The Stork

The Stork spiritual Naturetalk

Oh stork, you magnificent stork. People know you as the bringer of children, but you deliver so many other messages as well. You amaze everyone with your black and white appearance. Hovering and circling in the air you represent the childlike pleasure. That feeling when you were a child sitting in the merry-go-round on your most favorite horse. What fun you had. Where did that fun go? Where is your inner playing child? Have you lost contact with it because of all the programming you have been subjected to? By the standards, values and rules that fit you like a straitjacket to keep you in line? To what extent do they really suit you?

Obviously, this doesn’t mean that you need to start eating with your hands like a Neanderthal. Eating with a knife and fork is quite handy indeed. Dragging women by their hair was not much of a success either (although this still happens, but in a different way). What it does mean is, that who you are now, is also determined by upbringing (including education). Maybe it is time to take a look at what you have unlearned, even though it brought you so much joy. The world doesn’t end when crumbs fall on your lap, or when you always stain your new clothes. Or that you REALLY shouldn’t do things. Do you hear your parents’ voice saying, “You cannot do that, can you? You shouldn’t do this; you must not do that.”

Did you learn that people are not blue or green when you proudly presented your drawing? And what if you flawlessly sensed that those people were indeed blue or green? Just because the energy they had around them. Did you always hear: “Very beautiful darling, but draw within the lines next time.” Why? The most beautiful things come into being just outside the lines, meaning outside the ordinary. How did your youth contribute to your strive to always have to be perfect and above all to behave perfectly? Are you really happy with the voice that your teachers have become in your head and who always want to have you take the beaten track? What do you, as a parent, impose on your inner child? How much lightness and fun are taken away from you by this? How high is the pressure that this creates?

On high legs
Does this look familiar: people who come in arrogantly, forcing their truth on you, taking you down, and above all, making sure they don’t lose face? The stork would never do that. This wise animal would think: ‘been there, done that’ and will not let itself get thrown off balance. From its nest on the most unusual high places, poles and roofs, standing on its high stilts, it sees everything and just watches how others behave. It has no judgment about that. Both its inner and outer colors are in balance, as much black as there is white. You too, are both. You know that you also have dark sides and you don’t want to push them away, you just need to embrace them. They are allowed to be there; then it becomes much easier to let the white shine in you.

Storks are loyal. They always return to the same breeding ground with their partner. They are caring for their nest and kids. They take their responsibility to take good care of their partner and children seriously, but not at the expense of themselves. If they cannot fly out to look for food, because they are sick, weak and nauseous, they harm everyone. They know better. They can give an enormous dose of support and love where it is needed, because they are in balance.

What about your balance? Do you give too much away because you think you have to take good care of everyone and preferably the whole world? Is that imposed on you too? Because of your conviction and willpower, you can probably maintain this behavior for a long time. Know this dear cherished one: you are predatory! Caring doesn’t mean that you have to feel responsible for everything and everyone. If you don’t feel good about yourself, it will also affect your surroundings. Just as fun does. The stork will hover in joy, alone or with his partner. It takes life seriously but knows that playing is just as important. Black and white.

Always a new beginning
The stork always brings you something that has to do with a new beginning. The birth of the new YOU for example, who has much more joy in life. It can also mean that you go on a journey. A real holiday or a journey to your inner self. The starting point for new knowledge, a study or a hobby. Or looking for another job at a company that suits you much better and also contributes to the preservation of the earth. Many readers will have a tendency to completely change their lives right now. Simply because you are tired of living according to the old principles of money, power and ego and all the rules that go with it.

The stork shows you that it is time to set yourself free. If you get stuck in a kind of ‘victim behavior’ you will not get far. The stork tells you that at any moment you can choose to be the doctor who heals himself. Find the right thermals and let yourself be carried away by this new flow of air. Let go of the excuses, arguments and limitations you will hear in your head for not doing it. Laugh them away and go after your heart. Your heart knows exactly how to find the right warm airflow that will take you so much further.

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