The Beetle

The Beetle spiritual Naturetalk
Copyright Naturetalk

Beetles come in all shapes and sizes. Almost all can fly. Since ancient times, the beetle has a sacred symbolism and is revered in some cultures. Beetles also seem to have a healing effect and unfortunately and unnecessarily, they are physically grounded into all kinds of medicines, because the power of the beetle can always be invoked… What can the beetle tell you?

The beetle kingdom is multifaceted. So many species. Just like there are kinds of people. Every beetle is unique, just like every human being. Yet every beetle has its core qualities, just like you, dear cherished one.

Hard shield
Who are YOU, dear cherished one? YOU are a loving, soft and warm person who has a lot of light in your Being, that is allowed to shine every day! But you cannot do that right now. Why is that? Because you are wearing a beetle shield. Nice and hard on the outside and impenetrable for others, and maybe for yourself as well. The beetle’s shield protects the beetle against the weather, the heat of the sun, the cold rain. Do you feel the sun shining inside you? Or does the heat deflect and drips onto the ground like cold rain hitting your armor?

It is time to show a little more of your true SELF. First to yourself, of course, because if you know who YOU are, you can face the outside world with more confidence. If you dare to be vulnerable to yourself and then to the outside world, it is a victory for you. Knowing that the beetle’s shield will always protect you regardless of the amount of resistance and negativity outside. The beetle shows you that you possess the power of love and peace and that that power is inviolable.

So, the beetle’s shield has a dual function. You may break down your hardness and protection of yourself to the outside world and vice versa, the shield of the beetle will always protect you from outside influences. Just like the heron, you will always experience resistance. People who live far from themselves will not understand you and how you behave. That is okay. They too wear an armor around themselves and focus on the outside instead of the inside. And they too will have to work on this in order to move forward in this life. If not, they will grind to a halt and look at you with envy. Just because you are shining.

Harsh conditions
We know the scarab from ancient Egypt. A large black beetle that was often used in jewelry and the like. Why? Because it could magically survive in harsh conditions. Actually, that’s exactly what we, 4ht and 5th dimensional humans are doing. For 4th and 5th dimensional people, this nearly 2nd and 3rd dimensional world feels like a harsh living environment. Yet we survive here. Even though reluctantly for many. The love that is in our hearts does not match with the fear, the power and the egos that are gripping our beautiful Mother Earth.

Yet it is important that you develop. That you look for your own core and the qualities that go with it. That you MAY feel ultimate bliss. That you are ALLOWED to have fun. That you are ALLOWED to dance and sing (even if it is false) when you feel like it, even if you are in a crowded shopping street. As long as you care about others, you’ll let it all go…

But just start by yourSELF. At home or somewhere you feel good. Let your feelings go with you. Do what your intuition tells you to. Even though you often don’t see yet why you have to follow your intuition. Let others watch and judge about what they would like to dare or do the most.

The world MUST change! That is only possible if more and more people start living from their BEing, or deepest core. The more bliss, laughter and pleasure there is, the more powerful the positive flow on Mother Earth will become. Are you in?

Hello Beauty!
You beautiful, dear cherished one! No beetle looks in the mirror and thinks, “Well today I look terrible!” In fact, we humans think that every beetle looks terrible. We think they are terrible. How bad is that actualy? The beetle is beetle in its full conviction, whether it has a crazy snout, a bulbous body, is boring brown or brightly colored red, it does not matter.

That is something we humans can take as an example. It is all about the inside. If your hair is crazy, but you shine, no one will notice. If your hair is crazy and you try to be as inconspicuous as possible, close yourself off, go out the door without confidence, everyone will notice. When you are well rounded, you are a reflection of Mother Earth. If you want to be artificially thin, then something is going on, you are eating yourself away from the inside and that is never the intention. If you have become artificially fat, then something is wrong too. Are you trying to fill yourSELF with what you are missing inside? You are not going to succeed.

Pull yourself together in love. Love every cell in your body. Don’t fill your body with artificial food that comes from outside but fill yourself with yourSELF. Your beautiful loving SELF, that is connected to Mother Earth and the Universe. Do you have crazy toes? Smile about them. Your feet still take you wherever you want to go, don’t they? You won’t get anywhere without those crazy toes.

Don’t you like it anymore? Is it a fight against anything bigger than you? Nothing is bigger than YOU. All you have to do is stop fighting. Just BE. Get inside yourself. At home, where it is warm and comfortable. Let your energy sink from your head to your toes. Feel the ever-present energy of Mother Earth tingle under your bare feet. She is waiting for you to come home to yourSELF. Do not be seduced by medication. Beetles don’t take antidepressants to survive. Beetles believe in themselves.

Take the situation as it is. Don’t fight themselves, but trust that their shield will protect them at all times. Means that influence your state of mind don’t take away the cause. In fact, they put you in hibernation, so you cannot let your light shine properly at all. Difficult situations are there for a reason. Every situation gives you a learning moment. Grab the message it contains, and you will avoid worse. Don’t let anyone or anything paralyze you. You are in control. Always!

Balance sheet
Beetles are there for a reason. They clean up. But sometimes they destroy too. The larvae of beetles (longhorn beetles) that eat the wooden beams of our houses, beetles from Asia eat palms and agaves from the inside (the animal and plant kingdom are also invading the world, but that’s another subject) and are therefore difficult to control. But is that necessary? Don’t these animals show us that something is gnawing at us? Or that there is something wrong with the energy in your family and therefore house/garden?

Create balance in yourSELF, then you can be there for others and help them in a loving way. And don’t you succeed yet in trusting yourself completely and coming further from your strength? Dare to ask for help from loving people around you or ask the universe for answers in silence. It is about showing the will of the beetle to (over)live. Even in harsh circumstances. Go for it!

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