Loudmouth, scoundrel and troublemaker you. You and your buddies don’t make friends with people very often. The jackdaw is easily recognizable by its black body, gray head and light eyes that always seem to look through you, as if it knows exactly how you are doing. To which extent you are in balance or that you live according to the standards imposed by others. That say nothing about your BEing, yet the urge to want to belong somewhere, to find a connection, remains great. That is the reason you twist and squirm. The jackdaw draws your attention to this. What are you doing, dear cherished one? Is all this good for you? It looks, sees and comprehends you from a distance. And you know and feel that it can and may be done differently.
The special thing about the jackdaw is that it breeds in a colony, where literally anything will do as a nest. It is a smart-ass, because it does not build its own nest, like other birds build theirs in the most complicated ways folding twigs like origami. No, it is just looking for a space that is already there. A hatchery or another bird’s old nest. A hollow tree, a hole in a wall, under a roof tile or in a chimney, and even a rabbit hole. After inspecting whether it is functional, it will turn that space into a home.
That is the same for humans. We move to another house, which has usually already been used by one or more of our predecessors. We strip it, renovate it or simply give it a lick of paint, put our stuff in it and tadaaa, you have a new home. We can learn something from the jackdaw. It doesn’t need more or bigger, or more expensive. It doesn’t have to boast about its nest, because its buddies won’t either. It doesn’t have to show off how well it’ s doing. It doesn’t dream about a nest with a swimming pool and extremely expensive stuff in it, just because it doesn’t add anything to its life.
The jackdaw shows that people have become too finicky and demanding. It makes its surroundings cozy with a warm ambiance in its own unique way, giving its youngsters a secure feeling from the first moment they hatch their heads.
Maybe you are stuck in the programming of the ‘having more and more’ structure. The bigger the better, the more luxurious the more important it seems. Dear cherished one, don’t forget that it is all about WHO you are. Not about how and where you live. It may also be that you look up to all those around you who are moving to bigger or how the celebrities of this world live, while for you (maybe right now) it’s not there. Do you really allow yourself to be influenced by this? Seriously? Would you be different if you ‘had’ that dream home? Would you finally get the feeling that you are participating and maybe even be worth something?
No way! Because everything has a downside. This delusional rush that is purely and solely aimed at influencing the superficial image the outside world has of you, and filling your own empty feeling inside. Sure, you can have desires and dreams. They are nice until they get in your way and bring you down energetically. Especially if you keep reminding yourse that those things are never achievable for you. The important thing is that you are satisfied. Grateful for the roof over your head. No matter how big or small that roof is.
Loyal companions
The jackdaw is loyal to his wife. Or the other way around, of course. Once they form a beautiful couple they stay together their whole life. How wonderful they can do that together! We humans can only dream of that. That you will meet someone with whom you definitely know you will stay together, despite his or her ‘flaws’, simply because you are able to accept him or her completely, as he or she is and vice versa. It only works if this acceptance is fully balanced. That you give each other the freedom to live life the way you like, allowing you both to grow together as a unity.
That is where things often go wrong with humans. With you too? Tried everything and still didn’t succeed? It doesn’t matter. It has a purpose. The chance that you have a partner in a 3rd dimension soul alignment is high. You see the kinship at the soul level. For example, the same pain, the same fear, the same being stuck in the matrix. You still have things to solve everywhere. It will seem that at first you have an enormous kinship, partly due to your empathy and understanding.
In the long run, and that is a very elastic concept that within a few months, but also after years, comes to light that things are different. That you have been together, because it had a purpose. That you were allowed to learn from the other person, but that the other doesn’t learn equally in the same way as you do. That you thought you had the same goals, but that they turned out to be different. That you have spent a lot of energy on someone, when in fact you were meant to use that energy to solve your own issues. That you have grown or consciously taken the path of growth, while the other person seems to stand still in your eyes and can’t or doesn’t want to move.
Dear cherished one, the jackdaw is an example of like attracts like. That is the reason why it manages to stay together for life. The moment you start to realize that the other person, no matter how much you love him or her, is the way he or she is and that because of your growth in consciousness (your daily actions are more and more in balance with your true soul alignment) he or she will sort or drop out and/or won’t join you, then suddenly there are choices to be made. You feel that something has changed. That is also true. In the ‘normal’ world we call this: ‘We have grown apart’.
What has happened is that your energetic vibrational level has become stronger, more integrated. At the same time the distance to be able to understand each other increases. It seems as if you can no longer connect with each other as well, no matter how hard you try.
This is a logical consequence and it is up to you what you do with it. Do you accept the other as he or she is, just as the jackdaw, and are you fine with that? Or is this about you, about limiting, opposing, lowering, etc. your true BEing?
You will always love someone unconditionally. That is beyond question, even if that can’t be understood by the other person. Know, dear cherished one, that all choices are good. That you may make your life what you want it to be. But the moment it becomes prying, hemming and hawing, then the time has come to choose for yourSELF. The relationship takes you out of balance and that limits you to stand and grow in your true power. It is the end. You have done everything you could. Now you may continue…
To each its role
The jackdaw has no problem stirring in someone else’s poop to see if there is anything edible in it. It is an omnivore and looks for its food on the ground. In doing so, it cleans up a lot of garbage thrown away carelessly by people. It doesn’t see this role as less, but as necessary, in order to make a contribution to the bigger picture. It knows it is a valuable asset in this biger picture.
The beauty of this world is that we live together in 5 dimensions and every soul has its role. As a highly sensitive human being it often feels like a plague that you have ended up in this 3rd dimensional world (money, power, ego). That it is so difficult to realize together (4th dimension) and you often look embarrassed, because your energy has been skillfully used where another person shows off the result or runs away with your idea.
That your unconditional love and commitment to the greater whole (5th dimension) is usually interpreted as self-centered or selfish and makes you feel (even) lonelier or thrown out.
In fact, we are all equal and all equally important to keep the greater good going. If you, as a 5th dimensional soul, have to deal with formalities imposed by the 3rd dimension, it is very convenient that there are 3rd dimensional souls who will stir around in the poop to get the best contract, agreement, solution, etc. for you. They are very skillful in dealing with soul mates. Something you wouldn’t be able to do, simply because the distance to energetic vibrations is simply too big.
It is the other way around as well. 3rd dimensional souls who have to deal with 4th or 5th dimensional souls, learn that the approach can also be different from what they (can) think is possible now. They may not be able to do much with it yet in this life, but the experience is stored to let them grow towards the 4th dimension. How beautiful is that? It is as if the jackdaw looks up at you from the ground and sees how special you are, that your beautiful energy has been noticed by it, and then continues to clean up trash.
Perhaps you can hold on to this when you find yourself in a situation where it feels like you are just being thwarted, not understood and not being heard. That your 4th dimension ‘together’ is only possible with like-minded people and there are more and more of them. That your 5th dimension SELFlessness can be put to great use for the greater whole, but not always in the way you think up, namely with people of flesh and blood. The amount of 5th dimensional souls is ever increasing, and with it the chance to have more like-minded people on your path. Hold on to this enormous global transformation that is taking place, and in which you have a role to play in order to accomplish it in the best way possible. Use your talents to this end, for example through visualizations.
Does the jackdaw make its presence known by a lot of noise? Then you know that better is on the way. It attracts your attention for a reason. Clean up the old stuff, dear cherished one. These can be tangible things in this life, but they can also be energetic things that influence your BEing today in this life. Once upon a time karma came into humanity’s life. So it may also be that you are ‘troubled’ by things from previous lives, your family line, and the total karma of the world. Look at everything with love and light. What is crooked can be forgiven by correcting it with love and light. Ask for help from the Universe and from Mother Earth or transform with love and light so that more peace can be created. That your body may be healed, that your head may accept the silence, etc.
The jackdaw’s screeching, the crow’s little brother, brings you the message that you may be perceptive. That you may make choices that are only good for you. That the opinion of others is totally unimportant. After all, you must be able to go through one door daily with yourSELF. Everything starts from that. Then you can see if those around you fit through that same door. Or that your door just closes for some. If you are in balance, you can make better choices. About everything that happens in your life. Screech, screech, make room for yourSELF, dear cherished one. Every day! Tune in, feel if everything still feels good and safe inside you. Take your time for it. It is important to listen to your inner knowing. You know it, so shape your life in such a way that you feel the happiest.
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