The Duck

The Duck spiritual Naturetalk
Photo thanks to Pixabay

The odd one. Do you often feel like that? That is okay, because you are special. You have your own plumage, just like ducks, and it is never similar to any other duck. You can clearly sense that there is a lot of change in the air.

When the mating season for ducks arrives, it is not a loving affair. It is tough business. Females are attacked by males and raped and sometimes even driven to death. To draw the parallel with our world, think of #metoo and other things that happen in the news that all have to do with fornication, violence, rape, abuse, (child) pornography. The male duck’s behavior in mating time is typical of the third dimension. Males show their power and dominate wherever they can. In other words, they see who can pee the furthest or who has the biggest (weapon in this case).

Change is imminent
But dear cherished ones, this is going to change. If you look at Martin Luther King’s granddaughter, who tells thousands of demonstrators: “I have a dream,” and that dream is a world without violence and weapons. Then you know that the new era is coming. That is also why so much trouble is now coming to light at the same time and we finally realize that we cannot close our eyes anymore (e.g. the indictment against Shell, big pharma with their ridiculously expensive medicines, illnesses and viruses in both humans and animals).
Your environment

In your environment (work, family, friends) there will probably also be ‘commotion’. Higher energetic vibrations prevent people from hiding their true nature. That brings about tensions. It may feel like you are that female duck, who somehow has to be picked on in order to keep control. This behavior of others shows that it is not you who need to be insecure, but them. For they notice that you are the strange duck they can’t control, even if they wanted to. The gap between your soul alignment and theirs is simply too big. Your vibrational level is higher, 4th or 5th dimension, and that is good, because you ‘are’ the new world that is based on equality, connection, cooperation, honesty, love and light.

The third dimensional attributes of money, power and ego are increasingly losing their grip and that is frightening to those who are in this dimension. For years, they have been the ones who have tried to belittle and suppress humanity including (indigo, crystal, star and rainbow) children by using fear as a guiding principle.

No more… you notice around you that the old ways of dealing with things suddenly no longer work. You will notice in the times ahead that you don’t have to care about everything that is projected on you. You will become increasingly detached from everything that is supposedly ‘heard’ or ‘imposed’ on you. You will get more and more into your strength and dare to show it to the outside world.

There is only one thing you should not be tempted to do, and that is to lower your behavior to the level of the other person facing you. Stay in your loving light and understand that love for the 3rd dimension is a new experience. Do not forget that you too have been a 3rd dimensional human being in many lived experiences. Being condescending is inappropriate.

The female duck knows it is only a matter of time until everything will be calmer, anew and fresh. You are on earth with an important mission, contributing to the world transformation that is becoming more and more visible. So, start brooding on what your ideal world looks like and what your contribution to it, and in it is. The moment the shells of your eggs break, your creation comes to life. Draw your own plan, possibly with like-minded people, and believe that mankind, just like young ducklings, will be touched by your creation. This allows the positive ripple effect of the strange duckling plunging into the deep, to spread further and further.

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