The Cricket and The Grasshopper

The Cricket and the Grasshopper spiritual Naturetalk

The grasshopper and the cricket are both chirping and jumping. Yet, they are almost always invisible creatures. They have been on Mother Earth for about 300 million years and have endured everything. Perhaps because of the shield that protects them? What can they teach us about life on Earth?

Crickets and grasshoppers are orthoptera. Both are quite similar. They always appear in the colors brown, green(ish) and variations and with stripe or spot patterns. They prefer to live in trees, shrubs, or just on the ground. There are many variations. How do you keep them apart? Grasshoppers have their wings side by side and long legs to jump. Crickets are more flattened and carry their wings on their backs. The legs are shorter as well, so they don’t jump as far. But the cricket is a bit more pretentious compared to the grasshopper. Mother Earth has given them the proper camouflage color, allowing them to be beautifully camouflaged to suit their habitat.

The bible talks about the 7 plagues that God had the Egyptians endure, because they kept the people in slavery. The plague of locusts was one of them. Over the centuries, there have been regular locust plagues, which destroyed entire harvests. When a swarm of locusts ravishes the land, everything is completely eaten bare in no time.

If you draw the parallel with what we are doing to Mother Earth now, you can say that we are behaving like locusts. We swarm all over the world. We can fly anywhere where we please. Industrialisation, as well as increasing technology, is eating up all of Mother Earth’s reserves.

Think of the salt lakes all over the world that are being plundered for batteries and solar-powered products. From children’s toys to those of adults (cars). Think of the forests that are cut down to create palm oil plantations or to create agriculture. Mother Earth’s soils have to produce gigantic yields, to grow as much food as possible, without paying attention to the energetic balance this requires. We also have plastic that we, as humanity, litter everywhere indiscriminately and which not only pollutes but also destroys the plant and animal kingdom. It all sounds depressing. The truth is not pretty indeed.

With many
Whole choirs make chirping sounds with many different tones. A way of communicating, something we can learn a lot from. If you are going to search, you have to have a very finely tuned hearing to find one. This is deliberately done to make it difficult for their natural enemies. This is where the positive effect of ‘a plague’ of locusts comes into play. More and more people feel the need to detach themselves from all the commonplace and to unite with like-minded people. The pioneers are busy setting new examples. Making people aware that there is more to life than the illusion that is being held up to us and lets us contribute to the destruction of Mother Earth.

The networks that are created are energetically attuned to each other with a very finely meshed energy. This universal energy connects us and it is even possible to communicate with each other ‘unseen’. You don’t need Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn for that.

You just have to tune your grasshopper or cricket feelers to the chirping of those who want to help Mother Earth with the right intentions. There is a lot going on right now. The energy shifts are happening in rapid succession. We are meant to wake up with many. Together we are going to form the energetic layer of light, so that the new world, based on harmony, peace and respect for everything that lives, has the chance to become reality. The 3rd dimension does not like that. It is just like the singing of whole colonies of crickets and locusts, they can hear it, but not read it. Just because they are tuned to another frequency.

You can hear me, but you cannot see me. Does that sound familiar to you? Do you prefer to keep in the background? Do you secretly sing your own song, do you actually create beautiful things, but you don’t believe the world is ready for that? Or are you hiding, because you are afraid of what will happen if you show your true nature to the world?

Dear cherished one, if your intentions are pure, if you act out of light and love, know that you will always be protected. Not that everything will go your way, because if you want to live on the basis of your intuition, many people will treat you strangely. The point is that you have the courage to want to develop yourself further. To open your eyes and to try to perceive the world in a different way from your hiding place. The cricket and the grasshopper have succeeded, because after all these millions of years, they are still around.

Third Eye
The grasshopper and the cricket have 5 eyes. 2 on the sides of their heads, which we can also see. The other 3 are on their foreheads. That means they also have a 3rd eye. Apologies, they actually have 3. However, they cannot perceive this very well yet. When an event takes place that will have a major impact on the swarm as a whole, they perceive light and consider it as some kind of alarm. Just like us humans, the animals are in full transformation. The higher vibration that shockingly manifests itself in the world also has an effect on them. Maybe the grasshoppers and crickets will be able to see fully in the new era because of their 3 extra eyes?

What about your third eye? Do you see light when you close your eyes? Do you see images before you go to sleep with your eyes closed? Do you sometimes have some kind of cramp between your eyes, just above your nasal bone? Transformation is in progress. With your third eye you can perceive things, receive information that is actually invisible. Your third eye may confirm things you needed an answer to, or draw your attention to something by showing you things. You can then move on.

The third eye is in close connection with the pineal gland (and your body as a whole), and therefore also with your crown chakra. The higher the vibrations in the atmosphere, the more you feel this. It is our eye for the truth that the present dimension anxiously wants to keep hidden from us. That is why honest nutrition is so important. The processed food that is offered to us everywhere at ‘the cheapest prices’, affects the working of the pineal gland, and thus the working of our spiritual BEing with 3 open eyes. “You have been warned,” as they say.

Leaping forward
The cricket and the grasshopper are leaping forward. Whether you like it or not. If you have a soul tuning in the 4th or 5th dimension, your consciousness and with it your spiritual development is set in motion with a rapid pace. We have to leap forward and if you are open to it, we will succeed. This allows you to dare to take the plunge into the (un)known.

It is not easy for our earthly body to comprehend this. It may be that you have physical complaints. For example, problems with your bowels, headaches, peak and off-peak moments that follow each other very quickly, problems with your jaws/teeth, a nagging feeling in your third eye, feeling sick or flu-like and fatigue strikes at the strangest moments. It does not matter. Just accept it and know what it is all about.

Those who resist in order to (start to) live in accordance with their true soul alignment, will be more troubled by everything they still have to solve. This can manifest itself mentally as well as physically. Do you suddenly suffer a lot from an old injury? Or are you sensitive to certain things, such as a quick sore throat, cold or pain in your shoulder? Listen deep inside yourself what you can still do or let go of. Are YOU going to create the new YOU who, together with all the other crickets and grasshoppers, is hopping forward and ushering in the new age of light?

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