The Mouse

The Mouse spiritual Naturetalk
Photo thanks to Pixabay

The mouse is a humble animal that has allowed itself to be treated in different ways in the centuries. Its little hands and feet, cute beady eyes, funny ears and sniffing nose are adorable. They are agile too. They can run, climb and swim very fast. Sometimes they sneak and flatten themselves, allowing them to fit through the smallest holes and cracks, just like a Smurf that fits through the water faucet. The mouse has all these techniques, because its life is about eating or being eaten.

The mouse is a delicious meal for many animals. Owls and other birds of prey, cats, including our own, and reptilians like snakes. Even tarantulas hunt this little creature. It is for good reason that mice reproduce at lightning speed. You simply have no other option if you are the favorite meal of many animals, otherwise the species will get extinct and the whole chain will be affected.

Guinea pig
Mankind discovered the mouse as a handy animal to abuse. Not only are we trying to eradicate this ‘vermin’ on a large scale with poison pellets, but we are once again intervening in nature itself. The mouse is also a beautiful guinea pig for humans. In medical science, mice are abused for all kinds of tests. They have to eat everything to see if they get sick or die, sometimes slowly. Whether they get heart palpitations, or accelerated aging. What happens when their DNA is altered? Or they get an ear sewn on their back to see if it keeps growing. The humble mouse goes through all this without protest. And man looks at all these processes without blinking an eye.

There are parallels to draw with the life of the mouse and the life of humans. The Universe looks down at how we are crawling around on earth. What happens when part of us is given drug A. Part of us frequently takes modified food. Another part reacts when death and destruction is spread around them. How we sometimes perish, not only through medicine, but in general, because there are power structures that think they can rule over the ups and downs of their ‘subjects’.

There are many more examples, but what matters is that humanity shows the behavior of the (frightened) mouse through centuries of manipulation. We endure all this, because we believe that we are tiny dots in the bigger picture. That it does not matter if you, a loner, do things differently. If you look at it from space literally, we are indeed. Figuratively speaking, we are not insignificant at all. We are important links, each with their own power and uniqueness, that together may form a beautiful and powerful chain. The only humility you should feel is that from a deep respect and admiration that you are allowed to be part of this special whole.

Going after the pot of gold
It is all about trying to find out how long we’re going to keep chasing after the long-promised pot of gold. Our unconditional belief is that somewhere, as long as you stay in line long enough, disregard your body and true BEing, and work hard, you will be rewarded with a big fat bank account. A carefree existence at last!

You can’t wait until you reach 68 (this is not a typo), because then… you will be released from your chains of slavery and if you’re lucky you can use part of your hard-earned retirement to live on as long as you’re still alive. Because the average age is still 75 years, and many will never make it. Your piggy bank will disappear, unless you have arranged it well for your next of kin (read a lot of small print while you are still alive), into the pockets of the rich. So where did you make the difference? Where did you contribute to a better and more beautiful world? Is this what you want with your life?

Distinctive ability
What distinguishes us from the mouse is that we can stand up against injustice, abuse, mistreatment and oppression. Not only for ourselves, but for animals, plants and trees as well. That we can saw through our fictitious bars ourselves and free ourselves from the cage in which we often allow ourselves to be captured by the tests that the ‘Dark Web’ (it’s not a fabrication of our time, but has existed for centuries) sends at us and in which systems and other people, consciously or unconsciously, on this planet cooperate, including yourself through the choices you make.

That we can throw off our chains and step out of our victim role and do not have to watch helplessly what ‘happens’ to us and the world. We don’t use our distinctive abilities anymore. Many have forgotten their own power and behave like the mouse that undergoes all kinds of things in captivity.

It does not have to be that way. But that means making choices. If you choose for a mouse life in a (golden) cage, that is your right. You earn your money, have a roof over your head, can buy food and many other gadgets, can go on holiday several times a year and if something happens, you are insured. Think of it as a mouse in a cage that is provided with the most essential but has no other freedoms. Somewhere deep inside, a primal urge exists, even with the mouse.

If you were to open the cage, the mouse would obviously get out and walk away. It would choose an existence with perhaps fewer certainties, but with maximum freedom. It will have to dig deep into its primal instinct to find out how and where to find food, how to find or create the best place to sleep to protect it from the weather.

It will have to take all his forgotten skills deep from itSELF in order to strengthen and use them. But nobody takes away its freedom, unless it falls prey to one of the animals that also wants to live and survive. As human beings, we do not have to fear that we will literally be eaten. But there are similarities, nonetheless. How many times do you say you would like to do this or that? And then immediately after that: “But then I have to…” followed by the words give up, leave, let go.

Suppose you have a blank page in front of you. What would you write on it? What is your biggest dream? What make the butterflies in your belly tingle? What makes your heart overflow with love? What needs to be done to feel an enormous joy?

Question yourSELF, dig deep, as the mouse who has left its cage, and bring out your forgotten skills and wisdom. How would you like to live? Look what you’re writing down. Put it away, take it back when you have a new prompting. Make room for silence and listen. If you feel that your paper is filled, see if you can discover a pattern. What does it really say? Know that anything is possible. Even without the safety of a cage.

You will find that you have qualities, whether they really belong to yourSELF or not, that the mouse does not have. Fear of loss and greed, for example. Probably there are things on your paper for which you have to make concessions. For example, living rich in the form of material things and the so-called friendships that this brings with it (if you win, you have friends) replace it with an even richer life from your heart with loving like-minded people.

Or becoming healthier. You will have to follow a different diet and examine yourSELF, to reach the blocks that barricade the way to BEing healthy again. If you can’t figure it out for yourself, dare to ask for help, because that too is scary and difficult for many.

Petty things
We are stimulated to let our thinking dominate in this world, meaning our brains work overtime. Petty things popping up all over the place. These are thoughts that have a negative undertone in them. That try to undermine your power. Focusing on the things that can go wrong. Thoughts that make a mountain into a molehill. Worrying about everything, while you still cannot find answers. It is all completely useless. The best thing to do with petty thoughts is to try to stop today. You are distracted form the things that really matter in this life, and your gifts that you may share with the world.

Do you have a crystal ball? Even if you did, you don’t know what will happen tomorrow or the day after. There lies the crux. By getting too deep into petty things, you are forgetting you are alive. Dear cherished one, life is meant to be celebrated! Not that you have to be rash, but that you can experience something beautiful every day, make people happy, share your knowledge, help nature, enjoy the sun on your face, the wind through your hair, look around you and feel how beautiful and wonderful the nature of Mother Earth is, and how wonderful it is that you are part of it. At such moments you are completely in the NOW.

Forget about petty things, do what is necessary as a result of the choices you have made earlier in life. In the meantime, you can work on your new plan, your new BEing. By working on this every day in a positive way, it will automatically be in your ‘cloud’ and you will notice movement in the hinges of the doors of your cage to eventually open. The power you build up through your growth in this whole, you will soon easily push the door to freedom. And then the real adventure begins…

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