The jay is both a sky and earth creature. Its plumage displays heavenly blue on its wings and earthy brown on its body. In addition, it also has white and black feathers. They represent light and dark. Jay is a messenger between heaven and earth and can help you to rise up to your true power.
Just like the magpie, the jay is a bird of prey and a very clever one at that. You regularly see it flashing by quickly, only to vanish between the tree branches just as quickly. Its camouflage helps it tremendously. Yet the jay doesn’t ask you to hide, but to stand up for who you are: a true messenger between heaven and earth.
The first steps
You don’t just do it as a hobby. Even though it usually starts out like that. If you start to discover that you can, know, hear or see ‘things’, then you usually don’t know what it all means. At the same time your mind switches ‘on’ to figure it out. But that’s something you can do without. Sometimes things just ARE. You should look within yourself for your unique gifts and they don’t necessarily have to be spiritual. For example, you can be very good at connecting people or getting them excited. To provide a listening ear where needed. To spread friendliness by greeting people you meet. In this respect, there are plenty of possibilities and you will automatically be led to places/situations where these kinds of qualities are needed to contribute to the whole.
As you start using your unique skills in the right way, you will notice that the Universe stimulates you to further develop yourself. We humans are all spiritual beings who landed in a human body made of flesh and blood. We will have to work with what we have been given.
Many are still unaware of this and are spinning round and round in earth’s crazy rat race. Luckily, more and more people are also waking up to the feeling inside themselves that they are more than just a body with a head and brains. That they have special abilities. Abilities that cannot be captured by technological gadgets, but that simply ARE. Nothing more and nothing less. Special things suddenly come your way. Things you thought, for example, suddenly become reality. That is called the law of synchronicity. By the way, these things can both be fun and unpleasant, so keep an eye on your thoughts and make sure they are positive.
The jay asks you to use your abilities properly. To discover exactly what you can do and how you can use this such a way that it has a positive effect on the greater good. It could be nature, plants and animals, but also mankind or Mother Earth as a whole. You will only find out only if you dare to try.
You also cannot make mistakes, because you learn from every situation. The important thing is that you dare to make the leap. You have to spread your wings. You strengthen your connection with the Universe and Mother Earth. You will not stop if you don’t do what you expected. Expectations are better thrown out immediately, as they often lead to disappointment. And disappointment leads to your great flow going down energetically. Something you can do without. So, keep trying, even if it doesn’t all lead to a resounding success the first time. Adjust something, do it differently. Practice makes perfect after all!
Show yourSELF
This process is often one that focuses entirely on you. On your BEing. The outside world is not a factor in this. Except perhaps the people you trust and/or your loved ones. At some point, you will be ready to face the outside world. You are in such a position of strength that you no longer allow yourself to be influenced by what others think and find. They are allowed to, because it says everything about them and nothing about you. Do not be afraid, for fear is another characteristic with a 2nd/3rd dimensional vibration and you are beyond that. Know that 80% (this number decreases as awakening grows!) of the people around you probably cannot understand your new BEing. They don’t have to. Everyone walks their own path.
Also know that there are more and more people on your path with whom you do have a connection on the right energetic level. People with whom you can just be yourSELF. Completely yourSELF. Combined, these people form the network of the future. You are allowed to share and apply your unique abilities. Also, to those who cannot understand it, but who are asking for help. By treating them with love and respect (literally or figuratively or both) you help them in their personal spiritual growth.
It is also possible that you are good at drawing or painting, can sing beautifully or have another creative skill that you can use. It’s all about touching people in a certain way. Out of love, beauty, being without words, being surprised. Things where something that is experienced (seeing, hearing, feeling) brings them in contact with their own deeper BEing.
Rise up
The jay asks you to get going. To get up, to do what you have to do. Not as a hobby, or ‘on the side’, but to fully go for your mission. To connect heaven and earth in your unique way. Not to doubt, but to confidently follow your intuition. Having trouble making a complete change of direction right away? Then at least be open to the growth that the jay offers you. You are still in control of your life. It is YOUR life that you can look back on with a blissful feeling when you are older, when all those others who ‘have it all’ have long since disappeared from your path…
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