. Whether you are good at math or not, whether you are good at jumping or not. You are OK. You don’t have to prove yourself in front of others. You only have to answer to yourSELF. Whether something feels right or not and act accordingly.

Because we have become programmed throughout our lives, and we have allowed that to happen, we have adapted bits of ourSELF in order to be able to survive in this society, family, relationship(s). It is completely logical that this has happened and there is no one to blame. But when we meet the squirrel, the time has come to turn to yourSELF. Your BEing offers the support that pulls you through everything, that helps you stay in balance no matter what.

Unlocking wisdom
The squirrel has obviously learned from its parents, who jumped ahead of it, allowing it to estimate distances and who knew which branches are firm enough for its capers. They showed what you can and cannot eat and what the best hiding technique of food is, to get through the winter. In addition, its own experiences have contributed to where it is now.
But every animal and every other living creature, including humans, has an ‘elephant memory’.

This means that the squirrel also carries information from all the squirrels before it. That goes beyond just its bloodline alone. It concerns the total population of squirrels that ever existed. It can draw from this, enabling him to intuitively know whether or not an unknown nut is eatable. It is the same with you. You carry so much more inside you that you have lost contact with. The great thing is that you can regain access to it. All you have to do is open up, trust, believe in yourSELF and listen in silence. Your treasures are hidden in the deepest part of your BEing, and you can see them as the nuts that the squirrel has hidden to ensure his existence.

In order to stay in balance, the squirrel uses two techniques. First of all, it has its tail which contributes aerodynamically to its jumping ability. Mankind also has a tail. Our tailbone. This is the point of our earthly chakra. One of the points from which a cord runs that connects us to the core of Mother Earth. If you visualize that cord connected to your tailbone, you will see that you have a tail. Not to jump from branch to branch, but to stay grounded, keeping you more balanced and therefore more confident to take your leap.

Those who are not grounded will feel hurried, stressed and hunted. Will be more open to criticism, fear, the call of the ego (your head) and other low frequency emotions whether or not imposed by others. Whoever does this grounded, will be able to move quickly and smoothly from a certain peace and certainty. Just like the tail of the squirrel, your connection with Mother Earth gives you the balance you need to stay with yourSELF.

Do you still have nuts to crack?
In your search for your secret treasures, you may also come across things you do not like at first. Things from the past, that may go back further than in this life, which does not have a pleasant feeling. If the squirrel finds such a nut, it will look at it carefully. Spinning it around, tapping it against a tree or stone, before it puts his teeth in it.

The same applies to you. Look what happened. Know it was there to get you where you are now. Try to look lovingly at a note like that, because even if it doesn’t feel good, it is part of your BEing. In this case, after his examination, the squirrel will decide to leave the nut for what it is. You don’t always have to eliminate or solve everything. Fighting against something is often counterproductive. Recognize that everything is allowed to be there, and everything is good.

If the nut is still interesting enough and probably eatable, the squirrel will break it open and sniff it. This is about confronting it, but in a positive way. Situations from the past cannot be adjusted, but you can look at them to see if they contribute something to your present state of BEing. If the squirrel does not like the smell or taste of the nut, it will leave it at that, because it may be there, but it doesn’t have to use it. It then lovingly lets it go in the knowledge that the nut was there and continues his path.

When the lost nut has passed the complete investigation, the squirrel will eat it. It will enrich it and provide it with energy. It may be that through everything you have been through, you have gone so far from yourSELF that the original attributes of yourSELF are somewhere deeply hidden, you are no longer in touch with them.

For example, you were a very cheerful and happy child, but you have lost it. You felt love for everything and everyone, but your trust in that has been damaged. You love to dance and jump, but you have lost it because you had to behave as an adult. The contact with your creativity has been lost, because other things have been made more important than they really are. You find a nut from a previous life, giving you wisdom that can help you further in this life, but you forgot about it.

Dear cherished one, there are nuts for every human being to crack. To break open in order to regain full contact with your true BEing. They are hidden inside you. Sometimes just below the surface, sometimes you have to go deep. Sometimes you find them in this life, sometimes in the next. It is also possible that you hide nuts in this life, which can be useful in the next life. Whatever nut it is, it is always worth digging up and examining every treasure you come across. In this way you work steadily towards the integration of everything that has to do with your BEing and you grow continuously.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Duck

The Duck spiritual Naturetalk
Photo thanks to Pixabay

The odd one. Do you often feel like that? That is okay, because you are special. You have your own plumage, just like ducks, and it is never similar to any other duck. You can clearly sense that there is a lot of change in the air.

When the mating season for ducks arrives, it is not a loving affair. It is tough business. Females are attacked by males and raped and sometimes even driven to death. To draw the parallel with our world, think of #metoo and other things that happen in the news that all have to do with fornication, violence, rape, abuse, (child) pornography. The male duck’s behavior in mating time is typical of the third dimension. Males show their power and dominate wherever they can. In other words, they see who can pee the furthest or who has the biggest (weapon in this case).

Change is imminent
But dear cherished ones, this is going to change. If you look at Martin Luther King’s granddaughter, who tells thousands of demonstrators: “I have a dream,” and that dream is a world without violence and weapons. Then you know that the new era is coming. That is also why so much trouble is now coming to light at the same time and we finally realize that we cannot close our eyes anymore (e.g. the indictment against Shell, big pharma with their ridiculously expensive medicines, illnesses and viruses in both humans and animals).
Your environment

In your environment (work, family, friends) there will probably also be ‘commotion’. Higher energetic vibrations prevent people from hiding their true nature. That brings about tensions. It may feel like you are that female duck, who somehow has to be picked on in order to keep control. This behavior of others shows that it is not you who need to be insecure, but them. For they notice that you are the strange duck they can’t control, even if they wanted to. The gap between your soul alignment and theirs is simply too big. Your vibrational level is higher, 4th or 5th dimension, and that is good, because you ‘are’ the new world that is based on equality, connection, cooperation, honesty, love and light.

The third dimensional attributes of money, power and ego are increasingly losing their grip and that is frightening to those who are in this dimension. For years, they have been the ones who have tried to belittle and suppress humanity including (indigo, crystal, star and rainbow) children by using fear as a guiding principle.

No more… you notice around you that the old ways of dealing with things suddenly no longer work. You will notice in the times ahead that you don’t have to care about everything that is projected on you. You will become increasingly detached from everything that is supposedly ‘heard’ or ‘imposed’ on you. You will get more and more into your strength and dare to show it to the outside world.

There is only one thing you should not be tempted to do, and that is to lower your behavior to the level of the other person facing you. Stay in your loving light and understand that love for the 3rd dimension is a new experience. Do not forget that you too have been a 3rd dimensional human being in many lived experiences. Being condescending is inappropriate.

The female duck knows it is only a matter of time until everything will be calmer, anew and fresh. You are on earth with an important mission, contributing to the world transformation that is becoming more and more visible. So, start brooding on what your ideal world looks like and what your contribution to it, and in it is. The moment the shells of your eggs break, your creation comes to life. Draw your own plan, possibly with like-minded people, and believe that mankind, just like young ducklings, will be touched by your creation. This allows the positive ripple effect of the strange duckling plunging into the deep, to spread further and further.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and manifesting my dream of an Eco Reserve.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Goose

The Goos spiritual Naturetalk
Image by Mabel Amber, still incognito… from Pixabay

The goose is a migratory animal, an adventurer. An animal that will touch down where it pleases and leaves when its intuition tells that is time to go.

Geese are social animals. They take care of their own offspring, but also that of others. During a threat, the youngsters will get to the middle of the group and the adults form a protective circle around them. That is a clever trick, because if something or someone wants to hurt the little ones, they first have to take it up with the adult ones.

If you see geese in a field, do you notice that there are always a few on the lookout? They are the warners for the whole flock and signal when ‘danger’ is imminent. This also happens spiritually. More and more whistle-blowers appear revealing injustice, danger and/or the hidden reality. Even though this is not understood or appreciated by everyone.

Yet from their souls they are driven to awaken mankind in any way they can. Know that, just as with the geese, each has his own role to play in the Universe and everything happens for a reason. Know that the more group members they can reach, the more light is shed on dark practices. It is up to you to feel which reality resonates most with you.

The undertone is never sowing fear, as many will. Those who can see beyond their own reality will pick up the message and spread it. The goose lives on an equal footing and everyone in the group is equally important. The warning role gets passed on from one goose to another and from generation to generation. Do you have a warning role to play? Or are you the bearer, the divisor, who helps mankind to become more conscious? Feel, dear cherished one, it is the only way to see clearly.

Your (grand)children, whether or not born from you, as family does not necessarily have to be based on a bloodline, know you would do exactly the same as the goose when a threat occurs. A primal instinct will make you want to protect the little ones. This can also apply to the weaker ones around you. Elderly or sick people for example. It is a natural phenomenon that comes straight from your heart.

But there is more. What about your inner child? Has it suffered a lot of pain? Is it hurt? Does it feel lonely? Was trust in the world and the people around you damaged when you were little? Is it still stomping with anger when injustice takes place? Oops, you are feeling it. This little girl or boy is inside YOU. It will always be there and parallel to your life, regularly ringing the bell in situations that hold up a mirror to you. The mirror in which you can see that there are still unresolved issues that prevent the child from being free and playful. And that has a direct impact on your own BEing right now.

Childish expectations
You have now entered the adult phase of your life. This means that whether or not you have children, you could take on a mother role yourself. Just like a father’s role. Did you have the dream of the ideal family as a child? With loving parents who would always be there for you, protect you, hug you and cheer you on? A family where love prevails, because that was where your soul came from. Or maybe you had very different expectations. It does not matter what expectations you had. What matters is whether those expectations came true. Probably not.

Expectations are dangerous things. Whether you had them when you were little or at any other time in your life. They don’t really add anything to your BEing. They are the fairy tales of the head that eventually feed you and introduce you to disappointment. “I expected that…” Can you hear yourself say it? You unconsciously make a claim to another person, who does not know about it and 9 out of 10 times cannot live up to your expectation. The goose has known for a long time that expectations are meaningless, because they are a projection of something you cannot conduct. That is why the goose lives in the NOW and instinctively sails on its intuition, monitoring the movements in nature on a daily basis. Without judgment, without expectation. Let go of the expectations, dear cherished one, it will make life much easier for you.

Comforting and healing
You chose the earthly family you were born into. To learn and grow. To work on issues you wanted to work on when you were in the big ‘nothing and everything’. If you look back you will see that a lot has happened in your life, or maybe still happens. It has a reason. You can solve it lovingly and let go. Close your eyes. Think about that little girl or boy you used to be. Can you see her, him? What is she/he doing? That is how your inner child still feels in THIS moment. But there is a solution. Because you have grown. You can now be both the mother and the father this child always wanted. Go to the child. Do you now see yourself as a mother and/or father (depending on what that inner child needs)? Show it the love it missed, stimulate the confidence that has been damaged, heal all wounds by lovingly embracing it. Give it what it needs to heal and become happy and playful again.

You may not be able to connect with your inner child in one go. It does not matter. Practice. Where at first you can only see the child from a distance, you will find that over time you will improve. That you can come closer and closer. That you can build a bond and visualize touching it, taking it in your arms or maybe doing the fun things your earthly parents never did. Because this child is an inseparable part of you, healing is of the utmost importance. Because healing provides integration. The integration for your own WHOLESOME BEing in this moment, resulting in plenty of room for growth and adventure.

Fairytale adventure
Do you know the Nils Holgersson stories (they also made a cartoon series besides the book)? This human child teases animals on his farm in Sweden. When he catches a gnome and does not want to release it, Nils gets enchanted and becomes as small as a thumb. Now the animals can prove him right and that is no fun at all. But this is not what it is all about. A flock of wild geese flies over, and they seduce the geese in the yard to fly with them and be free. Nils tries to prevent a young goose from joining, but the young goose continues his take-off attempts and just when Nils hangs around its neck, the young goose manages to take off. And then… Nils’ adventures begin.

The goose invites you to your adventure. To follow your dreams. To fly to the most extraordinary places in the Universe, tell about your experiences and have a rock-solid belief that anything is possible as long as you believe in it. And so, dear cherished one, anything is possible. Rely on the goose’s message, which has been given adventure and knows no other way. Who flawlessly travels the world on its inner compass and learns new things everywhere it goes. Where it shares all that it has learned with those it meets.
Now, obviously, you don’t literally have to pack your bags, but you can. If it does not feel right where you are right now, go or take the first steps to being free and independent. If you were a goose, where would you go? Where and how would you like to live? And with whom? Where is your childhood dream and to what extent has it become reality? Do you do what you really like every day? If so, then every day is an adventure for you. If not, change it.
The goose’s feather

Once humans used the goose’s feather as a pen for writing. Perhaps this is still an undiscovered adventure for you? “I can’t write at all, I always make spelling mistakes, I can’t…” Stop, dear cherished one, anyone can write with or without spelling mistakes. It does not have to be literature, 😊! Are you not you raising the bar too high (again)? Or do you let your insecurity take over again? The universe teaches you things. All your life. By writing things down in your own way, in your own language, just for yourSELF, you can discover. Discover which mirrors are held up to you, which red thread runs through your life, which unique gifts you have, in which specialisms you may deepen yourself further and then use what you learned for the greater good.

And if writing is a bridge too far, choose another way of recording things. Technically there are endless possibilities. Take screenshots or photos, for example. Save links to interesting pages, videos, etc. Paste them in a document or save them in a folder and attach a date. Make sure that what is mirrored to you can be viewed in chronological order. This is another great adventure.

Never underestimate the Universe. You too will receive information in a hidden way that will lead you further to your true BEing. That never happens in the open. Nor can it, otherwise the dark has an immediate entrance to prevent you from growing. Don’t think too lightly about this. This is really about the fine-meshed FEELING, just like the goose does, and then act on it. Dear cherished one, there is so much beauty in store for you. All you have to do is take the first step across the threshold, enter the garden of infinite possibilities, accept the goose’s invitation to connect with its BEing and to let yourSELF be led to places you didn’t know existed.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Jackdaw

the jackdaw naturetalk
Image by Oldiefan via Pixabay

Loudmouth, scoundrel and troublemaker you. You and your buddies don’t make friends with people very often. The jackdaw is easily recognizable by its black body, gray head and light eyes that always seem to look through you, as if it knows exactly how you are doing. To which extent you are in balance or that you live according to the standards imposed by others. That say nothing about your BEing, yet the urge to want to belong somewhere, to find a connection, remains great. That is the reason you twist and squirm. The jackdaw draws your attention to this. What are you doing, dear cherished one? Is all this good for you? It looks, sees and comprehends you from a distance. And you know and feel that it can and may be done differently.

The special thing about the jackdaw is that it breeds in a colony, where literally anything will do as a nest. It is a smart-ass, because it does not build its own nest, like other birds build theirs in the most complicated ways folding twigs like origami. No, it is just looking for a space that is already there. A hatchery or another bird’s old nest. A hollow tree, a hole in a wall, under a roof tile or in a chimney, and even a rabbit hole. After inspecting whether it is functional, it will turn that space into a home.

That is the same for humans. We move to another house, which has usually already been used by one or more of our predecessors. We strip it, renovate it or simply give it a lick of paint, put our stuff in it and tadaaa, you have a new home. We can learn something from the jackdaw. It doesn’t need more or bigger, or more expensive. It doesn’t have to boast about its nest, because its buddies won’t either. It doesn’t have to show off how well it’ s doing. It doesn’t dream about a nest with a swimming pool and extremely expensive stuff in it, just because it doesn’t add anything to its life.

The jackdaw shows that people have become too finicky and demanding. It makes its surroundings cozy with a warm ambiance in its own unique way, giving its youngsters a secure feeling from the first moment they hatch their heads.

Maybe you are stuck in the programming of the ‘having more and more’ structure. The bigger the better, the more luxurious the more important it seems. Dear cherished one, don’t forget that it is all about WHO you are. Not about how and where you live. It may also be that you look up to all those around you who are moving to bigger or how the celebrities of this world live, while for you (maybe right now) it’s not there. Do you really allow yourself to be influenced by this? Seriously? Would you be different if you ‘had’ that dream home? Would you finally get the feeling that you are participating and maybe even be worth something?

No way! Because everything has a downside. This delusional rush that is purely and solely aimed at influencing the superficial image the outside world has of you, and filling your own empty feeling inside. Sure, you can have desires and dreams. They are nice until they get in your way and bring you down energetically. Especially if you keep reminding yourse that those things are never achievable for you. The important thing is that you are satisfied. Grateful for the roof over your head. No matter how big or small that roof is.

Loyal companions
The jackdaw is loyal to his wife. Or the other way around, of course. Once they form a beautiful couple they stay together their whole life. How wonderful they can do that together! We humans can only dream of that. That you will meet someone with whom you definitely know you will stay together, despite his or her ‘flaws’, simply because you are able to accept him or her completely, as he or she is and vice versa. It only works if this acceptance is fully balanced. That you give each other the freedom to live life the way you like, allowing you both to grow together as a unity.

That is where things often go wrong with humans. With you too? Tried everything and still didn’t succeed? It doesn’t matter. It has a purpose. The chance that you have a partner in a 3rd dimension soul alignment is high. You see the kinship at the soul level. For example, the same pain, the same fear, the same being stuck in the matrix. You still have things to solve everywhere. It will seem that at first you have an enormous kinship, partly due to your empathy and understanding.

In the long run, and that is a very elastic concept that within a few months, but also after years, comes to light that things are different. That you have been together, because it had a purpose. That you were allowed to learn from the other person, but that the other doesn’t learn equally in the same way as you do. That you thought you had the same goals, but that they turned out to be different. That you have spent a lot of energy on someone, when in fact you were meant to use that energy to solve your own issues. That you have grown or consciously taken the path of growth, while the other person seems to stand still in your eyes and can’t or doesn’t want to move.

Dear cherished one, the jackdaw is an example of like attracts like. That is the reason why it manages to stay together for life. The moment you start to realize that the other person, no matter how much you love him or her, is the way he or she is and that because of your growth in consciousness (your daily actions are more and more in balance with your true soul alignment) he or she will sort or drop out and/or won’t join you, then suddenly there are choices to be made. You feel that something has changed. That is also true. In the ‘normal’ world we call this: ‘We have grown apart’.

What has happened is that your energetic vibrational level has become stronger, more integrated. At the same time the distance to be able to understand each other increases. It seems as if you can no longer connect with each other as well, no matter how hard you try.
This is a logical consequence and it is up to you what you do with it. Do you accept the other as he or she is, just as the jackdaw, and are you fine with that? Or is this about you, about limiting, opposing, lowering, etc. your true BEing?

You will always love someone unconditionally. That is beyond question, even if that can’t be understood by the other person. Know, dear cherished one, that all choices are good. That you may make your life what you want it to be. But the moment it becomes prying, hemming and hawing, then the time has come to choose for yourSELF. The relationship takes you out of balance and that limits you to stand and grow in your true power. It is the end. You have done everything you could. Now you may continue…

To each its role
The jackdaw has no problem stirring in someone else’s poop to see if there is anything edible in it. It is an omnivore and looks for its food on the ground. In doing so, it cleans up a lot of garbage thrown away carelessly by people. It doesn’t see this role as less, but as necessary, in order to make a contribution to the bigger picture. It knows it is a valuable asset in this biger picture.

The beauty of this world is that we live together in 5 dimensions and every soul has its role. As a highly sensitive human being it often feels like a plague that you have ended up in this 3rd dimensional world (money, power, ego). That it is so difficult to realize together (4th dimension) and you often look embarrassed, because your energy has been skillfully used where another person shows off the result or runs away with your idea.

That your unconditional love and commitment to the greater whole (5th dimension) is usually interpreted as self-centered or selfish and makes you feel (even) lonelier or thrown out.

In fact, we are all equal and all equally important to keep the greater good going. If you, as a 5th dimensional soul, have to deal with formalities imposed by the 3rd dimension, it is very convenient that there are 3rd dimensional souls who will stir around in the poop to get the best contract, agreement, solution, etc. for you. They are very skillful in dealing with soul mates. Something you wouldn’t be able to do, simply because the distance to energetic vibrations is simply too big.

It is the other way around as well. 3rd dimensional souls who have to deal with 4th or 5th dimensional souls, learn that the approach can also be different from what they (can) think is possible now. They may not be able to do much with it yet in this life, but the experience is stored to let them grow towards the 4th dimension. How beautiful is that? It is as if the jackdaw looks up at you from the ground and sees how special you are, that your beautiful energy has been noticed by it, and then continues to clean up trash.

Perhaps you can hold on to this when you find yourself in a situation where it feels like you are just being thwarted, not understood and not being heard. That your 4th dimension ‘together’ is only possible with like-minded people and there are more and more of them. That your 5th dimension SELFlessness can be put to great use for the greater whole, but not always in the way you think up, namely with people of flesh and blood. The amount of 5th dimensional souls is ever increasing, and with it the chance to have more like-minded people on your path. Hold on to this enormous global transformation that is taking place, and in which you have a role to play in order to accomplish it in the best way possible. Use your talents to this end, for example through visualizations.

Does the jackdaw make its presence known by a lot of noise? Then you know that better is on the way. It attracts your attention for a reason. Clean up the old stuff, dear cherished one. These can be tangible things in this life, but they can also be energetic things that influence your BEing today in this life. Once upon a time karma came into humanity’s life. So it may also be that you are ‘troubled’ by things from previous lives, your family line, and the total karma of the world. Look at everything with love and light. What is crooked can be forgiven by correcting it with love and light. Ask for help from the Universe and from Mother Earth or transform with love and light so that more peace can be created. That your body may be healed, that your head may accept the silence, etc.

The jackdaw’s screeching, the crow’s little brother, brings you the message that you may be perceptive. That you may make choices that are only good for you. That the opinion of others is totally unimportant. After all, you must be able to go through one door daily with yourSELF. Everything starts from that. Then you can see if those around you fit through that same door. Or that your door just closes for some. If you are in balance, you can make better choices. About everything that happens in your life. Screech, screech, make room for yourSELF, dear cherished one. Every day! Tune in, feel if everything still feels good and safe inside you. Take your time for it. It is important to listen to your inner knowing. You know it, so shape your life in such a way that you feel the happiest.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Magpie

The Magpie spiritual Naturetalk
Photo thanks to Pixabay

The magpie is special because of its black and white, or rather metallic rainbow-like plumage. It has a keen eye for detail. It has much knowledge, wisdom and loves shiny things. Not for greed, as greed is not something it knows, but more out of curiosity for the unknown.

The magpie feeds on insects like earthworms, spiders, caterpillars, beetles and emelts (worm-like crane fly larvae that live in the ground). In addition, the magpie is also adapted to today’s world. It eats fries and bread as well. It eats eggs and sometimes another bird’s chick, especially if it has young of its own. It knows that the egg’s nutrients, or from the young bird’s, make its young strong. It never robs a nest completely empty at once and does not take all the eggs. It does not have to, because it only takes what it needs. The magpie has learned that lesson a long time ago. By doing so, it contributes to maintaining the balance in nature. After all, not all eggs have to hatch and the young hatchling’s chance of survival is increased.

Shamelessly in the spotlight
The magpie is not ashamed of its behavior. The hijacking of a young bird from a nest or breaking an egg happens in plain sight. Sometimes all this is accompanied by a lot of noise. This is about honesty. Honesty to yourSELF. Full recognition of yourSELF and daring to show it. Just like with yourself, the magpie has black and white integrated into one. If you look closely at the magpie, you will see that its black is not black.

Just as your fears are not. Your fears want to teach you something. Namely that you don’t have to be afraid of them. You can get over it, but only if you dare to face those fears head on. Dare to look at them with curiosity, to see that they are not black but colorful, and that they help you to grow as a person. When you are no longer afraid of your fears, you have experienced a tremendous growth and you will notice that there is a kind of peace and quiet in you. You will feel that everything is good.

The magpie’s unbridled curiosity brings it where it should be, but sometimes also where it should not. The same probably applies to you. You will encounter situations and people on your voyage of discovery that initially look like shining treasure. You can feel a strong connection with that new person or an attraction. Your search based on thinking tempts you to do a certain course, to get into a project, to start working together, etc.

The lesson sometimes is one of ‘too good to be true’ and ‘nothing what it seems’. Dear cherished one, don’t forget that the degree of spirituality in all dimensions is equally present here on earth and that people can behave like a chameleon. Particularly people with narcissistic traits, who, from their 2nd or 3rd dimension (envy, hate, money, power, ego), know exactly how to wind you around their finger. Full of joy, full of your heart, because you ‘think’ you have finally found connection. The only thing that happens is that these souls need your energy to improve themselves. They feed, as it were, on yours and on your loving unbridled commitment.

The same goes for projects, companies, networks, associations, etc. Every entity has a soul (also to be expressed as the atmosphere ‘hanging’ around) and a corresponding motive and energy. Sometimes the skin is sold at a higher price than its true value. Sooner or later, you will figure out that motivations are not sincere and straight from the heart.

Use the magpie’s knowledge and wisdom by listening to your intuition. It is all about feeling and trusting your intuition flawlessly. Are you going to fine-tune them? And should you unexpectedly find yourself in such a situation and gain the insight, don’t be disappointed, sad or angry. You don’t have time at all for such low frequencies, do you? You have learned another lesson. You can now better recognize it and that is a wonderful development.

You usually see the magpie wandering around by itself. Yet magpies don’t live solitary. Until about three years of age, they discover that they can make a lot of noise in small groups. Bravado behavior is not unknown to them. During those years, the magpie learns beautiful and wise lessons from others. About feeding, hibernating, dealing with each other, etc. Then comes the wisdom, which puts an end to the MUST to prove itself.

What about you? Dear cherished one, you do NOT have to prove yourself to anyone. You are valuable. Just the way you are. What may have happened is that others from your groupie stuck stickers on you, gave you unpleasant experiences, got you out of balance and you started trusting judgements and opinions about you that are outside of yourSELF. That doubt has entered your life. Whether you are good enough and whether there are things wrong with you. That you have become guilty. That you start to think of YOURself as less.

Scratch, scratch, scratch, the magpie wakes you up scratching. Where did the wonderful connection with your powerful SELF go? The SELF who knows. The SELF knows that your victim behavior is just the projection of others. That you have made your head run wild, and in doing so have given thought the opportunity to rule over the heart, where the real inner knowing is.

The moment the magpie withdraws from its groupie, it suddenly sees. It gives him an overview and allows him to see things from a different perspective. From a distance it sees the illusion it wanted to be a part of, to belong to something, to gain appreciation. It also sees that ‘walking on his toes’ and ‘running after the crowd’ is completely useless. It has learned the basic principles and for that it is eternally grateful to its groupie. From now on, it trusts in its own SELF and it does not need anyone else for that, because the wisdom that takes it further is already in itSELF.

Not all at once
The magpie does not drag all its treasures home with it. If it suspects that it is valuable or that it does not have time for it at the moment, it hides its bling bling treasure under the leaves to investigate at a later moment, to see if it has any added value or not. Dear cherished one, as you become more and more in balance with your SELF, more and more magic will appear. Magic that makes you want to discover more, to collect more treasures. Suddenly everything seems interesting and has a different depth. Beautiful all and very useful.

If you are triggered by something, look at it from all sides. Don’t forget to feel what is true to you and what is not. If your antennas are switched on, you might end up collecting too much treasure and getting bogged down. You will lose the overview and that is not the intention. It is very wise to say to certain things: “Not now.” If a subject does matter to you, you can rest assured that the universe will let it cross your path again at a later time. Just like the magpie who finds his treasure again.

Inner knowledge and wisdom
When the magpie comes on your path, it asks you to connect with your OWN inner knowing and wisdom. This is already present in you, for it is not for nothing that you have led all those previous and future (yes, that is possible. ‘Back to the future’ exists) lives. So, it is important to rely fully on yourSELF and learn to listen to your inner voice and then take action in the direction that is indicated. You will receive insight into your gifts and/or the opportunity to deepen them further. Carefully applying them in a pure way is also part of this voyage of discovery.

On the way to fully identify with your black and white SELF, you don’t have to wait until this process is complete (you are inclined to do so from the programming in this life), because it never is. On your path of learning, you can share everything you have learned about this special and magical personal growth with others. Shameless and full of light, remember? Much inner knowledge and wisdom!

Did this message touched you? Did it give you the answers you were looking for? You can do something in return, by helping me to spend more time writing these kinds of articles. In doing so, you will help others who are searching as well.

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The Bumblebee

The Bumblebee spiritual Naturetalk
Photo thanks to Pixabay

Bumblebee, strumbles and mumbles. What do I see in the attic of your home and life…? This is about cleaning up, starting over, realizing dreams and showing your soft sides. The bumblebee is a funny animal with a woolly coat to protect it from the cold, but also from the heat. In spring it comes crawling out of its hibernation to build a new existence. A new nest, a new colony with a new population. It has left his old nest behind him.

When the bumblebee comes your way, it is time for a change. That does not mean you have to burn all your bridges behind you, but it does mean you have to take a good look at what has become redundant in your life. In the attic, for example, or behind those closed (clothing) closet doors. What should you do with all those things you have not looked at for years anyway, or that you don’t fit any more, or that you actually never liked at all? Take a good look at everything, select it, see if you can make someone else happy with it, see if you can donate it, recycle it and just throw the rest away. Create a tidy nest for a fresh start or if you want to tackle it rigorously, then maybe it’s time for another home.

Old and new contacts
You can also notice that the people you have had a good relationship with for years are getting further away from you. It all makes sense. Just like the bumblebee, you will get out of hibernation and a new season presents itself. If all goes well, you have had a time of (SELF) reflection, but the other has gone through this process as well. Each in his or her own way and every way is good. Still, sometimes roads separate, but there are always new people on your path, who at that moment are better attuned to your ‘buzzing frequency’.

When the bumblebee finds a good spot, it will build its nest in the ground. That nest will be arranged in such a way that it can optimally fulfil its function in the coming seasons. Not only is there enough space for itself, something you should not forget either, but also for the housing of the new population that will come into BEing.

Create a nice place for yourself where you can relax and where others are also welcome, provided they have the right ‘buzzer frequency’, because the bumblebee prefers to keep ‘strange buzzers’ out. These pose a threat to the balance and survival of the bumblebee population. Try to feel who you allow into your life and for whom there is no more room, because the ‘strange buzzers’ will always take you out of balance or use your energy to fly on. In which case you will probably end up being left with a lame wing. Look around you when you are settled on your bumblebee throne. Realize what you have created, how happy you may be with it and how many others you have made or will make happy with your creation.

The bumblebee is a cuddly animal indeed. For real! It is velvety, but beware… It can also sting. Unlike other bee-like animals, it can only use its sting once. After that, the sting stays in the opponent and the bumblebee will die. In the time to come, this may mean that you would like to sting here and there for whatever reason. Don’t be tempted, just keep on flying and see how things solve themselves, without upsetting yourself.

When you have created the right base for yourself, you can start flying out in search of the purest nectar. The bumblebee is selective and purposeful when it comes to collecting nectar. Maybe it is an idea to take a closer look at the labels of the products you buy. The first ingredient on the label is the article that’s in it the most, then the second, etcetera.

Pay attention to artificial sugars, E-numbers, GMO grains, vegetables, fruit and unfortunately also fish. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. Nutrition can also have a different meaning. How do you feed your energy field? Go for a walk, go to the sauna, work in your garden, exercise, meditate or do yoga. Everything that makes you feel better and enriches you energetically, contributes to your balance. When you return to your tidy nest with a tidy mind, you buzz right into sweet dreams in the evening.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Kingfisher

The Kingfisher spiritual Naturetalk
Photo thanks to Pixabay

The kingfisher is a magical creature with a beautiful plumage. Icy blue, lagoon green and terracotta brown are the colors that could not have displayed more magnificently Mother Earth’s and the Universe’s BEing. If you look at the layers, the kingfisher represents a 1 on 1 reflection. Blue of the sky, green of all vegetation on the earth’s surface and brown of the earth herself. The kingfisher is fused with everything that is. That is why the kingfisher is a very special animal that brings you a special message.

Trying hard
The kingfisher knows better than anyone that you have to make an effort for something that you REALLY need in your life to feed your inner feeling of happiness indefinitely. Therefore, it is important for the kingfisher that it catches fish out of the water, risking its own life every time. The kingfisher is not a water bird. It has no flippers and its feathers are not fat enough, allowing it to float if a fishing attempt failed. That means it will have to focus very well and calculate its dive at exactly the right moment in order to catch the one fish it needs to survive.

Many choices and information will pass you by every day. Sometimes you will even feel that it drives you a little crazy. The higher your soul alignment, the older your soul, the more lives you have had, and the more experiences, knowledge and wisdom are hidden inside you. As a result, you will have a broad interest in everyday life and like a lot of things.
But what is REALLY worth giving your energy to? What will you blossom from? Wake up, dear cherished one, many things that pass your head every day are a kind of filling, but don’t make the cake you bake any tastier. You should choose just those ingredients that will make the baking result sublime.

Ok, admittedly, some attempts fail, but if you, like the kingfisher, keep trying to make your most beautiful cake, you will see that you will succeed.

Staying alert
The kingfisher is the size of a blackbird. This means that it doesn’t go fishing for pike, because it simply cannot eat them. The fish must be just big enough, for it to swallow them in one go. If your head is too involved, there is a good chance that you have a distorted image in your head. The kingfisher has already learned this lesson. It knows that a water surface creates a distorted image and depending on how deep the fish swims, it may appear larger or smaller.

You may have been tempted to make choices which would allow you to punch above your weight. Now you are faced with the consequences and trying to maintain something that doesn’t or no longer resonate with your deepest BEing.

Letting go of what is, or of what you have, is a difficult process. But if it limits your happiness, what does it add to your life anyway? Less, smaller or without does not mean that your BEing will suffer. Feel, dear cherished one, to the rhythm that your heart indicates and is inextricably bound up with that of Mother Earth. Where wisdom is present, which you need to make the best choices for you and where you also help the greater good. Stop spreading yourself too thin, trying to please everyone, breaking your back for a life without energy.

You are asked to be alert to everything you have experienced and done so far. Have you tried catching fish that are too big? Release them and give them their freedom back. That is best for you and the other thing (people, things, houses, contracts, work, you name it). Your life is not meant to be about having to worry every day. Worries as being worries for others and worries (the so-called brainteasers your head cannot find a solution for anyway) in the form of shortages on any front.

It is prosperity and abundance you are allowed to live in, but then you will have to make the right choices and dare to admit that you often maintain the situation yourself, while things can be different. It is only then that you must make other choices, regardless if it will affect the certainties and familiarity surrounding you now.

Moving freely
If you look at the kingfisher, you will see that it has a beautiful bright ice blue/green plumage that covers its entire top. It looks like a reflection of the sky in the water. And if it flies above clear water, it would not even stand out from above. That is handy when you know that bigger birds might want to eat you. It is the other way around, too. The fish that looks up, looks at its beautiful terracotta belly.

The kingfisher is patient and usually sits on a branch above the water to observe. It is, as it were, merged with its surroundings, which makes it invisible to the fish swimming underneath it. It moves freely between heaven and earth and only shows itself when it serves itself.

Sometimes it is better to stay in a shelter for a while, keep your mouth shut, observe and above all have patience in whatever situation you find yourself in. Waiting it out for new insights, a clearer view and a better connection with your SELF as the pivot between heaven and earth. Before you interfere, it is often worthwhile to see what happens if you don’t.

In addition, you may have set goals for yourself, or want things, but if the time is not right, you can pull and push whatever you want, but the door really won’t open. Forcing things, only results in undesired or incomplete results.

The overview you have from your own perspective and for your own little world is never complete. There are always so many aspects you cannot see. Certainly not if other people or institutions are involved in situations, each of which has its own way to go with all the learning moments that go with it. The playground often grows enormously and only the Universe has the overview.

Let things take their course more often. Have infinite faith that if you serve your highest good. You will be called upon to show yourself at the right time. That things/situations, where time has not yet come (it feels like you are in some kind of vacuum or impasse) and the gears and radars are jammed, suddenly start to turn again at the right moment. Don’t forget, dear cherished one. that a clock always moves forward. Listen to the ticking in your inner BEing and accept the NOW, as it is. Standing still is not going backwards. But standing still and constantly thinking what if this, what if that, and the if, buts that follow, don’t add anything.

Stand still and let it go. Live your day in the NOW, do what makes you happy and don’t think about it anymore. Trust in a good outcome, whatever it may be. Give the Universe the chance to let things manifest themselves in the right way.

Inner fire
Even though the kingfisher is fishing in icy cold waters, it is not ice cold itself. The orange glow of its plumage indicates the smoldering of its inner fire and that of Mother Earth. Your drive in this life is also a smoldering fire. Something that was, is and always will be. It is just the question: ‘What do you do with it now?’ Do you leave it smoldering for what it is? Restricted by the low energetic frequencies such as fear of, distrust of, or disbelief in? Or do you secretly know that you have all the means at your disposal to turn this smoldering fire into a beautiful burning whole that sets you on fire?

Go gather wood or collect what you need to live from your passion. Discover what makes your inner fire happy and catch that fire. The time is truly NOW. Let your heart warm itself and let it burn clean of all the pain and heavy stuff stored in it.

If you already live from your passion and your fire burns steadily, it is important to keep your inner fire burning. Cherish it. Use the fire to regularly clean up what has stuck to you but is not yours or belongs to you. After all, fire is the earthly element that is extremely suitable for this. The kingfisher has known this for a long time. That is why it always looks so radiant.
It also knows that fire cannot burn without a healthy basis. Mother Earth offers it in the shape of soil. Just earth as matter. We are all human and part of the great magical whole. Staying grounded is necessary for the fire to burn. Sparks that spatter away extinguish in the air and fade into nothingness.

As above, so below, as within, so without
The kingfisher represents all elements. The fire, from above, as well as the earth by its earthy colors. Air is its playroom where it may freely roam, and water provides it with what it needs to exist. Both represented in the blue of its coat. This makes it completely balanced and he is who he is. Above is below and inside is outside. If you’re reading this, how far are you? Can you still learn and grow? Then go for it, dear cherished one, you’ve got nothing to lose. Later on, when you are old and wrinkled, you can only look back and say: life was beautiful.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and manifesting my dream of an Eco Reserve.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Rabbit

The Rabbit spiritual Naturetalk
Image by  skeeze via Pixabay

Little rabbit with your sniffing nose, smelling so much. How cuddly you are, with your soft fur and flappy ears. Everybody gets impressed by you, just because you are cute as a pet or at the petting zoo. Domesticated, shall we say.

In the wild, it is a completely different story. That is where mankind usually hates you. Often because of their own fault. (Think about the release of rabbits in Australia where it did not occur naturally and had no natural enemy and was able to reproduce easily and quickly) Why? Because you dig holes in constructions made by humans, dikes for example. It is only your natural behavior, nothing to be ashamed about. That they build mountains for you that are perfect to live in, that is what they create themselves, isn’t it?

Unfortunately, this is at the expense of you and your peers, because holes in a dike are not a good plan. If mankind has to choose between surviving himself or letting you live, the choice is an easy one.

Fortunately, you have a special characteristic. You can reproduce very well. Not with one rabbit baby each time, but many at the same time and several times a year. This is necessary, as you are on many animals’ menus (including humans). In order to keep your species alive and make an important contribution to the preservation of entire ecosystems, it is necessary that you do your job.

Contribute to your own mini ecosystem
What about contributing to maintaining your ecosystem? Are you doing your job properly, like the rabbit? Your house, garden or balcony? What do you contribute to the preservation of Mother Earth? Do you take care of the birds, the worms, the ants and all that other stuff? For instance, by putting up nesting boxes (for butterflies and bees as well), feeding them, because so many insects are extinct by now (make sure you don’t buy any manipulated regular food, you will spoil the whole chain. Organic is the way to go). Don’t use chemical pesticides, because it will end up in your soil and will kill everything in its path and it will also affect your health.

How often do you or your family take a shower? Do you let the tap run when you brush your teeth? Do you throw away all kinds of food indiscriminately? Do you leave the lights and the heating on? Do you use environmentally polluting detergents (like those pods)? Is fabric softener a lit item (while it does not add anything, it is a commercial sham). Do you only buy cheap and mostly from Asia (you know: you get what you pay for)? Is your shopping cart full of plastic wrapped products? See the mess (especially plastic and cans on the street and in nature) and just walk past it without picking it up and tidying it up even if it is for someone else? And is there some way to do it differently?

It MUST, dear cherished one, because your individual effort has a much greater impact on the big picture than you can ever imagine. Also, for your SELF.

Or have you grown too attached to the fact that everything is always available and delivered right up to your front door? That includes water, gas, electricity, Wi-Fi. And even worse, you just order and order, because you can return it ‘for free’. For free?

Do you really believe that? What impact does your package have on our planet, Mother Earth’s nature? If it has to come from far away by boat or airplane (leaving out the whole production process of raw material use, wasting energy and the absurdly exaggerated packaging and who (children for example or severely underpaid people) made it), the distribution with polluting trucks and vans (even though they can’t help being polluting), which, after loading, reloading and unloading dozens of times, finally ends up on your doorstep, so that you can return everything you ordered for fun, which you already knew you would not keep, ‘for free’.

And then the chain starts the other way around. Because many items, including clothing, are made so cheaply, the costs don’t even weigh up to resell it, and the products you return are simply destroyed and burned in a polluting incinerator. Is that contributing to a better world?

Dear cherished one, the rabbit already knows. It is stomping on the sidelines of your life (remember Thumber from the Disney movie Bambi?) If you do not take good care of your environment including everything you have in it, carry, buy and consume, then you and your environment are not only literally but also energetically polluted. The rabbit always poops in one place for a reason and because he only eats plants and grasses, he sometimes even eats his own droppings.

This keeps the rabbit’s environment as clean and pure as possible. Part of the natural ritual of the rabbit is literally stomping on the ground to impress the female, enabling it to make the ultimate connection (the deed, shall we say). The rabbit calls upon you to restore your connection with nature and to do your utmost to do so. It is like going back to the essence of your BEing and feeling that you are as much nature as an ant, tree or elephant. Think of it as a kind of energetic mating between you and Mother Earth.

The rabbit’s coming to wake you up. Whether you like it or not. The rabbit is rattling for a reason. When it comes your way, you can go and see where you can make improvements (where does it rattle?). Buy directly from the farmer, for example, or in an eco-shop, so you don’t have plastic packaging anymore. There are these handy types of laundry bags/nets in which you can put your own fruit and veggies indefinitely. If you order something online, look where your product is made. Look up the brand. Especially if it concerns clothing. If you prefer to buy from a locally sourced brand, your footprint will be a lot lower.

Take a look at your own household. What can you do with eco-friendly products? A shower / faucet? Or just take a shower once a day or maybe every other day. Throw out all chlorine, pods, all-purpose cleaners and other chemicals, including shower foam and shampoos, and replace them with eco-friendly/natural agents. Buy a rain barrel (or more than 1) for watering your plants. Rain is free of charge… This helps to prevent the greatest scarcity that is already happening. Namely NO more clean drinking water.

“But organic is so expensive!” Do you know what is expensive, a destroyed earth with no more room for mankind to survive. We can’t order a new one online. You’ll find that it’s not all that expensive, as long as you buy smart and only what you need.

Do you know the Art Garfunkel song?

How can you/we close and fail? See the loving eyes of the rabbit? That literally asks itself: “What the hell are we doing?” Get up, cherished one, don’t start tomorrow. Don’t believe that the ‘bad weather forecast’ only affects ‘other parts of the world’, before you know it will be delivered to your doorstep. This time for free by Mother Earth, who, just like the rabbit, already shows so many wake up calls. Use your Bright Eyes and SEE. Deep in your BEing YOU KNOW. Then why don’t you start doing something?

Do(e) it
The female rabbit is called a doe. She’s got her affairs in order. How are yours? Is there chaos in your life, in your head? That is not weird at all. It is the time that is causing it. It is taking you off balance. It is making you run from hot to hot. That keeps you mostly busy in your head. You are hopping from one activity to another with your own little rabbit hole. It tickles all kinds of things under the skin. It all has to be different. You don’t want to be a toy of the third dimension world anymore, but where do you start? That “TO DO” list is so long.

Dear cherished one, your head has high demands and because of that it pushes you consciously or unconsciously into stress. With all its consequences. Your bowels or bladder for example. Besides that, you also want to do everything perfectly. UNMANAGEABLE! The rabbit’s message is that it is best to relax. Whaaaa! IMPOSSIBLE! No, not impossible at all. After all, you have already made your to do list and you know what it says. Take a look at it. How much TRULY has a strict deadline? What will REALLY go wrong if you don’t pick it up today but next week instead? And if you look at your list at the end of the day and you can ‘only’ tick off 2 things, what does that do to you? Are you upset? Did your head and not your SELF think that you could easily have done 10 things?

BE milder to yourSELF
The advice is: loosen up. Turn your bales into “Look what I have accomplished! Feel in your heart that this brings completely different energy? If you are a 5th dimensional soul, you can’t finish a lot of things in one day. Not because you don’t want to, but because your whole body protests against it. 3D activities are necessary but take you out of balance and eat energy.

The doe says to you that you may learn to be a little milder for your SELF. Rest when your physical body asks you to, even though your head will try to push you and fool you into doing even more things. Become the nurse of your BEing, for only when you feed your BEing with what it needs to be balanced on all fronts.

For this you have to FEEL, dear cherished one. Feel what your body says, what you need and listen to it. Don’t keep on trotting, because then you will eventually go crazy. The wall stands somewhere. It sure is. It is up to you whether you want to hit it hard or not. So be happy if you can cross ‘a few’ things off your list. Tomorrow is another day. Take the pressure off, because there isn’t any pressure at all. You put it on yourself by letting your head direct it. A direction that is impossible for your beautiful BEing.

This also includes food. If you know that everything is energy and that you vibrate higher than most people on this planet. Then you also know that your body resonates best with food that has a high energetic frequency. Organic and preferably directly from the land.

Tick-tock tick-tock
Time is ticking. Do you know the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland (recommended to watch the movie with Johnny Depp. And no, it’s not childish at all)? The rabbit from a parallel world goes in search of Alice who is stuck in her life in the 3D world at the time of marriage. On her wedding day, she meets the rabbit for the umpteenth time. A rabbit with a pocket watch, that is.

She feels the pressure from her BEing to follow it, even though she is about to get married, this seems more important. (Can you catch the metaphor?) Arriving at the tree where the rabbit disappeared into the den, she looks inside. She falls down and then… the adventure begins. She ends up in a parallel world where dark and light, just like in the 3D, are represented in a wonderful way. The special thing about this world is that EVERYTHING is possible.

If the rabbit crosses your path and often several times, it will not have a ticking pocket watch. But the message is the same. Tick-tock tick-tock, do you hear the ticking? The urge to do what you have to do? Your task, contribution, soul mission, or whatever you want to call it in this life. And to what extent do you listen to it? Do you keep pushing it aside? Do you see it as an afterthought? Do you really give 3D life priority? While deep in your heart you know that that life’s suffering does not resonate at all with your deepest SELF. Before you know it, you are married off to a very unhappy life, without passion, pleasure and happiness, even though you may have everything your heart desires. Each of us has a mission.

Scared rabbit
You may be reluctant to communicate your BEing and mission. This is also very exciting and sometimes even frightening, because no one knows what it will bring you. Actually, that is not important either. What matters is that so far you have managed to sit in a corner like a scared rabbit. Dear cherished one, it’s really time to change! Get out of that corner, no matter what happens.

Do you know that a rabbit always has an escape route in its burrow? That there’s always a back door? That’s very convenient for the rabbit, but it probably stops you from REALLY going for what you want to do in this life. Behind the back door is the familiar, the usual, the way everyone wants to be, the “yes, but I need money”, etcetera. If you closed that door, well, then all of a sudden you might be all alone and completely isolated.

Of course, that is not the case at all, but we have become so programmed that it seems to feel like that. Still, adventures start with a step forward and not a step back. And you know what’s nice? If you want to get rid of it completely, the 3D world has not just disappeared. So, you can always open your back door again, even if that is not the intention for you in this life. But you are always free to choose what you want to listen to.

So dear cherished one, when the rabbit comes your way, it is important that you take a close look at your life and make progress. If you don’t dare at first for your SELF, do it for the greater good and help Mother Earth. In this way you can indirectly help your SELF and your trust can grow, allowing you to eventually take those steps for your SELF that will put you on the right track of your life’s mission.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.