The Fly

The Fly spiritual Naturetalk

The fly is considered to be a pest and a dirty animal. But is it really? Like all other animals, the fly is part of creation and just like you, it is an important link in the greater good. The fly has the following message.

The fly
Ever heard of the movie “The Fly”? In the movie, a man slowly turns into a fly because there was a fly in the transformation machine. However, the fly did not become a human being. But the fact remains that there is a core of truth in this movie. Do you know the expression: ‘being a fly on the wall?’. That means that your gifts are developed in such a way that you can be on 2 places at the same time and you can see, feel and/or hear what is going on elsewhere in the world.

There are few who possess this special gift currently. Maybe you are one of them? It is also possible that the fly on your wall visits you to see how you are doing. They can also be fruit flies. That one, who is always there, even if you kill it every time, it will always come back and makes sure it is seen by you. Eavesdroppers are the ones who just come to check if your conversation is being eavesdropped on. Pay attention to what you are thinking about or what you are talking about the moment that one shows up. Are they profound or sensitive topics? Change your conversation or thoughts to the positive and kindly wave it away. Those fruit flies are far too curious, and much more intelligent than we can ever suspect.

The good example

Flies are cleaners. They are one of Mother Earth’s many helpers to get rid of leftovers. Unlike snails, flies are more focused on animal waste, including faeces. Here is a beautiful bridge to humans. What are we throwing away? We find our ‘excrement’ all around us in the streets, in parks, forests, meadows, beaches, rivers and the sea. Everywhere you look, you can see carelessly discarded or windswept garbage. If we were flies, we would get onto it and make sure it was cleaned up.

What are you doing? Do you think plastic waste is a big problem? And do you care about it? Do you like posts on social media from those who take the lead in cleaning up all this plastic? And do you think that is enough? Or do you pick things up from the street and throw them in the trash on the way or at home? Not once a year, but just every day?

It is time we started acting like flies. That we don’t see plastic and other trash as something that does not concern us, but look around us and start cleaning up. You may think, “Well I am not going walk around with other people’s garbage in my hands, am I?” What will people think of this? Sure, people might look at you strangely. But it is still true that setting a good example works. Besides common flies Mother Earth needs others as well, like us humans, to help her heal.

Nutritional soil

Flies are very useful animals and come in many shapes and sizes. Just like us humans. They have a great ability to observe from a great distance where ‘food’ can be obtained. Their excellent sense of smell leads them to the food source that contributes to their lives.

Do you ever feel your food (this is not a spelling error, it is really meant to feel and not touch) Do you smell it? Can you perceive the energy, in any way, that your food brings you? Never done it before? You could try it. Just feel what is in front of you from the heart before you buy it or put it in your mouth. Chances are you will suddenly change your eating habits and stop eating low-frequency ‘processed food’. If you are already biologically minded, you should continue to feel. An organic or eco label on a product says nothing about the energy the product may provide you with.


In addition to the fact that flies are a source of food for many other insects (e.g. spiders) and animals (e.g. toads and frogs), flies also provide something else. Larvae. In our system, we often throw green waste in trash cans and they will start to smell bad in warm weather. Makes sense, because the natural rotting process is set in motion. That is the way it should be, only because there are so many of us living in a small space, there is no way to let it digest on, for example, a dung heap and then use it again to enrich the land. So it disappears into the (plastic) containers and then it starts.

Do you regularly open that thing and then it crawls around happily? Closed containers don’t breathe, but causes the remains to sweat. Moisture and heat are an ideal climate for micro-organisms to develop quickly. Do you wonder where the larvae come from? They are already in our food and cannot do any harm when the food is still edible (but always wash everything properly, including fruits with skin before peeling / cutting them). Flies lay eggs just when the trash can opens and closes again. Hard to believe, but it happens like that.

Everything dries out on the outside in warm weather. This means that worms retreat deep into the hard soil. Birds and hedgehogs encounter difficulties finding enough food. But dear cherished one, there is a solution. Work together with nature! Do you notice a cozy, agitated crowd? Open the trash bin and you will see the birds throw themselves on it to pick up the larvae and eat them. In this way, you will help in the chain that has been severely disrupted by all kinds of circumstances over the years.

Heavy energy eaters

Flies help us people too. They are heavy energy eaters. Is there a fly on your head? Chances are it is coming to help you. We are exposed to all kinds of low frequencies every day that try to unbalance us. If you don’t ground and drain properly, you will become unbalanced. You may smell like garbage, but that is meant as a joke. 😊.

In short, flies are not that stupid they are made out to be. Mother Earth is counting on humanity to help her and everything she produces and to make the change so that instead of seeing everything as dirty and pests, look at it from a different angle and appreciate the usefulness of the animal throughout the entire chain.

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