The Woodpecker

The Woodpecker spiritual Naturetalk
Image via Kurt Bouda from Pixabay

In the animal kingdom, the woodpecker truly stands out. It drills its beak into soft or dead trees to create nesting holes. The sound is like a kind of drum roll too. In addition, it has a peculiar chirp. But not only its sounds are distinctive. Its feet are like claws, with 2 toes facing forward and 1 on the side. This allows it to maintain a good grip when drilling.
If you would bang your head against the wall, it would not go well. A concussion would be the most likely outcome. Not the woodpecker though. It has some kind of shock absorbers to protect its brain. A wonderful solution from Mother Earth to let him do its job safely, because well, woodpeckers are lumberjacks.

Breaking through barriers
What about your shock absorbers? And it does not necessarily means the extra roll of fat you might have. Although, of course, that can also be a way to protect yourSELF from the evil outside world, because you secretly see the world that way. Your earthly survival mechanism is set up in such a way that you hide or conceal your true BEing behind it.
Simply because you are a very sensitive human being. A loving and therefore easily vulnerable soul in this hard world. It is not easy to stand up, because you simply can’t be understood by the majority of humanity. There is nothing they can do about that. It has to do with the difference in energetic frequency. Pff, that is relieving. You don’t have to be understood. Trust that.

That does require that you stand firm in your OWN shoes and do not allow yourself to be chopped up energetically. Even though this might happen in the form of abusing your kindness, your unbridled efforts and/or your always loving listening ear.
Once the woodpecker has made a hole in the tree, that will be its nest for reproduction. The eggs are laid, the young hatch. They gratefully use the safe nest that you offer, but it doesn’t nourish you energetically.

Sure, you can be happy and even surprised that the woodpecker has specially chosen you as a nest box (EGO/head). You might even allow them to completely ravish this cavity, without you budging. But if you are very honest, you also know that when the young fly out, you are left with that empty cavity.

Brain barrier
The woodpecker comes to your door, knocking, telling you that you can let go of this way of life. That you don’t have to hide, conceal or (have it) hollowed out. That all these means do NOT add anything to you. They only distract you. Your head has been given too big a role in your life over the years. It explains WHO you really are, and seduces you to use earthly means and ways, that at first seemed to bring a relief, but that will later only leave you with a hangover again.

Too much is just coming through your brain barrier and you cannot arm yourself against it, because they forgot to teach you that in the time you are here on earth right now. You see too much, you pick up too much and on top of that you are curious. Because of this you start looking for information and outer knowledge. There is nothing wrong with that, because it triggers you to get to your intuition, but it is not real wisdom. You can only find that in yourSELF.

To what extent do you let everything flow into your BEing? Everything the media projects? Everything that is written on the internet, or all the movies, photos, etc.. What does all that actually do to you? Does it make you feel better? Sometimes it does, but often it creates confusion, because what is the truth and who or what should you believe?

Dear cherished one, you do NOT have to believe any of this. Your truth is the only truth that counts. Stop the uncontrolled absorption of information. It is head activity, not a heart’s. A distraction that makes you step into a swamp or into quicksand, so that in a while, or maybe that moment is already there, your head will only be protruding above the surface. It is not supposed to come to that. Even though the world it is being driven that way very hard. If you draw the equation, then you are actually banging your own head against the wall all the time. That is a strange thing to do, is it not?

Cling on
Maybe, like the woodpecker, you are clinging to something, someone or a mix or multiple of these. An addiction, for example. To be able to hide behind a smokescreen. Around your body, which is constantly under stress, because you are actually walking a survival trail parallel to your real BEing, something to relax with alcoholic drinks, a joint or other (party) drugs, medication, like antidepressants and drugs against ADHD, or an eating disorder, where you stuff yourself to hide or erode your beautiful BEing including your body by not eating.

You have become, or might become, dependent on a partner, parents, children, or systems that have been set up in this world in such a way that you have stepped unnoticed into the matrix and do not know how to get out of it.

You may also have clung to the programming imprinted on you from childhood, even though hopefully, with the best of intentions. You have discovered a mechanism for your vulnerable SELF. Somehow you think you have found some kind of connection, allowing you to fit into this special world. At least that is how it looks to the outside world, because inside you know that obviously this is not true at all.

That is why the woodpecker comes to greet you warmly and kindly picks on you to wake you up. Away with that head! Your feeling and getting in balance with who you really are is now of the utmost importance.

Mutual dependency
Being dependent on something, whatever it is, is the same as consciously or unconsciously transferring power. Something or someone gains control over you and in doing so you surrender a piece of your self-esteem. You cannot be completely yourSELF, if something or someone has you cornered.

Dear cherished one, NO ONE has the right to cut you up, to take you away, to treat you disrespectfully, to make you feel guilty, to shame your trust, to frighten you. Do you stay like the soft tree and allow the woodpecker to cut a hole in you? Because that is what is really happening. Energetically, your aura, your soul, your BEing gets crushed. And you just keep bending over.

Grab by the collar
Setting limits is an essential part of growth. Not only to be you, but also your living environment is part of this. If you look at the woodpecker, it skilfully expands its territory and also guards it. Where is everything allowed to penetrate into your BEing? What barriers do you allow others to jump over? What barriers are they allowed to pass through without consequences? Or through which barriers do you allow unfiltered knowledge and information to enter and are you unconsciously programmed even further than is good for you?

Pain, disappointment, sadness, fear, etc., you do not feel in your head, but in your heart. How much do you want to suffer? Or are you going to live your life? Steer, grab things by the collar, ensuring that you can deal with them. Learn to stand up for yourself more and more. Restoring your confidence in yourSELF and everything you have always known by heart. Not an easy task, but very rewarding nevertheless. Look in the mirror that the woodpecker offers you, and begin the process of returning to your true loving, light soul core.

Beyond the victim role
The tree, which has fallen victim to the woodpecker’s beak and is hollowed out to its core, takes its victim role and allows itself to be used. You can do the same in this life. It is a form of acceptance. But know that it can also be different. You can be an oak instead of a birch. The woodpecker does not stand a chance and it leaves it alone.

Dear cherished one, if you notice that something or someone takes you off balance, ‘WALK ON, walk ooohhhhn, with hope in your heart’ (do you know that song?). Really, YOU and the world only have something to gain from if you leave everything that takes you out of your power. It, the systems, the things, habits, programming, people, may all be there, but the important thing is to what extent YOU allow what influence this may have on you.
Affirmation: I am completely myself

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