The Earwig

The Earwig spiritual Naturetalk
Imageby Beverly Buckley via Pixabay

The earwig tells you about having faith in the invisible. Not necessarily in what is between heaven and earth. Even when it comes to not being able to oversee what the effect or impact will be on something that you create or do from your inner drive in the long term. If you trust your intuition and take action on it, the Universe will set everything in motion for it to be successful. It is a fact that the Universe does not tell you this in advance. Neither can it, because as you know, darkness is always listening in. It would then be far too much in the spotlight. When the earwig comes on your path, then it is time that you take the pads, the figurative earwigs (no, they don’t really crawl into your ear), out of your ears, to come out of your hiding place and start listening.

Earwig: catchy songs
Everybody recognizes it. A song that just gets stuck in your head. These songs are often annoying, like the tunes in amusement parks that are constantly surrounding you. An unwanted song you cannot escape from is called an earwig. The Universe works in a similar way. By softly whispering in your ear what you should be doing or what you should be focusing on. Intuitively you know this too, but relying on it might be a bridge too far. Even though you really don’t have anything to lose.

There is an essential difference between what your head imprints on you and what your higher SELF, the Universe or guides whisper to you. You can only learn to distinguish this by FEELING. What touches your heart and what does not? Your head usually doesn’t whisper, nor give hints, that somewhere out of nowhere, it seems that they pass through between layers of energetic frequencies, end up with you. Input from the great shared BEing, from light energy sources, always appears in a soft way.

Then there is something else. If you hear something very loud in your head, with your own voice or that of something else, know that it doesn’t come from high light frequencies. Send it away to where it comes from and make it clear that you do not want this. Anyone who follows the path of consciousness has experienced or is experiencing this. In any case, it is not something you should follow or believe as ‘good advice’. Whispers, that is what it is all about. And even then, you have to FEEL. You can! Trust on that.

Playing hide and seek
The earwig is a cleaner, an omnivore. Its shopping cart includes fresh and decayed leaves of plants and flowers, but also lice, mites and larvae of parasites (which plunder your garden just because they want to eat, but too much of this often cheerfully teeming scum is not necessary).

A very handy animal that helps Mother Earth to stay in balance and BE.
If you come across one and you have a vegetable garden then you better cherish the earwig and use it as a natural fighter and guardian. Regarding you, you should take a closer look at your diet. Varied and minimally organic is the motto. “I can’t pay” is no longer an excuse. The Universe has no money. If you take (the first) steps to help yourSELF and Mother Earth further towards healing and recovery, then you will receive all cooperation from the Universe. Even ‘shortages’ do not exist in the Universe. Prosperity and abundance do. You can rely on that too.

During the day, the earwig hides between the leaves of plants that are folded close together, under old leaves or wood. The best hiding places remain slightly damp, even in summer. It literally ‘worms’ itself into the smallest cracks and crevices and only shows itself in the evening and at night.

What about you? Where are you hiding? Or are you wallowing in ‘invisibility’ to the big bad outside world? Being invisible and untraceable is fine, but it is NOT why you are here on this planet right now. Deep in your heart you know that too, but now the action. Stepping away from that familiar, but often suffocating or recurring circle, that’s what your focus should be now.

Hard, hard, hard? Well, nobody said that growing would be easy, did they? All the barricades you seem to see, you secretly create them yourself. Dear cherished one, stop it! Focus on your deep inner trust that IS in there, but from which you are distracted. Through the world around you and therefore also through all the ifs’ and buts’ that your head keeps throwing on your plate.

The earwig has some kind of forcepslike pincers on their abdomen. That’s why many people find them ‘scary’. It uses these pincers to scare off any enemies. It flips up its pliers, just like a scorpion does, when danger threatens, but it cann’t stab. It is its defense mechanism. In addition, these pincers are functional. When mating, for example, to ‘keep the female pinched’. This is not a rape ritual, but a natural process. Even when it catches slightly larger larvae, the pincers will come in handy. There is a duality here.

What about your defense mechanism? I am sure you know your light sides better than your dark ones. Still, it takes knowing that both are there to keep you in balance. Everyone has dark sides. It is all about HOW you use them. Since you have also been a 1st and 2nd dimensional soul on this planet and perhaps other ‘dark’ in other energy systems, you have learned and experienced a lot about darkness. NOW, you have grown.

The earwig shows you that applying your darkness in a way that no longer suits your soul alignment will not take you any further. It is better to leave this behind. Anger, resentment, distrust, disbelief, fear, hate, judgments and linger in sorrow and loss, these are just a few emotions that only bring down your energetic frequency of unconditional love. They no longer belong to you in this life, even if you are sometimes seduced.

The knowledge that you possess dark powers is sufficient. To use your pincers as a deterrent, shall we say. Use them to show your limits, because you choose to be that unconditional source of light and love and do not tolerate intrusion by anyone or anything. There are learning moments for you there as well.

One day there may come a time when you need to be able to fall back on your dark powers. Not to connect with darkness (which is now trying to keep the world ‘pinched’), but to BE a light in the dark on a much larger scale than you can suspect now. At that moment it will become clear that these forces are necessary to achieve better, more beautiful and healthier for the greater whole. So it is not scary to look at your darkness, but to explore it with curiosity, to learn about it and to know that it is part of you.

The Earwig 1 spiritual Naturetalk

Hidden treasure
Did you know that the earwig has ‘skin wings’? Beneath its front little leather-like wings, there are beautiful semi-circular translucent wings that are up to 10 times its size. They unfold in an origami-like way. The colours of these wings are mother of pearl and in the light they have a fantastic rainbow effect. What a surprise, that this seemingly colourless creature has hidden something so beautiful underneath. The same goes for you!

The earwig asks you to show your ‘invisible’ talents. To contribute to a better world in your own unique way. Not in a third dimensional straitjacket, but from your BEing. If you have the courage to show your beauty in colour, which, just like the earwig, is 10 times bigger than yourSELF, what could happen? You don’t know. That’s not the point. It is about starting, trying, going for it, making an effort, without being able to reason (head) what the long-term effect will be. That is where the magic of life is. So let go of your fear of the unknown or uncertain and see what happens when you unconditionally (even without expectations) start listening to your intuition and take real action on it.

Giving unconditionally
The female earwig is one of the few insects that takes care of her young. She can lay up to 50 eggs per nest. When they hatch as larvae, she watches over them, brings food, cleans them to protect them against fungi and bacteria. She does this until the second molting and the earwigs have taken their earwig form. Then her job is done. You will understand that she will be completely exhausted and weakened and die. Her young then eat her and so the circle of life is complete again.

The question for you is what you are contributing to the bigger picture right now? Do you cherish our planet? Mother Earth is the foundation of our existence. How do you protect her? How do you watch over her, so that she (and you and/or your offspring) can continue to live? It is important to use your unique BEing. You can start with that in your immediate environment. Just by taking care of nature and everything it produces. Clean up trash. Whether it is yours or not. Choose consciously what you buy and consume. See where it comes from and to what extent that origin (the land, the shop) contributes.

Feel, dear cherished one. Zoom in on the frequency that products, countries, shops, etc. have. Never give in, even if your head says you can skip it for once. That way you keep the fungi and bacteria that are destroying this beautiful planet alive. Refuse to take anything, whatever it is and in whatever way, if it does NOT contribute. The larvae of the earwig only have a chance of survival if their mother makes an unconditional commitment. You’re being asked to do the same.

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