The Peacock

The Peacock spiritual Naturetalk

When you think of the peacock, you often think of the colorful green or blue variant. There is also the virgin white peacock, with plumage resembling ice crystals. The peacock tells you about getting into your strength. BEing who you really are in all aspects, and expressing this, keeping your personal space pure and guarded.

This beautiful animal in full color or in fine sparkling white, has been a symbol in many religions and cultures for centuries. And for good reason. From purer times, when people and animals lived in harmony and in BEing together, the special BEing of the peacock was recognized. The peacock is given properties that make it both a magnificent, and a very powerful animal as well. With its antennae on its head, each equipped with tiny fluffy feathers, it is directly connected to the purest light frequencies in the Universe. The tail feathers are often used in cleansing and purification rituals. When the peacock appears on your path, it is always about the pure handling of your energy, guiding it in the right direction and serving the greater good. After all, the peacock’s energetic power is very easy to use explosively and that is not the intention.

Do you regularly react fiercely to things that occur in your life? You can see it as suddenly, in one snap of your finger, turning into anger, fear, sadness, helplessness or depression. People around you will be frightened or amazed. It is the fire in the peacock that invokes this in you. It means that emotions come to you far too hard and raw, causing to light you up. You can use this fire better and more beautiful, but it takes practice. The peacock asks you to work on this and also here he helps you.

Claim your own space
When the peacock feels danger, it will claim its own space by spreading its feathers, thus creating distance between itSELF and what threatens it. We often meet people who suck us dry. Who briefly come into your aura, sometimes really close, to recharge themselves. People who feel that you are special, even if they can’t put their finger on it. This is because they have a different soul alignment, which is too far away from yours. You have come across people like this many times. People who have used your beautiful energy with the hope of being looked at more favorably. Or they used your energetic input and just left you afterwards. Even worse are those who fake that they are soul mates but want to enrich their own ego at your expense. These are often narcissists.

In the meantime, you have become wiser by trial and error (that was the intention), but sometimes not yet alert enough. Because you believe in the goodness of humans, it is difficult to make distinctions. A good rule of thumb is to listen to your gut feeling. If you find it difficult, there is always doubt. The saying goes: when in doubt, don’t! When you are attuned to your feelings and can clearly distinguish whether your head/ego is sowing this doubt or whether it comes from somewhere else, you listen to the latter. Your openness and honesty ask you to claim your own space. Expand your feathers if does not feel right. As light becomes lighter and dark gets darker in this day and age, it is necessary to take good care of yourself.

Sharp claws
The peacock is not always loving and that is exactly the intention. There are times when it is necessary to draw a line. Up to here and no further. Or to expel what you are trying to undermine. For centuries, the animal has been known as a snake killer. It uses its sharp claws in battle, piercing them forwards, annihilating its attacker. The snake is not always a dark animal. Far from it, but there are certainly dark snakes in our midst. That don’t use their gifts properly or don’t know that they have gifts to begin with, but they always have a heavy energy hanging around them.

Usually these people have a negative outlook on life. Everything is dark and gloomy. The glass is always half empty and there are dangers everywhere. If you have had a nice day or a special experience, consciously or unconsciously, they try to make this light energy disappear as quickly as possible. At these moments, it is time to use your claws and to kindly point out to the other that you will not let your energy decrease, just because the other cannot stand it. It is the other person that has problems with this. Not you! Believe in your light and in your power. If others find it too intense, they will automatically give way or remain silent. If they do stick around and try to ‘refuel’, maybe it is time to distance yourself or to say goodbye.

You may open up a little more to wonder. Just as the peacock opens its plumage, you should open your mouth in amazement. Look around you. Do you see the smaller miracles that occur in your life? Coincidences like as synchronicity, in which your wish is suddenly delivered on your doorstep in a very short time between your thoughts (positive or negative) and the manifestation in reality. The more you are yourSELF and are able to listen to your higher BEing, the more these kinds of moments will occur. It is therefore very important to keep your thoughts and actions positive. It is for good reason that there is a saying: be careful what you wish for!

When you wonder more, life becomes lighter, more fun and funnier. You can see the humor of and behind things more often. Your energetic BEing will be happier and your energetic vibration higher. Closer to who you really ARE. The universe will be pleased with your progress and support and stimulate you even more. When you succeed, you will find that where you were first seduced by irritation, anger, sadness, powerlessness and fear, you can now act from acceptance and much more from your BEing.

Wonder also has to do with nature. Outside is where it happens. The sun rising, dew drops, ice crystals, trees waving at you, animals that that come on your path, and not by accident, light beings that dare to show their presence. Dear cherished one, it is all there. All you have to do is perceive it and let it enter your heart. When you are walking and are immersed in your thoughts, when you are looking at your phone or when you have a headset on, you cannot wonder.

Do you turn into the peacock?
That you use the right instruments, claws and feathers at the right time to (be able to) be more yourSELF? Do you let people stare in amazement at your feathers, simply because you dare to shine? Knowing that you have developed a flawless feeling to keep low frequencies out of your door and your personal space? That you may use your sharp claws when you really need them? That you feel that the fire behind this is fierce, but that you will never abuse this weapon. Then dear cherished one, nothing or no one will be able to influence your BEing and that is where you may grow towards.

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