The Wolf

The Wolf spiritual Naturetalk

Walk with me wolf. Stand by my side for protection. Show me the right way. Let me be part of your pack, so that I may learn about solidarity, playfulness and inner strength. The wolf is a mythical animal. Indians attributed great powers to the wolf. Its piercing eyes resemble the moon in the sky. Moving between heaven and earth.

Important link
The wolf is an important link in nature when it comes to balancing. In the US, the wolf has been brought back to Yellowstone National Park and it has ensured that there is more balance in the animal kingdom, as well as in nature itself. Where grass plains used to be eaten completely bare, as there were no natural enemies, they are now being watched closely and nature has a better chance to recover.

This guarantees a continuous growth of food for many animals. Disappeared species have returned, including birds that can now feed on seeds that were first eaten in front of their noses. Vegetation in the broadest sense of the word is given the chance to blossom again. In addition, weak animals are eliminated. They form the prey for the wolf and its pack. The recovery the wolf brings, even has influence on way rivers flow.

You too are an important link in the chain. Even though you are human and everywhere man tries to control nature. There is more damage done than good. You, as a human being, can help to recover. Just like the wolf does. By connecting with nature, Mother Earth. By seeing how powerful and mighty everything is she produces. That everything is connected and that every particle, no matter how small, has a role to play. We are not here to plunder. Just to take and never give anything back. You are here to take care of nature.

Of course, you don’t have to hunt deer like the wolf, but there is plenty of other material that we humans can see as prey. Waste lying around, for example. Or all the chemical cleaners that are undoubtedly stored in your kitchen cupboard, the stuff you throw in the toilet (bleach) or have hanging on the edge of your toilet. Or the ‘pods’ you put in your washing machine, because it’s so convenient.

How about the shampoos, soaps and other substances you use for showering or bathing? Besides the fact they contain many chemical components that are not healthy for you as a human being, as part of nature, everything is rinsed away with water. Water is our most important source of life.

Without water, we can survive less than 3 days. Purification plants don’t even get the water clean anymore. Which means our drinking water is polluted. If you add up and consider that not only you, but also your family, your neighbors, the city, your country, the world uses these products every day. What does that mean? You answer the question yourself. Time for action. There are plenty of environmentally friendly, natural alternatives you can use. This also applies to plastic bags and the food you eat. Educate yourself and help Mother Earth to recover.

Natural rhythm
The wolf will never just attack. No humans either. That only happens if it or its pack feels threatened. Or if it needs food to feed its family. Its hunt is guided by a natural rhythm. How far do you follow your natural rhythm? It is difficult to get into a third dimensional world where everything revolves around time and on time. Where alarm clocks rudely disturb you, even though you would rather wake up later, because your body asks for it. But you are pushed into a pattern, because we think that is the way it should be. If you sailed on your own course, your day would look very different and your energy level would be higher than it is now.

Maybe it’s time for you to navigate on your natural compass? Find out when you are performing best. In the early morning, in the afternoon, or in the evening. We’re not robots that can be fully charged all day. This is definitely something to explore if you’re looking for more balance in your life. How can you fit into this 3rd dimensional world in such a way that you operate based on your natural rhythm as much as possible.

Your Family
Wolves are a special bunch, because they always live in a pack. The pack is not just a father, mother and kids. Aunts and grandmother are part of the whole as well. Young males leave the pack to start their own family. Wolves are loyal to their family. Together they take care of the little ones and food supply. When you see a pack of wolves, the strongest one leads the pack and the fastest one closes the queue. That way they stay together.

Who’s your family? Unlike the wolf, there doesn’t have to be a blood tie. Every soul originates from the Universe. There are several planets that sent us here to accomplish our mission. Your real family looks very different from those in the third dimension. Some of their souls are here on Earth and you may yet have to meet them or have already met them. Other souls are staying at your ‘home’ in the Universe. That does not mean you cannot connect to them. Like the call of the wolf, your ability for invisible contact reaches far out. If you need it, seek silence and ask for connection. Ask your question or questions from your heart and feel what is happening.

The pack takes care of each other and everyone knows his place. Everyone does what he or she does best. Those who have to hunt and protect eat more than the little ones who just play. As nature intended it to be. The pack forms a protective shell, and all adults contribute. With the sole aim of allowing the youngsters to develop to their full strength and potential. Falling and getting up is part of it. Which people around you contribute to your pack? And which pack do you contribute to? Two important questions to get to the core of who fits your pack and who doesn’t. Don’t forget that the wolf is a solitary animal that is full of power. An individual in itself that achieves more with like-minded people together than alone.

In the changing world, more and more people will feel the need, or perhaps you already have, to take care of the young people of the future with the help of others. Young people who have come here with the mission to help restore Mother Earth and create the new world based on love and compassion. All these children have a higher sense of soul that is too far removed from that of the third dimension. Therefore, they do not understand the third dimensional world (and vice versa), but they are trapped in these systems, such as schools, sports clubs and often their third or fourth dimensional family.

They are the ones who are diagnosed with ADHD, who find learning ridiculous, who are easily seduced by addictive substances, who are often labeled as ‘tricky’, without them knowing, because their intentions are always pure but not understood. More and more pioneers will see that these young people need a pack. A safety net that helps them, not in a scientific way, but from the heart. It provides them with insights so that life becomes more bearable and they can find their way better. The fact remains that the systems don’t just disappear and that they learn to deal with it until other ways open up.

In addition, you yourself may need to form your own pack. Not only with young people, but also with aunts, grandmothers, sisters and brothers. Trust the universe to put the right people on your path, with which you contribute to the whole from your strength as an individual. A pack in which everyone contributes from his or her full BEing.

Our way here on earth is mapped out for us. We just don’t know which one it is. The wolf can help you find the right track and stay on it. If you feel that you have lost your way for a moment, ask for the wolf’s help and his senses. Learn which decisions contribute to your happiness and which do not. That is all that matters.

If you are unhappy, you cannot stand in your full strength and make a good contribution. If you still have things to process, it is logical that you will not feel happy for a while. Look with the eyes of the wolf to see what past experiences taught you. This does not mean the experiences like pain, anger, loss of trust and sadness. Every experience that triggered these kinds of emotions has a positive lesson in it. When you can see it, you can let go of what has limited you so far in your full BEing.

Bliss is partly due to acting crazy, laughter, getting up with a positive feeling. Jumping, hopping, dancing, you name it. We have abandoned much of this behavior, because all this has been taught to us, because you have to behave according to your age. In the morning, we put on our serious mask and in the evening, we take it off when we are exhausted. What kind of day was that? Positive energy flows when you’re having fun and are cheerful. Vibrations take place at cellular level that dissipate heavy energy. The trick is to find your way to this playful life, in which you still take full responsibility.

The wolf has known this game for a long time. It plays with the little ones and frolics with each other. Each and every day. What about you? Do you dare to hop on the street? Sing out loud, even if you are singing out of tune? To dance of beat, just because you feel like it. DO IT! It makes your life much more fun and joyful. What others think? That’s up to them. Thinking does not add anything anyway. Be sure deep down they would like to act out all that craziness they have inside them…

If you want to connect more with the wolf and see what his contribution to the bigger picture is, then watch this documentary.

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