The Wasp

The Wasp spiritual Naturetalk

The wasp is female and represents sisterhood. Wasps are builders. They know exactly what building materials they need to build a solid nest for their queen. They are cleaners, caretakers of Mother Earth if you will, because they eat both sweet and savory.

We humans often find wasps scary and annoying. Especially because their sting hurts and they can use their sting more than once. However, they only do so when they are cornered or challenged.

They are easily recognizable with their black-yellow bodies. Although more and more species have been added in recent years. They find their food by smell. If their larvae need protein, they will go look around in nature in order to feed them. They respond to the needs of the nest. Does that sound familiar to you? Do you always make sure no one is short of something? And it is not just about food. It is more about resigning yourSELF for the greater good. Your family, for example. In their care, the wasp doesn’t lose itSELF. On the contrary, we humans often do. That is where most things go wrong and you suddenly notice that your battery is dead. “How weird,” you think. “How is that possible? I take good care of everyone, don’t I?” But dear cherished one, do you truly take care of yourSELF?

Female Force
The wasp stands for the feminine side of your BEing. Do you let that side be covered up in this harsh society? Are you trying to keep up with the big boys? Just because you think women have as much to offer as men? That you have to live by reason? That we are equal? We are not equal. And there is good reason for that. Women are primordial caregivers of everything that lives on our beautiful planet. It is their greatest strength, and therefore their greatest pitfall. Because… you can only take care of others if you take good care of yourSELF first.

Are you a man? Is your feminine sensitive side bothering you? Do you, like a lot of women, have trouble with all that cocky behavior? There is only one advice. Don’t let it bother you! Cherish that your masculine and feminine are much more balanced. A gift from Mother Earth that you must never again see as a weakness. Also know that the cockerels have their soul alignment in the 3rd dimension and an ego that is linked to power and money. That you, as a more integrated human being, regardless of whether you are male or female, are here on Earth from the 4th or 5th dimension in order to bring about change.

Your unique talent
A heavy toll is asked of women nowadays. Besides the fact that they have to work, they also have to keep taking care of the children, preparing food and doing housekeeping. And the children are all busy these days. Literally and figuratively, this ‘pressure’ is put on the parents and women carry the heaviest burden. If you are a woman, ask yourSELF what on earth you are doing. Do you realize that the emancipation, which is eye-catchingly permitted by those in power, is nothing more than creating more slaves who can be used as workhorses.

That it is a method to distract you from what you are really doing here on earth. Because with all those things to take care off, there is no room at all to contemplate and smell the roses. If you can see emancipation in the context of the 3rd dimension, it also has its good sides. It has led to women having more equal rights and being seen more as human beings in their own right instead of lust objects, interior caretakers and/or breeding machines. Don’t forget that women are still on the losing end in crucial areas. When it comes to rewards, for example, they still earn less than a man in the same job. Cheaper workers, who run faster and settle for less.

Sure, you want to be independent. There is nothing wrong with that either. But you can also do that by just BEing yourSELF. By creating from your primal feminine power what makes you happy. By not reserving yourself for others. This doesn’t require emancipation at all. It is a general good that you as human beings treat each other respectfully, whether you are man, woman or both in one.

That the division of tasks is not tied to being a man or a woman, but to letting the talents of each individual flourish. If you, as a man, can take better care than a woman, then you do the caretaking, right? If you, as a woman, are a better builder, then why not pick up the hammer? It is not that complicated. It is simple. It has only been pulled out of context by the views that prevail in society, so many people don’t (can’t/ aren’t allowed to) do where their talent lies (and that starts as soon as you are born). If you are out of your strength right now, go and look for your unique talent.

You are complete
Humanity is being asked to enrich their BEing. Not by money, but by balancing the masculine and feminine in yourSELF. The wasp shows that in today’s society the female may become more visible. The better you manage to integrate both sides, the more you will feel that you were already complete from the moment you were born. That because of what is customary in society you have started to behave differently. Not because you wanted to, but because you had to.

Because that is how it was supposed to be in your childhood when you still had an empty hard drive. It was filled with data that you picked up or was imposed because others were typing on your keyboard. So, the big question is. Who are you? What would happen if you threw everything that has been added to you, everything that you have stored on your hard disk because of others and that you know is not from within your BEing in the virtual trash? If you would sit quietly and run a virus scan, what would you come across? Put your finger on the ‘delete button’ and make your move. Get rid of it. Just until YOU is all that remains. Do you dare? Don’t be afraid, it will be liberating.

Getting the sting out
Dear cherished one, get the sting out of yourSELF. In other words: take away what does not serve you, which takes you nowhere, makes you linger in the past, makes you feel you have to wriggle around all kinds of bends. When you go deep inside yourSELF, you know for sure how to find the spot where it hurts. There you will find that sore spot, the place where you were stung. The moment you pull the sting out of that pain point, you will feel that the pain will disappear. Maybe with some aftereffects, but eventually the pain will soften and disappear completely.

The sting has another function. You may use it, just like the wasp, when others cross your boundaries. When they push you into a tight corner, forcing themselves onto you, while you keep trying to accommodate everyone. Stop it! Be honest and set your limits. NO is an answer too. It prevents others from eating your energy all the time. They often don’t do this consciously (sometimes they do), but people always keep trying. That is what a human BEing is. If you don’t point out your limits, you keep getting walked over. You don’t have to sit in a corner crying afterwards, because you created this yourself. Put on your wasp suit and sting where it’s needed.

The wasp stands for sisterhood. That means kinship. It does not necessarily mean it is just about women. It does not exclude anyone. From the primal point of view, the feminine is more connected to Mother Earth and is given an important role in the creation of a new world. You will notice that there are people on your path with whom you feel kinship. Just as if you were ‘sisters’. Something that connects you, without having to express it in words.
It has to do with the big picture, where the Universe and Mother Earth connect with you and the others and let you connect to build the new together. Literally by initiating new forms of living, living together and being together.

Figuratively by being able to use knowledge, wisdom and skills (gifts) assigned to each individual together as a powerful tool. To clean up literally and also figuratively meant as in healing/ caring what no longer serves both the human BEing as an individual as well as in the world and to take care of the realization of the 4th/ 5th dimensional age.

Look around you. Who has recently been added to your life? Which contacts have been diluted? Don’t be sad for the loss, but cherish who has enriched your life…This way you keep your vision clear and positive and that is much needed in this special time.

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