The Spider

The Spider spiritual Naturetalk
Own image: Copyright Naturetalk

8-legged, sometimes small, sometimes big, sometimes hairy or sometimes wearing a cross. The fact remains that you, spider, are a special animal indeed. Your body is an 8 and when you turn the 8, this is what you’ll get: ∞. The lemniscate. The sign of infinity. The sign of birth, death and rebirth. Both literally and figuratively. Your 8 legs represent the sacred wind directions north, east, south and west, as well as the elements water, fire, air and earth. If you come across the spider regularly, she has something to tell you.

The female spider is the creator of the universal web full of possibilities and opportunities. But you can also get caught up in her web. You can get lost in the web, you can lose yourself, just like the ‘web’ that is now created online (but also all around us) for mankind. Do you read everything that you come across? Are you drawn from one article to another? Do you click on everything? Do you follow all the news wherever you can (TV, news apps, radio, websites)? Make sure you don’t get entangled and you mind will play tricks on you. Because what is truth after all? A lot of what you are told is twisted, fake and/or manipulated. What seems reliable, is often the complete opposite.

Do you allow yourself to get carried away and become the spider’s prey in a cocoon? From where you can only escape with enormous willpower? Or do you listen to your heart and feel if something is real or not? And when you feel what does that do to your convictions? If you take in too much information, it does a lot of harm to your energetic body. The spider asks you to be attentive to everything you ‘consume’, whether it is literally food or information. You benefit from taking in knowledge. Knowledge leads to wisdom. Information does not add anything, except that it is an awesome activity therapy. A waste of your time!

All you need is you
You, as the builder of your own web, have already spun many lives and have knowledge in you that will lead you to your truth. A truth that shows you your mission and purpose of this path of life. You don’t have to read a book or surf the web for that. Everything you need is inside you.

And if you bump into a wall and cannot see the next step, the Universe helps you in the most extraordinary ways. You read a sentence somewhere, look at the clock, and then there are double timestamps like 11:22 or 12:12, or numbers keep coming back, actually all your life. Your date of birth, phone numbers, house numbers, etc.

Animals that behave autonomously also have a message. There are always symbols on your path. Look them up. They will help you keep moving forward. Are all those books and articles superfluous? No, they are meant to trigger you. Not to blindly believe what’s being written or to copy the methods. It’s up to you to decide what belongs to your truth.

Pure advice
What about all those mediums and coaches? They help you in your search for your truth. Wherever you get stuck in your web, they provide a new opening, allowing you to spin your thread again. But then again: listen to your feelings. Do you come into contact with a gifted person in a special way? It might possibly the right person to help you. These kinds of people are often put on your path and you know from your heart that you have to do something with them, or not. Listening to yourself in a pure way (switching off your head) is a must.

In every dimension that is present here on earth (1 to 5) there are people present with special gifts. Only one has a completely different intention than someone else. Feel if the person who is put on your path has a higher soul alignment than yours and never do things during a consultation that you do not feel comfortable with. Or never allow the other person to do those things to you. If the female spider has mated, she will eat the male.

Energetically speaking, it can happen to you too if you meet the wrong person. They don’t help you; they only help themselves in whatever way they can. You have been warned. You are a bright human being and you walk your own path. This includes ‘wrong’ decisions. That’s okay. Wrong is never wrong. It is a learning moment. Did you think the spider suddenly knitted a flawless web out of nowhere?

To infinity
When the spider shows herself to you, she will remind you that everything you have ever done is recorded in the great infinite web of existence. Not just this life, but all your lives. Not just of you, but of all the people here on Earth. Lives in a row you will be given the same task, until you have mastered it and are ready for your next step.

Then you get a new soul mission with a different life purpose. It is only important to find out what it is, because it will be erased the moment you are born. Yet everything remains inextricably linked. Everything that has to do with you, also has to do with the whole world and the Universe. We are all connected from the smallest organism to the largest volcano, from the sun to the moon and back. The Milky Way is not the end of the Universe, it is merely the beginning.

What is your impact?
If you take this wisdom from the spider, then you know that everything you do, how you act, what you say and what you think has an impact on a much greater scale. When you judge, you also judge yourself. When you speak evil, you also speak evil about yourself. When you curse or use swear words, you are denying yourself. When you gossip, you take down your own energy. When you lie, you deceive yourself, and so on and so forth. For it seems like you are pointing it at someone else, but in the end that other person is as much a part of you as you are a part of him. If you do not behave with dignity, you will not be treated with dignity.

You, dear cherished one, probably have something to learn here. It’s not easy, but it starts with being alert to everything you ‘broadcast’. If you broadcast love, you will receive love. If you are good to those around you, the Universe will be good to you in return.

Do you see everything in a positive way? You can be sure that this will make the whole world a little more positive. With the words made available to us to communicate and the heavy energy that unconsciously feeds us daily towards the negative, we have become accustomed to telling everyone specifically what we do NOT want or NEVER would do. The word NO is part of this. It is better to choose your words and emphasize what you would like. Try to delete the words NO, NOT, NEVER and NONE in your daily life or change them to other sentences. Practice makes perfect!

Create your most intricate web
Spider shows you that every day can be different. That you can spin your thread differently each day, based on how you feel. You don’t have to worry about others, because they destroy your web or bother you in spinning it, so that at the end of the day you haven’t done anything and have not made any progress.

By the way, have you ever seen two spiders building a web together? NOPE! You’re in control. Only you can create what you want so badly. Do you think it is impossible now? Anything is possible! There is one condition. What you create must be consistent with your soul mission and life purpose. The spider is spinning her web, because it will advance her life. She does not think about whether there are many flies or other insects in her web as food or how many males dare to enter her web. She simply creates and trusts that the Universe will provide her with exactly what she needs. And so should you.

Let go of the feeling that you MUST make money, that you MUST sit behind a computer from 9 to 5, that you MUST always be there for your children (they start spinning their own web and they need support, not a watchdog), that you MUST do this or that and never take time for yourself. If you spin your web from your heart, you will also be taken care of. It is an unwritten law, which is sometimes paid out in money, but usually in other ways.

Money is made up by people who want to have and keep power on this planet. They spin the cocoons that make you dependent and entangle you in obligations that become more and more difficult to fulfill as time goes by. Because of this, your light becomes more and more ‘spun in’ and entangled and will eventually be extinguished.

But you, beautiful cherished one, have the power to do what you want with your life. The more you connect with the spider’s art of spinning the web you feel most comfortable with, living from your heart, being good to yourself and the world around you (no matter how far it reaches), then you are making a positive contribution to the infinite web from which everyone, including the Universe and Mother Earth, directly benefits. You can only say YES to that wholeheartedly…

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