The Snail

The Snail spiritual Naturetalk

Slowly but steadily the snail moves forward. In spring, the snail suddenly appears out of nowhere. People often find them annoying, because they only eat flowers and plants, especially the ones they just planted in their (vegetable) garden. What they forget is that the snail is above all a cleaner of everything superfluous. But humans don’t see that, because dry leaves are not interesting for them.

The snail is also a tasty snack. Many birds, including the blackbird and the hancock, feed their whole family with it. Dear snail, with or without a house, you have an important role to play in Mother Earth’s entire ecosystem. Humanity has forgotten it.

Partly because of what has been talked into us. Snails need to go! Companies have cleverly responded to this and developed all kinds of (so-called organic, but artificial in reality) means to exterminate you.

There are many parallels to be drawn. The snail also has an exemplary function. Have you come across one or more snails that behaved in a special way, or at a place that made you think: what are you doing here? Then it means the snail has a message for you.
You realize more and more that life portrayed to us is an illusion. What is considered normal by ‘the world’ is not normal at all, with the straitjackets we forced upon ourselves, just because it developed that way. Simply because we have always believed what we have been taught and talked about.

Dear cherished one, be critical, look beyond your comfort zone. Turn on your snail feelers and know that every snail you destroy affects the survival of birds and other species, because they are their source of food. Are you still eager to scatter pellets? All the ads you get, are they really true and what are the consequences of all these products?

The detergent that turns water white and shiny, ends up in the sewage and has a big impact on the purity of our drinking water. Just like all the dishes, all that supersonic ‘cleaning’ detergent and don’t forget the medicines that we flush or urinate out, as well as the antibiotics that are administered to all our cattle (we don’t just eat it, we also put it into the chain through our faeces). Pure water no longer exists.

The toothpaste that should take care of your unforgettable white-tooth smile and the electric toothbrush that ought to brush much cleaner, will both destroy your enamel. Promises that politicians and companies make, are packaged in such a way that they seem completely credible and we will take at face value, but in the end have nothing to do with us. Except that there are more and more rules and laws that take away our freedom and our hard-earned money. Do we continue to believe in this great illusion? Will we maintain what is aimed at making money and destroying people and animals? Or do you, slowly but steadily, make other choices?

What trail do you leave behind?
The snail’s slimy trail is visible sometimes. You see some kind of mother-of-pearl silvery trail drawn. It is never a straight line. If you look back, what kind of trail do you see? One that is straight towards its goal to reach that big pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? (Usually that is how you got started, but soon found out it doesn’t work that way) Or a winding path full of experiences that will give you riches in a completely different way? Or is it something in between?

The snail asks you to think. Because your head is useful to think about cause and effect. The snail also stimulates you to use your feelers better and to listen to your higher SELF, in order to be selective in your choices. Who or what will you serve and what will it bring you? Are there other ways possible? Roads that have not yet been paved, and most of the people around you will say it will NEVER work? Do you feel deep inside that they are all wrong? That you can go your own way, no matter what others say? Go for it! It will not always be easy, but the bumps on your road are not nearly as bad as the pits that others dig for you.

Take control
Every day, we have a choice. What is yours going to be today? Do you choose yourself? Or do you continue to work tirelessly for others, completely forgetting yourself? The latter means that you are no longer in control of your own life. It is as if all the snail pellets are sprinkled, which you do not want to eat, but still do, because … and then follows the endless reasoning of your head with the yes, buts, and suppose. Often this has to do with making money and/or the lack of guts to let your full light shine. Because what will ‘others’ think of that?

Don’t forget that the opinions of others may just be there, but that they should not stop you from doing what you need to do from your heart, and that there will always be people on your path who will support you in the right way and exactly fit you at that moment. Dear cherished one, do you want to come and stay in balance?

Think about yourSELF, cherish yourSELF, love yourSELF, consider yourSELF beautiful and valuable, because that is what you are. Just like the snail, you are part of the great plan to bring a new balance on earth. That is only possible if you are fully empowered. Your balance is essential for restoring Mother Earth’s balance, because you and the snail are as much a part of her as she is yours. If you believe in and trust in the Universe, then the wonders of the world are not over yet.

On your way to extinction and renewal?
Be selective in what you eat and drink. Turn off your feelers in what you buy. Where does it come from? Is it really organic? Read the labels on the packaging! Many products contain additives that, just like snail pellets, are aimed at extermination. Not to get rid of snails, but to get rid of humans.

Buy from local entrepreneurs, who treat their animals and crops well. If you eat fast-growing tomatoes, they are energetically unbalanced. When it gets into your body, it will not contribute to your balance. If you eat meat from the supermarket, it comes from the meat processing industry, which treats animals ungrateful as worthless, resulting in them being slaughtered full of panic and fear. That panic is stored in their fibres and you eat this panic with consequences at your own peril.

The same with eggs. If you eat an egg from a chicken that has a good life and breeds on organic food instead of manipulated grains (there are plenty of people offering eggs for sale and often even cheaper compared to the supermarket), that egg will contribute to your health. A chicken in the egg-producing industry is not a happy chicken and therefore it is not a happy egg. Also consider the fact that everything is done to make fruit and vegetables look nicer than they really are. It is called pretending. Tangerines are dyed. Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits are sprayed with poisonous glazing agent. Nowadays chicory has a bright white and bright green color. Cucumbers are watery and no longer taste like cucumber at all.

We are fooled every day and many of us fall for it. Because we are not alert, don’t look ahead and do not use our snail feelers. Do we have to get angry with all those companies that give us these low-energy products? No, we should not. It is has just ‘grown’ this way.
But you do have a choice whether you want to participate or not.

The more people choose to walk their own path and make other choices, the sooner the current system will be threatened with extinction. You can continue to feed this system, but in the end it will be you who will be threatened with extinction. You can only spend your money once. If you do this as much as you can with honest companies, it will create a kind of sinkhole for those who are on the line to enrich themselves as quickly as possible at all costs.

Dear cherished one, it is also up to you if they can keep plundering the pots of gold at the end of the rainbow until there is nothing left. Or will you help to slowly and quietly create a new respectful and harmonious world, parallel to today’s world of destruction, in which you can let your light shine more and more in your full splendor. Just because it has come that way…

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and manifesting my dream of an Eco Reserve.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.

The Squirrel

The squirrel spiritual Naturetalk
Photo thanks to Pixabay

The squirrel is considered a cute animal by humans. It is smart, agile and has guts. Its main focus is to hop through life, and it will do an awful lot to achieve that. It is also a bit of a loner, having a great time by itself. It has no one to answer to, only itself.

Squirrels come in all shapes and sizes. The best known to us is the reddish-brown squirrel with its bright beady eyes and fluffy tail. But there are also the striped ones we know, like Chip and Dale. They live in trees, but also know how to find their way on the ground. Especially when it comes to hiding their secret food treasures.

Discover your treasures
The squirrel is a collector when it comes to food. Before the winter arrives, it makes sure that its winter supply of (beech) nuts, acorns and seeds is skillfully hidden in various hideouts in Mother Earth. These are its treasures, which help it to survive.

What about yours? Have you discovered your treasures yet? They are hidden deep within your BEing. Unlike the squirrel, you don’t find them outside yourself. You have gained experience and wisdom through all your lived experiences, which is still present and accessible. You just need to clear the way allowing you to find your treasures. That means that sometimes you have to go deep. Everything you need is already there, but it is about the courage and perseverance you need to unlock all of this, allowing you to integrate all of this into your present BEing.

Take the leap
When you see the squirrel flying through the trees, jumping from branch to branch, you will often be amazed. If you feel good in moments like these, or when you can see it right in front of you, you can feel the freedom it gives you. The squirrel does not wonder if it will get to that branch on the other tree. It just takes the leap. And the funny thing is, it never falls flat on his belly. How is that possible? Because the squirrel believes in itself. It trusts in its own ability. What about you? Do you dare take the leap? To step out of your comfort zone and listen to what your intuition tells you and act accordingly?

As human beings, we are afraid to make mistakes. You can get sniffed out if you don’t comply with everything that is considered common in your current environment. That you don’t have any friends if you don’t do this or that, or look a certain way, different from what society tells you how you should look. That if you don’t follow the rules and don’t live in the straitjacket that society prescribes, you will not get along very well. Dear cherished one, there are three things that are important here.

1 Mistakes do not exist
Maybe something you try will not (immediately) produce the result you expect, but that is something completely different. It is others who say you are doing it wrong and that is ingrained in us. Ever since our toddler BEing. You learn that daddy is not green, and mummy is not blue, even though you know they are. But, because you are little and trust that mom and dad know better, you adjust your colors accordingly. You have to get grades at school in order to be able to move up in the current school system.

But what have you actually learned? You learned you failed if you made many mistakes again? How did it feel when you got a high grade? The squirrel does not have to get grades. It develops itself by practicing and becoming more skillful in its original power. Dear cherished one, discover what you want to practice, learn from the times it did not work out the way you expected, adjust your strategy and try again. If you did not have that one experience, you will never be able to come to another one that does work.

2 Fear is a poor basis for decision making
Life is meant to be discovered. In it, mankind is thwarted by fear. Beautiful opportunities that arise stay where they are, because you don’t dare to get over your fear. The squirrel too may have been a bit anxious when it prepared to make another leap. By relying on his inner BEing, it did not have to hesitate or delay. Its primordial power encouraged him to jump and it always succeeded. Now it is up to you.

3 No matter what happens, you always have yourSELF to fall back on.
The great thing is you are perfect, the way you are. Whether you are good at math or not, whether you are good at jumping or not. You are OK. You don’t have to prove yourself in front of others. You only have to answer to yourSELF. Whether something feels right or not and act accordingly.

Because we have become programmed throughout our lives, and we have allowed that to happen, we have adapted bits of ourSELF in order to be able to survive in this society, family, relationship(s). It is completely logical that this has happened and there is no one to blame. But when we meet the squirrel, the time has come to turn to yourSELF. Your BEing offers the support that pulls you through everything, that helps you stay in balance no matter what.

Unlocking wisdom
The squirrel has obviously learned from its parents, who jumped ahead of it, allowing it to estimate distances and who knew which branches are firm enough for its capers. They showed what you can and cannot eat and what the best hiding technique of food is, to get through the winter. In addition, its own experiences have contributed to where it is now.
But every animal and every other living creature, including humans, has an ‘elephant memory’.

This means that the squirrel also carries information from all the squirrels before it. That goes beyond just its bloodline alone. It concerns the total population of squirrels that ever existed. It can draw from this, enabling him to intuitively know whether or not an unknown nut is eatable. It is the same with you. You carry so much more inside you that you have lost contact with. The great thing is that you can regain access to it. All you have to do is open up, trust, believe in yourSELF and listen in silence. Your treasures are hidden in the deepest part of your BEing, and you can see them as the nuts that the squirrel has hidden to ensure his existence.

In order to stay in balance, the squirrel uses two techniques. First of all, it has its tail which contributes aerodynamically to its jumping ability. Mankind also has a tail. Our tailbone. This is the point of our earthly chakra. One of the points from which a cord runs that connects us to the core of Mother Earth. If you visualize that cord connected to your tailbone, you will see that you have a tail. Not to jump from branch to branch, but to stay grounded, keeping you more balanced and therefore more confident to take your leap.

Those who are not grounded will feel hurried, stressed and hunted. Will be more open to criticism, fear, the call of the ego (your head) and other low frequency emotions whether or not imposed by others. Whoever does this grounded, will be able to move quickly and smoothly from a certain peace and certainty. Just like the tail of the squirrel, your connection with Mother Earth gives you the balance you need to stay with yourSELF.

Do you still have nuts to crack?
In your search for your secret treasures, you may also come across things you do not like at first. Things from the past, that may go back further than in this life, which does not have a pleasant feeling. If the squirrel finds such a nut, it will look at it carefully. Spinning it around, tapping it against a tree or stone, before it puts his teeth in it.

The same applies to you. Look what happened. Know it was there to get you where you are now. Try to look lovingly at a note like that, because even if it doesn’t feel good, it is part of your BEing. In this case, after his examination, the squirrel will decide to leave the nut for what it is. You don’t always have to eliminate or solve everything. Fighting against something is often counterproductive. Recognize that everything is allowed to be there, and everything is good.

If the nut is still interesting enough and probably eatable, the squirrel will break it open and sniff it. This is about confronting it, but in a positive way. Situations from the past cannot be adjusted, but you can look at them to see if they contribute something to your present state of BEing. If the squirrel does not like the smell or taste of the nut, it will leave it at that, because it may be there, but it doesn’t have to use it. It then lovingly lets it go in the knowledge that the nut was there and continues his path.

When the lost nut has passed the complete investigation, the squirrel will eat it. It will enrich it and provide it with energy. It may be that through everything you have been through, you have gone so far from yourSELF that the original attributes of yourSELF are somewhere deeply hidden, you are no longer in touch with them.

For example, you were a very cheerful and happy child, but you have lost it. You felt love for everything and everyone, but your trust in that has been damaged. You love to dance and jump, but you have lost it because you had to behave as an adult. The contact with your creativity has been lost, because other things have been made more important than they really are. You find a nut from a previous life, giving you wisdom that can help you further in this life, but you forgot about it.

Dear cherished one, there are nuts for every human being to crack. To break open in order to regain full contact with your true BEing. They are hidden inside you. Sometimes just below the surface, sometimes you have to go deep. Sometimes you find them in this life, sometimes in the next. It is also possible that you hide nuts in this life, which can be useful in the next life. Whatever nut it is, it is always worth digging up and examining every treasure you come across. In this way you work steadily towards the integration of everything that has to do with your BEing and you grow continuously.

Did this message resonate with you or touched you? Did it give you the answers you are looking for? You can do something in return, by supporting me to dedicate my time channeling animal messages and help humanity with the so needed transformation.

So please donate! In doing so, you will help others too who are searching for answers, insights and inspiration in this amazing time slot we are in now. I am grateful in advance for your contribution.